Monday, April 10, 2006

Werner Patels Doesn't Like My Politics

The politically confused (provincial Liberal/federal Conservative/rabid anti-NDP) multipleblog personality Werner Patels is back with yet another blog. Another one. Sheesh. This guy just never gives up. Let's see that makes six blogs in one year, counting on my fingers. I may have missed one or three.

In one of his missives on his new homepage, not to be confused with another of his anonymous blogs, he defends everyone's right to be political, except yours truly.

Just like in politics, you have to stick to your principles. Don't pay any attention to ill-meaning or envious detractors. Those that criticize your ideas the loudest - and, particularly, those that want to deny you your right to express your ideas (such as a certain communist high-school janitor in Edmonton, who's been hounding and maligning me in his broken English, which is clearly not his first language) - disqualify themselves by the sheer vehemence of their "arguments".

Gee I thought I was principled. Now how could I deny anyone their right to express their ideas, what am I the ISP? Why to deny ones opinions is positively counter to my Libertarian principles. On the other hand I reserve the right to comment on the stupidity of ones opinions, which is more often than not in Herr Patels case.

Unless of course they aren't opinions but are threats to my person, my relatives, my work, my right to blog, etc., because of my opinions, in other words cyberstalking, which Herr Patels has done in the past.

Broken English. Wasn't that a hit comeback album by Marianne Faithful.

Do I detect a hint of classic Austrian racism here; 'broken English, not his first language,' janitor=immigrant. Nah......Herr Patels would never stoop to such stereotyping.

Welcome back Werner, ya still got nothing important to say.

This article was originally written in Esperanto and translated into broken English for the benefit of my readers.

Broken English Lyrics

Could have come through anytime,
Cold lonely, puritan
What are you fighting for ?
It’s not my security.

It’s just an old war,
Not even a cold war,
Don’t say it in russian,
Don’t say it in german.
Say it in broken english,
Say it in broken english.

Lose your father, your husband,
Your mother, your children.
What are you dying for ?
It’s not my reality.

It’s just an old war,
Not even a cold war,
Don’t say it in russian,
Don’t say it in german.
Say it in broken english,
Say it in broken english.

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Werner George Patels said...

When it comes to multiple personalities, you are the prime example. Under your technorati profile, you got several blogs, and there are several more out there.

You are such a phoney and a liar. Do you enjoy libelling others all the time? How would your high school feel if they found out about your activities? Would they feel comfortable having you around their children?

I doubt that very much.

RP. said...

you got several blogs

Wasn't somebody just criticizing somebody else's English a bit earlier?


Herr Patels you again make my point, with your comment about my employment. That is a less than veiled threat. And one which you have made before, and as I said then, please cease and desist.

As for my blogs, yes I had three others at one point but as I have blogged here Livejournal and Modblog were less than acceptable as services, so I no longer use them. But at all times they were identified as my blogs, unlike yours where you hid your real identity from your readers. Truly pathetic.

As for not being a Liberal what do you call this...."But after living in Alberta for a while, something odd happened to me: I seriously considered becoming a liberal. I even signed up and joined the Alberta Liberal Party. I seriously and honestly thought that they had the right ideas for taking Alberta into the 21st century."

Which is from yet another of your endless repetitive blogs; one I missed in this post, Alberta Sense

You are a congenital liar as well.

Luckily this is Alberta and you can access the needed psychiatric services under healthcare for your problems.