Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Marine animals help solve ocean issues

Kobe University


“Biologging” refers to attaching sensors, cameras or other small devices to wild animals to study the environmental conditions the animals encounter. Researchers try to minimize the impact this has on the animals themselves.

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Credit: IWATA Takashi

Sensors attached to animals gather valuable data to track and mitigate the human influence on marine life. The Kobe University review paper emphasizes the importance of integrating data from various sources and advocates for an “Internet of Animals” based on open access and shared standards.

Humanity influences marine life through a broad range of activities, spanning from fishing and pollution to noise from boats, construction and mining. To enable a sustainable life together, we need to monitor the influence of our activities on marine life and use this data to establish effective policies. Kobe University animal ecologist IWATA Takashi says: “There is a wealth of oceanographic data from research vessels, drifting buoys and satellites. But due to technological and economic constraints, there are many observation gaps and some areas are inaccessible to humans, such as under sea ice or during harsh weather.” In addition, it is often difficult to understand the influence different factors have on individual animals, thus making the development of targeted policies difficult.

But if we want to know about the effects humans have on animals, who better to ask than the animals themselves? “Biologging,” which refers to attaching sensors, cameras or other small devices to wild animals, has traditionally been used to learn about their behavior and distribution, but more recently it has also become useful for studying the environmental conditions the animals encounter. Iwata explains, “We try to minimize the impact this has on the animals by keeping the overall weight of the devices to less than 3% of the animal’s body weight, or even less than 1% for larger animals, and many researchers keep developing smaller and smaller devices.”

In the journal Water Biology and Security, Iwata’s team now published a review summarizing the current state of biologging, describing what insights such data has provided so far. So have typhoon forecasts become more accurate, the difference in how turtle species react to plastic waste become evident, illegal fishing been exposed and offshore wind farms become more bird friendly. Iwata says: “This review showed that while biologging alone is insufficient, it can fill in the gaps in existing knowledge. It provides a new type of data that differs from the wide-area environmental information obtained from earth observation satellites and other sources to tackle a broad range of environmental issues.”

In their paper, Iwata and his coauthor write, “The full potential of biologging can only be realized thorough increased global collaboration and data sharing, enabling the integration of data across species, regions, and environmental contexts.” The goal they are working towards is the so-called “Internet of Animals,” which refers to the networked collection of biologging data from a broad range of animals and environments. The main challenges for this are global data availability and the compatibility of different recording standards, which is an area where the Japanese research team advocates for increased collaboration between researchers and data collection platforms.

“If we can promote the sharing of biologging data through this paper, I hope to not only recruit more researchers to this field but also to so open up new angles that we haven’t yet envisioned,” Iwata expresses his ultimate goal. He continues: “Researchers are not experts in social implementation, but in recent years, I have seen various issues being solved by sharing data in a data-driven society. It was an enjoyable task to think of ways to return the power of data to society.”

This research was conducted in collaboration with a researcher from Waseda University.

Kobe University is a national university with roots dating back to the Kobe Higher Commercial School founded in 1902. It is now one of Japan’s leading comprehensive research universities with nearly 16,000 students and nearly 1,700 faculty in 10 faculties and schools and 15 graduate schools. Combining the social and natural sciences to cultivate leaders with an interdisciplinary perspective, Kobe University creates knowledge and fosters innovation to address society’s challenges.

Iwata is working towards the so-called “Internet of Animals,” which refers to the networked collection of biologging data from a broad range of animals and environments. The main challenges for this are global data availability and the compatibility of different recording standards, which is an area where his team advocates for increased collaboration between researchers and data collection platforms.


IWATA Takashi

“This review showed that while biologging alone is insufficient, it can fill in the gaps in existing knowledge. It provides a new type of data that differs from the wide-area environmental information obtained from earth observation satellites and other sources to tackle a broad range of environmental issues,” says Iwata.


T. Iwata et al., Water Biology and Security 2005 (DOI: 10.1016/j.watbs.2025.100383)


Researchers optimize a method using seawater that produces mineral deposits while trapping carbon dioxide


The ocean can be harnessed to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, effectively storing it in water layers and acting as a carbon sink. In research published in Advanced Sustainable Systems, investigators optimized an electrochemical method called seawater splitting for trapping and sequestering carbon dioxide into stable solid mineral deposits. 

When applying voltage or current to seawater during seawater splitting, or electrolysis, hydrogen gas evolves at the cathode, while oxygen or chlorine gas is generated at the anode. Deposits of carbon-trapping minerals such as calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide—which have untapped potential as resources for construction, manufacturing, and environmental remediation—also form at or near the cathode.  
By varying the applied voltage, current density, and carbon dioxide injections, scientists optimized seawater splitting for the purpose of carbon dioxide sequestration. The method allows for maximal mineral yield with minimal energy use, offering a promising pathway to transform carbon dioxide into useful substances. 

“This work presents a scalable strategy to not only remove carbon dioxide from the environment but also upcycle it into useful solid materials for construction applications, creating a circular approach to carbon management,” said corresponding author Alessandro F. Rotta Loria, PhD, MSc, of Northwestern University. 

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 The information contained in this release is protected by copyright. Please include journal attribution in all coverage. For more information or to obtain a PDF of any study, please contact: Sara Henning-Stout,

About the Journal
Advanced Sustainable Systems, part of the prestigious Advanced portfolio, is an interdisciplinary sustainability science journal publishing significant research on the development of sustainable, more efficient, and less wasteful systems and technologies.

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Is the “honesty” of flowering plants to their pollinators genetic?


Flowers can produce showy displays that appeal to pollinating insects or animals, but some “cheat” by enticing pollinators but not rewarding them with nectar. Research in New Phytologist indicates that the tendency of flowers to be “honest” and reward pollinators with nectar is partly genetic, meaning that it can be passed down through generations. 

In the study, researchers investigated floral honesty in the Mexican endemic Turnera velutina (Passifloraceae), analyzing multiple genetically distinct plants (or clones). They found that honesty is heritable and that bees can discriminate among genotypes based on flower size and sugar content. Bees showed a preference for visiting more honest flower genotypes with higher sugar content, which in turn benefits the plant by increasing seed production. Therefore, floral honesty may evolve and be maintained through pollinator-mediated selection.  

"Intriguingly, most genotypes show some degree of floral dishonesty, implying that cheating plants may outnumber honest ones despite pollinator selection pressure," said corresponding author Sergio Ramos, PhD, from the University of Zurich, in Switzerland. "This paradox suggests that multiple evolutionary forces may be at play in sustaining floral dishonesty in natural populations, warranting further investigation." 

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Natural insect predators may serve as allies in spotted lanternfly battle

Penn State

spotted lanternfly predator 


A study conducted by Penn State entomologists evaluated the effectiveness of various insects in potentially controlling spotted lanternfly populations.

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Credit: Penn State

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Insect predators found in the United States could help keep spotted lanternfly populations in check while potentially reducing reliance on chemical control methods, according to a new study conducted by researchers at Penn State.

Led by entomologists in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences and published in Arthropod-Plant Interactions, the study evaluated the effectiveness of various insects in potentially controlling spotted lanternfly populations. The invasive pest, first detected in the United States in 2014, has spread across at least 18 states, causing significant damage to vineyards, orchards and nursery industries.

The study revealed that spined soldier bugs — a predatory stink bug native to North America known for preying on various agricultural pests — as well as Carolina and Chinese mantises were particularly effective in feeding upon spotted lanternflies. The findings suggest that conserving and promoting these natural predators could provide sustainable and strategic natural control against this destructive pest, the researchers said.

“Our study shows that several native and naturalized predators can consume spotted lanternflies effectively,” said lead researcher and doctoral candidate Anne Johnson, who conducted the study with Kelli Hoover, professor of entomology. “By leveraging natural enemies already in the environment, we hope to develop a sustainable, low-impact approach to managing this invasive species that will complement other control methods.”

Johnson noted that current management efforts rely heavily on insecticides, which pose risks of resistance development and unintended harm to beneficial organisms. Biological control, which relies on natural enemies to regulate pest populations, presents a more sustainable alternative for long-term spotted lanternfly management, she said.

In the spotted lanternfly’s native range of southeastern Asia, several predators, including parasitic wasps, keep the pest in check. However, importing and releasing new species to the U.S. as a control measure requires numerous environmental impact studies — currently underway by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and University researchers — and regulatory approval. Both can take years, Hoover said.

Other predator species, especially those in the U.S., could offer an extra control layer. However, the researchers wondered if the situation might be more complex than it seems.

“The spotted lanternfly’s ability to sequester toxins from its preferred host, the tree of heaven, raises concerns about its vulnerability to predators,” Johnson said. “We hypothesized that the spotted lanternfly might harness the tree’s bitter-tasting chemical compounds as a defense mechanism that could protect them against predation.”

Johnson and Hoover tested 10 generalist predators — spined soldier bugs, praying mantises, wheel bugs, lady beetles and lacewings. In the experiments, predators were placed in enclosures with either 25 lanternfly nymphs or 10 adults for up to one week.

Among the tested predators, the spined soldier bugs and two praying mantis species were the most effective at reducing lanternfly populations in controlled settings, regardless of the lanternflies’ life stage.

Eight-spined soldier bugs, which hunt and attack prey as a group, consistently consumed all lanternflies — regardless of life stage — within three to four days. Additionally, the scientists observed that the predators would consume spotted lanternflies regardless of whether they had fed on tree of heaven or alternative host plants.

“These findings are fascinating because they suggest that natural predators could be incorporated into integrated pest management strategies,” Johnson said. “By conserving and encouraging populations of these beneficial insects, we may be able to reduce the use of chemical controls.”

The study builds on earlier community science initiatives documenting native insects preying on spotted lanternflies. From 2020 to 2022, Johnson invited the public to share photos of birds and insects feeding on spotted lanternflies via Facebook. She received nearly 2,000 reports, giving scientists clues about which predators to evaluate.

While their research is promising, Hoover and Johnson stressed that this is not an end-all solution. They said the next leg of their research will involve field experiments to determine the efficacy of predators against spotted lanternflies in an open system without enclosures.

“While these insects could help keep spotted lanternfly populations in check someday, we recognize that their impact may be limited by consistent presence of sufficient prey and the use of insecticides that can also kill these generalist predators,” Hoover said. “Therefore, they should be considered part of a broader integrated pest management strategy rather than a standalone solution.”

Johnson said additional management options are outlined in Penn State Extension’s Spotted Lanternfly Management Guidewhich can be downloaded from the extension website.

Sara Hermann, Tombros Early Career Professor and assistant professor of arthropod ecology and trophic interactions at Penn State, collaborated on the research and co-authored the paper.

A U.S. Department of Agriculture McIntire-Stennis grant, a Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant, the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s Specialty Crop Research Initiative, and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture supported this research.


Scent-sational advancement in canine research!

Bar-Ilan University study reveals insights into dogs’ olfactory systems that could pave the way for new applications in law enforcement, healthcare, and rescue operations

Bar-Ilan University

A pioneering study investigating the brain activity of dogs during scent detection has unveiled crucial insights into their remarkable olfactory capabilities. Researchers at Bar-Ilan University have developed an optical sensor capable of remote sensing dogs’ brain activity in three key regions— the olfactory bulb, hippocampus, and amygdala— that play a critical role in how dogs distinguish between different smells. This breakthrough could lead to the development of a compact, non-invasive device capable of interpreting and translating a dog’s olfactory perceptions for human understanding.

In the study, scientists employed a cutting-edge detection structure system using laser technology and a high-resolution camera to capture brain activity in real-time from four dog breeds. These dogs were exposed to four distinct scent stimuli—garlic, menthol, alcohol, and marijuana. The data were then analyzed using a machine-learning algorithm revealing that the amygdala plays a significant role in scent differentiation, highlighting the emotional and memory-related aspects of odor processing.

"The findings show that the amygdala is crucial in the way dogs process and react to odors, with specific scents triggering distinct emotional and memory responses, and we are capable of optically detecting their brain activity in this region," said Prof. Zeev Zalevsky, from the Kofkin Faculty of Engineering at Bar-Ilan University. "This discovery could be the first step toward creating a device that enables us to better understand and interpret the unique way dogs perceive and differentiate smells."

The study introduces an innovative method of brain activity analysis through laser-based speckle pattern detection, a remote, non-invasive technique that has never been applied to canine brain activity. Unlike traditional methods such as fMRI or EEG, this approach allows researchers to observe brain responses without requiring the dog to be sedated or confined to bulky equipment. This opens up new possibilities for studying dogs in real-world environments, making the technique both affordable and accessible for further research.

Dogs have long been celebrated for their exceptional sense of smell, and this research further illuminates the advanced processes that occur in their brains when detecting odors. With an olfactory system far more developed than humans, dogs can detect a broader range of odors, with specialized receptors in their noses that allow them to process and distinguish even the faintest scents. This new research offers a glimpse into the intricate workings of the canine brain as it processes different smells, presenting a promising avenue for future applications in areas such as drug detection, medical diagnostics, and search-and-rescue missions.

"Our next step is to develop a portable, Wi-Fi-controlled device equipped with a mini camera and laser system, which could be mounted on a dog’s head and used to monitor its olfactory responses in real time," said Dr. Yafim Beiderman from Prof. Zalevsky’s Optical Research Lab at Bar-Ilan University. "This could significantly enhance the way dogs are used in scent detection, from detecting illegal substances to diagnosing diseases in humans, all while deepening our understanding of how they perceive the world around them. More importantly, this real-time sensing could bypass the need to train dogs to utilize their scent abilities."

The implications of this research could also revolutionize the way dogs are utilized in law enforcement, healthcare, and beyond. As dogs continue to be invaluable partners in scent detection, this device could provide a means of translating their highly specialized abilities into data that is useful for humans, fostering a stronger connection between the two species.

This study was recently published in the Journal of Biophotonics.