Monday, December 18, 2006

Man O Steel

Time's Newsmaker of the Year RH Stephen Harper, man of steel;

has set himself the messianic tasks of remaking Canadian federalism by curbing Ottawa’s spending powers and overhauling Canada’s healthcare and social welfare system…

The Blogging Tories are gleeful, like children at Christmas. Overlooking on the fact he was only news in the 'Canadian' Edition of Time.

Stephen Harper is Time Canada Newsmaker of the Year

Thanks to them Canadian content rules of the CRTC, them rules the Conservatives love to hate.

Because in the US edition of Time a different autocrat was featured;
People Who Mattered: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad An Interview with Iran's Agitator

And Harper did not even make it across the border as a newsmaker. He was left out of the U.S. Edition of People Who Matter 2006





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Election 2007

How do I know? There was an ad in the Edmonton Sun Jobs section for Chief Returning Officer and returning officers

A sure sign of Election Prepardness.

I say it will be in the fall, if at all in 2007, and apparently the journalist panel on CTV's QP agree with me.




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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Tories Fail Arar

Arar still a threat, US envoy says

Globe and Mail, Canada - 16 Dec 2006
The US ambassador to Canada yesterday dismissed the $16-million Canadian judicial probe into the Maher Arar torture case, saying Mr. Arar remains listed as a possible terrorist threat.
Americans take a turn smearing Arar Toronto Star
Arar remains on US security list National Post
Arar considered threat to US, Wilkins says

So much for Conservative White House buddy buddy diplomacy. Neither formal letters from Public Security Minister Stockwell Day to the US government, nor tuff talk, in the house, from PM Stephen Harper have availed Marher Arar of his right to enter the United States. He remains a security threat despite the Harpocrites claims to have done all they can to rectify this injustice.

There has been no formal apology to arar from the Conservatives, whom as a party and as the official opposition chose to call Arar a terroist and impugn his reputation. No apology from the Harper government, to date hiding behind legal refuge, the last bastion of a scoundrel. And a limp attempt by the government to ask the Americans to remove Arar from their security lists.

You don't ask YOU TELL 'em, tough guy.

But the apologetic approach of the Harpercrites on this issue once again exoses our New Government of Canada as made up of compradors and quislings.







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Lincoln Obama

Newt Gingrich on Meet the Press today was asked by host Tim Russert if Barak Obama had the experience to be President, having only two terms in the house.
Newt repled; "Lincoln only served two terms in the house." Bam.

Lincoln the first Labour Republican, not a Newt Republican, rather a modern liberal.

On the Clintons, asked if Hillary could win, he replied "Of course". And admitted that they were formidable political foes.

In fact he praised Bill Clinton as one of the best polticians in the United States!!!

"They are like watching your favortie opposition football team. You know Tim like Buffalo"

Is this the same Newt we have loved to hate. Yep. He is defintely NOT in the running for Rebulican nomination for President.

And he is.....

Barack Obama on ESPN MNF


Obama Misses The Real Crisis In Kenya



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My Traffic Rankings

Well this will drive my blogshares in value now. Aren't you sorry you didn't invest?

Technocrati Rank: 12,498 (929 links from 252 blogs)

Alexa- #22 La Revue Gauche — 572,256

Hey I am ahead of Jason Cherniak, wow unbelievable

Critical Acclaim: Topsites list for the politically progressive.

As they say; past performance is no indication of future results.


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Rebel Jesus

This is one of my favorite Christmas Songs. Cause I am a heathen pagan. Originally recorded by the Chieftans, this MP3 is a very nice version. The song was orignally written by Jackson Browne.

And this is the Rebel Jesus that Hugo Chavez worships when he exocrises the Devil Bush.

A hat tip to Catholicanarchy.He did a great job with the song. This is his second free online cd. Check it out. He is another Canadian Anarchist blogger.

I also like his version of John Lennons Merry Xmas, War is Over. Especially the really discordian choir in the background at the end.

Oh and I found a link on his page to another Canadian Christian Anarchist blog.

Them christian anarchists gotta love em, even if we disagree.






Libertarian Socialism

Libertarian Communism


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Another Canadian Anarchist Blog

Another of my old Anarchist comrades and sparring partner's Pat Murtagh has launched his blog dedicated to anarchism, socialism, evolutionary biology, animal behavior and a whole raft of other subjects. The Anarchist Blog community in Canada continues to grow.





Libertarian Socialism

Libertarian Communism


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Why The US Failed In Iraq

Tell me what I want to hear not what I need to know. Like; find me the Weapons of Mass Destruction.

"Good policy is difficult to make when information is systematically collected in a way that minimises its discrepancy with policy goals." Iraq Study Group

Britain never thought Saddam was threat - diplomat

The British government never believed Saddam Hussein posed a threat to British interests and warned the US that toppling him would lead to "chaos", according to a Foreign Office diplomat closely involved in negotiations in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.

Damning repudiation of the government's public claims in the run-up to the war is contained in secret evidence to Lord Butler's committee on the abuse of intelligence over Iraq by Carne Ross, a diplomat at Britain's UN mission in New York.



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Gulliver in Iraq

"Washington was manifestly unprepared to handle the complexity of Iraqi internal politics and found itself caught in not only a military but politcal quagmire, from which it has so far failed to extricate itself. Indeed, as time went on, the US found it had less and less froom for manoeuvre, coming to resemble a Gulliver tied down by tiny Lilliputians."

Immanuel Wallerstein: The Curve of American Power

The complete article is available with a subscription or it can be bought seperately at New Left Review.

More Articles by Wallerstein.



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About Time

I have to agree with Northern B.C. Dipper who says; Time To Fire Brad Lavigne, NDP Communications Director

My only comment would be that the time to do that was right after the last election when he refused to have an NDP blog.

Lavigne's performance on the political talk shows on CTV and CBC is less than inspiring, and he simple repeats himself over and over, spending more time attacking the Liberals than really attacking the Tories. And he is incapable of any sponteanous comment, or pithy counter point, or heck even a short sharp stab. He is always on his message, which is tiresome.

During the election there were those who live in the Ottawa beltway that like him.
*Unflappable, indomitable and effervescent even when he's on the attack-- nobody doesn't like Brad Lavigne.

Well I don't and it appears more Dippers are getting pissed with him.

On Afghanistan I have done a better job getting the NDP message out than Lavigne has. Lavigne has missed defining the mission in debates with his Conservative and Liberal counterparts. And the NDP really blew it with their messaging on Dion on Afghanistan.

Instead they engaged in cheap shots one expects from the Western Standard.

Brad Lavigne interview

Even worse his haircut sucks and he dresses like a dweeb, though in the last week it appears he has finally bought a new suit, and a found a matching T-shirt to go with it.


Brad Lavigne


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