Friday, October 13, 2006


British coroner has ruled that a TV journalist was unlawfully killed by US forces in Iraq in 2003.

Opps, I was wrong.

George W. does have his media opponents 'hit'.

Just like his pal Putin.

After all they share the same soul.

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Last Post

As I reported the other day a cursory check of corner newspaper boxes showed a distinct lack of the National Post in downtown Edmonton.

As an update I checked some more popular spots on Whyte Avenue, to find a few Post boxes still standing.

Like good soldiers of the right on lonely vigil on street corners, the boxes were empty. Popular paper.

Not really they were full of dust and dirt, indicating that rather than overwhelming sales they had not been filled in some time.

Is CanWests local paper the Journal sabotaging the Pest, in true competitive intrique.

Or is it the Post has retreated from the market, heading East. Awaiting the end, watching the going down of the sun and the playing of the epigraphical Last Post.


National Post

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Icky Salmon Farming

Given the chance to reduce costs regardless of the cost to the environment aquaculture capitalists do the same thing any other capitalist would do, which is crap in their own nest.

Scientist: Canadian Coast Used as a 'Sewer' by Salmon Farmer

"Not having to go to closed containment saves them money. They use the coast as a sewer, basically, so they're naturally not going to like any science that would stop them from making money."Frazer said fish farms have increased sea lice numbers by providing more hosts. And they keep sea lice numbers artificially high in the spring when young wild salmon head out to sea.

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More Lies

Friday the 13th seems to be a bad news day for the Tories. Here is another lie they have told. I wonder what Papa Geppetto would say about Pinocchio Harper.

Environmentalists say they have obtained a leaked draft of the federal government's long-promised Clean Air Act, and they're not impressed.

The bill amounts to little more than a set of minor amendments to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), according to a team of environmental lawyers who studied the draft.

"First they promised a made-in-Canada plan and there is no plan. Then Prime Minister Harper promised a new Clean Air Act. Now we know there isn't one," said Beatrice Olivastri, head of the Friends of the Earth Canada.

"Based on the draft reviewed, this bill is mainly housekeeping and minor adjustments in language. It shuffles air pollution and greenhouse gas provisions to a new section of CEPA."

Olivastri said the bill does not appear to enhance federal regulatory authority to curb greenhouse gases or other pollutants.




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Dem's Fightin' Words

Liberal leadership contender Michael Ignatieff gestures as he speaks Friday afternoon at the University of Toronto.
PM's anti-Israel comment disgraceful: Ignatieff

Finally coming out of his garrett to speak to the masses, well U of T students anyways.You can take the Iggy out of the Ivory Tower but you can't take the Ivory Tower out of Iggy.

So Iggy makes a policy speech punctuated with comments on his comment on Israel and War Crimes. Then he takes questions from reporters on the Harpers comments on his comment.

And he takes out one foot only to stick the other one in his mouth. He now balances his comments by saying both Israel and Hezbollah committed war crimes. And to top it off some of his best friends are Jewish, and they invited him to Israel. Oy vey this guy just doesn't know when to quit.




Liberal Leadership Race


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Lorne Gunter On The Wheat Board

As I have said before the right wing cares less about the nature of a monopoly, just that a monopoly exists and somehow that is unnatural. Of course that's because they think monoplies are the result of mercantilism of the State. In reality as I have pointed out before monopolies are the natural result of captialism. Right Wing former Alberta Report aulmni and CanWest columnist Lorne Gunter attacks the Wheat Board for being a monopoly. Forget democracy, forget its what the producers want, its a gosh darn monopoly.....

It matters not a bit whether two-thirds of farmers want the monopoly to continue or two-thirds want it abolished: There is no moral justification for a monopoly in the first place.

The Harpocrites have taken their attack on the Wheat Board straight from Gunters advice column.

And then he uses the Australian Wheat Board as an example of the success of a dual market.

Australia permits sales outside its wheat board and its producers, whether in the board or out, have seen no loss of income as a result of "dual marketing."

Of course he forgot to mention this result of privatization..... Australian Wheat Board “oil for food” inquiry ends


Wheat Board

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They Lied

The Harper government lies....again. This time over the dismantling the Canadian Wheat Board.

Gina Teel, Calgary Herald

Published: Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Strahl, also minister of the Canadian Wheat Board, said it's in the best interest of the industry to concentrate on the immediate issues facing the grains and oilseeds sector.

This includes focusing on the World Trade Organization agricultural negotiations in Geneva in April, which will deal with export subsidies and domestic subsidies.

"I've just decided for this spring, and certainly until the WTO negotiations are behind us, that's my priority and that's what I'm working on, and so the Canadian Wheat Board changes are on the back burner," Strahl told reporters.

The WTO has not resolved the farm subsidies issue.


Albertans Tax Dollars At Work

Conservatives Attack Prairie Farmers

Which Priority Is This?

The End of the Wheat Board

The Truth About the Farm Crisis

WTO Who Cares?

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Albertans Tax Dollars At Work

NDP Slams Money Spent On Anti-CWB Ad Campaign A million dollar PR campaign by the Ralph Klein gang against the Wheat Board, which the MAJORITY of Alberta and Prairie farmers well wasted for a minority of Reform/Alliance/Conservative party supporters.

Folks whose interests are not those of their fellow farmers but of the social conservative political agenda .

While the Harpocrite government is not allowing farmers any say on dismantilling of the wheat board. Instead they appointed an opponent of the Wheat Board to the board.
Ottawa names new director to Canadian Wheat Board

Conservatives Attack Prairie Farmers

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No See-ums

King Ralph is at it again denying reality.....he looks out over the Calgary skyline and sees clear skies as if that means anything....I guess the logic is that if he can't see Greenhouse Gas it doesn't exist.....

Sask., Alberta worst greenhouse gas offenders: report

Alberta, Ontario lead in greenhouse gas emissions

“Those are my critics — I don’t agree with that,” said Klein. “I look at the beautiful air out here, and it’s just fine.” Klein scoffs at dirty Alberta

Oh yeah Ralph wasn't looking at the Fort McMurray sky line...

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So how come Saskatchewan is reporting increased acid rain from the tar sands effluent

Oilsands acid rain hazard

Potential for Acid Rain in North SK

Acid rain now damaging soils in Western Canada: study

The study says emissions in the West are rising but doesn't discuss the reasons. One major source is believed to be oil development in Alberta, which is the next province to be mapped for acid damage under the research program.

"Acid deposition in Western Canada has not received as much attention as in the more highly industrialized areas of Eastern North America, but unlike other regions of the continent, emissions of acidifying gases . . . have increased," says the study.


Tar Sands




Green Plan


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The New Conservative Government Clean Air Act will not to eliminate Greenhouse Gas emissions, nor even to reduce them. In the topsy-turvy world of the Harpocrites they will take Kyoto and stand it on its head. Emissions will be allowed to increase under their new legislation, just more slowly. Call it the Anti-Kyoto act, and bring on the clowns.....

Oil and gas have flexibility under new green plan, Canada - 22 hours ago
... The Conservative government will create safeguards for Alberta's booming oil and gas industry as it sets pollution and greenhouse gas reduction targets for the ...
Clean Air, or Hot Air? Epoch Times
Industrial world losing sight of Kyoto targets as greenhouse ... International Herald Tribune
Emissions to rise in short term — but slowly, Ambrose saysGlobe and Mail




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