Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Adoption of international auditing standards leads to better financial reporting

Enforcement, degree of convergence deepen positive impact, research finds

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management

Prof. Ole-Kristian Hope 


Ole-Kristian Hope is the Deloitte Professor of Accounting at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. He teaches Commerce, MBA, and PhD courses in accounting. He has broad research interests in financial disclosure, financial reporting quality, corporate governance, analysts, valuation, auditing, private firms, corporate finance, and international business issues. He has published extensively in the leading academic journals of his field. He has been awarded the Haim Falk Award for Distinguished Contribution to Accounting Thought, the American Accounting Association Best Dissertation Supervision Award (twice), the American Accounting Association Outstanding International Educator Award, the American Accounting Association Best Paper Award, and the American Accounting Association Outstanding International Dissertation Award, as well as several other awards. He has supervised a number of PhD students who are now teaching at top business schools. He is founder and organizer of the annual Scandinavian Accounting Research Conference and Doctoral Consortium. Prof. Hope’s research findings are regularly cited by leading media outlets (e.g., The Economist, Financial Times, and Wall Street Journal) and he regularly presents his research at workshops, conferences, and consortia around the world.

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Credit: Rotman School of Management

Toronto - Despite a very uncertain economic climate, investors can at least feel confident that audited financial reports are more reliable thanks to the spread of international standards.

New research led by a researcher at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management shows that the quality of financial audits increasing in countries which have adopted the International Standards on Auditing, or ISA, issued through the International Federation of Accountants, the accounting profession’s worldwide body.

“We show improvement in audit quality, on average,” said researcher Ole-Kristian Hope, the Deloitte Professor of Accounting at the Rotman School. However, “our findings also show that the effectiveness of the standards also depends in part on the enforcement.”

The ISA are developed out of best practices from around the world, are based on principles versus strict rules and were first issued as standards in 1991.

Since then and in line with the movement towards economic globalization, a growing list of countries and jurisdictions, more than 160, have voluntarily adopted the ISA either partially or fully into their own domestic practices and regulations. Canada has fully adopted the standards while the U.S. has partially integrated them. Nevertheless, there has not been much large-scale research into whether ISA has accomplished the goal of superior audit quality so that investors and anyone else interested in a company’s financial statements have high confidence that they are getting relevant and reliable information.

Prof. Hope and a team of three other researchers painstakingly hand-coded and analyzed data from 41 countries that had integrated ISA into their own auditing standards somewhere between 2001 and 2018. The fact that the countries did not all adopt ISA at the same time helped with comparisons.

ISA adoption had the most pronounced effect among domestic or smaller auditors. That may be because they had the most to gain from international accounting standards, compared to big global auditing companies that tend to have more stringent auditing practices, even sometimes going beyond ISA standards, due to their size, resources and reach.

The ISA also had a bigger impact in countries with stronger enforcement of auditing standards and where ISA had been more fully integrated into domestic practices, such as by making them mandatory.

To measure audit quality, the researchers primarily focused on the value of discretionary accruals, an accounting practice that allows for adjustment of earnings statements. The lower the value of discretionary accruals, the higher the rating of audit quality. While discretionary accruals can be used legitimately, such as to claim estimated earnings that have not yet been paid, they can also be misused and manipulated, making it hard to gauge a company’s financial health. The study found consistent results with alternative proxies for audit quality.

An exploratory machine learning analysis suggested that ISA enhances audit quality because of the standards’ focus on a company’s viability, compliance with legal requirements, fraud risk, its internal controls system, and related-party transaction.

Prof. Hope’s research was co-authored with Cyndia Wang of the University of British Columbia, Yaqian Wu of Nanjing Agricultural University and Min Zhang of Renmin University of China. The study appears in The Accounting Review.

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For more information:

Ken McGuffin

Manager, Media Relations

Rotman School of Management

University of Toronto


Whose air quality are we monitoring?

U.S. EPA air quality monitors are disproportionally located in predominately white neighborhoods, leaving marginalized communities at risk of pollution exposure

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Regulatory Air Quality Monitor Locations in the US

University of Utah

EPA monitor coverage map 


Environmental Protection Agency regulator monitor map by pollutant. The colors represent the area covered by each monitor.

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Credit: Kelly et. al. (2024) JAMA Netw Open

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) air quality monitors are disproportionally located in predominately white neighborhoods, according to University of Utah research. The EPA’s network consistently failed to capture air quality in communities of color across six major pollutants, particularly lead and sulfur dioxide, followed by ozone and carbon monoxide.

EPA regulatory monitors are the key data source driving decisions about pollution reduction, urban planning and public health initiatives. Without equal monitor distribution, the data may misrepresent pollution concentrations, leaving marginalized groups at risk. 

“It’s the question behind the question. Researchers, policymakers, we all use air quality data, but whose air is it measuring?” said Brenna Kelly, doctoral student at the U and lead author of the study. “Even though this data is of really high quality, that doesn’t mean that it’s high quality for everyone.”

Research has shown that marginalized communities have the highest rates of exposure to air pollution, but the studies assumed that the data represented all neighborhoods equally. This study is the first to assess disparities in the monitors themselves for all U.S. Census groups, on a neighborhood scale. While disparities existed for all non-white groups, the largest were for Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, followed by American Indian and Alaska Native populations.

Air quality research and analysis often require artificial intelligence (AI) tools to process the massive volumes of data. While bias in AI algorithms is well-known, the study exemplifies another ethical issue for big-data users—the chance that the datasets themselves are inherently biased.

“If there was a disparity for just one type of monitor, it could conceivably be accidental or just poor design,” said coauthor Simon Brewer, associate professor of geography and executive committee member of the U’s ONE-U Responsible AI Initiative. “The fact that it's a consistent pattern across all pollutants suggests that the decision-making process needs to be looked at carefully—these monitors are not being distributed equitably.”

The study was published in journal JAMA Network Open on Dec. 4, 2024.

Air quality is hyperlocal and can change dramatically from street to street. The authors mapped monitor locations and neighborhood demographics to the census-block level, one of the U.S. Census Bureau’s smallest units for residential patterns. Using the EPA Air Quality System Regulatory Monitoring Repository, they identified monitors for six major air pollutants dangerous to human health—lead, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter. They used the 2022 American Community Survey Census to estimate the racial and ethnic composition for every census-block in the country. Adjusting for population size, the researchers found systemic monitoring disparities for each criteria pollutant. Relative to the white non-Hispanic population, all groups were associated with fewer lead, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter monitors. 

Kelly got curious about the EPA’s air quality monitoring network while pursuing her doctoral research in population health sciences, focusing on the risks of air pollution exposure to pregnant people. Epidemiology research identifies the factors that contribute to diseases within a population. Until now, there’s been an underlying assumption that the data represents air quality problems everywhere equally, she explained. 

“It's not just that we're missing one pollutant type for one group, it's that we understand less about everything for all these groups. That's concerning,” Kelly said. “If I want to relate air pollution exposure to a disease, I need to measure it well. If I have a better understanding of air quality for one group of people, that’s going to produce biased results.”

Air quality and population health are just two of many fields grappling with the challenges of using big data and AI responsibly. The One-U Responsible AI Initiative is the U’s recent effort to bring together experts to develop best practices.

“This study is particularly relevant in an increasingly data-driven society. One of the goals of the Responsible AI Initiative is to study the fair application of artificial intelligence methods,” Brewer said. “Our results suggest that biases in the data may be as important to consider as any algorithmic bias.”

Other authors include University of Utah researchers Tracy Onega of Population Health Sciences, Thomas Cova of the School of Environment, Society and Sustainability and Michelle Debbink of the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Odds of monitor coverage for each group compared to the reference group.


Kelly et. al. (2024) JAMA Netw Open


Only around 1 in 10 common non-surgical and non-invasive treatments for back pain effective

And pain relief only marginally better than placebo, pooled data analysis shows

BMJ Group

Only around 1 in 10 common non-surgical and non-invasive treatments for lower back pain is effective, suggests a pooled data analysis of the available research, published online in BMJ Evidence Based Medicine.

And the pain relief they offer is only marginally better than that achieved with a placebo, the findings indicate.

Low back pain is common and debilitating, and 80%-90% of it is categorised as non-specific, because there’s no immediately identifiable cause, note the researchers.

Non-surgical and non-invasive approaches are recommended as the initial treatment approach. But many such options are available, and it’s not always easy to know which ones are effective, point out the researchers.

To build on the evidence base, the researchers scoured research databases for published randomised placebo-controlled trials of non-surgical and non-interventional treatments for people with non-specific low back pain, with the aim of pooling the results.

The approaches included were pharmacological, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and muscle relaxants, and non-pharmacological, such as exercise, massage, and spinal manipulation. 

A total of 301 trials investigating 56 different treatments or treatment combinations were included in the pooled data analysis. The trials were carried out in a total of 44 countries in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australia, and Europe.

The most common interventions were NSAIDs (27 trials), opioids (26 trials), laser and light therapy (25), acupuncture (24), and gentle manual therapy (mobilisation; 19 trials). 

Fifty two trials sampled participants with acute low back pain; 228 trials with chronic low back pain; and 21 trials participants with both types. Pain intensity was most often assessed using the Visual Analogue Scale or the Numeric Rating Scale. 

Of the 69 treatment comparisons included in the trials, the certainty of the evidence was moderate for 11 (16%), low for 25 (36%), and very low for 33 (48%), as assessed by the GRADE system.

The pooled data analysis showed that compared with placebo, no non-pharmacological treatments and only NSAIDs emerged as effective for acute low back pain; exercise, spinal manipulation, and taping, antidepressants and drugs that target pain receptors (TRPV1 agonists) emerged as effective for chronic low back pain.

But the effects were small. 

Moderate quality evidence showed that treatments for acute low back pain that weren’t effective included exercise, steroid injections and paracetamol, while anaesthetics (i.e. Lidocaine) and antibiotics weren’t effective for chronic low back pain, the analysis showed.

The evidence was inconclusive for 10 non-pharmacological and 10 pharmacological treatments for acute low back pain. It was also inconclusive for a wide range of 22 non-pharmacological treatments, including acupuncture, massage, osteopathy and TENS, and 16 pharmacological treatments, including antidepressants + paracetamol, complementary medicines, bisphosphonates, and muscle relaxants for chronic back pain.

The researchers point out that many of the available trials included only a few participants and reported inconsistent results, added to which, the type and quality of some of the placebos used varied considerably, potentially affecting the certainty of the findings.

But they say: “Our review did not find reliable evidence of large effects for any of the included treatments, which is consistent with clinical guidelines and our previous review. While we would like to provide more certain recommendations for where to invest and disinvest in treatments, it is not possible at this time.”  

They emphasise: “There is a clear need for large, high-quality, placebo-controlled trials to reduce uncertainty in efficacy estimates for many non-surgical and non-interventional treatments.” 


Installing safety nets on Golden Gate Bridge linked to 73% decline in suicides

Findings highlight the importance of barriers to prevent suicides by jumping

BMJ Group

Early evidence indicates that the installation of safety nets on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco has been successful in reducing the number of suicides at the bridge.

The results, published online in the journal Injury Prevention, show a 73% decline in suicides in the 12 months since the nets were completed relative to the number before net installation began.

The researchers say their findings “highlight the value of installing nets on this bridge and the importance of barriers as a strategy to prevent suicides by jumping.”

The Golden Gate Bridge is a San Francisco landmark, but it is also well-known as a location for jumping suicide. The installation of safety nets to prevent suicide by jumping from the bridge was completed in January 2024, but was controversial, and no studies have yet examined their effectiveness. 

To evaluate whether the safety nets were working as intended, researchers studied the change in suicide rates at the bridge during three periods: before (January 2000 to July 2018), during (August 2018 to December 2023) and after their installation (January 2024 to December 2024).

Because staff and volunteers at the bridge are trained to intervene when someone is displaying signs of a suicidal crisis, they also examined whether the three periods were linked to changes in the number of times a third party intervened to prevent suicide.

During the entire study period, there were 681 confirmed suicides and 2,901 interventions by a third party. 

There were 2.48 suicides per month before installation of the safety nets, 1.83 during installation and 0.67 after installation. During installation, suicides declined by 26% and after installation by 73%. 

There were 8.22 interventions by a third party per month before installation of the safety nets, 14.42 during installation and 11 after installation. During installation, the number of interventions by a third party increased by 75% and after installation by 34%.

It’s unclear why the number of third party interventions declined from the period of installation to the period once the nets were complete, but one possibility is that removing this suicide method resulted in fewer people visiting the site with the intention to jump, and therefore there were fewer opportunities for a third party to intervene, explain the authors.

They also acknowledge several study limitations including only having a year of post-installation data, the possibility that some suicides were misclassified as accidental drownings, and being unable to evaluate potential displacement effects (eg, suicide at a nearby jumping site) or substitution to other suicide methods.

However, they say to the best of their knowledge, this is the first study on the effectiveness of the newly installed safety nets at the Golden Gate Bridge and provides early but clear evidence that the safety nets are associated with an immediate and substantial reduction in suicides at the site. 

“There are many high-risk places around the world where people die by jumping from heights,” they add. “Our study provides further evidence to policymakers that barriers are highly effective means of reducing suicide at bridges.”


Gender gap in teenage depression is twice as large in London than in Tokyo, new study finds

King's College London

Published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, the study aimed to provide robust insights into adolescent mental health trajectories in two different cultural contexts by comparing large samples of 11 to 16 years olds in London and Tokyo over time. The two studies are the Tokyo Teen Cohort (TTC) and the Resilience Ethnicity and AdolesCent Mental Health (REACH) cohorts from South London. Both groups collected data in the period 2014 to 2020 and at three different time points as the teenagers grew older.  

Researchers used the Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (SMFQ) to measure depressive symptoms.   

In both groups there was a difference between teenage boys and girls in the average level of depressive symptoms and this difference widened year-on-year. In the London sample the gender difference started slightly earlier (evident by 11-12 years) than in the Tokyo sample where it emerged between 11 and 14 years, and the average rate of change in depressive symptoms per year in London girls was around four times greater than among girls in Tokyo. By the age of 16 the difference in depressive symptoms between boys and girls in London was around twice as large as in Tokyo. The average level of depressive symptoms in teenage boys in Tokyo declined between ages of 11 and 16, whereas for boys in London it increased slightly over time, following a similar trajectory to that of teenage girls in Tokyo.  

First author, Dr Gemma Knowles, Lecturer in Epidemiology and Youth Mental Health at IoPPN, King’s College London said “ Our study suggests that from around early adolescence onwards girls have higher levels of depression than boys in both Tokyo and London, but the disparity is larger, starts a bit earlier, and increases at a faster rate in London.  The trajectory for boys in London closely mirrors the trajectory for girls in Tokyo. These findings suggest we need to rethink and challenge popular narratives around gender differences in mental health – for example, the idea that girls are naturally or inevitably more likely to struggle with their emotional health – and to understand the contexts and conditions that enable teenage girls and young people to thrive.”  

Currently the Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI) - an index designed to measure gender equality - ranks UK 15th out of 149 countries while Japan is ranked 125th. However, insights from young co-researchers from both cities suggests there are social influences at play which are not captured in these indexes.  For example, teenage girls may assume adult roles and responsibilities at a younger age in London and there are lower levels of violence and crime in Tokyo. There are also differences in socioeconomic and political trends between the two places that could contribute to differences, for example, the prolonged period of austerity in the UK.  

Dr Knowles said: “This a complex area with a multitude of possible factors that may contribute to the difference between girls and boys and between the two places. We need to better understand the social contexts and experiences that give rise to gender inequalities in mental health and the conditions that support teenage girls to thrive. It’s also important to understand how these social experiences interplay with young people’s physical development at this age.” 

An important part of this study was to investigate the extent to which scores derived from the measure SMFQ can be meaningfully and appropriately compared across genders, ages, and contexts. While these tests are not perfect, they found no evidence of incomparable measurement, which suggests that any differences in SMFQ scores between groups are due to real differences in depressive symptoms rather than differences in reporting. 

The study was funded by the Invitation Program for Foreign Researchers at the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health, the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, and the European Research Council. 

Trajectories of depressive symptoms among young people in London, UK, and Tokyo, Japan: a longitudinal cross-cohort study. Knowles G. et al (2025) The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health