Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Real Nuclear Threat In The Middle East

No not Iran.

Not Iraq, no WMD found there.

Not the feuding nuclear power states of India and Pakastan.

Not even Israel, who denies they have the bomb but threatens to use it if attacked.

Not even France.

Nope its none other than the Good Ol'
United Snakes Of America. (as Firesign Theatre would say).

Well who did you expect?

They are the largest Rogue State in the world with WMD.

Commission on the Intelligence of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction Seal

Foreign Policy Briefing

The Rogue State Doctrine and National Missile Defense

by Ivan Eland and Daniel Lee

Ivan Eland is director of defense policy studies at the Cato Institute. Daniel Lee was a research assistant at the Cato Institute.

A Firesign Chat

Father Corona: That's Reich Marshall Von Rumsfeld to you, Mr. Head!
klokwkdog: such
Mudhead: Herr head to you
Father Corona: Herrod?
klokwkdog: if it wasn't for him, the President of the United States would be named Shickelgruber. Wait a minute...
Mudhead: No my rod is much larger than the Fathers
Father Corona: The President of the United Snakes is named Shcickelgruber!
klokwkdog: it's not the length, it's the quality of the counterpoise!
Mudhead: The govenor is named schwarznegger, not Schicklegrubber
Father Corona: Mein Fuhrer I can walk!
klokwkdog: what you probably meant to say is, "The President of the United Snakes is named Shickelgruber!"


Say it three times and click the heels of your red shoes together and we won't be in Kansas any longer Toto.

My favorite WMD is a real threat to the United Snakes of Amerika.
World Movement for Democracy

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