Total killed: 33
Killed by Taliban or Insurgents: 10
Suicide Bomber: 5
Accidents: 13
(including land mine explosions often misidentified as 'roadside bombings' in the press)
Killed by Friendly Fire/American Air Force: 5
It's a tie between suicide bombers and Americans bombing us.
And we have had more accidental deaths then deaths at the hands of the Taliban.
Accidents and Friendly Fire have killed more Canadian troops than the Taliban and suicide bombers. And half those accidents were from landmines.
Afghanistan is one of the heaviest mined countries in the world. In spite of eight years of intensive mine clearance, in 1999 only 146 square kilometers of mined area have been cleared. An area of 713 square kilometers remains to be cleared. Landmines kill or maim an estimated ten to twelve people each day in Afghanistan. It is believed that almost 50 percent of landmine victims die due to lack of medical facilities.
This is a really succesful mission so far. For instance this weekends big push against the Taliban resulted in five more Canadian soldiers deaths. Three by the Taliban, one by American friendly fire, one in a plane crash (accident).

Photograph by : CP PHOTO/Murray Brewster
Also See:
Friendly Fire

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