Sunday, February 05, 2006

Nazi Gay Killer Wanted to be a Cop

Yep the kid that killed several gay men shooting up a gay bar in New Bedford Mass. was a Nazi who had gone through a Young Police training program.

Robida's neighbors have described him as a racist, who decorated his room with swastikas. (Watch one of Robida's alleged victims recount the attack at a gay bar -- 2:03) Robida is a graduate of New Bedford's junior police academy, a program intended to build social skills, self-esteem and self-confidence in children 12 to 14, police said. CNN

As I wrote here about violence against women this also applies to violence against gay men by those who suffer from lack of self esteem and need Big Daddy authority figures, whcih make them admire Nazi's and cops. Armed authority figures who have power that they don't. It was the same appeal that the Hitler Youth had.

And along with this goes the hatred of homosexuality by those who are insecure in their maleness and masculine identity. Being a man means not being a woman or queer.

Let us review what Wilhelm Reich said about this from his studies of the Mass Psychology of Fascism and in his book Listen Little Man!.

For Reich, a key question was: Why did people support the Nazis? Reich stated that he found that several things went together in Nazi Germany:

  • Strong paternal authority
  • Sexual repressiveness
  • authoritarian personalities
  • reactional political ideologies

Economically the Nazi program was not in the interest of lower middle class people of Germany, but they gave their support to it. Reich asked, What psychological reason could be found that would make the fascist ideology compelling to this group of people?

His answer was: The combination of authority and rebellion. Reich said the sons would especially admire an authoritarian person above them who was also rebellious. (Like Hitler and Stalin) That way they could fulfill the desire to rebel but with subs.

It is the reason that the Hitler Youth Corp was so successful and why youth are approached by both Skinhead Nazi's and by their elders to become the new shock troops of this underground movement for Aryan Power in North America. But it is not just limited to North America. It occurs where ever those who see society falling apart call for greater authoriy, law and order and repression as the solution.

The Faith of the Youth

Is the Foundation of Victory

The "Pimpfs" were members of the Nazi organization for young boys, part of the Hitler Youth. This article, from the last issue of the Nazi magazine for boys, urges them to look to the SS for their models. The SS Division "Hitler Jugend" mentioned toward the end of the article saw combat after D-Day, and acquitted itself well.

The source: "Glaube der Jugend: Unterpfand des Sieges," Der Pimpf, July-August 1944, pp. 8-9, 16.

Ukiah High officer says neo-Nazis are around'By SETH FREEDLAND/The Daily Journal

The anti-Semitic hate mail allegedly delivered by two Ukiah High School freshmen to a Jewish classmate on Wednesday is only the latest -- and now most public -- example of an "underground" neo-Nazi movement at the school, its resource officer said.

Students involved do not display swastikas or other emblems of Aryan pride, said Chris Gordon, of the Ukiah Police Department, but "they're around." Gordon said he could name a handful of the neo-Nazi teenagers.

Every gang has a uniform, Gordon said, and any student wearing a flight jacket, blue jeans rolled to slightly under the knee, Doc Martens shoes and with a shaved head will raise a red flag. The trouble caused by these teens is infrequent, he said, mostly limited to vandalism and the rare fight.

Ma's youth corps set to produce dictators

By Cao Chang-qing 曹長青

Saturday, Feb 04, 2006,Page 8

After taking over as chairman of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has been intensely engaged in the organization of a KMT youth corps. The leadership of this youth corps is to be made up of the sons of former top KMT officials in an obvious attempt to use this "princeling party" to restore their power.

The establishment of such an organization is totally preposterous. In a democratic country, a political party is just that, and there should be no such "reserves." In the US, it would be inconceivable that the Democratic or Republican party would organize a youth corps. It takes a dictatorial party to set up that kind of organization, as exemplified by the Chinese Communist Party's Communist Youth League of China, the KMT's Three Principles of the People Youth Group -- which became the China Youth Corps after the KMT's move to Taiwan -- and the Hitler Youth and the SS in Nazi Germany.

Why is it that only dictatorial parties set up this kind of organization? Because the purpose -- besides providing new blood for a party aimed at despotism -- is to take advantage of the ease of communication between young people of the same age and the ease of creating enthusiasm over ideological issues among youth, thereby undertaking a process of ideological brainwashing. Only dictators need to resort to such methods. Democratic parties that are open to the possibility of relinquishing their hold on power rely on mature governance and policymaking rather than ideological fanaticism to maintain or regain power.

More rock and pop features
White off the scale

They're loud, proud and everywhere from East Germany to West Virginia. Neil Mackay spends six months getting to know the white supremacist practitioners of Nazi Hate Rock

Sunday January 22, 2006

Henrik Ostendorf is holed up in an attic room of a dilapidated hotel in a provincial town near Leipzig in the former East Germany. Riot police surround the floodlit building and attack dogs have closed off every exit. The hotel has been taken over by more than a thousand German neo-Nazis - 'musical terrorists' as they are classified by the German police - for the staging of an illegal gig. British white power band Whitelaw will headline the show and are about to take the stage. Lurking in the dark, Ostendorf is watching the scene outside as the police arrest several of his 'comrades' and bundle them into waiting vans.

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