It seems that aliens have become a theme in American Presidential politics. And I am not talking about Mexican migrant workers.
Democrats see them and Republicans are ready to blast them out of the skies.
It is the difference between libertarian and Law and Order approaches to politics.
Did Congressman Dennis Kucinich see a UFO?SEE:
A new book soon to be released says he did.
The book is written by one of Kucinich's closest friends, actress Shirley MacLaine, who attended his wedding in Cleveland in 2005.
Giuliani: Preparedness is key (even if aliens attack)
Presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani yesterday said preparedness will be key for all crises, even an attack from outer space.During a town hall meeting in Exeter, a young questioner asked the former New York mayor about his plan to protect Earth.
"If (there's) something living on another planet and it's bad and it comes over here, what would you do?" the boy asked.
Giuliani, grin on his face, said it was the first time he's been asked about an intergalactic attack.
"Of all the things that can happen in this world, we'll be prepared for that, yes we will. We'll be prepared for anything that happens," said Giuliani, who spent the day campaigning in the key early voting state.
Libertarians for U.S. President
Iraq; The War For Oil
Telus About UFO's
Horse and Carriage
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