How do I know? There was an ad in the Edmonton Sun Jobs section for Chief Returning Officer and returning officers
A sure sign of Election Prepardness.
I say it will be in the fall, if at all in 2007, and apparently the journalist panel on CTV's QP agree with me.
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On the other hand, it just might have something to do with the passing of Bill C-2, the Federal Accountability Act:
" Elections Canada will now proceed as expeditiously as possible to appoint returning officers for all 308 federal electoral districts. Selection criteria and a description of the process will be sent to Parliament and posted on Elections Canada's Web site at www.elections.ca. A list of available positions will be posted on our Web site and will also be advertised in newspapers and on a number of other key Web sites. "
That could be, and then again the postings are all for 2005, and it could be housekeepting. But last time they did this, it was in preparation for an election.
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