By Paul Wallis
December 13, 2024

Source - Matti Blume. CC SA 2.0.
Another major threat has emerged to go with all the others. This time it’s unequivocal and there are no defenses against it yet. “Mirror life” is a mirror image of existing life. It’s the opposing “left-handed” form of current organic molecules.
This threat is real enough, and despite the sudden horde of headlines, this isn’t even new microbiology. It’s been a subject for discussion for years. Only now is it being considered a significant risk. Immune systems are adapted to fight “right-handed” pathogens. Mirror pathogens could bypass immune systems with ease. No defense at all.
Yes, it is a risk. What’s happened is that a group of Nobel Laureates have warned against researching mirror life. The risks are too great, they say.
(Bear in mind that research is bread and butter for science. When they start warning against the sources of their own income streams, it’s serious enough.)
History is full of cases of scientific warnings being ignored. The history speaks for itself.
This pole-to-pole sewer of a so-called planet is a case in point, So many toxic materials have been allowed to bypass safeguards. The air is dangerous. So is the water. The “food” is ridiculous and dangerous. A lot of places on Earth are uninhabitable.
This is what happens when you ignore common sense, too.
Just in passing – Why do you think so many people are so sick worldwide?
Now add a whole new class of unknown pathogens with no countermeasures to this spectacularly unimpressive global mix of disasters.
The timing couldn’t be better if you’re a pathogen or an idiot. This mirror life issue has arisen just as the most anti-scientific, backward, stupid, and utterly talentless culture in history leaves a century-long dung trail of idiocy across history.
The 20th century was a time of great progress, sure, but much of it was in the wrong directions. As a prolonged period of scientific irresponsibility, it has no equal – yet.
The Super Dumb Kids will move into the White House next month. Like most conservatives, their combined scientific knowledge doesn’t take up much space in a teaspoon. Whatever happens, they can’t manage it.
The usual herd of failed scientific misanthropes will probably do the mirror life research simply because there’s been a warning by real scientists. These aren’t just “mad” scientists. They’re true mediocrities, dumber than any number of house bricks, too. They’re the fools who do plagiarist papers and commit scientific fraud.
No collection of short planks could ever be that thick, but these fools are.
So you see the problem. Extremely dangerous research by imbeciles under the watchful eyes of highly paid political professional morons. This is where “deregulation” becomes a synonym for “suicide”.
Meanwhile, the mirror life problem has yet to even begin to be addressed. The warning is OK, but what happens if and when this inevitably stupid research is done? The weirdest thing about researching the “left handed” molecules is the lack of objectivity. What’s to be achieved by this research?
There’s some good possible science here, but it’s tricky. You could argue that these pathogens need research simply because they are so potentially dangerous. Obviously, “left-handed” pathogens fit a pattern of structures. In theory, the counters should be just that – mirrors of current treatments.
What if it’s not that simple? What else can happen? What if you evolve an “ambidextrous” pathogen that can dodge treatments by switching from right to left and vice versa?
This is so dangerous it’s not even a money issue. The intellectual property values aren’t worth the risk of a sort of super-COVID with no option for treatment. It’s quite possible that you only get one shot at managing these risks.
Naivete is not an option.
The opinions expressed in this Op-Ed are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Digital Journal or its members.