Well he finally admited it, he lied, and he led America into a war that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's and thousands of Americans. He forced them to fight, with out supplies, without a break, with no national draft, with no kids of
the rich in the War. He Lied! They Died!
But hey this is no Mea Culpa, this is No apology from the War President he is still defending the indefesible. But now we know, He Lied.
War Criminal
President Bush said Wednesday the responsibility for invading
Iraq based in part on faulty weapons intelligence rested solely with him, taking on the issue in his most direct and personal terms in the 1,000-plus days since the war's first shots."It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong," Bush said. "As president, I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq."
Well that's rather disingenuous. So long as you are falsely ascribing admissions to him, why not tell us that his admission that the intelligence was wrong is also an admission that he was the shooter on the grassy knoll?
So thats how you spell disingenuous, thanks I have to correct that in another article. As for the grassy knoll you will have to ask his daddy about that, he read the CIA file on those boys. What does Fair Comment mean to you....
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