Thursday, August 03, 2006

Business As Usual

US Senator Elizabeth Dole likes to say in defense of the US invasion of Iraq that it is bringing the poor oppressed people there "Free Market Democracy". Truly American enteprize and business have taken over Iraq;

Judge Radi Hamza Radi, head of the Iraqi Commission on Public Integrity set up in 2004, says corruption has “exploded" since the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime in 2003.

US auditor lists failures in rebuilding of Iraq

The top auditor of the US reconstruction effort in Iraq yesterday detailed a series of failures, including a $218.5 million emergency radio network that doesn't work, a hospital that is turning out to be twice as expensive as planned, an oil pipeline that is spewing lakes of crude oil onto the ground, and a prison that was meant to hold 4,400 inmates but can house only about 800.

Stuart Bowen Jr. , the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, cited multiple causes for the failures at a Senate hearing yesterday, among them the growth of the Iraqi insurgency, poor planning by the US government, and corruption in the Iraqi government.

But he also took aim at the ``cost-plus" contracts given to American construction firms -- including Bechtel, part of the consortium that oversaw Boston's Big Dig -- which guaranteed profits on top of the cost of the project, even with huge overruns.

Thats Iraq now ask yourselves what is happening in Afghanistan? Same thing.

"Everybody complains about corruption in government administration, especially with the judiciary," Hazami told The Associated Press.

Mission Impossible?

NATO faces a culmination of challenges aside from the Taliban military threat. The poppy culture of the south runs the local economy and serves the interests of the Taliban. It is run by tribes that live on both sides of the border with Pakistan, forging stronger ties amongst themselves and pushing any allegiance with Kabul further away. The area is dominated by a Pakistani sphere of influence; politically, economically and socially. Many businesses trade the Pakistani rupee as a means of legitimate currency and cross border trading and businesses are only second to opium production as the most profitable commercial activity in the area. This is a tough challenge for international troops to overcome as they try to prop up a central government’s control where it is already widely mistrusted and unwanted.

NEWS ANALYSIS: Rogue States Within States Pose Growing Threat

Although the United States largely destroyed al Qaeda's haven in Afghanistan, the terrorist network remains the world's most feared -- and probably the hardest to contain -- transnational group.

"The only thing that we found works is if we can convert (groups like al Qaeda) ... isolate them in a state, so that it looks more or less like a state threat," said Chet Richards, a former U.S. Air Force Reserve air attache to Saudi Arabia, who has written extensively about nontraditional enemies the United States is likely to face in the 21st century.

"We did it in Afghanistan. But once ... you've taken down their main state basis, they become basically organized crime."

Although it lost control of Afghanistan in 2001, the Taliban has returned -- this time, as a nonstate actor, which in recent months appears to have gone from strength to strength, launching incursions into Afghanistan out of the tribal provinces of western Pakistan, where the Pakistani government has been unable -- or, some experts say, unwilling -- to rein it in.

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One party is rudderless and the other is leaderless Conservatives, Liberals almost level in poll

The latest results by Decima Research, released to The Canadian Press, put the Conservatives and Liberals in a virtual tie nationally.

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Another US Faliure

While the Middle East burns, and Afghanistan moves towards becoming the same old Islamic Republic it was under the Taliban, let us not forget that other American regional faliure; Somalia. Clearly freedom and democracy to these folks means Islam, not capitalist democracy. Opps.

Lawmakers' exodus leaves Somalia reeling

Somalia's government was trying to regroup on Wednesday after nearly 30 lawmakers resigned in less than a week, saying the virtually powerless administration has failed to reconcile with Islamic militants who have taken over the capital.

"The prime minister has failed to talk to the Islamic union," said Hasaan Abshir Farah, one of six ministers who stepped down overnight from Somalia's 275-member parliament.

Four resigned on Tuesday and 18 resigned late last week.

The administration was formed two years ago with the support of the United Nations to help Somalia emerge from more than a decade of anarchy, but it has no power outside its base in Baidoa, 250km from the capital, Mogadishu.

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Hezbollah Are Not Terrorists

As I said here Hezbollah is a nationalist movement, a poltical organization and civil defense army for the imporverished residents of Lebanon. As Juan Cole succinctly points out;

What is Hizbullah?

Western and Israeli pundits keep comparing Hizbullah to al-Qaeda. It is a huge conceptual error. There is a crucial difference between an international terrorist network like al-Qaeda, which can be disrupted by good old policing techniques (such as inserting an agent in the Western Union office in Karachi), and a sub-nationalist movement.

Al-Qaeda is some 5,000 multinational volunteers organized in tiny cells.

Hizbullah is a mass expression of subnationalism that has the loyalty of some 1.3 million highly connected and politically mobilized peasants and slum dwellers. Over a relatively compact area.

I take sub-nationalism as a concept from Anthony D. Smith. It would be most familiar to Western readers under the rubric of the Irish Catholics of North Ireland, or even the Scots of the UK. Subnationalism, like the larger, over-arching nationalism, is a mass movement.

Thus, a very large number of the Pushtuns in Afghanistan are sub-nationalists with a commitment to Pushtun dominance. They deeply resent the victory of the Northern Alliance (i.e. Tajiks, Hazara Shiites, and Uzbeks) in 2001-2002. A lot of what our press calls resurgent "Taliban" activity is just Pushtun irredentism. There are approximately 14 million Pushtuns in Afghanistan and another 14 million or so in Pakistan.

The continuing war in Afghanistan is not against the Taliban but the Pashtun, poor farmers and their only economical crop.

Fierce clashes around Afghan opium centre

War on Afghan opium farming an "absolute disaster"

So why is Canada involved in this opium war? Which the Harpocrites refuse to call a war! And which is causing the deaths of our troops. Why be where we are not wanted. Afghan Farmers Resentful

Oh yeah we are protecting democracy, Afghani women and girls and their ability to go to school and work in the new fledgling Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Islamic republic. Afghan 'virtue' cops concern diplomats

A republic that allowed a Canadian to die for opening a school for women and girls. A Canadian abandoned by the Harpocrites, doing the real work of reconstruction, which was what the current Afghan mission was supposed to be about, but of course isn't.

A tip o the blog to Rusty Idols for this.

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Don't Cry For Me Little Havana

I like it when I can say; I told ya so.

Experts: Belief that Castro’s Illness Will Trigger Change in Cuba,

When news reports hit early this week that Fidel Castro had transferred the reins of power to his brother while he underwent serious gastrointestinal surgery, pictures of dancing expatriate Cubans and Cuban Americans in the streets of Miami flashed on television screens.

But suggestions of the Cuban leader’s imminent demise, as well as that of his form of government, may be greatly exaggerated.

Fidel Castro: The Last Titan

While the Cuban community in Miami is ecstatic, believing that Fidel’s illness and possible absence brings their day closer, the evidence points to the contrary. Going by all news reports there is a stark contrast between the scenes of exultation in Miami and the widespread mood, somber, hopeful, stoic, in Cuba. There is also a glaring gap between the reactions in Miami and those in the rest of Latin America. Whatever the outcome of Fidel’s health crisis, the repugnant scenes in Miami have widened the moral gulf between native and rightwing émigré Cubans, and between the latter and the rest of Latin America. Whatever the mirages of transition pursued by the White House, Fidel’s illness makes the reclaiming of Havana by Miami less not more likely.

In his Cuba: A New History, a work that is rather critical of Fidel Castro, Richard Gott, veteran commentator on Latin America, author of a standard work on the region’s guerrilla movements and one of those who identified Che Guevara’s body in Bolivia, concludes with an unconventional observation, namely that the post Castro transition had already taken place:

‘Personally I expect little change in the years ahead, or even when Castro dies. Cuba has already been governed for several years by a post-Castro government. Raul Castro runs the armed forces today as he has done since 1959. Ricardo Alarcon at the national assembly is the country’s political guru, aware of shifts in public opinion as well as a long serving and expert negotiator with the United States. Carlos lage is the prime minister and controller of the country’s economy. Felipe Perez Roque is a sure hand at foreign affairs, sustaining Cuba’s extraordinary worldwide support. This is a more than competent team that could run the affairs of any country at any time, as one admiring western ambassador explained to me.

By Stephen Gibbs
BBC News, Cuba

On the streets of Havana there has been a remarkable sense of calm, almost nonchalance, in the face of the dramatic news that President Castro has undergone complicated surgery to stem intestinal bleeding.

Poster of Fidel Castro in Havana
President Castro's exhortations to Cuban remain highly visible

People have been going to work as normal. Shops remain open. Cinemas are full.

In the shadow of one of the posters of the smiling president that last year were put up around the capital, pasted with the words "Vamos Bien" ("we are doing well"), Dinorah Padron, a retired nurse in her 60s, expresses an opinion that reflects the thoughts of many Cubans of her generation.

"We think he will be better very soon", she says. "He's healthy".

After 47 years in power many assume that President Castro will live, if not for ever, then at least for the foreseeable future.

"He has to recover", said David Santos, 54, who was wearing a revolutionary T-shirt and was on his way to see his grandchildren. "He is our leader, the maximum, the best."

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Hey Richard I R A Communist

Richard over at the misnamed Let Fredom Reign, or is it Rain? Cry me a river Richard.Anyways he takes umberage at those of us supporting Cuba. Cuba stupid, the people, not Castro. And not the exile terrorist community in Maimi. He says:

Under the SpotLight - Blogging Dippers

Here are some of the headlines from the "Blogging Dippers" aggregator this morning:
Ever wonder what would happen if we let the socialists retake control of Canada? Methinks they should rename themselves. "The Blogging Communists" would be more appropriate.

Yep wll ya got me on that one, Richard I already am a blogging Communist, albeit a Libertarian one. Heh, Heh.

As for the claim about socialists taking control of Canada, we already have a one party state here, its called Alberta, and it is ruled by Conservatives, so we couldn't do worse.

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One Party State

Libertarian Communist

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Before MTV

MTV celebrates its 25th birthday. Its all growed up now. However its claim to fame being the rise and advent of the Rock Video and the Video VJ is suspect. The first ever Rock Video was Frank Zappa's 200 Motels made in 1971. While it was a movie, it was actually recorded on Video and transfered to 35mm. Making Zappa the first Rock Video producer and VJ.

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Classical Rock

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One Party State

What does the One Party State of Alberta and the One Party State of Cuba have in common? Sherrit Inc.

In Cuba, it's business as usual

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One Party State

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The reactionary terrorists in Maimi were out in the streets celebrating the pending death of Fidel Castro.Miami Cubans celebrate, plan for long-anticipated end to Castro's rule Ghouls. He isn't dead yet. They can hope, however even if he passes on their mafia/cia/batista politics will not be welcomed back in Liberated Cuba. Regardless of who is in charge. Why would the people who live in the most developed nation in the region want to return to the horrors of American style capitalism?

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Feel Free To Kill Canadians

Under the Harpocrites Israel is given a free hand to kill Canadian civilians and UN peacekeepers. Unlike the Liberals, who let the U.S. do that to us. But at least under the Liberals they protested the Canadian deaths by 'friendly fire'. This isn't even friendly and the Harpocrties cheer it on, blaming Hezbollah.
Hello, earth to Harper, it was Israeli missles that killed Canadians. Israel who refuses to consider a ceasefire. Israel the terrorist war criminal state.
And if the Israel State Terrorists illegally arrest and detain you and you are Canadian, don't expect any support from the Harpocrites.However they will email you a fundraising letter!

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Misleading Headline

Mackay Holds Fast

Oh I thought he was fasting. Instead he is making sure he gets another date with the cougar of the South, Connie Rice.

Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay used apocalyptic language to condemn Hezbollah and brush aside suggestions by opposition critics that he was absent during the early part of the latest Middle East conflagration.

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Now We Are Threatening

Heard on the radio the latest Census Canada ad, ominous male narrator telling me that "by law my household MUST complete a census form". Desperately seeking Albertans to comply with the law. So much for the carrot; ads cajoling us to complete the census, Census Beer (only available in Alberta, eh) The Census ended in May, it's August, and still the civil disobedience of Albertans continues, or else they are all so busy working they have no time to fill in the stupid form.
See: Census

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Israel War Crimes

Israel continues to commit war crimes against the people of Lebanon, with the tacit support of the US, UK and Canada. Shame. Bloody Shame. As Marx said history repeats itself, the first time it is farce, the second time it is tragedy; A bloody, brutal repeat of history

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The Party of Calgary

Why would the front running leadership candidate for CEO of Alberta; Jim Dinning be giving money to the Federal Liberals, and personally supporting then PM Paul Martin? Some would say its Alberta's wierd politics, but it is actually the politics as usual for the PC's, the Party of Calgary.

The Calgary boys represent the traditional Liberal base as recruited by Peter Lougheed. The unholy alliance of Progressive conservatives, Liberals and a rump of the Socreds was Lougheeds legacy, far before the same thing occured in B.C. under current Premier Gordon. That legacy left the Liberals adrift until the battle of the Mayors in the ninties, between Klein and Decore. Klein and the Calgary gang won. Klein won the race for leadership against Red Tory and Redmontonian and later Liberal Leader, Nancy Betkowski. Then he won the provincial election by stealing Decores thunder and debt and deficit hysteria.

Today the decisions made in government are not made in the Alberta Legislature, despite it celebrating 100 years of so called Legislative Democracy in Alberta, but in Kleins southern bunker and HQ in Calgary, they are made by cabinet edict.

Dinning is one of those classic Alberta Liberals, in parliamentary politics its not about principles its about winning and keeping power, regardless of political labels.

Either way you cut it, the PC's will lose votes no matter who replaces Klein and the party is finally doomed to a long intenecine internal battle between the Liberals and Progressives against the social and fiscal Conservatives.

Ah the joys of living in a One Party State, the Party is the People. And in the case of the PC's their internal politics represent all the tendencies in Calgary. Why? Because it is the economic centre of the province, it is the corporate giant where decisions are made.

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Vive Cuba

In power since the triumph of the Cuban revolution on Jan. 1, 1959, Castro is the world’s longest ruling head of government. Only Britain’s Queen Elizabeth, crowned in 1952, has been head of state longer. Castro undergoes surgery, delegates to brother

Castro has stepped down. Unheard of. And the reason is this; he has defeated the U.S. Thanks to the help of Canadians including Trudeau and Sherrit Gordon Inc.

Cuba Comes in from the Cold

Bolstered by New Investments and Beneficial Trade Agreements, the Island’s Economy Surges while Washington Grumbles over Havana’s Possible Big Oil Surprise

For a country long in the grip of a paralyzing economic malaise, and with living standards which have not always endeared government officials to ordinary citizens, Fidel Castro’s May Day boast of 11.8 percent growth in the first three months of 2006 came as welcome news to a long suffering population. The upbeat report, reflecting a far better-stocked national larder than ever before, replaced the usual exhortations for personal sacrifices that the average Cuban was used to hearing from the leadership, which usually offers more fiery rhetoric than caloric intake. In front of more than one million people gathered at Havana’s Revolution Square, Castro trumpeted progress in all sectors of the economy, despite an unshakeable U.S. trade embargo. Since then, and in widely different locales, Fidel has continued to boast a climbing rate of economic growth, claiming that Cuba’s economy had expanded by 12.5% in the first quarter of this year. “We should thank [the blockade] because it has forced us to grow and rise to the occasion,” the near-octogenarian leader satisfyingly declared on May Day.

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Made In Cuba Green Policy

Nothing To Worry About In Bolivia

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All the Tories Touch Turns To Merde

Let me count the ways;

The new foreign policy make war not love:
Mideast, Afghanistan underpin Conservative slip in polls

Baby Bonus; clawed back by taxes

GST cut arrives with a whimper, not a bang

Border Security which really is not about security at all but the creation of a North American Economic Union.

The Great Wizard of Oz is running the PMO.

What looked good in the Spring, today in the heat of summer, with apt tornado and severe weather warning across Canada, suddenly reminds me of Oz.

Speaking of Softwood as an example.

Lumber deal in trouble, Emerson warns
Scrambling to salvage the controversial Canada-U.S. softwood truce, International Trade Minister David Emerson warned the agreement could end up "dead before arrival" unless support for the deal grows within this country's forest industry.

His blunt words came as the head of Canfor Corp., Canada's largest lumber producer, predicted the deal is doomed unless it can be amended to assuage critics.

Industry unrest has continued unabated since July 1, when Ottawa and Washington initialled the deal that the minority Conservative government has celebrated as one of its major achievements to date.

Mr. Emerson, who began a public-relations counteroffensive yesterday to sell the deal, said there's no point in bringing an agreement before Parliament this fall -- as the Tories had planned -- unless industry support firms up.

"I think it is fair to say that if we do not have sufficient buy-in from industry there really isn't an agreement to bring before Parliament," he said.

"And so the first bridge we have to cross is to get the agreement supported by the appropriate number of players in the industry. Otherwise you're dead before arrival."

And if softwood is in trouble, imagine what a success a dual marketing scheme with the U.S. for Wheat and Barley will be like. The Tories are intent on killing the Goose, the Canadian Wheat Board, for the Golden Egg.

What priorities are left for the fall, and will they mean the fall of the teeny tiny Tory Minority Government. One can only hope.

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Monday, July 31, 2006

Wages of Sin

So we cannot trust the Harpocrite social conservatives to do the right thing, politically or ethically. They are just like any other party in government.
Critics irked by `quiet' pay hikes for senior brass

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Sunday, July 30, 2006

Harpers Homophobia

Rough reception for Harper's stand-in
The inaugural event of the first World Outgames ended with a score of LGBT 1, Federal Government O, as 40,000 people at Montreal's Olympic Stadium booed Prime Minister Stephen Harper's representative long and lustily during Saturday night's opening ceremonies.

A beaming Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay was the most popular politician in the house. He had to start his welcoming speech twice, each time interrupted by a huge ovation.

But even the mayor couldn't help Public Works Minister Michael Fortier, Harper's Quebec lieutenant and stand-in for the event. Fortier's remarks were swallowed up in a rising tide of boos, which then grew more deafening as much of the crowd began slamming their folding seats up and down. Harper has promised to revisit the issue of same-sex marriage in Parliament.

"Shame! Shame! Shame!" spectators cried, wagging their upraised fingers in unison.

kd lang slags Harper, Tories for Outgames stance

And lets not forget the Harpocrite has failed even to this date to say he would attend the World AIDs conference next month. His Homophobia is showing.

Homophobia; self hate by those who suspect they are gay. Irrational fear of ones homosexual impulses, guilty feelings, heterosexuality defined as being opposed to homosexuality.

And in Harpers case he positively loathes his gay self. Which he only allows 'out' at Calgary Stampede breakfasts, where he feels comfortable in his village people drag. With all the other Brokeback cowboys.

Of course given the Harpers shift from libertarianism to embracing the right wing social conservatives, theres that homophobia again, he sides with them on the no Gay Marriage issue, thus he must maintain his distance from Gay Canadians in case he be cursed.

"[homosexuals are] brute beasts...part of a vile and satanic system [that] will be utterly annihilated, and there will be a celebration in heaven." Jerry Falwell: Quoted in Jim Hill & Rand Cheadle, "The Bible Tells Me So", Anchor Books (1996), Pages 69-70.

As the saying goes once you lay down with dogs you gert fleas. In for a penny in for a pound, etc. etc.

Harper must now become the ubermensch, the supreme ruler who is the extreme heterosexual. Which is why he shakes hands with his son. No male love can be shown. It is weakness, it is not manly.

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Silver City

Well Gold actually. But having recently watched Silver City it reminded me of this. Canadian

Groups call for action on cyanide spillage

a US-Canadian company, has spilled cyanide, an extremely poisonous chemical, twice into rivers in its operational area.

Gold Mining Companies have a notorious reputation for cyanide spillage in Ghana and other countries.

Though ironically it also should be noted that the John Sayles movie has a strange way of coming true. Son of longtime Silver City senator indicted on aggravated assault ...

A tip o the blog to Here On Planet Earth

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