Sunday, January 12, 2025

Two sides of the social media coin

 January 12, 2025 

The writer is a former editor of Dawn

WITH social media platforms running amok without much regulation or oversight, the hybrid Pakistani government and those considered established democracies in Europe, such as the United Kingdom and Germany, seem to be sailing in the same boat.

When Elon Musk bought Twitter for some $44 billion, nearly all market and media analysts thought he’d paid way more than the platform was worth. Many believed the world’s wealthiest man, a narcissist, had been led to a disaster by his ego.

They also believed that Twitter, that he renamed X, would prove to be his Waterloo. Financed largely through banks, it is too early to say whether it does indeed turn out to be a financial fiasco in the long run, because its revenue streams would never be able to justify the price he paid for it.

For now, however, the platform has bestowed him the sort of reach, even power, he could not have dreamt of despite his staggering wealth. After having donated a $100 million to the Trump campaign, being by the president-elect’s side during the run-up to the elections, and now named to a senior government role, Elon Musk’s wealth and political power have grown.

Where the Pakistan hybrid set-up’s near-total control of traditional media platforms, from TV/radio to newspapers, has meant compliance and the dissemination of a view favourable to it, it has had to turn off the tap completely in terms of social media because of its inability to influence/control the dominant narrative there.

Musk raised a red herring often used by the far right in the UK to support Islamophobic, racist Tommy Robinson.

The hybrid set-up not just has most traditional media groups on their knees, it also has a monopoly over coercive tools, with armed state institutions/organisations at its beck and call. In the opposite corner, the PTI (mainly its leader Imran Khan) continues to hold sway over public opinion and consolidates its considerable support base in the country via its unrivalled ascendancy over social media and the latter’s narrative-building tools.

The Pakistani state, or more accurately, its hybrid government, has appeared helpless in countering the PTI narrative, which continues to find resonance among large chunks of the country (to those who will ask how I reached the ‘large chunks’ conclusion, I would point to the last election, where the party emerged with most seats, despite unfavourable headwinds of all sorts).

It has lacked knowledge of social media, sophistication and expertise in evolving a policy where it is not always the case of using a sledgehammer — authoritarian means — to block out views not favourable to it or in line with its desires. It could do well to look elsewhere.

Two recent issues that Elon Musk raised on X with his over 200m followers are a prime example of how to stay ahead on social media despite your mistakes. Elon Musk took on the core of the hard right of the dominant pro-Trump Republican Party, which is vehemently anti-immigration, by supporting (fast-track) ‘H-1B’ visas for specialists/experts so ‘they could contribute to the US economy’.

While Musk made sense in this case, the backlash was severe. One can be sure Trump transition team members may have had a quiet word with him. Musk’s response, which could well have owed itself to his media team, raised a controversial issue away from the States and successfully drew attention away from what many hardcore Republicans saw as an outrageous stance.

Musk raised a red herring often used by the far right in the UK to support Islamophobic, racist Tommy Robinson, currently imprisoned on contempt of court charges. Musk implied that many British-Pakistani Asian gangs involved in grooming underage (child) girls for sex were not prosecuted because of considerations for their ethnicity and because Pakistani-origin Britons were a voting bloc for Labour.

He also implied that this happened under the current Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer’s, watch when the latter was director of public prosecutions for five years from 2008 to 2013. Historically, some prosecutions did not happen when Starmer was DPP because the police and local prosecutors believed there was insufficient evidence and ‘unreliable witnesses’.

However, these decisions not to prosecute were overturned by Nazir Afzal, himself of Pakistani origin, chief prosecutor for Northwest of England, appointed by Starmer in 2011. Afzal has a sterling record of prosecuting these gangs and of earning record convictions and sentencing.

A national inquiry report (called the Jay Rep­ort) in 2014, after a 2012 The Times investigation into the child sex grooming scandal in Rotherham in northwest England, and later a (parliamentary) Commons Home Affairs Committee, did not point the finger at Starmer.

In fact, the Home Affairs Committee lauded his efforts to address the issue in these words: Mr Starmer has striven to improve the treatment of victims of sexual assault within the criminal justice system throughout his term as Director of Pu­­blic Prosecution (DPP). In 2014, he was knighted for his “services to law and criminal justice.”

None of this was acknowledged by Musk who, bizarrely, asked the king to dissolve parliament and order fresh elections. Under which law and why, one may have asked Musk, given the opportunity. But his purpose was served. By creating this huge controversy, his vocal support for H-1B visas and the Republican backlash was quickly brushed under the carpet.

Not content with taking sides in UK politics, where the opportunistic Conservatives, who did nothing to implement the Jay Report’s 22 recommendations for all their years in office, jumped on the bandwagon and raised it in the Commons, Musk expanded his political role elsewhere in Europe.

Openly siding with the German anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and Eurosceptic far-right AFD party and its leader, Musk has forced some European leaders to call for examining social media regulations so an individual can’t manipulate public opinions and undermine the democratic order. But I seriously doubt such legislation will ever be passed.

In the end, it will have to be social media managers with their expertise in new, even evolving, platforms who can help keep the narrative onside. Or the democratic architecture as we know it is doomed.

Published in Dawn, January 12th, 2025

The new colonisation

Rafia Zakaria 
 January 8, 2025

The writer is an attorney teaching constitutional law and political philosophy.

THE world already knows about the outsize role that the richest man in the world — billionaire Elon Musk — played in the 2024 American presidential election. As has been written about at length, Musk put in $270 million into president-elect Donald Trump’s campaign. His involvement also rebranded Trump as pro-tech rather than just a populist fuelled by his working class and ill-educated following. Trump immediately gave Musk the position of budget cutter-in-chief, the actual implications of which will be obvious after Trump’s inauguration later this month. Since nothing is free in this world, it is likely that Trump will have to pay up very soon.

Musk wants more than what he has been promised. In recent months, there have been reports about Musk’s meddling in politics and elections in Europe, including Britain and Germany. His interference has drawn the ire of some European leaders. “Ten years ago, who would have imagined that the owner of one of the world’s largest social networks would be supporting a new international reactionary movement and intervening directly in elections, including in Germany,” said French President Emmanuel Macron. Meanwhile, the Norwegian prime minister, Jonas Gahr Støre, said: “I find it worrying that a man with enormous access to social media and huge economic resources involves himself so directly in the internal affairs of other countries.”

Where the UK is concerned, previously, Musk had been championing Nigel Farage, the far-right anti-immigrant leader of Reform UK. However, in the past few days, Musk has had a sudden change of heart, and said that Farage did not have what it takes to lead his party to victory. He did it expectedly on X, the social platform that he now owns, tweeting: “The Reform Party needs a new leader.” Instead, Musk is now supporting a man known as Tommy Robinson, an Islamophobe, with a criminal history who is currently serving an 18-month prison term for contempt of court.

Musk’s access to limitless amounts of capital means that he can fund whichever and whatever political interests he chooses.

Musk has used X to spread questionable information about UK’s current Labour government. He accused British Prime Minister Keir Starmer of not cracking down on child rapists when he headed the Crown Prosecution Services. Many see his assertion as incorrect, as the number of prosecutions during his tenure had risen. Musk also demanded that King Charles III intervene and dissolve parliament. One reason for all this ire is that the Labour government has gone after online hate speech, potentially messing up Musk’s vision of X as a platform where anything can be said at any time.

Beyond the British and the Americans, Musk has, in his new position as political kingmaker, also picked favourites in the German election. His modus operandi has been along the same lines as in the UK. Musk is championing Germany’s far-right, anti-immigration AfD party. Musk has lobbed insults at Olaf Scholz, the current German chancellor, calling him a “fool” after his centre-left coalition collapsed last November; he did so again after a Saudi-born man rammed his car into a crowded Christmas market in a German city.

An assessment of the danger that Musk poses is reflected in the responses of the leaders whom he criticises. Nigel Farage, once a favourite, said: “The fact that Musk supports me and supports Reform doesn’t mean, as two grown-ups, we have to agree with everything the other says.” It is tricky ground for Farage, since Musk can not only weaponise X against Farage but also have an impact on the party’s fund-raising. Even more worrying would be if Musk decides to take his dollars elsewhere — dollars, as we all know, have a tremendous impact on the outcome of elections.

Chancellor Scholz was a little more strident in his response to Musk’s latest tweets about him, asking his followers to not “feed the troll”. “I don’t believe in courting Mr Musk’s favour. I’m happy to leave that to others,” he said.

Neither of the two men, whose leadership is likely to be significantly impacted by Musk’s habit of putting dollars behind whomever he supports, serves the American billionaire’s interests. The $270m that he poured into the US election along with his vocal support for Trump played a big, perhaps a decisive role in the Republicans’ victory in the presidential poll. It is likely that he is going to have a similar impact on the policies of the actual Trump administration. Interestingly, while he is making a habit of championing anti-immigrant parties in Europe, he wants the US to increase the number of H-1B visas so he can attract the best engineering talent from other countries.

Elon Musk’s rise is something to worry about. His access to essentially limitless amounts of capital means that he can fund whichever and whatever political interests he chooses and then control the agenda. Within the Pakistani context, Musk’s Starlink satellite is currently awaiting approval from the government. This technology’s ability to provide internet coverage to people regardless of where they may be, is itself a testament to the man’s genius. The same goes for the fact that he already holds inordinate power over ever bigger areas of the world. Musk’s active participation in space colonisation, Starlink and the promotion of AI means that he is ahead of most of the political leaders that he is seeking to control.

Few governments in the world have a real handle on advanced technologies and their fallout; in an uncertain global political landscape, Musk’s influence will impact the distribution of power in the world. Many world leaders already recognise the danger that Musk’s interference and technological genius can unleash. Project colonisation is about to take off — the dominance of a single man and his particular vision of the world can result in disastrous consequences.

Published in Dawn, January 8th, 2025

Op-Ed: Social media — Full of itself, failing to deliver in too many ways

By Paul Wallis
January 12, 2025

This photo illustration shows the social media platform X (former Twitter) app on a smartphone in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on September 18, 2024
 - Copyright AFP/File Allison Joyce

Social media was going to connect the world. It was going to be a way for people from anywhere and everywhere to engage. “Everyone is connected”, etc.

That worked out well, didn’t it?

The mythology of social media makes even US media look almost focused and respectable. It’s self-hype to infinity.

The hype is pretty messy, too. Glitz, glamour, maybe, if you’re 10 years old. You have the infant influencers and rabid rabbits making millions. So what? A few industry pets aren’t all that relatable. The actual successes aren’t many people. It’s another 1%, as usual.

That’s the problem. What social media thinks of itself vs what it actually delivers. The ridiculous vs an ever-diminishing content value.

I bumped into a Forbes article “Why social media is the most misunderstood job in corporate America”. I had to see how social media could be misunderstood, even by a sector that famously drags its eyebrows along the ground for a living.

Social media is ironically called “the attention economy”, even in a country where ADHD is a sort of cultural icon.

It WAS different. Twitter was a primary source of news, and Tweet volumes meant something. That’s not the case now. Nobody gives a damn what a bot thinks about anything. Social media bots are fiction by definition. AI bots aren’t going to make things any better. You’d be lucky to get real numbers for marketing.

That’s not a problem in the sector.

“We reached 200 million people!”

Well, did you? Any social media demographic has a percentile of social media watchers. In the States, at least half of your audience is hostile to some degree thanks to the tides of political slop. Another hefty percentage of viewers are the people who posted it and their handlers. It’s not even a real audience in that many ways.

You could create a nice cynical algorithmic metric to measure hits as a form of market antagonism. The market, as usual, sees what it wants to see, not what it needs to see.

Well, you could get decent metrics if anyone could be bothered responding to the tonnage of tripe produced every second. Total silence is a negative response.

Imagery has a lot to do with this silent response. Nobody watches social media to find the babbling bozos of their dreams. Bear in mind also that these corporate guys also can’t read their own marketing figures.

Check out this Top Social Media Marketing Skills article, complete with an embarrassingly edited headline. Then see if you can say you’ve noticed any of those skills on social media. This is the image social media has of itself. “Pathetic” is hardly the word.

It becomes this in business terms:

“We spent $10 million on a social media marketing campaign” translates into a few extra sales worth maybe $1 million. They don’t see it and don’t look for it. There are obviously no business skills involved at any level.

TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook are the mainstream market. They’re shopfronts as much or more than social media. They deliver consumables, not information There’s a huge difference. These are the lands of FOMO and the rest of the superficial rubbish on social media.

YouTube is a bit different. It provides content people like, and those people tend to be niche markets. The quality of content varies from undeniably excellent to utter trash. The audience soon learns to discriminate. That’s pretty much the whole story.

I was watching a live CNN coverage of the LA fires. The chat was entirely political, and nobody bothered to respond. There were posts celebrating the fires from around the world.


Useful information?

Hardly. It was a soapbox based on a catastrophe. Do you think that sells or influences anyone? It doesn’t. It wasn’t even a new platform for the nuts; it had nothing to say and went on saying it for the entire CNN coverage.

That’s the dry rot destroying social media. You can’t “engage” with this drivel. It has no value. It’s just noise.

That’s where social media becomes its own worst and most unforgiving enemy. Nobody’s interested in non-information.

The lack of hard or even slightly useful information just isn’t good enough anymore. You can find drivel anywhere; why go looking for it?

There’s a major productivity issue here. Yes, you are allowed to laugh like an enthusiastic hyena.

How productive can this slop be for anyone?

Now add another dimension – Real users who want to communicate with each other. Remember them? Your actual core users who keep your numbers up?

These users can take or leave anything, however insane, and they do. They can ignore anything and be unimpressed by anything. You guys should be thankful you can even point to a meaningful market demographic like that.

The refugees from X and the resulting meltdown are a warning. The advertisers didn’t like it. They left The real users didn’t like it. They left. That’s what non-delivery means for social media.

Nobody HAS to watch anything online.

You’re a click away from oblivion.

The opinions expressed in this Op-Ed are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Digital Journal or its members.

‘Enough is enough’: Pakistan Journalist Asma Shirazi condemns harassment campaign against her
January 12, 2025 

Senior journalist Asma Shirazi on Sunday denounced a persistent harassment campaign targeting her and other female journalists, saying “enough is enough”, as prominent media figures endorsed a petition by the Digital Rights Foundation (DRF) calling for an end to organised harassment by political parties.

The petition has so far been signed by over 60 figures in print, television, and digital media.

Speaking to, Shirazi said that political parties have executed targeted harassment campaigns against female journalists for some time now, stating that the petition by the DRF showed that these campaigns will no longer be tolerated.

“I have been made a target several times,” she said. “I’m made a subject of discussion to intimidate and threaten others.”

The journalist added that a “core committee member of a political party” carried out these campaigns through a channel on YouTube, using vulgar imagery of female journalists in his thumbnails.

“He is not separate from the party, nor has the party disassociated from him,” she said.

“He puts up pictures of women and uses vulgar thumbnails to earn dollars. Of course, there is great concern about this.”

Shirazi did not mention the party member by name, or the party he belongs to.

“There is great unrest among female journalists about one-sided propaganda spread on X and Facebook,” Shirazi said. “Harassment is commonplace, which is why I have challenged this issue. We need to highlight this and ask how long these one-sided campaigns will continue, even against male journalists.

“The DRF has taken up this initiative and this [stopping harassment] is its main focus. Enough is enough,” she said.

Earlier, Shirazi took to the X platform and denounced the targeted harassment. Responding to a post by the Coalition for Women in Journalism (CWJ), she wrote, “Women are always a soft target and have long been subjected to harassment, but we refuse to be silenced.

“We stand unwaveringly for truth and will continue to speak out, no matter the cost,” she said.

‘Gendered disinformation campaign’

Meanwhile, in a press release issued on Friday, the Network of Women Journalists for Digital Rights (NWJDR) strongly condemned what it termed a “gendered disinformation campaign” against Shirazi.

According to the release, Shirazi was targeted by “prominent political party supporters and political commentators and bloggers”.

The party was not mentioned by name.

“The harassment and vile comments against Asma Shirazi are baseless and hinge upon character assassination by online trolls and political commentators with huge followings,” the statement read.

“We urge political parties to take disciplinary action against those involved in the targeting of female journalists and to formally dissociate from the actions of these trolls.”

Citing a report by the DRF, the press release stated that female journalists were also targeted while covering the General Elections in February.

“These journalists became vulnerable to online threats of physical assaults, organised trolling campaigns and gendered insults,” the NWJDR said, quoting the report.

Furthermore, the press release cited a study conducted by the International Centre for Journalists (ICFJ) which found that Facebook and X were named as the least safe platforms by female journalists.

“The research further revealed that nearly 73 per cent of women journalists experience online violence,” the press release read.

“The continuation of such targeted campaigns not only places individual journalists’ lives at risk but also shrinks space for freedom of expression and press freedom as a whole.

“These targeted disinformation and harassment campaigns cannot become the norm. Every time female journalists face gendered harassment, NWJDR will continue to raise its voice and assist survivors in finding avenues to justice,” it said.

Prior targeted campaigns

The NWJDR mentioned that Shirazi was involved in a two-year-long case in the Islamabad High Court against television channel ARY News and the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) in 2021.

Though she won the case, NWJDR stated that the case “involved a fabricated news story undermining her [Shirazi’s] journalistic integrity”.

“I am extremely emotional and yet this decision has restored my faith in the justice system,” she said in a statement after the verdict was issued in 2023. “This is a landmark decision not only for me but for all journalists who faced intimidation and harassment online and on mainstream media.”

In 2021, Shirazi was also targeted by the then-PTI government in a “government-backed troll campaign”, according to a statement from the CWJ.

“The ruling party’s Twitter (now X) handle attempted to discredit and align Asma and accused her of ‘obedience’ to a ‘certified chor (thief) and absconder’,” the statement read, condemning the actions.

Shirazi also signed a 2020 CWJ statement against the harassment and digital abuse of women in the profession, which noted that journalists are targeted for either criticising a party policy or differing on a party’s stance on a given issue.
‘Education apartheid’: schooling in crisis in Pakistan

January 12, 2025 

This photo taken on November 13, 2024 shows students attending a class at the non-profit Roshan Pakistan Foundation school, in Abdullah Goth village on the outskirts of Karachi. Pakistan is facing a severe education crisis with more than 26 million children out of school, the majority in rural areas, according to official government figures – one of the highest rates in the world. — AFP

KARACHI: Aneesa Haroon drops off her tattered school bag at her rural home in Pakistan and hurriedly grabs lunch before joining her father in the fields to pick vegetables.

The 11-year-old’s entry into school at the age of seven was a negotiation between teachers and her parents in her farming village on the outskirts of Karachi.

“Initially, many parents were not in favour of educating their children,” headteacher Rukhsar Amna told AFP.

“Some children were working in the fields, and their income was considered more valuable than education.”

Country’s dream of universal literacy hampered by poverty, poor resources, climate change, militancy

Pakistan is facing a severe education crisis, with more than 26 million children out of school, the majority in rural areas, according to official government figures — one of the highest rates in the world.

Pakistan is hosting a two-day international summit to advocate for girls’ education in Muslim countries, attended by Nobel Peace laureate and education activist Malala Yousafzai.

In Pakistan, poverty is the biggest factor keeping children out of classrooms, but the problem is worsened by inadequate infrastructure and underqualified teachers, cultural barriers and the impacts of climate change-fuelled extreme weather.

In the village of Abdullah Goth on the outskirts of Karachi, the non-profit Roshan Pakistan Foundation school is the first in decades to cater to the population of over 2,500 people.

“There was no school here for generations. This is the first time parents, the community and children have realised the importance of a school,” said Humaira Bachal, a 36-year-old education advocate from the public and privately funded foundation.

‘Education apartheid’

Public schools funded by the government offer free education but struggle with limited resources and overcrowding, creating a huge market for private schools whose costs can start from a few dollars a month.

In a parallel system, thousands of madrassas provide Islamic education to children from the poorest families, as well as free meals and housing, but often fail to prepare students for the modern world.

“In a way, we are experiencing an education apartheid,” said Adil Najam, an international relations professor at Boston University who has researched Pakistan’s education system.

“We have at least 10 different systems, and you can buy whatever quality of education you want, from absolutely abysmal to absolutely world-class.

Even young student Aneesa, who has set her mind on becoming a doctor after health professionals visited her school, recognises the divide with city kids. “They don’t work in field labour like we do.”

‘Education emergency’

In the small market of Abdullah Goth, dozens of children can be seen ducking in and out of street-side cafes serving truck drivers or stacking fruit in market stalls.

Muhammad Hanif, the 24-year-old owner of the workshop, does not support the idea of education and has not sent his own children to school.

“What’s the point of studying if after 10 to 12 years, we still end up struggling for basic needs, wasting time and finding no way out?” he told AFP.

Najam, the professor, said that low-quality education was contributing to the rise in out-of-school children.

Parents, realising their children cannot compete for jobs with those who attended better schools, instead prefer to teach them labour skills.

“As big a crisis as children being out of school is the quality of the education in schools,” said Najam.

Education in Pakistan is also increasingly impacted by climate change. Frequent school closures are announced due to heavy smog, heatwaves and floods.

In Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtu­nkhwa, education faces significant setbacks due to ongoing militancy, while classes are routinely disrupted in the capital, Islamabad, due to political chaos.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif declared an “education emergency” last year and said he would increase the education budget from 1.7pc of GDP to 4pc over the next five years.

Published in Dawn, January 12th, 2025
Malala says Taliban do not see women as human beings, created a system of ‘gender apartheid’

AFP | 
January 12, 2025 

Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai speaks during an international summit on ‘Girls’ Education in Muslim Communities’, in Islamabad on January 12, 2025. Yousafzai, a Pakistani education activist urged Muslim leaders on January 12, not to “legitimise” the Afghan Taliban government and to “show true leadership” by opposing their curbs on women and girls’ education. — AFP

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai on Sunday said that the Taliban did not see women as “human beings” and had created a system of “gender apartheid” by cloaking their crimes in cultural and religious justification.

Since sweeping back to power in 2021, the Taliban government has imposed an austere version of Islamic law that the United Nations has labelled “gender apartheid”.

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Their curbs have shut women and girls out of secondary school and university education, as well as many government jobs, and seen them sequestered out of many aspects of public life.

While speaking at a summit on girls’ education in Muslim nations being held in Islamabad, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate said the women living under the Taliban system were in a “gender apartheid”.

“The Taliban punish women and girls who dare to break their obscure laws by beating them up, detaining them and harming them,” 27-year-old Yousafzai said.

“Simply put, the Taliban do not see women as human beings,” Yousafzai told the conference. “They cloak their crimes in cultural and religious justification.”

The two-day conference has brought together ministers and education officials from dozens of Muslim-majority countries, backed by the Muslim World League.

Delegates from Afghanistan’s Taliban government did not attend the event despite being invited, Pakistan Education Minister Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui told AFP on Saturday.

Malala said that nothing was Islamic about the policies of the Afghan government and they were “against everything our faith stands for”.

“They are violations of human rights, and no cultural or religious excuse can justify them,” Yousafzai said.

She urged Muslim leaders not to “legitimise” the Afghan Taliban government and to “show true leadership” by opposing their curbs on women and girls’ education.

The Nobel laureate called on the leaders at the conference to recognise the Taliban regime as “perpetrators of gender apartheid.”

“So, let’s not legitimise them. Do not make compromises on our faith,” she said.

She urged them to support the Crime Against Humanity treaty and push their governments to engage in the process.

“It is time we have real tools to prevent an extremist regime from systematically erasing women and girls,” Yousufzai said.

“The path forward for Afghanistan lies in political solutions instead of military force.”

She said that 12 million Pakistani girls were out of school — one of the highest numbers in the world.

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“I’m glad that this conference is taking place here in Pakistan, because there is still a tremendous amount of work that is ahead of us, so that every Pakistani girl can have access to her education,” she said.

“As Muslim leaders, now is the time to raise your voices, use your power. You can show true leadership. You can show true Islam,” she said.

“While we celebrate our rich [Islamic] history, we must also turn our attention to the present and the urgent crisis of millions of girls who cannot go to school,” she said.

“This is not just happening in small, far-flung communities[…] this is the lived reality of more than 120m girls globally.”

She added that the Muslim World League should begin by recognising the crisis which was holding economies back by hundreds of billions in lost growth.

“If we do not tackle this crisis […] we will fail to live up to Islam’s fundamental values of seeking knowledge,” she said.

“In Afghanistan, an entire generation of girls is being robbed of their future,” she said.

“The Taliban have ripped away the right to learn from every Afghan girl […] they want to eliminate women and girls from every aspect of public life and erase them from society,” Yousufzai said.

Yousafzai was shot in the face by the Pakistani Taliban when she was a 15-year-old schoolgirl in 2012, amid her campaigning for female education rights.

Her activism earned her the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, and she has since become a global advocate for women’s and girls’ education rights.

While there is an outcry in much of the international community over the Taliban government curbs, nations are divided over how to engage with Kabul’s rulers on the issue.

Some countries argue they should be frozen out of the diplomatic community until they backtrack, while others prefer engagement to coax them into a U-turn.

No country has officially recognised the Taliban authorities, but several regional governments have engaged on the topics of trade and security.

Education activist Malala returns to a region in crisis

January 12, 2025

Malala Yousafzai has made only a handful of public visits to Pakistan since her evacuation to Britain after being shot in the head by a Pakistan Taliban militant - Copyright AFP Aamir QURESHI

Zain Zaman Janjua and Emma Clark

Twelve years after she was evacuated out of Pakistan as a badly wounded schoolgirl, Malala Yousafzai has returned to her home country at a critical time for girls’ education.

“For her, it is a homecoming to a region that shaped who she is today, but also a reminder of the work still left unfinished,” Yousafzai’s friend and fellow rights activist Nighat Dad told AFP.

Millions more families are living in poverty while more than a third of children are still out of school, as the cash-strapped state grapples with cycles of political chaos and resurging militancy.

In neighbouring Afghanistan, the Taliban have returned to power and imposed an austere interpretation of Islamic law that includes banning girls from studying at secondary school and university.

This weekend, 27-year-old Yousafzai was the guest of honour at a global summit on girls’ education in Islamic nations hosted by Islamabad, where she called on leaders to stand up for Muslim girls.

“Her presence in Pakistan during such a time is a message to those in power: the fight for education cannot be silenced, whether it’s in the Swat Valley or across the border in Afghanistan,” Dad added.

In 2012 at the age of 15, Yousafzai was shot in the head while on her way home from school by a Pakistan Taliban militant incensed by an education blog she wrote.

At the time, an insurgency against the government had spread to her remote, picturesque Swat Valley and militants had ordered girls to stay home.

Across the frontier, the war raged between NATO forces and the Afghan Taliban, a separate but closely linked group from the Pakistan Taliban which flourished in the border regions.

– ‘Malala is a paradox’ –

Always flanked by heavy security, Yousafzai has made only a handful of public visits to Pakistan since her evacuation to Britain, where she made a remarkable recovery and went on to become the youngest Nobel Prize winner at the age of 17.

Since then she has frequently shared the world stage with international leaders.

But Pakistan’s relationship with her is complicated: a symbol of resilience and pride to some, and a stooge of the West to others, in a country where Islam is perceived as under threat by creeping Western values.

Sanam Maher, an author who has written about high-profile Pakistani women, told AFP that Yousafzai is a “contentious figure”.

“There’s a perception of her being ‘handled’ or ‘managed’, which creates distrust”, she said.

“There are many who criticise Malala for her absence in Pakistan,” she added. “They are indifferent to her commitment.”

Still, Yousafzai retains star power in Pakistan, especially among young girls.

“Malala is an icon and a powerful voice for girls’ education. She has faced violence, hatred, and criticism simply for advocating for girls’ education,” said Hadia Sajid, a 22-year-old media student who attended Yousafzai’s closing speech in Islamabad.

“It’s disheartening that things remain largely unchanged since she left, but there has been marginal improvement, largely due to the impact of social media — it’s more difficult to hold back girls from their rights.”

Yousafzai founded the Malala Fund with her father, once a teacher in the Swat Valley who pushed against societal norms to champion his daughter’s education.

The charity has invested millions of dollars in tackling the plight of 120 million girls out of school across the world.

“Pakistan is where I began my journey and where my heart will always be,” Yousafzai said in her speech on Sunday.

But in her native country the projects she backs in rural areas are rarely publicised.

“I still think Malala is a paradox in Pakistan,” said Dad.

“While her global achievements are undeniable, officials and the public remain divided, caught between admiration and mistrust. Yet Malala’s impact transcends these perceptions,” Dad told AFP.


Eight of 17 abducted mining project workers recovered in Lakki Marwat: police
Published January 9, 2025

Police have rescued eight of 17 workers, associated with a mining project, who were abducted at gunpoint in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Lakki Marwat district on Thursday morning, officials said.

Speaking to, district police spokesperson Shahid Marwat said, “Around 9am on Thursday, 17 workers, including a driver, involved in a mining project were travelling in a minibus when they were stopped and taken away at gunpoint by some men on Dara Tang Road in Lakki Marwat.

“Eight of the abducted workers have been recovered, of which three sustained minor injuries,” he said.

The official added that an operation involving police and security officials was underway in the district to recover the remaining workers.

Speaking to on the condition of anonymity, a District Headquarters Hospital (DHQ) official confirmed that three of the recovered hostages sustained some injuries and were receiving treatment.

Meanwhile, local and international media outlets reported that the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the abductions.

Hours after the incident, some videos also appeared on social media platforms in which men, said to be the abducted workers, could be seen appealing to the government to accept the militants’ demands and get them released.

However, could not independently verify the authenticity of the videos.

Earlier in the day, police and the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) said they killed three militants belonging to the Teepu Gull group, a TTP affiliate, in a joint operation carried out in the Malang Adda area of the district.

Officials said that police received information about the presence of a dozen militants in the area, upon which an intelligence-based operation was planned.

“As soon as the raiding team took position, the militants opened fire,” officials said, adding that an intense exchange of fire took place between the raiding team and the militants.

The slain militants were identified as Shafeeq Nawaz, Muhammad Mujahid alias Jihadyar, and Fidaur Rehman alias Anas alias Gul, officials said.

Lakki Marwat has been a hotspot for terrorism and violence as far back as the early 2000s. The region experienced brief respite following security operations, but militancy has once again arisen over the last few years.

Attacks escalated ever since the TTP broke a ceasefire agreement with the government in 2022 and vowed to target police and security forces.

Earlier this week, two police officials were martyred after unidentified gunmen targeted them in the Jabukhel area of the district. Both policemen were killed on the spot and the terrorists managed to escape on a motorcycle.

In a retaliatory operation, one terrorist commander was gunned down by the law enforcers and villagers.


Forever Chemicals Found in U.S. Tap Water

  • "Forever chemicals" are a group of man-made substances that persist in the environment and accumulate in living organisms.

  • Recent studies have found high levels of PFAS in drinking water and even in food across the globe.

  • These findings raise serious concerns about the potential health impacts of PFAS exposure and highlight the urgent need for stricter regulations and effective remediation strategies.

“Forever chemicals” or PFAS are widely used to enhance the performance of consumer products and industrial equipment. However, the lack of knowledge about the long-term impact of these chemicals is cause for concern. Recent studies have found these chemicals in food and drinking water in several parts of the world, suggesting there is a need for a greater understanding of the potential impact of PFAS to see if they can continue to be widely used in products or whether we should be looking for alternative options. 

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances or PFAS are a group of chemicals that have been used in manufacturing and added to products for over half a century. PFAS allow grease and dirt to slide off fabrics, protect manufacturing equipment from rust, and have several other performance-boosting qualities. Because of the wide range of applications and their performance enhancement, PFAS have become extremely popular, however, the downside is that they take hundreds of thousands of years to degrade. 

There are three main varieties of forever chemicals: fluorosurfactants – soapy molecules used in industry; fluoropolymers – long, plastic-like chains of carbon and fluorine, used many in consumer products such as Teflon; and fluorocarbons – small-molecule gases or liquids, used in refrigerators and air-conditioning systems. 

These chemicals can accumulate in landfills and other sites where waste products using PFAS are discarded and can accumulate in the tissues of living things, such as humans and animals. They have been linked to health issues including high cholesterol, lower immunity, and cancer, but they have been largely understudied to date, meaning little is known about the potential impact of different PFAs.

According to a report published this month, “forever chemicals” have been found in the drinking water of millions across the U.S. A team of researchers from Harvard and New York University analyzed wastewater samples across the country and found high concentrations of PSAS, many of which continue to be unregulated. The report found that many wastewater treatment facilities do not effectively remove PSAS from wastewater and in some cases “forever chemicals” were more concentrated after treatment. 

Bridger Ruyle, assistant professor of environmental engineering at New York University, who led the study, said that around 50 percent of U.S. drinking water supplies are downstream of one or more wastewater sites. The study showed that PFAS from wastewater were likely to be contaminating the drinking water of up to 23 million people across the country. The group suggested that based on the results of the research, the use of PFAS should be curbed.  

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) PFAS Strategic Roadmap 2021-2024 strives to reduce the use of PFAS at the source through stricter regulation, as well as clean up the downstream impacts of PFAS pollution. In April last year, the Biden-Harris Administration finalized the first national drinking water standard to protect communities from exposure to PFAS. The move was supposed by $1 billion in funding from Biden’s Investing in America Agenda and is expected to help reduce PFAS exposure for approximately 100 million people, which could prevent thousands of deaths, and reduce tens of thousands of serious illnesses, according to the Biden Administration. 

EPA Administrator Michael Regan stated, “Drinking water contaminated with PFAS has plagued communities across this country for too long…  That is why President Biden has made tackling PFAS a top priority, investing historic resources to address these harmful chemicals and protect communities nationwide. Our PFAS Strategic Roadmap marshals the full breadth of EPA’s authority and resources to protect people from these harmful forever chemicals. Today, I am proud to finalize this critical piece of our Roadmap, and in doing so, save thousands of lives and help ensure our children grow up healthier.”  

 “Forever chemicals” have also been found in food and drink in several countries around the globe, as researchers begin to study the impact of PFAS further. In 2024, a study carried out in the U.K., which took samples from 3,000 pregnant mothers, showed that people consuming more white rice, coffee, eggs, and seafood typically had more PFAS in their plasma and breast milk. 

Megan Romano, the lead author of the study, stated, “The results definitely point toward the need for environmental stewardship, and keeping PFAS out of the environment and food chain.” Romano added, “Now we’re in a situation where they’re everywhere and are going to stick around even if we do aggressive remediation.


So ong as PFAS continue to be used in a wide range of consumer gods, they will be transferred to humans and animals. Due to a lack of research into the impact of “forever chemicals” on humans, the full effect of PFAS on health and the environment is still uncertain, although studies over several decades suggest they can be detrimental to both. Greater regulation on both the use of PFAS in industry and consumer products, as well as on the effective removal of PSAS wastewater treatment facilities, could help reduce their presence.

By Felicity Bradstock for

Wildfires and Tariffs: California Construction Faces Double Threat

By Metal Miner - Jan 11, 2025,

Trump's proposed tariffs on Chinese construction materials could increase project costs and lead to delays and shortages.

The Los Angeles wildfires have increased demand for construction materials and labor, potentially leading to labor shortages and rising costs.

Stricter building codes and fire-resistant construction material regulations may be imposed in the wake of the wildfires, further impacting the industry.

The Construction MMI (Monthly Metals Index) moved sideways, budging up by a slight 1.61%. Overall, 2024 ended with mild volatility. The construction industry didn’t have much reaction to the Fed’s Q4 round of interest rate drops, and the Fed has been hesitant to drop interest rates more significantly. Still, newfound volatility could come in 2025 if Trump pushes through his planned tariffs on Chinese steel, copper and other construction materials.

Along with this, the recent set of wildfires that erupted in the Los Angeles area are likely to impact construction initiatives across southern California.

Trump’s Proposed Tariffs on Chinese Construction Materials

President-elect Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on Chinese imports could significantly impact the U.S. construction industry. Trump’s current trade strategy involves a 60% tariff on Chinese imports, with potential increases to as much as 100% for specific items.

This policy would impacts a wide range of goods, including key construction materials like steel rebar and H-beam steel.

Potential Impact of Tariffs on the Construction Industry

Rising tariffs on Chinese steel products would likely increase the cost of these materials in the domestic market. This could result in higher expenses for contractors and developers, driving up overall project costs. According to Construction Dive, the situation is reminiscent of the 2018 tariffs, which caused domestic price hikes and supply chain challenges.

The construction industry’s dependence on imported materials also means that the tariffs could lead to delays and shortages, disrupting project schedules and budgets. Even if companies find alternative suppliers, it might not resolve these issues quickly enough. Overall, it will take time for global supply chains to adapt to the new trade rules.

Rising material costs typically add uncertainty to the construction market, prompting developers to delay or rethink projects due to budget pressures. This could end up hindering industry growth. Furthermore, fluctuating metal prices may complicate contract negotiations and long-term planning.

Impact of Los Angeles Wildfires on Construction Projects

The recent wildfires in the Los Angeles region have caused massive devastation after only 78 hours of burning. According to Reuters, the fires have destroyed countless residential and commercial structures, driving a significant increase in demand for reconstruction.

Post-wildfire rebuilding efforts will likely boost demand for construction materials, in southern California, particularly steel products. This increased demand, combined with the proposed tariffs, could drive up prices while putting additional pressure on supply chains.

Will Labor Shortages Derail Reconstruction Efforts?

The combined demand for new construction and rebuilding efforts could result in labor shortages across southern California. Skilled workers will be highly sought after, which could potentially lead to project delays and rising labor costs. Contractors may need to plan resource allocation carefully to handle multiple projects efficiently.

Following the wildfires, the state will likely impose stricter regulations on building codes and fire-resistant construction materials. These changes could affect material choices, influencing demand and prices for certain metal products.

By Jennifer Kary
Mali to get $1.2 billion from miners after talks

Bloomberg News | January 11, 2025

Mill at Barrick’s Loulo-Gounkoto mine in Mali. (Image courtesy of Randgold Resources)

Mali is set to get 750 billion CFA francs ($1.2 billion) from miners in the first quarter this year following an overhaul of its mining sector.

In late December, Mali had received 500 billion CFA francs following talks with mining companies, Finance Minister Alousseni Sanou said in speech to parliament.

The total amount is expected by March 31, Sanou told Mali’s National Transition Council — the legislative body, according to minutes from the late December meeting that was aired on public broadcaster ORTM late Friday.

Mali’s military leadership has taken a harsh stance against international miners with an extensive overhaul of the sector in recent years. It adopted a new mining code and ordered companies to pay millions of dollars in back taxes and dividends after an audit revealed a shortfall of 300 billion CFA francs to 600 billion CFA francs in state revenue.

Australia’s Resolute Mining Ltd. last year agreed to pay about $160 million to resolve a tax dispute after the government detained the gold producer’s chief executive in November. B2Gold Corp. and Allied Gold Corp. also announced in September fresh agreements that included settlement payments for their Fekola and Sadiola mines, respectively, as well as expansion projects.

Barrick Gold Corp. said this week it would be forced to halt mining in Mali if the government doesn’t stop disrupting its exports and operations. Mali says the company owes about $512 million in unpaid taxes and dividends, Reuters has reported. Barrick has said it rejects those claims. Four Barrick executives were detained for a second time in November after an agreement between the parties fell through.

Mali is also set to increase state revenue, according to Sanou, after the West African nation and domestic groups increased their stake in producing assets to 35% from 20% through the new mining code adopted in 2023. The code also allows Mali to receive 7.5% of sales if gold prices exceed $1,500 per ounce, he told council members.

(By Diakaridia Dembele and Katarina Höije)
US lobbied Greenland rare earths developer Tanbreez not to sell to China

Reuters | January 10, 2025 | 

Tanbreez Project orebody. (Image courtesy of Critical Metals.)

US and Danish officials lobbied the developer of Greenland’s largest rare earths deposit last year not to sell its project to Chinese-linked firms, its CEO told Reuters, adding it has been in regular talks with Washington as it reviews funding options to develop the island’s critical minerals.

The move underscores the long-running economic interest US officials have had in the Danish territory, well before US President-elect Donald Trump began musing in recent weeks about acquiring it.

Rare earths have strong magnetic properties that make them critical to high-tech industries ranging from electric vehicles to missile systems. Their necessity has given rise to intense competition between Chinese and Western interests to ease China’s near-total control of their extraction and processing.

Greg Barnes, CEO of privately held Tanbreez Mining, said US officials who visited the project in southern Greenland twice last year had repeatedly shared a message with the cash-strapped company: do not sell the large deposit to a Beijing-linked buyer.

The US State Department was not immediately available to comment. The White House did not respond to a request for comment. The Danish Foreign Ministry declined to comment.

Barnes ultimately sold Tanbreez to New York-based Critical Metals as part of a complex deal that will be complete later this year. Tanbreez aims to mine 500,000 metric tons annually of the crimson rare earths-containing mineral eudialyte as soon as 2026.

“There was a lot of pressure not to sell to China,” Tony Sage, CEO of Critical Metals, told Reuters. Barnes accepted payment of $5 million cash and $211 million in Critical Metals stock for Tanbreez, far less than Chinese firms offered, Sage said.

Barnes said offers from Chinese and other parties were not relevant because they had not clearly outlined how they could pay.

Neither executive disclosed which officials they met with or identified the Chinese companies that made offers.

US interests appear to be changing the game for rare earths projects that had previously not been seen as attractive investments, analysts said.

“While the size of the Tanbreez is significant, the grade and the mineralogy are nothing to be shouted about,” said David Merriman, research director at minerals consultancy Project Blue, which considers the chance of the project reaching commercial production as low, given its complex mineralogy.

The Tanbreez sale to Critical Metals shows that US officials have had more success in Greenland than they have in Africa, where they have been working to offset China’s grip on the mineral-rich central African copper belt.

“While Greenland is not for sale, it is open for business,” Dwayne Menezes, head of London-based think tank Polar Research and Policy Initiative. “It would welcome greater investment from the US.”

A rival Greenland rare earths project from Energy Transition Minerals – which counts China’s Shenghe as its largest shareholder – has stalled amid protracted legal disputes.
Washington talks

Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Jr., arrived in Nuuk on a private visit on Tuesday, a day after the president-elect reiterated his interest in taking control of the island. Denmark has repeatedly said Greenland, a self-governing part of its kingdom, is not for sale.

That visit came two months after a State Department official spent four days in the island’s capital in a push from the outgoing Biden administration to encourage Western mining investment there.

Critical Metals applied for funding to develop a rare earths processing facility from the US Department of Defense last year, but the review process has stalled ahead of Trump taking office on Jan. 20. Sage said he expects talks to resume after Trump’s inauguration and that Trump’s transition team has already contacted him.

“We’re already in discussions with the US to sell (rare earths) to the US and build the processing plant in the US,” he said.

Critical Metals’ third-largest investor is brokerage firm Cantor Fitzgerald, led by Howard Lutnick, who Trump nominated to run the US Commerce Department. Sage said he has never met or talked to Lutnick, but acknowledged Cantor’s investment is a positive for his company.

The Tanbreez deposit is about 30% heavy rare earths, which are used widely in defense applications. The site also contains gallium, which China imposed export restrictions on last year.

Critical Metals has held supply talks with defense contractor Lockheed Martin and has upcoming talks with RTX and Boeing, Sage said.

Lockheed said it continuously assesses the rare earth supply chain to ensure access to critical materials. RTX and Boeing did not respond to requests for comment.

GreenRoc has applied for an exploitation license to develop a Greenland graphite project and has held funding talks with US officials in the past year, CEO Stefan Bernstein told Reuters.

Neo Performance Materials and Anglo American are also exploring on the island.

(By Melanie Burton, Ernest Scheyder, Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen, Eric Onstad, Clara Denina, Divya Rajagopal, Daphne Psaledakis and Trevor Hunnicutt; Editing by Veronica Brown, Praveen Menon and Rod Nickel)

Trump’s threats to acquire Greenland 'a warning to China', says Meloni

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said Thursday she viewed US President-elect Donald Trump's threats to use military force to seize Greenland as a warning to foreign competitors, such as China, to keep their hands off key strategic concerns close to the US.

Issued on: 09/01/2025
Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni talking with US President-elect Donald Trump at his Mar-A-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida on January 4, 2025. © Filippo Attili, AFP

Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni said Thursday she didn’t believe US President-elect Donald Trump actually intends to use military force to seize control of Greenland or the Panama Canal, saying she read his comments more as a warning to China and other global players to keep their hands off such strategically important interests.

“I think we can exclude that the United States in the coming years will try to use force to annex territory that interests it,” said Meloni, who travelled last weekend to visit Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate.

She said Trump was simply flagging that he would not let key strategic concerns close to the United States fall under the sway of foreign competitors, such as China.

"My thinking is that these statements are ... a vigorous way to say the United States will not stand by while other major global players move into areas that are of strategic interest to the United States and, I would add, to the West," Meloni said.

She identified increased “Chinese protagonism” in the commercially important Panama Canal and resource-rich Greenland as being behind Trump's warning, and said she interpreted his words as part of a “long-distance debate between great powers".

Watch more  Is he serious? Allies wary as Trump threatens Greenland, Panama, Canada

Speaking in London on Thursday, UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy also said he did not believe Trump would seize Greenland.

Lammy said that while Trump’s unpredictability and “intensity of rhetoric” were part of his signature style, “we can be guided not entirely by the rhetoric and the language, but by (his) actions as president".

Trump alarmed many Western capitals this week when he refused to rule out using military or economic action to pursue an acquisition of the Panama Canal and Greenland, and also floated the idea of turning Canada into a US state.

Analysts say such rhetoric could embolden America’s enemies by suggesting the US is now OK with countries using force to redraw borders at a time when Russia is pressing forward with its invasion of Ukraine and China is threatening Taiwan, which it claims as its own territory.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot said Wednesday he did not believe the US would invade the vast Arctic island that has been part of Denmark for over 600 years.

"There is obviously no question that the European Union would let other nations of the world attack its sovereign borders, whoever they are," he told France Inter radio. "We are a strong continent."

Trump's comments further outlined an expansionist agenda, two weeks before he is sworn into office at the January 20 inauguration in Washington.

"If you're asking me whether I think the United States will invade Greenland, my answer is no. But have we entered into a period of time when it is survival of the fittest? Then my answer is yes," Barrot said.

He said the EU should not let itself be intimidated or be overly concerned, but should wake up and strengthen.

(FRANCE 24 with AP and Reuters)

Denmark 'open to dialogue' with US on Arctic amid Trump bid to take over territory

Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen has stated that Demark is 'open to dialogue' with the US on how the two countries can cooperate on the Arctic region, which includes the Danish-controlled Greenland. His statement comes after US President-elect Donald Trump sparked fears of military engagement in Greenland, which he says he wants the US to control – a claim that was soundly dismissed by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Issued on: 08/01/2025 - 

01:10Denmark's Foreign Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen comments on US President-elect Trump's latest statements about Denmark and Greenland, in Parliament, in Copenhagen, on January 8, 2025. © Liselotte Sabroe, AFP

Denmark is open to talks with the United States to safeguard US interests in the Arctic, after US President-elect Donald Trump refused to rule out military action to take Greenland, the country's foreign minister said Wednesday.

Trump, who takes office on January 20, set off new alarm on Tuesday when he refused to rule out military intervention over the Panama Canal and Greenland, both of which he has said he wants the United States to control.

Trump's comments came as his son Donald Trump Jr. made a private visit to the Arctic island that is an autonomous Danish territory.

Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen told reporters that the Danish Realm – which includes Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands – is "open to a dialogue with the Americans on how we can cooperate, possibly even more closely than we already do, to ensure that American ambitions are fulfilled".

Lokke Rasmussen noted that the United States and NATO had "legitimate" interests in the region because of international events.

"In conjunction with the melting of the Arctic and new shipping lanes opening up, we are unfortunately also seeing an increase in great power rivalry. We see a Russia that is arming itself. We see a China that is also starting to take an interest," the foreign minister said.

The top diplomat urged calm amid the new frenzy.

"I try to deal with the realities, and I think we should all do ourselves a favour by getting our heart rate down a bit," he said.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen told TV2 television on Tuesday she did not believe Trump's pursuit of Greenland would ever include military force.

"I don't have the fantasy to imagine that it'll ever get to that," she said, calling for cool heads to prevail.
Blinken dismisses Trump comments

Denmark's comments struck a noticibly more conciliatory tone than those from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who spoke in Paris on Wednesday.

"The idea expressed about Greenland is obviously not a good one," Blinken told reporters at a press conference in Paris with French Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot, adding that it was "obviously not going to happen".

(FRANCE 24 with AFP and Reuters)

Toxic traces of lead mining in Missouri are hard to erase

Bloomberg News | January 10, 2025

Credit: Doe Run Resources Corp.

To see the toxic legacy of lead mining in the US and understand the complicated task of cleaning it up, all one has to do is look at Richard Rankin’s backyard in Missouri.

The septic system of his home in Fenton was filled in more than 20 years ago with lead-contaminated soil from a site near a smelter, later threatening the son he adopted in 2014. His son, who was repeatedly tested for elevated lead levels in his blood, couldn’t play in the backyard and Rankin couldn’t sell the home until it was cleaned up.

But the Environmental Protection Agency didn’t start work to remove the lead until 2019. The EPA’s contractors botched the soil remediation and septic system replacement, forcing Rankin and his family to move to a temporary home in 2022. It was only last summer that the Rankins were able to return.

Once you’re notified of high lead levels, “you’re stuck,” said Rankin, who works in construction. “I am now obligated to disclose that if I try to sell my home.” For now, he’s relieved that he can host his large family when they visit, “because the house is wonderful, not because of what the EPA did.”

Rankin’s home is one of more than 8,400 residential properties in southeastern Missouri, some built atop mine waste, that have undergone EPA lead remediation. The agency has spent $127 million since 2020 on remediating mine waste and removing lead-contaminated soil from yards in the Superfund sites in southeast Missouri’s Old Lead Belt.

Under guidelines the Biden administration adopted a year ago, over 10,000 more properties qualify for the clean-up work, according to EPA Region 7 spokesman Kellen Ashford. Ashford said Rankin’s experience with remediation, which the homeowner called “a nightmare,” was an outlier.

Lead, which often remains in soil until it’s removed or washes away, is linked to lowered IQ, nervous system damage, learning disabilities and other developmental problems in children.

In adults it can cause high blood pressure, nerve and reproductive system disorders and other health problems. Lead is also toxic to migratory birds and aquatic species.

The EPA’s lead cleanup in Missouri continued through the first Trump administration, but it’s unclear how President-elect Donald Trump will approach it in his second term. Contamination in southeastern Missouri is likely to threaten residents for decades because of the time it will take to clear the land and water of lead. And the state’s few remaining lead mines are expanding to meet demand mainly from overseas.

The lead in Rankin’s yard is connected to a smelter in Herculaneum, Missouri. The smelter closed in 2013 after its owner, Doe Run Resources Corp., spent $65 million as part of a legal settlement with the Justice Department. Doe Run’s mining, milling, and smelting facilities racked up numerous air, water and hazardous waste management violations in southeastern Missouri.

Though modern lead mining practices are less toxic than those of the past, federal agencies have documented contamination near the state’s last active mines, harming birds and endangered species. But most of the contamination is in areas mining companies abandoned decades ago. The EPA over the last 33 years has designated seven Superfund sites in this area, some of them spanning entire counties.

“We have hundreds of miles of contaminated rivers,” with lead levels in sediment high enough to harm songbirds and aquatic species, including crayfish and endangered mussels, said Leslie Lueckenhoff, a US Fish and Wildlife Service biologist who focuses on the ecological damages of contamination. When rivers in the region flood, the lead-laden soil washes over yards, potentially poisoning children who live there.

Doe Run CEO Matthew Wohl said the company treats 30 million gallons of water a day that it discharges into local waterways, flushing out some of the existing pollution.

“We’re doing the best we can to make sure there’s the least amount of negative impact on the environment as possible,” Wohl said.
Where lead is part of daily life

Though the EPA says there’s no safe level of lead exposure for anyone, especially children, the threat to many Missourians is as normal and commonplace as the soil itself, and many seem resigned to it.

For example, St. Joe State Park, south of St. Louis, turned a mine waste pile into off-highway vehicle trails with signs warning visitors that they should avoid the area if they worry about lead exposure.

Old lead mine and mill tailings ponds, which are filled with submerged mine waste, have attracted residents interested in building a home near a “lake,” even though the lead exposure potential is high, Ashford said.

“You hear about it and accept it over time, right?” said Bob Menees, a staff attorney at the Great Rivers Environmental Law Center in St. Louis, who kayaks in several rivers flowing through the Old Lead Belt. “Literally that whole area is contaminated with lead.”

In many cases, the damage is permanent.

“It is technologically impracticable to clean up heavy metals contaminating groundwater aquifers,” said Robert Abney, environmental program supervisor for the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. “Residents of some localities are forced to dig their new wells into a deeper aquifer that is not contaminated, which makes these wells tougher to afford.”

Though lead contamination in the region is widespread and well documented, data gaps prevent health officials from showing exactly how it’s affecting human health in Missouri and beyond. Most states don’t require or even conduct comprehensive lead testing in children.

Though lead contamination in the region is widespread and well documented, data gaps prevent health officials from showing exactly how it’s affecting human health

Research from Gabe Filippelli, director of the Center for Urban Health at Indiana University — part of a citizen-lead project in which residents send him soil samples — shows that several cities across the US have extremely high lead levels in their soils, potentially threatening kids. Chicago leads the list with the highest, but no Missouri city or town is included in the study because nobody there sent him soil samples to analyze.

Most kids aren’t routinely tested for elevated blood lead levels, so existing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data — none of which is more recent than from 2021 — only reflect those who actually took a test. There is no data on adult lead exposure. The CDC didn’t respond to requests for comment.

“We don’t even test kids who are most at risk,” said Tom Neltner, an attorney and director of Unleaded Kids, a nonprofit group focused on lead removal. “We only test the youngest kids. We don’t test pregnant women. I don’t think the data’s going to be out there because we don’t look.”

Lead is even inside the guts of some homes in Missouri. Lead mine and mill waste was used as construction material in the town of Viburnum, which was built by St. Joe Minerals Corp., a company that became Doe Run in 1994.

“These mining and milling wastes often contain residual lead concentrations of concern to human health and the environment,” and the company is in the process of cleaning up properties where lead material was used for construction, Ashford said.

Local health officials in Missouri say their data suggest the local risk is high.

In Jefferson County, where Doe Run’s lead smelter contaminated yards in Herculaneum before it shut down, health officials say the risk of lead exposure is acute. Of the 191 kids under seven years old who were tested for lead in their blood in 2023, 111 had elevated levels, said Briane Zwiener, public information officer for the Jefferson County Health Department.

The EPA is planning to cap residual soil contamination with pavement and monitor contaminated groundwater in the area so the smelter site can be redeveloped. The agency expects to publish the proposed plan soon, Ashford said.

Contamination from today’s mining practices is much lower than from the older mines that shuttered because mine waste is stored in ponds, and dust control measures have prevented residue from spreading.

But lead’s toxic legacy lives on. Local health officials say their primary concern is mine workers bringing lead dust home on their clothes.

“They’re some of the best-paying jobs in the area,” said Zachary Moser, director of the Dent County Public Health Center in Salem, Missouri, where many mine workers live. But workers might not fully understand the dangers, Moser said.

A consent decree that the Justice Department obtained in September against oil giant BP America Inc. is a window into the industry’s ongoing ecological harms in the Viburnum Trend mining belt in the Ozarks southwest of St. Louis.

The decree ordered BP to pay about $877,000 plus interest to restore soils and streams around the Sweetwater Mine which were polluted decades ago by a lead mining company BP purchased in the 1980s, before Doe Run took over the mine. BP declined to comment.

It’s a relatively small fine for a multi-billion-dollar company, but the decree painted a stark picture of the damage: Lead discharges from Sweetwater harmed numerous animal species, polluted groundwater and contaminated “hundreds of acres” of soils in the area.

The Fish and Wildlife Service and other state and federal agencies in the area are restoring some of the ecological damage in the region, and the agency had expected to finalize plans to continue the restoration by the end of 2024, but a final plan has not been released. (Lee Zeldin, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to head the EPA, didn’t respond to requests for comment about his approach to lead regulation.)

The EPA considers many of the streams around the mines in the Viburnum Trend impaired. Inside, the mines gush with water, and Doe Run’s Wohl said the water flushed out of the corridors and then purified in the company’s water treatment plants is less polluted than the water naturally flowing into them.

But Doe Run’s environmental record has been challenged in court. The company faces legal action filed by more than 1,400 plaintiffs in Peru who claim that lead contamination from the company’s smelter there harmed their health.
A mine hires to meet demand

Doe Run posted “Now Hiring” signs at the Sweetwater Mine’s entrance this summer. It’s one of three Viburnum Trend mines that were approved for expansion by the Biden administration in 2023. All of the lead produced from the underground mines in the Viburnum Trend is exported to Asia and Europe for processing and is mainly used for large lead-acid batteries, some of which are used in Asian electric vehicles. The Battery Council International, a trade group, is promoting research on advanced lead-acid battery technology for use in electric vehicles and energy storage.

Wohl said he sees domestic demand for lead increasing alongside demand for electric vehicle batteries and batteries for utility-scale electricity storage for renewable energy. Doe Run is researching ways to return lead processing to the US through a more environmentally friendly method that it hopes to commercialize in the next few years if lead prices rise and if the company finds a way to process the cobalt and nickel that are byproducts of lead mining, he said.

In a scenario in which countries focus heavily on adopting electric vehicles, BloombergNEF projects that demand for lead for clean technologies would sharply increase through the rest of the decade before falling to nearly zero in the mid-2030s, according to an October transition metals report.

The US was the world’s third largest lead producer in 2023 behind China and Australia, producing an estimated 270,000 metric tons of lead, about the same as Mexico, according to US Geological Survey data. Lead production has been flat since 2019, and prices have trended flat for more than a decade.

While Doe Run is planning its future, its history of contamination throughout southeastern Missouri lives on for local residents like Rankin, whose lives have been upended by efforts to remediate polluted yards.

The long clean-up process forced him to pay for the maintenance of a house he couldn’t live in — expenses that the EPA would not reimburse — and prevented him from refinancing his home when mortgage rates were much lower.

Rankin said government agencies aren’t doing enough to prevent the spread of lead in Missouri. “Our biggest frustration here was the lack of respect and concern for our home, our property, and our lives in this process,” he said.

(By Bobby Magill)