Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Environment Good, Bad, Ugly

The Good

Wolves return to eastern Germany

The Bad

Carbon dioxide levels are substantially higher now than at any time in the last 800,000 years, the latest study of ice drilled out of Antarctica confirms.

The Ugly

Rona's posse rides
OTTAWA -- Environment Minister Rona Ambrose's office is mum on why it took four political staffers to tag along with her to a trade conference in Vancouver

Why the Conservatives are doing so poorly

The Conservatives had been blindsided by the environment, or at least were themselves blind to the issue. As part of their touch-it, feel-it, vote-for-it populism, they treated the environment as smog and clear water, easily understood manifestations of pollution.

On climate change, they knew rather incoherently what they did not like -- the Kyoto accord -- but not what they wanted. The interest in the issue caught them by surprise.

That the Environment Minister's chief-of-staff and deputy minister were replaced, and that a PMO factotum has been assigned to work with Rona Ambrose on the file, means the government belatedly knew it needed something to put in the climate change window this fall. It's an especially important political file in Quebec

Also See



Rona Ambrose

Green Plan



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US Declares Economic War On Iran

In case you missed this. Since the UN resolution on Iran is going nowhere, well nowhere the US wants it to go once again the US is out on their own promoting their economic war on Iran.

A U.S. Treasury Department official who has called Iran a major financial backer of terrorism will travel to Europe next week for talks on how to dry up that money flow, the department said on Tuesday.

Of course the real nation that is supporting terrorism in the region is America's ally Pakistan. The US continues to use Iran as its whipping boy since its hard pressed to criticize the military dictatorship in Pakistan.

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US Imperialism

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Pakistan Wants Our Nukes

The Terrorist state in Pakistan wants Canada to supply it with nuclear fuel and technology.

Pakistan is expected to push Canadian Defence Minister Gordon O’Connor for help with obtaining Canadian nuclear power technology today, as he visits Islamabad for talks about the rising Taliban insurgency in southern Afghanistan, a Canadian newspaper reported on Friday. Pakistan wants N-bargain with Canada

Hello these guys have the bomb. They have missle delivery systems. And unlike Iran they do not belong to the Non Proliferation Pact. Oh yeah and they make deals with the Taliban while declaring war on the nationalist/autonomy movement in gas rich
Balochistan province

But of course our Foreign Policy is now being dictated by the White House so why should this be a surprize? The US will supply India with Nuclear fuel, and Canada will supply Pakistan. Both countries are rogue when it comes to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act. But hey they are allies in the war on terror. Thats the justification for all immoral acts.

Oh yes and Pakistan has decided to censor blogs, again. What was that about Freedom and Democracy spreading in the Middle East and surrounding areas?

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Big Canada

This is Ken Drydens catch phrase for his campaign. Big Canada. Oh be still my beating heart it makes a tear well up in my eye, I can feel the Trudeau era returning with that phrase. Like Trudeau used Just Society, taking off from of course LBJ's Great Society. Big Canada needs Big Government is Drydens subtext.

Big Canada. Hmm reminds me that yes Canada is a big country. Second biggest in the world. So a suggestion to Dryden ( cause he has no campaign workers) You should have made your messaging/slogan; Big Country.

Cause his is a campaign that is all things to all Liberals...

e dismissed media analysis of the leadership contest that has generally had him trailing MP Michael Ignatieff, one-time Ontario NDP premier Bob Rae, former environment minister Stéphane Dion and former Ontario education minister Gerard Kennedy.

In other words he is desperately seeking a niche in the Leadership Race by saying me too!

Big Canada, whoa thats a real winner. NOT.

Dryden remains at the back of the bus.

Also See:

Liberal Leadership Race

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NDP And Workers Control

You can tell that the Socialist Caucus has influenced the resolutions for the upcoming NDP convention this weekend. Tory Hack Stephen Taylor once again is outraged, outraged I say, over NDP Resolutions coming forward for the Convenetion.He is all upset over the fact that the caucus has submitted resolutions for nationalizing all Canadian industries. What Steve failed to highlight is this....

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a NDP government place all new public enterprises under democratic control by their workers, instituting direct election of plant managers and enterprise directors, with the right of recall by their electors, and have significant and meaningful participation in decision-making by consumers, environmental groups and local communities;

Same thing I said here over the need to put big oil and gas under worker/community control. This is the new left accepting that Statist Nationalization eg. Crown Corporations, are just the same old same old monopoly capitalism. Worker and community control is directly from the anarchist movements demand for self management. Something the left has finally accepted. And of course something those promoting private monopoly capitalism like Steve never will....

Also See:

Oil Crisis

Nationalize Big Oil

Workers Control


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Better Late Than Never

Seventy years later and it is finally ok to publish Hitler Jokes in Germany.

Hitler visits a lunatic asylum. The patients give the Hitler salute. As he passes down the line he comes across a man who isn't saluting.
"Why aren't you saluting like the others?" Hitler barks.
"Mein Führer, I'm the nurse, I'm not crazy!" comes the answer.

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Oh those Russians.They have a really good sense of humour naming satellites after SPECTRE the secret Russian organization out to get James Bond.

Russia is also planning to orbit Specter-M, Specter-RG and Specter-UF spacecraft, and launch a Coronas-Photon satellite to conduct extensive scientific research of outer space, he said.

And I always liked Blofeld, a man and his cat.

The word SPECTRE stands for Special Executor for Counter-Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion. The powerful and ruthless criminal organisation is dedicated to gaining wealth and power though criminal schemes the involve extortion, instigation of major wars to gain power and acts of revenge. Throughout several missions, Bond has been dedicated to the destruction of SPECTRE and it's leader, Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

It should not be confused with SMERSH.

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As Long As Its Not Iran

So why would South Africa need nuclear weapons? Russia, SA agree on nuclear fuel, satellites

Cause we all know enriched uranium is used for weapons. Just look at Iran.

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Americans Kill Canadian Olympian

Now if I was the paranoid conspiracy theory kind of guy I would suspect that with all that wonderful high tech super secret spy weaponry the U.S. has, satellites in the sky that can read your address on your door, high tech listening equipment that can hear you fart in bed, all that stuff. That maybe, just maybe, they targeted this guy cause they didn't want him to beat them in the Olympics.

See my articles:
Also See:

Friendly Fire



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