Tim Hortons for troops less pricey than reported Sure it was first reported that you and me, the Canadian taxpayer were in hock to Timmies for a cool $4 million for setting up their franchise in Kandahar for our troops.
Now the good news. We are only paying $1.4 million for this P3.
And while we pay $80,000 a month for the Timmies operation, the gross profit for the Tim Hortons is five-thousand dollars a day.
But they did wave the franchise fee of $450,000. Gosh thats like well one third of what it's costing you an me to set up the franchise. And the fee waiver will probably be a tax write off. Mighty generous of them considering they are pulling in $150,000 a month. Can you say war profiteering.
You don't have to rrrrrroll up the rim to figure out whose the winner here.
Tim Hortons

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Canadian Troops
Tim Hortons
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