Gee I didn't know this until I Go0gled myself. Thanks for the heads up Werner.As they say knowing this is better late than never. Nice to know that taxpayers money is being well spent by the PMO-Paranoid PM Office. Of course this is not the first time my blog has been under survelliance.
privy council gunning for plawiuk
25 Sep 2006 by Werner Patels
the privy council seems to be gunning for fellow blogger eugene plawiuk.
according to my site stats, someone at the privy council in ottawa (a regular
visitor to my site, by the way) has done a google search specifically for eugene .
Find blog posts, photos, events and more off-site about:
PMO, privy-council, blog, survelliance, PM, Canada, government, Conservatives,
I get regular visits from Parliament Hill as well -- even one's googling my name or my blog's name. I highly doubt anyone is out to get you.
They are out to get us all. But I guess its nice to be popular. The old Liberal government ignored us.
Remember, You are only paranoid if they are not out to get you.
Hello Eugene,
Have you seen this comment from Werner Patels about you? Who is this guy anyway? It's at http://www.nowpublic.com/blogosphere_is_fast_becoming_a_cesspool. It was mentioned under "communist" tags in the Addopt aggregator. I tried to send this by email but your Yahoo mail address ( from Blogger profile ) doesn't seem to be working.
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