CNN's Lou Dobbs is an excellent example of the contradictions of capitalism.
He wants American Capitalism to be unique. It should not be a national capitalism in competition with other national capitalisms but rather it should be fair and balanced as some other network says.
It should take care of its workers, it should be Fordism.
He critiques Amercian corporations for outsourcing and offshoring Amercian jobs in one breathe, low wages paid to Amercian working families, then he attacks immigration err sorry illegal aliens in the next.
Somehow he believes that there is a mythical level playingf ield out there. That the problem is corporate America isn't being fair, to Americans. That capitalism is about fairness not dog eat dog competition. Boy talk about an idealist. When he isn't being a jingoist.
Last night on CNN before the State of the Union Lou did a special where he spoke out for the besieged American working class, opps I mean Middle Class (whatever that is).....
ANNOUNCER: This is a special edition of LOU DOBBS TONIGHT for Tuesday, January 31, "The State of Our Union: The View Outside the Beltway."Lou asked his viewers this question:
Here now, Lou Dobbs.
LOU DOBBS, CNN ANCHOR: Good evening, everybody.
Three hours from now, President Bush will deliver his fifth State of the Union speech. Tonight on this broadcast we will report on the real state of our union, no spin, no denial, but a nonpartisan, non- ideological view of the reality that makes up this country coast to coast.
We're live all across the nation with our special reports on the issues that matters most to working men and women, middle class Americans, from health care to educational opportunity, to the outright war on our middle class.
DOBBS: And the middle class should be, one would think, the center of the focus of both the Democrats and the Republicans. To this point, they've given themselves up to their corporate masters, and, in fact, neither party, even the Democratic Party with its traditions, is focusing on the needs of what is the foundation of this country, our middle class.
GERGEN: Well, that's right. There's a fellow named Ernie Cortez (ph) who's a big organizer of the Hispanic community in the South, and he told me once a couple years ago, you know, the Republican Party increasingly speaks for people who make more than $200,000 a year and the Democratic Party increasingly speaks for people who make more than $100,000 a year. Who speaks for people who make $40,000 to $50,000?
DOBBS: David Gergen, thank you.
And the result was 94% of his viewers figured the President wouldn't. Guess we know who the majority of Americans think he speaks for.....those folks who make more than $200,000 a year.QUICKVOTE
Do you expect to hear President Bush say anything approaching these words: "The middle class is the foundation of American society" in his State of the Union address?
So Lou explain this to me, how come Mercedes-Benz was the offical sponsor for President George Bush's State of the Union Address on CNN last night.
Mercedes-Benz. And its new S-Class

While the Mercedes-Benz is distributed in the U.S. by German owned DaimlerChrysler it is still produced in Germany.
Mercedes S-Class the sponsor of the State of the Union on CNN, costs $86,175, is way out of reach of Middle Class Americans Lou was concerned about.
Guess thats why its called S-Class. Superior.
Hey Lou, will CNN now make your corporate bad guys list for accepting sponsorship from NON American corporations?
And for having a sponsor offering a foreign made car only affordable by George Bush Republicans, not middle class Americans?
Inquirying minds want to know.
There is another irony here.
Lou the jingoist patriot is promoting the The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund is constructing a world-class state-of-the-art advanced training skills facility at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. The center will serve military personnel who have been catastrophically disabled in operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Mercedes Benz ad for its S-Class is Even Cars Need a Hero.
Someone once said capitalism knows no nation. Lou should learn this lesson soon.
President Bush
State of the Union
Lou Dobbs
Mercedes Benz
Mercedes-Benz S-Class
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