Monday, May 25, 2020

The pandemic is sending India's poor into the abyss
Already rife with inequality, the pandemic has distributed suffering unequally among India's underclass

Homeless women wearing masks sit on a hand cart in Mumbai, India (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool)

MAY 24, 2020 12:00PM (UTC)

The pandemic has brought misery and suffering to thousands around the world, much of which has nothing to do with disease and everything to do with the social aftermath of the pandemic. To wit: an expansive human tragedy unfolded in India on May 5th, when thousands of migrant workers across metropolises staged a national highway blockage. These protesters — migrant workers and day-wage laborers — were detained from going back to their villages during the government lockdown. The protest was the outcome of desperation and despair, as many state governments did not meet their promises to provide free transportation to reach poor workers in their villages, nor provide rations for taking out their allocated share of food. The despair has led to several tragic deaths of migrants who were looking to find a way back home.

Risk of hunger, uncertainty of future employment, and poverty-related suicide are imminent threats for many Indians. It seems that post-pandemic India has brought massive pain and suffering among people living in extreme poverty, particularly disadvantaged caste and religious groups, transgender people, women, and rural residents.

On March 24, the Modi government in India imposed a strict and stringent lockdown to avert the coronavirus's spread. The 21 days of lockdown (which was set to end on April 14, but has been extended to May 3) was imposed with only a few hours of notice, and has aggravated and compounded the existing divides across caste, class, gender, religion and location in India. Given the looming possibility of further increases in the cases of coronavirus (currently over 100,000) in India, the pandemic is likely to intensify the pain and suffering experienced by the most disadvantaged groups.

The people that have experienced immense pain and suffering — expected to be in the millions — are poor migrant workers, daily wage laborers, women, lower caste individuals, sexual, and religious minorities in India.

The case of India's migrant workers

Migrant workers in India disproportionately hail from historically marginalized and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, such as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Migrant workers move in numbers from rural areas to metropolises, eking a living out of daily wages. The extreme suffering of the underprivileged groups proves that people who have been assigned low caste status; living in dreadful poverty; self-identify as transgender or women; and permanently live in rural areas bear the utmost brunt of COVID-19 exposure and effect.

With a population of over 1.3 billion people, a significant proportion of India's population is either working poor or living in poverty. The data released by the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) (a project of the United Nations Development Program) indicate that 46.7% of those employed earn below $3.20 a day and 27.9%. Marginalized groups, such as lower castes (or Dalits), scheduled tribes (or Adivasis), Muslims, and transgender people fare the worst in terms of socioeconomic status. COVID-19 threatens the recent reductions in MPI, creating even more dire living social and economic conditions for the working poor, including migrant workers, in slums.

Migrant workers are mostly employed as wage laborers in industries like construction, housekeeping, cleaning, and laundry. Most of them have their extended family, friend or in-group connections rooted in villages and migrate to the cities. Some are also likely to leave their immediate family members behind at the time of migration and send money back to their families left behind in villages. Many also bring their families along with them in the hopes to gain multiple sources of income that eases their poverty. Likely to comprise a large proportion of daily wage migrant workers, Dalits (or the untouchables) migrate to urban areas to escape economic and cultural oppression in rural areas.

Considered filthy by higher castes, Dalits are forced to work in jobs such as cleaning and manual scavenging. Among 5 million people employed in sanitation and cleaning work, 90% come from lower castes (including a significant number of Dalit women). Higher caste women in urban areas also likely to hire Dalit women for household work. The loss of daily wage jobs puts lower castes in economically precarious situation. Their employment in essential service jobs such as sanitation leaves them vulnerable to coronavirus exposure.

The caste system in India, which began around 2000 years ago, has its origins in vernacular ideology embodied by the Sanskrit word Varna. As described by D.L Sills in 1968, "Varna" means type, order, color or classes – the characteristics used to classify people into different social groups. Under the Indian caste system, people are divided into four varnas: Brahmins (priestly class), the Kshatriyas (rulers, administrators or warriors), Vaishyas (artisans, merchants, tradesmen, and farmers), Shudras (laboring people) and Untouchables (cleaners and tribes).

Constitutionally abolished in 1950, the caste system and cultural practice of untouchability is still very much part of India. Albeit more overt and brutal in rural areas, the untouchability is also practiced in urban areas. People who were considered untouchables are still forced to live segregated and socially isolated from higher caste. They face an increased likelihood of contracting the coronavirus due to their disproportionate employment in essential services — a situation that may lead to further marginalization.

Neoliberal class segregation

India's nostalgia with the caste based geographic divide of the past has lingered into today's neoliberalized cosmopolitanism of urban spaces. The drivers of neoliberal reforms in making of this policy claim the mantle of "rational thinking" derived from technologically advanced global societies. Such reforms have brought many poor class and low caste people from villages to live closer to the potential high caste-class people without reservation.

Yet said neoliberal reforms, which call for deregulatory fiscal policies and privatization, have remade Indian society to favor a small portion of the wealthy class. This small proportion of affluent Indians, who have chosen to live in gated communities, are in constant need of service work from the lower class-caste poor, who generally live in shanty slums.

Usually, these burgeoning shanty slums are found in the rising upscale suburbs, albeit next to affluent gated high-rise buildings, in the large metropolis of Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, New Delhi, and Chennai. An example of high-rise buildings meeting the poverty-ridden dilapidated slums is clearly seen in Mumbai – the high-rises standing next to slums of Dharavi – the spatial inequality as captured by Johnny Miller's camera. Dharavi is now inhabited by second-generation migrant workers, while many other slums are inhabited with first-generation migrant workers and their families. These resident low-wage and migrant workers make ends meet through their daily earnings — though since the COVID-19 lockdown, tens and millions of migrant workers have been left unemployed.

The lockdown has also commenced a nonessential travel ban that includes trains, buses and modes of public transportation. Meanwhile, the slums are ideal conditions to spread diseases like COVID-19: defined by small quarters, close contact, shared bathrooms and narrow alleys, constructed slums are not a safe place to be in a pandemic. Often these slums lack basic amenities, such as running water, toilets, and food, which makes living there impossible for social distancing and isolating for amid COVID-19. The dismal living conditions of the slums forbids migrants to continue with living there during lockdown that expects people to maintain safe distance. Closing of businesses and construction works has displaced the migrant workers out of their wages. Lockdown-created job losses compelled migrant workers like Chandra Mohan — a 24-year-old plumber worked in Delhi suburb — and his group to return to their village, 680 miles away, for survival. Amid agony, fear, and hunger, these repatriates — protesters and non-protesters — set out to walk tens or hundreds of miles back to these home villages. They are not alone in this journey.

Women and children are also part of this risky walk, carrying all their belongings, some barefoot, braving the COVID-19 threat. They do so with the hope that the end will justify the pain. The obligation to follow social distancing directives carried a valuable meaning for them, a promise of safety.

Indeed, when it comes to social distancing orders, the primary political issue is not whether one acquiesces (or doesn't) to the rules. The call to follow orders has given us the space to ponder the social condition of the people for whom it is difficult to follow the directive of safe distancing — namely, India's vast underclass.

Women and gender minorities face a greater burden

Much of India's migrant population consists of women and children who live in shanty towns, generally built next to high rise buildings. These women and children work as maids, cooks, nannies, cleaners, and in other housekeeping roles for affluent urbanite households living in said high rises. Indian households don't have equal sharing of housework even when both men and women are working from home, as many are during the pandemic. Domestic workers share some of the workload of wealthy women. For many upper-middle class and upper-class Indian women, their husbands may be working from home during the pandemic, but the women are still expected to manage the household — perhaps with the help of maids.

Following social isolation orders, many migrant workers and low-wage laborers (including women and children) returned to their villages. The sudden disappearance of maids and house care workers has exhausted the more independent, well-to-do, middle-class women, many of whom have reverted to traditional gender roles — becoming disempowered without the extra hands of maids and care workers.

Likewise, the COVID-19 situation has further aggravated the condition of victims of domestic violence, most of whom are women. Many women, like a 45-year old from the Indian city of Chennai who has lost her cooking job and has to contend with an unemployed husband, have seen their abusive relationships exacerbate. Restrictions due to physical distancing and vanished economic opportunities have spatially confined these couples in their homes. Hence, a significant surge in the number of domestic violence cases against women has been documented. Recent report from India's National Commission for Women (NCW) suggested 48% increase in reported cases of domestic violence against women. The economic insecurity and uncertainty due to job loss, coupled with an existing patriarchal mindset, is fueling the rise in domestic violence against women.

Sexual and religious minorities, too, face unprecedented economic difficulties, overt harassment and physical violence, also exacerbated by the pandemic. The erosion of economic opportunities to earn a daily living has pushed many transgender individuals to the brink of poverty. The housing discrimination they experience forces many them to live in areas such as slums where social distancing is not feasible. That leaves them at high risk of exposure to the coronavirus, further intensifying the stigma attached to their identity.

Amid the pandemic, the right pushes an Islamophobic agenda

Likewise, the pandemic has further intensified anti-Muslim sentiment in India. The Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS), a right-wing paramilitary volunteer group that is ideologically allied with the Modi government, maintains Islamophobic rhetoric to deepen anti-Muslim sentiments. Generally, such rhetoric is a tool to divert people's attention from the Modi government's own administrative failures. RSS saw a groundswell of support after a Muslim religious movement called Tablighi Jamaat held a gathering that was determined to be responsible for a large number of cases in India. Though an unintentional accident, the public at large, social media, and word-of-mouth directed their communal rage against Muslims, fingering them for the coronavirus's spread. The spear of the word was not limited to media exposure, as The Intercept's Mehdi Hasan notes. "It isn't just Hindu nationalist politicians or mobs" blaming Muslims for COVID-19, he writes. "The country's respectable press have joined in too."

COVID-19 has shined a light on the plights of India's ultra-disadvantaged who lie at the nexus of class, caste, gender, religion, and space. An increasingly polarized India faces challenges within and across class (rich and poor), caste (low and high), gender identity, and location (rural and urban), all of which intersect — leaving some experiencing cumulative vulnerabilities. At this juncture, Indian democracy has an opportunity to ask itself if it will mirror America's shrinking economy, defined by overarching privatization; or if it will choose to reform into a socially and economically equitable post-pandemic society.

Moushumi Roy received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. She currently teaches Sociology at Delta College, University Center, Michigan. Broadly, her research interests lie at the intersection of structural inequality, social condition, and population health among different groups of people in the US and India. She studies the way structure and systems of different societies change the experiences of different groups of people –i.e., immigrants, migrants, race/caste, ethnicity, gender, older people – to produce inequality (e.g., advantaged, disadvantaged, and ultra-disadvantaged) and health disparity among populations. MORE FROM MOUSHUMI ROY
Tirth Bhatta is an Assistant Professor in the department of Sociology at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Dr. Bhatta is interested in issues of social and economic justice in the Global North and the Global South. His research seeks to understand how cumulative life course socioeconomic status intersects with other forms of stratification (especially race and gender) to shape later-life health disparities in the U.S. and internationally.MORE FROM TIRTH BHATTA
Coronavirus has hit China’s migrant workers harder than Sars and the financial crisis, but worst yet to come
China’s army of 290 million migrant workers has been particularly hard hit by the pandemic, but most are unable to access unemployment support

Covid-19 is having a deeper impact on employment in China than the severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) outbreak and the global financial crisis

Cissy Zhou
Published: 25 May, 2020


A woman walks by a message boards filled with ads for jobs, flats to rent and business services in Little Hubei village of Guangzhou, Guangdong province. Photo: EPA-EFE

In early January, when a mysterious “new pneumonia” started to ripple across parts of China, domestic worker Zou Lan caught a cold.

Though authorities had yet to announce the unprecedented threat the coronavirus posed, her employer asked her to take some rest. She has been unable to return to work since.
Penniless and with three kids to support, the single mother – who had worked in Nanjing for more than 10 years – has been trying to find a job for four months. After multiple failed job applications, she is getting increasingly desperate.

“My former employer treated me well. She asked me to wait for her call in January, telling me that they would like me to go back when the outbreak is brought under control. I’ve been waiting for months and am getting pessimistic about it,” the 41-year-old said.

Like most of China’s 290 million migrant workers, her jobless status has not been recorded in China’s official unemployment statistics and she has been excluded from state support.

Compared to the United States’ record-high unemployment rate of 14.7 per cent in April, China’s official jobless rate was 6 per cent in the same month, up from 5.9 per cent in March.

Only about 2.3 million people had received unemployment benefits by the end of March, a fraction of the estimated tens of millions who have lost their jobs as the pandemic has lashed the world’s second largest economy.

China’s unemployment situation is a potential crisis for the Communist Party, whose ability to provide relief and jobs for people like Zou matter not just for arresting flagging growth, but also social stability.

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14 May 2020

At China’s National People’s Congress, the annual parliamentary gathering that began in Beijing last week, officials omitted any mention of an annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth target for the first time, and reiterated employment was the government’s top priority.

But despite its importance, China’s real jobless picture is blurred. Research from Shandong-based Zhongtai Securities in late April put the real unemployment rate at 20.5 per cent, or some 70 million people out of work.

Already, the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on employment in China is deeper than the severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) outbreak in 2002-03 and the global financial crisis in 2008, according to Li Tao, a founder of Beijing Social Work Development Centre for Facilitators, a non-governmental organisation that helps migrant workers.

The Sars outbreak didn’t lead to a global pandemic, and the financial crisis hit the export-oriented factories most but had limited impact on the service industryLi Tao

“The Sars outbreak didn’t lead to a global pandemic, and the financial crisis hit the export-oriented factories most but had limited impact on the service industry,” Li said. “But Covid-19 has severely weakened global demand and the service sector.”

The effect of Sars on China’s growth proved short-lived as the Chinese economy entered a boom cycle from the summer of 2003, when the outbreak was brought under control. The global financial crisis, meanwhile, caused some 20 million migrant workers – mainly in coastal areas – to lose their jobs.

In the latest wave of unemployment, China’s migrant workers are not only facing job losses but deep cuts to their salaries. Nearly 80 per cent of them had returned to work as early as April, though most had their wages reduced, according to a survey by Li’s organisation last month.

China’s domestic economic recovery may encourage consumer spending and create more jobs in coming months, especially temporary work in decoration and service industries, Li said.

It has not reached the inflection point yet as most the factories are still working on the orders that were placed before the pandemicLi Tao

“However, it is still too early to tell the full picture of the impact,” he said. “It has not reached the inflection point yet as most the factories are still working on the orders that were placed before the pandemic.”

Wang Guang is one of the lucky ones that held onto his job at a plant operated by a US contract manufacturer in Zhuhai.

But the 39-year-old’s salary has been slashed by about 40 per cent, from more than 4,000 yuan (US$561) a month to less than 3,000 yuan, despite his 10 years of service at the company.

The electronics factory suspended part of its manufacturing operation last year after it pared down business deals with a major Chinese telecoms giant.

The slowdown in production due to lack of orders has meant reduced work hours for Wang, who usually sent back 2,000 yuan each month to his wife and two kids, who live in his hometown, a small village in central China.

Coronavirus backlash further fraying China’s ties to global economy

Migrant workers typically rely on overtime work to increase real income to a level of at least 4,000 yuan, about double the average minimum wage.

“We are currently working on the orders that were placed before the virus, I don’t know what will happen when we finish these orders,” Wang said.

In February, when China was worst hit by the deadly virus, Wang and his colleagues were asked to mop the factory floor because there was so little work to do.

The pay cut prompted many of Wang’s younger colleagues to leave, and his department has gone from a 200-strong workforce to just a few dozen, with most that have stayed in their 50s.

Many of China’s migrant workers rely on overtime work to supplment their wages. Photo: EPA-EFE

China’s labour law stipulates that any work performed after the 8-hour workday limit must be paid at 1.5 times the employee’s normal working wage, and overtime hours at weekends must be compensated at double the hourly rate.

While others have left to find factories with more overtime hours, Wang decided to stay because looking for a new job would be “a waste of time” when most firms were downsizing.

In the past, young migrant workers were able to hop from factory jobs to the rapidly expanding services industry. But service jobs are also drying up during the pandemic.

An early April survey of 5,451 restaurants conducted by China Hotel Association showed that about 80 per cent had reopened, but average revenue was less than a fifth compared with a year earlier, forcing more lay-offs than new hires.

Migrant workers have been a driving force in China’s infrastructure boom and rapid urbanisation since the 1980s. Remittances from cities to rural areas also help narrow the wealth gap and lift people out of absolute poverty – one of President Xi Jinping’s top policy goals.

“When disaster occurs, some migrant workers would choose to go back to their hometown to reduce living costs. However, as long as there are any chances in the city, 80 per cent of the migrant workers will go back to the city, because there are no jobs in their rural hometown,” said Li, from Beijing Social Work Development Centre for Facilitators.


China may become one of many hubs as companies diversify manufacturing after coronavirus shock




The coronavirus is “a wake-up call for pretty much every company,“ said Gerry Mattios, expert vice president at Bain. “The number one item on the agenda is, ‘how do I build resilience in my supply chain?’”

“China is still a very attractive total supply chain solution,” said How Jit Lim, a managing director with consulting firm Alvarez & Marsal. “There are very few countries in the world where you can find almost everything you need to build something.”

Exports are still important for China’s economy, which contracted by 6.8% in the first quarter amid the height of the coronavirus outbreak within the country.

Workers assemble vehicles primarily for the domestic market at a factory operated by Daimler-BAIC Motor’s joint venture, Beijing Benz Automotive (BBAC).
Evelyn Cheng | CNBC

BEIJING — For many businesses, adjusting supply chains in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic means expanding from China, not necessarily leaving, some analysts say.

Since the disease Covid-19 first emerged late last year in the Chinese city of Wuhan, lockdowns on business activity that began in the world’s second-largest economy have have highlighted just how significant a role China plays in the production of global goods ranging from children’s toys to pharmaceutical drugs.

“It’s been a wake-up call for pretty much every company,“ Gerry Mattios, expert vice president at Bain, said in a phone interview last week. “The number one item on the agenda is, ‘how do I build resilience in my supply chain?’”

A key component of that strategy is building flexibility — the ability to switch quickly from different production sources in response to future challenges, Mattios said.

“We’re not going to see China drying up on manufacturing all of a sudden,“ he said. “A big (portion) of the exporting manufacturing capacity that China had could potentially be shifting out of China, but a lot of the capacity for internal consumption in China will stay in China.”

The Asian nation accounts for 35% of global manufacturing output, McKinsey Global Institute pointed out in a report last summer. The country has also become the largest market in the world for many products such as automobiles, luxury goods and mobile phones, accounting for roughly 30% or more of their consumption worldwide, the McKinsey report added.

Ultimately where we’re heading to is more fragmented manufacturing — many small factories of the world.Gerry MattiosEXPERT VICE PRESIDENT AT BAIN

Covid-19 has infected more than 5.4 million people and killed at least 345,000 people, including more than 4,600 in China. The pandemic disrupted the global flow of goods, which in some industries was already shifting in light of U.S.-China trade tensions and cheaper labor costs in countries outside China.

In an effort to control the virus, more than half of China extended the Lunar New Year holiday by at least a week. Those regions accounted for 90% of the country’s exports, according to CNBC calculations of data accessed through Wind Information.

From a business perspective, building resilient supply chains in the wake of the coronavirus also means recognizing that a pandemic could happen anywhere, said How Jit Lim, a managing director with consulting firm Alvarez & Marsal. Lim is based in Shanghai and focuses on supply chain management.

He pointed out that a decision to move production requires long-term planning and commitment, and is not something that can happen overnight, especially as businesses try to conserve costs as they struggle in an economic downturn.

“China is still a very attractive total supply chain solution,” Lim said. “There are very few countries in the world where you can find almost everything you need to build something ... The labor force maturity and the talent pool around is still very attractive in China.”

Still, a key factor that could affect supply chains is politics, Lim said, noting such changes do not necessarily result in greater business efficiency.
Political drivers on all sides

Just as some countries are pressuring companies to leave China and return to their home countries, Beijing is building its case for why companies should stay.

In press conferences this month, Chinese officials have emphasized the attractiveness of their market to businesses.

China’s economy contracted 6.8% in the first three months of the year, with exports plunging 11.4% in yuan terms. The secondary, or manufacturing, sector accounted for 27.6% of jobs in 2018, at more than 214 million, according to official data.

Authorities did not share a growth target for the year at a highly anticipated annual parliamentary meeting on Friday. A day earlier, spokesperson for the congress, Zhang Yesui, said that foreign businesses have not been leaving the country in a major way, and that the U.S. and China should work together for open supply chains and global growth.

In April, exports unexpectedly rebounded more than 8% in yuan terms as reopened factories rushed to fulfill orders, particularly for medical supplies.

Cross-border financial payments platform Payoneer, which works with e-commerce sellers, saw an “explosion” in business activity in March that has trickled into May, according to James Huang, Payoneer vice president and country manager for Greater China.

Huang expects shifts in consumer behavior will drive more online purchases. He said he’s still cautious in the short-term, but quite confident about growth for the medium term.
Challenges for growth ahead

While China may be the first economy to emerge from economic lockdown, other countries may not be ready to buy in a big way. Even Chinese officials remain cautious.

“With the global spread of the virus, international market demand has declined sharply, and China faces unprecedented challenges in overseas trade,“ Commerce Minister Zhong Shan told reporters last week, according to a CNBC translation of his Mandarin-language remarks.

Political pressure on businesses’ international operations also looks only set to grow, and greater scrutiny on China’s role in global markets could accelerate diversification. The rest of the world has become more dependent on China, while the country has become more self-sufficient as it tries to rely more on domestic consumption for growth, the same McKinsey report last summer found.

“We will start seeing new areas around the world, new locations around the world, starting to grow manufacturing capacity … that they didn’t have in the past,” Bain’s Mattios said, pointing to Europe in particular.

“Ultimately where we’re heading to is more fragmented manufacturing — many small factories of the world,” Mattios said, rather than the idea of the “factory for the world.”

Sunday, May 24, 2020




Mencius - China Highlights

Mencius (孟子) was an famous Confucian scholar and philosopher during the ... Some Confucians like Xun Zi and others such as Legalism philosophers in Qin ...
(Mencius is often held up as a contrasting example of a Confucian philosopher in opposition to the legalistic doctrine of Hsün-tzu). The difference also appears ...


  • Three competing belief systems (Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism) came to prominence during the Warring States period of Chinese history.
  • Confucianism is an ethic of moral uprightness, social order, and filial responsibility.
  • Daoism was a philosophy of universal harmony that urged its practitioners not to get too involved in worldly affairs.
  • Legalism is a theory of autocratic, centralized rule and harsh penalties.
  • These three philosophies influenced early Chinese empires; some even became official state ideologies.

Warring states period: Confucius, Kong Fuzi, Daoism (article ...

Daoism influenced many elements of later Chinese philosophy, especially Chinese Buddhism. Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism all each played a role ...
Apr 5, 2020 - And the legalists tried to extend the role of punishment more broadly to ... Confucius was the first Chinese thinker to advocate that these values ...
Jump to Xun Zi and the Legalists - The Legalists exalted the state and sought its prosperity and ...; China Daily; Japan News; Times of London; 

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