Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Why Nazi slogans and xenophobia appeal to rich kids

A video from the posh holiday island of Sylt shows wealthy young people shouting Nazi slogans and singing xenophobic chants. Are the children of the rich particularly likely to be anti-democratic?

'Sylter against the right' — protesters stand outside the Pony Club where a video portraying racists gestures was filmed
 Lea Sarah Albert/dpa/picture alliance

The uproar in Germany over a 15-second video Chancellor Olaf Scholz called "disgusting" and Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser a "disgrace for Germany" has continued into a second week.

The video shows half a dozen young people in smart-casual clothes dancing and singing: "Germany for the Germans, foreigners out," to the tune of a 20-year-old party hit named "L'amour toujours." One of them does a Hitler salute while holding two fingers between his upper lip and nose as if to imitate the Nazi dictator's mustache.

The video was recorded last week in the Pony Club on Sylt, a North Sea island much frequented by wealthy holidaymakers.

Since the video emerged, more right-wing incidents have come to light on the island: Police are investigating the verbal and physical attack on a 29-year-old Black woman.

Those shown in the video also now face criminal investigations. "Incitement to hatred" carries a minimum prison sentence of three months and a maximum of five years, while the use of symbols and gestures of unconstitutional organizations, such as a Hitler salute, can lead to a prison sentence of up to three years.

In an attempt to explain the events, Faeser and other politicians were quick to suggest the perpetrators may be wealthy individuals who experienced neglect as children and now "trample on the values in our Basic Law."

The term "Wohlstandsverwahrlosung" has been bandied around: The term refers to rich children who grow up in a world full of material abundance, have unlimited options, never experience pressure to secure their own livelihood and end up being neglected by their parents. As adults, they display a sense of entitlement to a higher social standing, their wealth allowing them to follow their every whim without having to fear consequences or take responsibility.

Social psychologist Pia Lamberty of CeMAS, a non-profit that monitors the spread of conspiracy ideologies, said the Sylt incident is proof that there are right-wing extremist and xenophobic attitudes in all sections of society.

"The media attention has to do with the fact that this did not take place somewhere deep in Saxony [a far-right stronghold], in a pub or nightclub, but rather where the rich and famous are," she told the German news agency dpa.

The island of Sylt, especially the small town of Kampen with its 500 inhabitants, has been a vacation destination for party-loving young people from wealthy families for many years. Business leaders and celebrities have bought vacation homes all over the island, where hotel and real estate prices are exorbitant, as are the prices for food and drink.

The inhabitants of Kampen are in a state of shock. The managers of the Pony Club are said to have received death threats. The island's local politicians fear for its good reputation: Mayor Stefanie Böhm said, "Kampen is a cosmopolitan village. these people represent neither the village nor the island."

Festival organizers across Germany have said they are banning the "L'amour toujours" tune from their events.

This article was originally written in German.

'System collapsed': Haiti in dire need of both 'emergency' humanitarian aid, long-term 'development'

Issued on: 27/05/2024 

Haiti is waiting desperately for the first members of a Kenyan-led multinational force tasked with ending the stranglehold of powerful and ultra-violent gangs, but their hoped-for arrival this week was delayed. There had been speculation that a first contingent of the Kenyan-led force might arrive in the destitute Caribbean nation this week, to coincide with Kenyan President William Ruto's state visit to Washington. The deployment gained new urgency with the announcement Friday that gang members killed three missionaries, a Haitian and an American couple, leading to renewed calls for the force to get up and running. Gangs control much of the capital, Port-au-Prince, as well as swathes of the country, and have long terrorized people with random shootings, kidnappings and sexual violence. For in-depth analysis and a deeper perspective on violent upheaval and the harrowing plight of civilians in the impoverished gang-ravaged Caribbean nation, FRANCE 24's Genie Godula is joined by our Senior Reporter Catherine Norris Trent and Dr. Christian MOUALA, UNAIDS Country Director and Representative in Haiti.

Tunisian journalists demand arrested colleagues' release

Tunis (AFP) – Several dozen journalists demonstrated in Tunis  against what they called the "repression" of freedoms and called for the release of two convicted colleagues, an AFP journalist said.

Issued on: 27/05/2024 - 
Tunisian journalists protesting outside their union headquarters 
© Sofiene HAMDAOUI / AFP

Around 60 protesters chanted "Freedom for the Tunisian press", "The police state is old news" and "The judiciary is under orders" outside the headquarters of the national journalists' union (SNJT).

The day of solidarity was organised after two well-known journalists were sentenced on Wednesday to a year in prison over social and news media posts about Tunisia's socio-economic situation and President Kais Saied, who seized sweeping powers in 2021.

The demonstrators, who included relatives of the imprisoned journalists, held placards reading "No to liquidating the media", "Journalism is not a crime" and "There is no free and professional press under threat and intimidation".

Broadcaster Borhan Bssais and political commentator Mourad Zeghidi were arrested on May 11 and found guilty of spreading "false information" and having "defamed others or damaged their reputation".

Their lawyers are appealing the ruling, the journalists' families told AFP.

Bssais and Zeghidi were convicted under Decree 54, enacted in 2022 by Saied officially in the name of fighting "false news" but widely criticised for its broad interpretation.

"Freedoms are beginning to lose their value in Tunisia and the colleagues being prosecuted are prisoners of conscience," SNJT president Zied Dabbar said before the protest.

Calling for Bssais and Zeghidi to be freed, he demanded a stop to "instrumentalising Decree 54" and "repressing freedoms".

A dozen lawyers, journalists, and civil society activists have been arrested under Decree 54 and other laws in recent weeks, drawing the "concern" of international NGOs, the European Union, the United States and France.

Over the past year and a half, more than 60 critical voices have been prosecuted under Decree 54.

Meeting the justice minister on Friday, Saied said the Tunisian constitution guaranteed freedom of expression.

"No one has yet been prosecuted for their opinions," he said.

© 2024 AFP
US Democrats call for criminal probe into Big Oil price-fixing

Washington (AFP) – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and nearly two dozen Democrats called on the Justice Department to investigate the oil and gas industry over allegations of price-fixing.

Issued on: 30/05/2024
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer urged the Justice Department to "use every tool" to prevent and prosecute price-fixing

The senators pointed to an investigation by US antitrust authorities into a high-profile merger that concluded there was evidence of anticompetitive practice by oil executives to boost fuel costs for Americans.

"These reports are alarming and lend credence to the fear that corporate avarice is keeping prices artificially high," Democrats wrote in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Schumer and his colleagues urged Garland to "use every tool" to prevent and prosecute price-fixing, which they said may have increased gasoline, diesel, heating oil and jet fuel costs "in a way that has materially harmed virtually every American household and business."

The letter came with Democrats escalating a confrontation with so-called "Big Oil" over high prices and greenhouse gas emissions as the presidential election looms in November.


The Federal Trade Commission earlier in May approved ExxonMobil's $60 billion acquisition of leading Texas oil producer Pioneer Natural Resources -- but accused Pioneer CEO Scott Sheffield of colluding with the OPEC+ group of countries to boost prices.

Regulators pointed to multiple private conversations and hundreds of text messages between Sheffield and OPEC officials in which the CEO discussed pricing and production, and assured them that Pioneer as working to keep supply low.

Schumer and his colleagues argued that industry collusion may have contributed to sharply lowering US oil production, boosting gas prices by 94 cents a gallon since the pandemic hit.

"That means Pioneer's and its co-conspirators' collusion may have cost the average American household up to $500 per car in increased annual fuel costs -- an unwelcome tax that is particularly burdensome for lower-income families," they said.

The FTC banned Sheffield from serving on Exxon's board following the takeover but the senators said that "only the DOJ can prosecute and fully redress the alleged anticompetitive behavior in the oil sector."

Price fixing findings can carry penalties of up to $1 million and 10 years in prison for individuals and $100 million for companies.

Sheffield's lawyers wrote in a federal filing earlier this week that the FTC's case was built on a "false narrative about these statements and a farfetched interpretation of the applicable statutes."

"This document lays out in detail why the FTC is wrong to imply that I ever engaged in, promoted or even suggested any form of anti-competitive behavior," Sheffield said in a statement.

"It also shows how publicly and unjustifiably vilifying me will have a chilling effect on the ability of business leaders in any sector of our economy to address shareholder demands and to exercise their constitutionally protected right to advocate for their industries."

Pioneer said the FTC's complaint reflected a "fundamental misunderstanding of the US and global oil markets" and that Sheffield was motivated by strengthening the position of domestic energy producers to enhance US energy security.

© 2024 AFP
Danger warnings as heatwave hits western US

Los Angeles (AFP) – A dangerous heatwave was building over parts of the western United States Tuesday, with forecasters warning of rocketing temperatures in an early taste of a possibly brutal summer for the region.

Issued on: 04/06/2024 - 
Death Valley is routinely unpleasantly hot, but is expected to see temperatures as high as 122F

The merury was expected to top out at well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius), with some areas experiencing highs as much as 30 degrees above normal for this time of year.

Southwestern desert areas and California's Central Valley fruit basket were set to be particularly unpleasant, the National Weather Service warned.

"Widespread temperature records are expected to be tied or broken across much of the aforementioned areas," the agency said.

Temperatures in Death Valley were set to hit a deeply uncomfortable 122F on Thursday, while Las Vegas could be baking in 112F heat.

Forecasters issued excessive heat warnings for parts of Nevada, Arizona and California, with the heat expected to spread further inland as the week goes on.

"Little overnight relief will make for dangerous conditions for those without effective cooling and/or adequate hydration," the NWS said.

California's Environmental Protection Agency said certain groups were particularly at risk.

"Extreme heat is an invisible but dangerous consequence of climate change, and California's outdoor workers, seniors and children are particularly vulnerable," it wrote on social media.

Southern Texas was also experiencing sweltering temperatures, with the border city of Rio Grande expected to see highs of 117F later Tuesday.

Forecasters in the United States are watching for the development of a ridge of high pressure that would bring more heat in from Mexico, which has been withering under a punishing heatwave.

Late last month Mexico City -- which sits 7,350 feet (2,240 meters) above sea level and has traditionally enjoyed a temperate climate -- logged its highest ever temperatures.

Officials say dozens of people have died in repeated heatwaves that have scorched the country, with hundreds of others sickened.

Experts say there could be worse to come.

This year is on course to be "the warmest year in history," Francisco Estrada, coordinator of the Climate Change Research Program at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, has warned.

Human-caused climate change is heating up the planet at an alarming rate, the global scientific community agrees.

The world experienced an average of 26 more days of extreme heat over the last 12 months that would probably not have occurred without climate change, a report said last month.

The report, by the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, the World Weather Attribution scientific network and the nonprofit research organization Climate Central, said 6.3 billion people -- roughly 80 percent of the global population -- experienced at least 31 days of extreme heat last year.

The year 2023 was the hottest on record, according to the European Union's climate monitor, Copernicus.

And 2024 is not shaping up to be any better, with Pakistan, India and China already walloped by extreme temperatures.

© 2024 AFP

Exceptionally early heatwave hits Finland

Helsinki (AFP) – Finland has been experiencing unusually warm weather this May, prompting the Meteorological Institute to issue a heat warning on Monday.

Issued on: 27/05/2024 - 
Nordic Finland does not usually experience heatwaves in May 
© Olivier MORIN / AFP/File

Temperatures across large parts of the Nordic nation, the north of which lies above the Arctic Circle, are due to surge above 27C (81 F) starting on Tuesday, the institute said.

"This is probably the first time ever we have issued a heatwave warning in May", Iiris Viljamaa from the Finnish Meteorological Institute told AFP, adding that such alerts were normally issued in June at the earliest.

Scientists say that recurring heatwaves are a clear marker of global warming and that these heatwaves are set to become more frequent, longer and more intense.

"The Finnish climate has always seen changes in weather but now climate change is enhancing these kinds of weather phenomena," meteorologist Leena Laakso told AFP.

Research shows "extreme weather events will increase due to climate change," she said.

According to Laakso, the current temperatures were around 10C above average temperatures for May.

The Finnish warning is aimed at alerting people about increased health risks associated with daytime temperatures reaching 27C.

Especially the elderly, people with long-term illnesses and disabilities, babies and young children are advised to take shelter from the heat, the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare said in a statement.

"In Finland we are used to cool weather and people start to have some health issues in this kind of weather already", said Viljamaa.

On Monday, temperatures between 24 and 28C were recorded, due to a high pressure system over the country, combined with a warm, dry air mass flowing from the south.

Twelve days in May had already exceeded 25 degrees, Viljamaa said.

The town of Salo in southwestern Finland on Saturday registered the country's highest temperature of the year so far, at 28.8C.

"Now it seems the really, really hot weather will remain in Finland until the end of the month," Viljamaa said.

After Sunday the weather is expected to start cooling down, bringing much needed rain for nature and fields grappling with drought, Viljamaa added.

© 2024 AFP
Slovenia becomes latest EU country to recognise Palestine as a state

More than 140 countries recognize a Palestinian state — more than two-thirds of the United Nations.

Slovenia recognised a Palestinian state on Tuesday after its parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of the move, following in the recent steps of three other European countries.

Issued on: 04/06/2024 -
A man puts up the flag of Palestine as members of parliament applaud after the Slovenian parliament approved the recognition of an independent Palestinian state, in Lubljana, Slovenia June 4, 2024. © Borut Zivulovic, Reuters

Slovenia’s government endorsed a motion last week to recognize a Palestinian state , and sent the proposal to the parliament for final approval, which was needed for the decision to take effect.

Lawmakers on Tuesday voted with 52 in favor and no one against recognition in the 90-seat parliament. The remaining lawmakers were not present for the vote.

“Dear people of Palestine, today’s final decision of Slovenia is a message of hope and peace," Slovenia's Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon said on the social media platform X. "We believe that only a two-state solution can lead to a lasting peace in the #MiddleEast . Slovenia will tirelessly continue to work on the security of both nations, Palestinians and Israelis.”

Slovenia’s decision came days after Spain, Norway and Ireland recognized a Palestinian state, a move that was condemned by Israel.

Previously, only seven members of the 27-nation European Union officially recognized a Palestinian state. Five of them are former East bloc countries that announced recognition in 1988, as did Cyprus, before joining the EU. Sweden’s recognition came in 2014.

“We started talking with our allies about the recognition of Palestine in February this year,” Prime Minister Robert Golob told lawmakers before Tuesday's vote. “At the time, the assessment was — the time is not yet ripe ... we warned that we, Europe, have a ... duty to act.”

The ruling coalition led by Golob holds a comfortable majority in Slovenia’s assembly and the vote was expected to be a formality.

Golob also evoked Slovenia's independence from the former Yugoslavia in 1991 in his remarks to parliament.

“We Slovenians have dreamed of this right for 1,000 years. We got it 33 years ago,” Golob said. “Unfortunately, the Palestinian nation has not yet received this right.”

Slovenia's main opposition party, the Slovenian Democratic Party, opposes the recognition. The right-wing party has demanded a referendum on the issue that would delay the vote, but on Tuesday withdrew the bid before again filing another one that was rejected by parliament.

Slovenia first began the recognition process in early May, but said it would wait until the situation in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza improved. Golob has explained he was speeding up the process in reaction to Israel’s latest attacks on the southern Gaza city of Rafah , which have caused more than 1 million Palestinians to flee.

The war was triggered by the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attack in which militants stormed across the Gaza border into southern Israel, killing 1,200 people and taking about 250 hostage. Israel’s air and land attacks have since killed more than 36,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry , which doesn’t distinguish between combatants and civilians.

More than 140 countries recognize a Palestinian state — more than two-thirds of the United Nations.

'Pretty cool': US kids discover remains of teen T-Rex

Washington (AFP) – What did you do for summer vacation? Three pre-teen dinosaur aficionados have the answer of a lifetime: they discovered the remains of a rare juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex in the North Dakota dirt.

Issued on: 05/06/2024 - 
Young Liam Fisher lay down next to the fossilized leg bone of a dinosaur he discovered in the Badlands of North Dakota in 2022, and his family sent the photograph to a paleontologist friend, who confirmed it to be of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex © Handout / Giant Screen Films/AFP

Scientists and filmmakers announced Tuesday that brothers Liam and Jessin Fisher, age seven and 10 at the time of the find, and their nine-year-old cousin Kaiden Madsen, were walking in the Hell Creek formation of the Badlands in July 2022 when they found a large fossilized leg bone.

"Dad asked 'What is this?' and Jessin said, 'That's a dinosaur!'" exclaimed young Liam on a video call with his brother, cousin, father Sam Fisher, dinosaur experts and reporters.

They snapped a pic and sent it to a family friend, vertebrate paleontologist Tyler Lyson of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, according to a statement.

When Lyson eventually arrived at the site, he brushed off a tooth and quickly realized the enormity of what the fossil hunters uncovered: an "extremely rare" juvenile T-Rex specimen that lived 67 million years ago -- and could offer critical clues about how the king of dinosaurs grew up.

"It still gives me goosebumps," Lyson recalled on the call.

Kaiden's reaction to learning it was a T-Rex? "This is pretty cool, I can't believe we just found this."

The fossilized bones were excavated, placed in giant plaster jackets and lifted by Black Hawk helicopter onto a truck. They were taken to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, where the public can soon follow progress on the fossil's preparation in a new discovery lab.

Rather remarkably, the saga is only emerging now, after a documentary crew and renowned scientists coordinated in secret over nearly two years with top natural history museums to present the kids' discovery.

This undated handout picture provided by Giant Screen Films shows the tibia of a juvenile T. rex discovered by three pre-teen boys in Marmarth, North Dakota © Handout / Giant Screen Films/AFP

Paleontologists estimate the "Teen Rex" weighed about 3,500 pounds (1,630 kilograms), measured 25 feet (7.6 meters) from nose to tail, and stood about 10 feet tall -- some two-thirds the size of a full grown adult. It was believed to be 13-15 years old when it died.

"It's remarkable to consider how T. rex might have grown from a kitten-sized hatchling into the 40-foot, 8,000-pound adult predator we are familiar with," Thomas Holtz, a vertebrate paleontologist from the University of Maryland and a renowned T-Rex authority, said in the statement.

A documentary about the discovery debuts June 21 and will roll out to 100 cities in IMAX, 3D and other formats.

"This is the kind of story that documentary filmmakers dream of capturing," co-director David Clark said in the statement.

As for the kids, Liam and cousin Kaiden said they'll remain amateur dinosaur sleuths, combing the Badlands for new discoveries.

But Jessin is looking to become a full-time paleontologist.

"It's been a lifelong dream of mine -- probably because I've seen the Jurassic Park movie, and finding this" T-Rex fossil, he said.

Meanwhile, Jessin offered sage advice for his fellow youths: "Put down their electronics and just go out hiking."

© 2024 AFP
UN expresses deep concern over new US asylum limits

The United Nations said it was "profoundly concerned" by the new asylum restrictions on the US-Mexico border unveiled Tuesday by US President Joe Biden and urged Washington to think again.

Issued on: 05/06/2024 -
Closed lines are pictured at the San Ysidro crossing port on the US-Mexico border, as seen from Tijuana, Baja California state, Mexico, on June 4, 2024. 
© Guillermo Arias, AFP

Biden ordered sweeping new migrant curbs on the southern US border in a bid to neutralise one of his political weak spots in his re-election battle against Donald Trump.

The executive order bans migrants who enter the country illegally from claiming asylum when numbers surge past 2,500 in a day, as well as making it easier to deport them back to Mexico.

"UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is profoundly concerned about the new asylum measures announced today by the United States which impose harsh restrictions on the right to seek asylum in the country," it said in a statement.

"The new measures will deny access to asylum for many individuals who are in need of international protection, and who may now find themselves without a viable option for seeking safety and even at risk of refoulement," being sent back across the border, it added.

"Any person who claims to have a well-founded fear of being persecuted in their country of origin must have access to safe territory and have this claim assessed before being subject to deportation or removal.

"We call on the United States to uphold its international obligations and urge the government to reconsider restrictions that undermine the fundamental right to seek asylum."

Migrants entering the United States are normally allowed to claim asylum if they face harm or persecution on the grounds of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group.

But many spend years waiting for their claims to be processed, with critics saying that people often cross purely for economic reasons and then game the system to remain in the United States.

The UNHCR said it recognised that the United States was facing challenges in dealing with the significant number of people arriving at its border.

"The United States has a long history of welcoming refugees and continues to do so through various pathways, including resettlement, private sponsorship, and others," it said.

"We remain committed to supporting the United States in much-needed broader reform efforts, including to improve the fairness, quality, and efficiency of its border management and asylum systems."

Global warming accelerating at 'unprecedented' pace: study

Paris (AFP) – Global warming has accelerated at an "unprecedented" pace as the window to limit rising temperatures within internationally-set targets closes, over 50 leading scientists warned in a study published on Wednesday.

Issued on: 05/06/2024
The average annual emissions for the 2013-2022 period was 53 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide -- primarily from the use of fossil fuels like oil and gas, the report said 

Looking at decade averages, temperatures climbed 0.26 degrees Celsius from 2014 to 2023, said the study published in the journal Earth System Science Data.

In that same period, average global surface temperatures reached 1.19C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial benchmark for measuring a warming world.

It marks an increase from the 1.14C reported last year for the decade up to 2022.

"Human-induced warming has been increasing at a rate that is unprecedented in the instrumental record," the study said.

The study is part of a series of periodic climate assessments designed to fill the gap between UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that have been released on average every six years since 1988.

It came as diplomats from around the world were meeting in Germany this week for midyear climate talks ahead of the UN COP29 summit in November in Baku, Azerbaijan.

The 2015 Paris Agreement that resulted from a previous COP summit saw countries agree to cap global warming at "well below" 2C above preindustrial levels, while striving for the safer limit of 1.5C.

Wednesday's report found that, by the end of 2023, human activity had pushed temperatures 1.31C above the preindustrial level.

Earth warmed a total of 1.43C with other naturally-occuring drivers -- including the El Nino weather phenomenon -- taken into account.

- Carbon budget spent -

Another factor contributing to the heat is the decline in certain polluting particles in the atmosphere that reflect some of the Sun's energy back into space, the study found.

"The main reason is cleaning up of air pollution, first in Europe and the US (acid rain) and more recently in Asia, particularly China," Glen Peters of Norway's CICERO Center for International Climate Research told AFP.

Tightening of global shipping regulations and the decline of coal-fired energy have also contributed to a drop in sulphur dioxide emissions, which also had a cooling effect.

But by far the primary driver of global warming was "greenhouse gas emissions being at an all-time high", the study said.

Average annual emissions for the 2013-2022 period were 53 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide and the equivalent in other gases -- primarily from the use of fossil fuels like oil and gas, the report said.

In 2022, emissions amounted to 55 billion tonnes.

It means that the world's carbon budget -- the estimated amount of greenhouse gases that can to be emitted before driving the planet over the 1.5C threshold -- is "shrinking fast", the study warned.

In 2020, the IPCC calculated the remaining carbon budget in the range of 500 billion tonnes of CO2.

By early 2024, the budget had decreased to around 200 billion tonnes, the study said.

The report's lead author Piers Forster said there is a "bit of optimism" at least in one finding.

The rate at which emissions have grown in the most recent decade appears to have slowed since 2000, which he said signals "we're not necessarily going to get a big, increasing acceleration of climate change".

However, co-author Pierre Friedlingstein, told a press briefing that the slowing is not enough to avoid climate change.

"We don't need emissions to be stable. We need emissions to go down to net zero," Friedlingstein said.

"As long as emissions continue at the same level, the warming will continue at the same level."

Without significant change in emissions, the 1.5C threshold would be breached and become a "long-term average" within the next decade, he added.

© 2024 AFP
'Life goes on' - Panama islanders relocated as sea level rises

Cartí Sugtupu (Panama) (AFP) – Alberto Lopez prepares breakfast with water lapping at his ankles. The day began with rain, and his ramshackle home on the Panamanian island of Carti Sugtupu was flooded, not for the first time.

Issued on: 05/06/2024
Some 1,200 inhabitants of the island Carti Sugtupu are being relocated to mainland Panama 

Lopez is one of 1,200 Indigenous residents of the island being relocated to the mainland, as sea level rise due to global warming threatens to permanently devour their ancestral home.

The community is the first in Panama to be displaced by climate change.

Since Monday, residents have been packing and moving their belongings by boat to the Nuevo Carti (New Carti) settlement built for them by the government in the Guna Yala Indigenous region on Panama's Caribbean coast.

On the island, Lopez lives in a small house with a dirt floor, no toilet, and only intermittent electricity.

Alberto Lopez was born on the Panamanian island of Carti Sugtupu 72 years ago 

In preparation for the move, his family is stacking clothes and other meager belongings on a small table at the front door, along with cleaning supplies and a Bible.

Their destination, Nuevo Carti, boasts houses that each have two bedrooms, a living and dining room, kitchen, bathroom and laundry -- all with potable water and electricity.

Each house is about 41 square meters (441 square feet) on a plot of 300 square meters, and there are common cultural spaces and facilities for disabled people.

The conditions are undoubtedly better, but the community has mixed feelings nevertheless.

"We are sad because if this island disappears, a part of our heart, of our culture, disappears with it," said Lopez, who was born on Carti Sugtupu 72 years ago.

As a child, he fished there, as do most islanders, and worked in the fields on the mainland.

The islands off Panama are between 50 centimeters (19 inches) and one meter (three feet) above sea level 

His mother sent him to study in Panama City, where he lived for more than 30 years before returning home.

"I came back because my heart wanted me here, and this house is the one my family left me," Lopez told AFP.

"My grandmother, my grandfather and my aunt died here... it's not going to be the same, but I have to move on because life goes on," he added.

- 'A brutal change' -

On Carti Sugtupu, the size of five football fields, Lopez and his fellow islanders lived in overcrowded conditions with few basic services.

They use communal toilets with pieces of timber laid down as seats.
Homes built on Carti Sugtupu island flood on a regular basis, and the government expects that by 2050, the island will be completely under water

The community lived off fishing, the harvesting of starchy crops like cassava and plantains, traditional textile production, and some tourism.

Their homes flooded on a regular basis, and the government expects that by 2050, Carti Sugtupu will be completely under water, along with several other islands in the archipelago of 350, only 49 of them inhabited.

All are between 50 centimeters (19 inches) and one meter (about three feet) above sea level.

Scientists say climate change is causing sea levels to rise, mainly due to meltwater from warming glaciers and ice sheets.

President Laurentino Cortizo said recently the government was studying which other communities may have to be moved next.

On Monday, the first day of the mass transfer, police helped the community move their belongings to their new homes.

At a small pier, the officers helped load furniture, buckets of clothes, plastic chairs, some appliances and a stuffed animal for the 15-minute boat trip.

"I am sad to leave this house," said Idelicia Avila, 42, adding: "We are moving because there's no room for us here" on the island.

Nuevo Carti was erected by the government at a cost of $12.2 million, transferring ownership to the community.

Lopez will live in house number 256 with three sisters and a daughter.

He hopes to grow crops such as pumpkins, cassava, pineapples or bananas to sell, and is already planning where the furniture and appliances will go -- and even contemplating a possible extension to his new house.
Scientists say climate change is causing sea levels to rise, mainly due to meltwater from warming glaciers and ice sheets 

"Here we have everything to bathe... there (on the island) we don't have that," he said as he showed AFP around his new bathroom.

"Of course, everyone is happy, but it's a brutal change."


© 2024 AFP