Friday, February 18, 2022

Saving Mexico's octopuses from warming waters and overfishing

As ocean temperatures rise the fascinating animals are struggling to breed naturally. Could octopus farms help the animals survive?

Is octopus farming sustainable?

With three hearts, eight arms and high levels of intelligence, octopuses are undoubtedly fascinating creatures. They can also squeeze through the tightest of spaces and change their skin color and texture at will.

They are also a popular delicacy in many regions of the world: Whether in sushi, deep-fried or served in their own ink. Worldwide 420,000 tons of octopus are consumed each year and the trend is rising sharply.

However, breeding octopuses in captivity is difficult in comparison to species like shrimp or salmon. That is why the octopus that lands on our plates is caught in the wild and some regions in Asia are already considered overfished.

There is high demand around the world for the mollusk

The largest exporter and producer of octopus in the world is Mexico, where there is still enough of the animal in the sea. Yet, research in the small village of Sisal in Yucatán shows that they are extremely sensitive to temperature fluctuations and will not lay eggs if the water is too warm. This may soon become a problem if climate change continues to heat up the ocean.

Octopus farms — hope for the fishermen

Biologist Carlos Rosas Vasquez has been researching the perfect living conditions for octopuses for over twenty years on behalf of the Mexican University UNAM. Over the years, he and his team have been able to perfect food, light conditions and water temperature and have even set up a small breeding station for pregnant females fished from the sea.

The scientific insights gained from this process is also helpful for local fishermen in the village. Some are involved in the cooperative "Moluscos Del Mayab" that is looking to use these university findings to develop a commercial octopus farm. The hope is that if it is successful on a large scale, the fishermen will be able to release octopuses from the farms into the sea to replenish their numbers.

Breeding octopus is considered very difficult

Project goal: Supporting financing solutions for biodiversity conservation measures.

Budget: The octopus project and the cooperative Moluscos Del Mayab was given $4,000 (€3,500) from the Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN II), supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment as part of the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Small Grants Program of the GEF contributed $50,000 (€43,700).

Partner organizations: UNAM Mexico and GEF Global Environment Facility.

Duration: BIOFIN II runs until December 2025

A video by Katja Döhne


Inky the octopus makes daring escape from New Zealand aquarium

An octopus has escaped from captivity after breaking out of his tank. Aquarium employees believe he has since returned to his natural habitat.

Bug-eyed colossus

They are the stuff of children's nightmares, legends and myths and there is still very little known about the colossal squid - except that it holds a very unusual world record.

Cardinal slams abuse cover-ups at Vatican priest forum

Agence France-Presse
February 17, 2022

Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet and Pope Francis 
(Tiziana FABI AFP)

An influential cardinal opened a Vatican symposium on the priesthood Thursday apologizing for "unworthy ministers" and the cover-up of child sexual abuse by Catholic clergy, before an audience that included Pope Francis.

Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet acknowledged that "we are all torn and humbled by these crucial questions that every day question us as members of the Church", with Francis at his side in the Vatican's vast Paul VI Hall.

"Should we not rather refrain from talking about the priesthood when the sins and crimes of unworthy ministers are on the front pages of the international press for betraying their commitment or for shamefully covering up?"

A string of recent investigations exposing pedophile priests have been front page news in recent months, exposing the scale of the problem and the decades-long Church cover-up.

Ouellet is a prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, one of the most important functions within the Curia, the government of the Vatican.

He said the symposium was an opportunity to express regret and ask victims for forgiveness after their lives were "destroyed by abusive and criminal behavior" hidden or treated lightly to protect the institution and perpetrators.

The symposium would be a "painful and yet necessary exercise" of conscience to analyze the historical, cultural and theological causes of what Francis has referred to as "clericalism", he added.

Ouellet, the main organizer of the three-day symposium, defined it as "abuses of power, spiritual abuses, abuses of conscience, of which sexual abuses are but the tip of the iceberg".

"This symposium takes note of the clamor and anger of the people of God, so we are here to unite our voices with those who are calling for truth and justice," he added.

Francis did not mention the subject of abuse, instead sharing what he considered four "pillars" of the priesthood, drawn from his personal experience.

The symposium -- which is expected to attract 500 people -- comes two days after victims groups in Italy launched an unprecedented campaign to demand an independent investigation into priest abuse, in the wake of similar inquiries in Germany and France.

A report published last month criticized former pope Benedict XVI for turning a blind eye to abusive priests while he was the Archbishop of Munich from 1977 to 1982. He has denied any wrongdoing.

Since becoming pope in 2013, Francis has striven to tackle the decades-long sexual abuse scandals, although many activists against pedophilia insist much more needs to be done.

The Argentine pontiff convened an unprecedented summit on clerical sex abuse in 2019, lifted secrecy rules that hindered investigations of abusing priests, and hardened the punishment of abusers under Vatican law, among other measures.

© 2022 AFP
Officials at Texas Christian school charged in alleged coverup of student's brutal sexual assault: police

John Wright
February 16, 2022

Officials are led out of Midland Christian School in handcuffs on Wednesday. (Nexstar/screen shot)

Five employees at a Christian school in Midland, Texas, have been arrested for allegedly covering up the sexual assault of a student.

The employees include the superintendent, principal, and baseball and football coaches at the Midland Christian Academy, according to a report from NewsWest 9.

The assault reportedly took place in a locker room at the school's stadium during baseball practice on Jan. 20. The victim told a forensic investigator at the local Children's Advocacy Center that he was in the locker room changing when the lights were turned off.

"Another student told the victim that it was 'freshman initiation day' before someone began to hit the victim," the station reports. "The victim said he was then pushed to the ground while still being hit and everyone was screaming at him. He stated he attempted to hit his attacker but was told he was not allowed to hit back. According to the affidavit, the victim then stated he was sexually assaulted using a bat."

On Feb. 14, Superintendent Jared Lee allegedly refused to turn over evidence related to the assault — which reportedly was captured on video — to Midland police. Lee also refused to answer questions.

"During the investigation, officers determined that the five people arrested all had knowledge of the sexual assault but did not report it as required by the Texas Family Code," the station reports. "Emails obtained by (the police department) reportedly showed clear refusal by those involved to report the abuse to authorities."

According to Nexstar, Lee and the other four officials were arrested at the school on Wednesday morning and led out in handcuffs.

"Parents we spoke with, who wanted to remain anonymous, said the arrests may stem from what has been described as a 'disturbing video of a sexual assault' going around on social media," Nexstar reports.

The other four officials were identified as secondary principal Dana Ellis, assistant principal and coach Matthew Counts, athletic director and football coach Gregory McClendon, and baseball coach Barry Russell.

They reportedly were charged with failure to report with intent to conceal neglect or abuse, a class-A misdemeanor punishable by up to a year in jail.

Representatives from Midland Christian School reportedly declined to comment.

Midland Christian School is a private school with an enrollment of about 1,200 students, according to U.S. News.

"With a rich history rooted in Christian principles and beliefs along with teachingfounded in God's Word, Midland Christian serves as a bright light in West Texas," Superintendent Lee wrote in a welcome message on the school's website. "While we strive for excellence in every aspect of our work to make our Father proud we never compromise the worth of a child or the calling to bring them in closer communion with God."

Eric Trump says he wants to have dinner with Jesus — just so he can complain to him about Biden

Matthew Chapman
February 17, 2022

Eric Trump said in a recent interview that if he could have dinner with any person, he would choose Jesus Christ — because he wants to complain to him about the Biden administration.

During an interview with Candace Owens of The Daily Wire, Trump was asked to name someone who he would like to have dinner with.

"How about Jesus?" he replied.

"What would you ask him?" Owens wondered.

"Did you envision this happening to the United States of America?" Trump said. "Did you ever envision a person as incompetent as Joe Biden running the United States of America? How in the world did this happen?"

"Honestly, I might ask him if this is actually a ploy to show people the difference between Republican leadership and Democratic leadership," Trump added. "Like, sometimes I think about that."

Trump previously asserted on Fox News that Democrats who were critical of his father's administration are "not even people."

Watch video below:
Princess calls for Belgium to 'apologize' for colonial past

Agence France-Presse
February 17, 2022

Princess Esmeralda believes Belgium should 'apologize' for its colonial past John THYS AFP

Belgium's Princess Esmeralda has repeated her call for Belgium to "apologize" for its colonial past and not simply express regret.

Her comments, made in an interview with AFP this week, come as the royal palace announced that King Philippe will visit the DR Congo, a former Belgian colony, next month.

Two years ago, he expressed regret for his country's colonial abuses, but Esmeralda says
Belgium must go further to help repair the damage.

"Belgium must apologise," she told AFP.

"As in a couple, apologies are important to restart a balanced relationship."

The princess first made the call in 2020 on the back of the Black Lives Matter movement.

A great-grandniece of King Leopold II, a monarch who has gone down in history for his violent conquest of the Congo at the end of the 19th century, she also advocated the removal of statues of her ancestor and their dispatch to museums.

That stance earned her "a lot of mail" and criticism, she admitted.

"I was not attacking my current family. We are not responsible for our ancestors," but "we have a responsibility to talk about it".

She said she "understands the expressions of rage" against these colonial symbols.

Prison cell

The 65-year-old princess has made a name for herself over the years for weighing in on sensitive issues.

For 16 years, she worked as a journalist in Paris under the pseudonym Esmeralda de Rethy. More than aware of the "extra weight" her royal name conferred, she again became Esmeralda of Belgium to propel her activism.

Her battles: women's rights, indigenous peoples' rights, and denouncing the environmental damage caused by mining and oil industries.

"I wanted to go further than just reporting the facts," said Esmerelda.

In 2019 she made headlines when she was dragged away from a climate change demonstration in Trafalgar Square by police and thrown into a London jail cell.

She was participating in a sit-in organized by Extinction Rebellion and defied an evacuation order by the police.

She spent five hours behind bars with no favor given to her royal status.

"Shoes taken off. Front and side photos. DNA and fingerprints taken," said the princess, who presides over the Leopold III Fund for the study and conservation of nature.

"I thought it would help the cause a bit because it would be talked about in the media, that's why I chose to do it."

But "I was very privileged, I knew that if I was arrested I wouldn't lose a job or be prevented from picking up my children".

King Philippe's visit, his first to the DRC, will take place from March 6 to 10.

It will also be the first Belgian royal visit to the country since Albert II, Philippe's father, travelled there in 2010 for the 50th anniversary of the former colony's independence.

© 2022 AFP
Texas grand jury indicts at least 9 cops who allegedly used excessive force against BLM protesters

Sky Palma
February 17, 2022

A grand jury in Texas handed down at least nine indictments for Austin Police Department officers accused of using excessive force. According to KVUE, that number is likely to grow, making it the highest number of indictments against police officers in the wake of George Floyd's death.

"The indictments come after the grand jury conducted a review of 21 Austin police officers' actions during the unprecedented protests following Floyd's murder in Minneapolis and the controversial shooting in Austin of Michael Ramos in April 2020," reports KVUE.

The protestors suffered a wide range of injuries, which included traumatic head wounds and broken bones that were allegedly caused by excessive force.

Watch KVUE's report on the story below:

LIVE: Grand jury issues indictments for at least 9 Austin police officers after 2020 protests |

Ohio House passes bills to stiffen 'riot' penalties; stop police from limiting guns on scene

Jake Zuckerman, Ohio Capital Journal
February 17, 2022


The Ohio House passed two bills Wednesday that together would create new penalties and stiffen preexisting ones for people engaged in what the law considers to be “riots,” and another revoking a current police power to limit the transfer of guns and weapons during a “riot.”

House Bill 109 creates new felony offenses of “riot assault,” “riot vandalism,” and “bias motivated intimidation.” It also enhances penalties for existing offenses like rioting, aggravated rioting, disorderly conduct, and vandalism.

It also borrows language from state laws dealing with funding or supporting terrorism to expand the offense of racketeering to include knowingly providing material support to or organizing a crowd into a riot.

Lastly, it creates a new avenue for police officers to file civil lawsuits if they’re injured during a riot, if their civil rights are infringed while on duty, or if a “false complaint” is filed against the officer.

The legislation passed nearly along party lines, though Rep. Jamie Callender, R-Concord, voted with Democrats in opposition. It comes less than two years after protests erupted nationally when a Minneapolis police officer was captured on camera murdering George Floyd, an unarmed Black man. A vast majority of those demonstrations were peaceful, though an estimated 6% nationally turned chaotic and destructive.

The second bill would strike a section of current law that allows the top police officer in a jurisdiction, when suppressing a riot or when one might arise, to cordon off the area and block through-traffic. That officer can prohibit the sale, dispensing or transportation of firearms, ammo, dynamite, or other explosives.

It passed on party lines with Republicans in support and Democrats opposed.

Its sponsors, Reps. Sara Carruthers, R-Hamilton, and Cindy Abrams, R-Harrison, said the bill is focused on the small groups of “agitators” who hijack peaceful protests and turn to destruction. Rep. Haraz Ghanbari, R-Perrysburg, made similar comments, at one point suggesting that some of the protesters in 2020 were “bused in and driven in from other parts of the country.”

Democrats described the bill as an affront to people expressing their rights to speak and peacefully assemble. Rep. Dave Leland, D-Columbus, emphasized that most of what the bill targets is already illegal.

Much of the opposition centers on the broad definition of the term “riot.” Ohio law defines a riot as a group of four or more people engaged in disorderly conduct with the purpose of committing a misdemeanor. When the bill passed in committee, several social justice protesters stood in protests with red “X” letters taped over their coronavirus masks.

Several Democrats noted the racial dynamics of the issue — a mostly white group of lawmakers passed legislation to crack down on protests that formed in response to racial injustice.

“When we look at the details of the bill, there are inadvertent consequences for people simply wanting to speak and say, ‘Enough is enough,’” said Rep. Dontavius Jarrells, D-Columbus.

Carruthers said the bill isn’t about race or even any specific protest.

“This is not a racial issue, not even close,” she said. “This is about someone throwing a brick through a building.”

Rep. Scott Wiggam, R-Wooster, introduced the guns bill, a major priority of the Buckeye Firearms Association. He said while the governor and health department did not close down any gun stores during the COVID-19 lockdowns of early 2020, the bill ensures it remains that way in the future.

Democrats in the chamber said the bill infringes on a doctrine within the Ohio Constitution that calls for “home rule” on policing issues. Rep. Jessica Miranda offered an amendment to reshape the bill to continue to allow local police to limit firearm sales and transfers in a cordoned off area where a riot is taking place.

The amendment was voted down.

Ohio Capital Journal is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Ohio Capital Journal maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor David DeWitt for questions: Follow Ohio Capital Journal on Facebook and Twitter.
Pro-'free speech' app Gettr bans users who are critical of Chinese financier Guo Wengui: report

Brad Reed
February 17, 2022


Gettr, the MAGA-friendly social media platform intended to be a pro-"free speech" alternative to Twitter, is apparently banning accounts that are critical of Chinese finacier Guo Wengui, who reportedly has deep ties to the app.

Daily Beast reporter Zachary Petrizzo says that he heard rumors from Gettr users about getting banned for being critical of Guo -- and particularly if they baselessly accused him of being a secret "spy" for Chinese government.

To test this out, Petrizzo made six different accounts that all wrote negative posts about Guo.

"All six accounts were promptly banned, with 83 minutes being the longest span of time a single critical post remained live," writes The Daily Beast. "They were banned without notice of wrongdoing or explanation for the permanent suspensions."

Petrizzo then tried to create accounts that praised Guo and touted his animosity toward the Chinese Communist Party -- and these accounts were all allowed to stay up.

Of course, this isn't the only time that Gettr has banned people from its platform.

"Since its inception, the supposedly 'anti-cancel culture' Gettr has generated several controversies over its use of content moderation, drawing the ire of far-right extremists like Nicholas Fuentes who flocked to the site to say whatever they wanted," notes Petrizzo. "Shortly after joining, Fuentes and members of his white nationalist 'groyper army' were quickly given the boot for having 'violated Gettr’s clearly defined terms of use,' as a spokesperson told The Daily Beast at the time."
Let them eat steak: French Communists bounce back with recipe for ‘happy days’

“This left is no longer desirable, it has stopped fighting for the right to happiness.”

Agence France-Presse
February 17, 2022

Fabien Roussel, the Communist Party candidate for the French presidency, says the left has turned its back on the working class. © Daniel Cole, AP

France’s century-old Communist Party is showing signs of a renaissance in the run-up to April presidential elections, propelled by a charismatic candidate who promises happier days for a famously morose – and nostalgic – nation.

The rise of Fabien Roussel began with a juicy steak, a lump of cheese and a splash of red wine – “the essence of French cuisine”, as the Communist Party leader put it.

The seemingly banal statement, made during an interview on state television on January 9, touched a raw nerve in France, exposing deep fractures on the French left. It reignited a heated controversy between environmental activists, keen on weaning the French off their addiction to meat, and self-proclaimed defenders of French lifestyle.

For Roussel, a little-known candidate from an ailing party that looked consigned to the history books, the polemic was a gift, an easy gateway to the notoriety that had so far eluded him. Sensing an opportunity, he began to pepper his every speech and interview with talk of tasty, grass-fed beef, rigorously made in France. His critics, chief among them the Greens, he exposed as moralizing party poopers bent on eliminating life’s simple pleasures.

“No more coppa, no more panisse [pancakes] in Marseille, no more French fries in the North,” he cried in dismay at a rally earlier this month. “What are we going to eat? Tofu and soy beans? Oh, come on!”

The right’s favorite communist

Roussel’s culinary considerations are part of a broader strategy aimed at carving out a space for his party within a weak and deeply divided left wing. They join a string of topics on which the Communist nominee has been conspicuously at odds with others on the left.

Alone of all left-wing candidates for the presidency, Roussel is a staunch supporter of nuclear energy. He also advocates a stricter reading of France’s rules on secularism, has spoken dismissively of “wokeism”, and has voiced support for hunters and the police, appearing alongside far-right leaders at a controversial protest called by police unions last year. All of which has earned him unwanted plaudits from right-wing politicians and from members of President Emmanuel Macron’s government.

Never mind his orthodox plans to boost the minimum wage, nationalize top banks, introduce a steep wealth tax or hire half a million new civil servants; it’s the unorthodox proposals that have caught the public’s eye – chief among them his dining suggestions.

According to his campaign director Ian Brossat, a deputy mayor of Paris, criticism of Roussel has been mostly caricatural.

“If it’s right-wing to say that gastronomy should be available to everyone, then the vast majority of the country is right-wing,” Brossat told FRANCE 24. “I don’t think it is.”

Roussel himself has angrily dismissed his label as the right wing’s pet communist. “When the right wing, the Medef [a business lobby] and Macron take a look at the latest opinion polls and witness our surge, they’ll choke on their croissants while reading the Figaro,” he snapped in an interview on Tuesday, referring to France’s conservative newspaper of record.

Stepping out of Mélenchon’s shadow

There’s another reason for Roussel’s popularity on the right. By running as an independent candidate, he is siphoning votes from Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the firebrand leader of leftist party La France insoumise (France Unbowed, LFI), under whose banner the Communists ran in the last two presidential elections, and who narrowly missed out on the second round in 2017.

Roussel, 52, was elected head of the Communist Party the following year, with a specific mandate to carry the party’s colors in future presidential elections – regardless of the pressure to rally behind Mélenchon once again. His mission is to drag the party out of its “electoral irrelevance”, says Roger Martelli, a historian of the Parti communiste français (PCF).

“From the perspective of the Communist Party, the alliance with LFI was a failure, because it cost them seats in subsequent parliamentary elections,” Martelli told FRANCE 24. “The lesson they drew was that to miss out on the presidential election meant weakening the party.”

Judging by voter surveys, the party’s decision to go it alone is starting to pay off. In recent weeks, Roussel has seen his poll numbers crawl up to 5% – still a small share of the vote but a far cry from the 1.9% the PCF won when it last fielded a presidential candidate, in 2007. In a highly symbolic reversal of fortunes, it has overtaken the once mighty Socialist Party, whose beleaguered candidate Anne Hidalgo has seen her support slump.

After decades of lingering in the shadow of larger parties, first as junior partners to the Socialists and then as side-kicks to Mélenchon, the Communists are reveling in their new-found independence. Once again, the media are knocking on the gates of their futuristic Paris headquarters, one of the capital’s great postwar architectural landmarks, which the Communists have held onto – even as the cash-strapped Socialists sold theirs.

“One could be tempted to joke that the Communist Party has finally got its revenge over the Socialists,” said Martelli. “But the satisfaction would necessarily be tempered by the knowledge that this is now a contest between minnows.”

Poaching voters from other left-wing parties is not an objective of the PCF, added Brossat, noting that “they already have so few”. Put together, the many little candidates of the left vying for the French presidency account for just a quarter of the electorate, according to surveys. Only one of them, Mélenchon, has reached double digits.

“Our aim is to broaden the left’s electorate by luring back voters who drifted away from the left in recent years,” said Roussel's campaign manager. “That means reaching out to them and offering solutions to their problems; which is what Fabien Roussel is trying to do.”

The moralising left

Nowhere has the left hemorrhaged supporters in greater numbers than in Roussel’s own northern heartland, once an industrial stronghold of the left and now a bastion of abstention and the far right.

An MP and small-town mayor from the Pas-de-Calais, France’s northernmost département, Roussel has cultivated the image of an affable, straight-talking man-of-the-people who is fond of engaging with his constituents at the market and in bistros. He is known to jot down grievances, ideas and puns on his notebook, perhaps a legacy of his stint as a reporter for the hallowed Communist daily, L’Humanité.

That’s how he came up with the term “roussellement” – a play on “ruissellement”, the French word for trickle-down economics – to describe his own economic platform. A Keynesian proposal to stimulate domestic demand through wage hikes, “roussellement” is hardly a revolutionary idea. But it’s the branding that matters.

As critics have argued, Roussel has proven adept at the art of “dressing up something old as something new”. And for those uncomfortable with the notion of voting for a party once aligned with Stalin’s USSR, he has a simple message: “You don’t need to be a Communist to vote Fabien Roussel.”

His explanation as to why blue-collar voters have turned their backs on the left is equally simple: It was the left that deserted them in the first place, he says, dismissing their concerns, shunning their language and habits, and ceasing to give them hope.

“I’m fed up with a left that makes people feel guilty all the time,” he told French newspaper Libération on Wednesday. “I don’t want the left-wing politics of the Greens, who lecture the French all the time, who make them feel guilty for eating meat, for using their cars, for building their homes in the countryside, for flying the national flag.”

He added: “This left is no longer desirable, it has stopped fighting for the right to happiness.”

Happy Days

To distinguish themselves from rivals on the left, the Communists have picked the most upbeat slogan in the campaign so far: "Happy Days for France" – a reference to a French Resistance manifesto from the end of World War II, when the PCF emerged as France's biggest party.

“The Communists are used to summoning the memory of what Roussel describes as the ‘happy days’, when the working-class movement helped change French society in a positive way,” said Martelli. “We’re in a country where memory plays an important role in shaping popular emotions and the capacity to mobilize.”

It helps that other candidates in this year’s presidential race carry distinctly pessimistic messages, from the warnings of impending climate catastrophe voiced by the Greens to the doom-laden prophecy of racial and cultural “replacement” vented by anti-immigration populist Eric Zemmour.

“France is getting richer and richer, and yet the French people see their quality of life decline and inequalities increase,” said Brossat. “Happy days means implementing policies that improve people’s daily lives instead of making them worse.”

Critics, however, say the Communists are merely distributing empty promises of happiness, safe in the knowledge that they won’t be called upon to deliver in government.

“I don’t try to generate enthusiasm by denying problems, because that is irresponsible,” Yannick Jadot, the Green candidate for the presidency, told BFMTV on Tuesday, in a jab at Roussel. He added: “Instead, I try to find solutions, because the Greens actually want to govern.”

According to Martelli, Roussel is offering a different type of ecology from the Greens, one “based on incentives rather than punishments, and which works hand in hand with social policies” aimed at struggling households. The point is not to place the burden unfairly on those who are already worse off.

“Roussel is looking for a way to ‘reclaim’ the working-class vote,” he said. “Will it work? A historian can’t answer that question. But is it necessary? For sure.”
Getting vegans on board

For the Communists to have any chance of governing in the near future, an understanding with the Greens and others on the left will be equally indispensable – as Roussel himself appeared to acknowledge at a rally in the Paris suburb of Montreuil on Wednesday. He noticeably tempered his earlier culinary provocations, stressing that “good food, be it meat-based, vegetarian or vegan, must be available to everyone and I respect them all.”

In the vast town hall of Montreuil, which the Communist Party reclaimed from the Greens in 2014, the crowd cheered approvingly as Roussel called for a broad alliance of the left to win as many seats as possible in June parliamentary elections. For the presidential contest, however, they backed their candidate’s decision to go it alone.

“There’s no reason to get behind Mélenchon again, it can’t always be ‘me, me, me’,” said 56-year-old civil servant Mohammed Abdoul-Baki. “With Mélenchon, our party and its ideas were simply erased,” added Daniel Duclos, 74, holding the party’s red flag in one hand and the French tricolour in the other. He praised Roussel for embracing the national flag, “a symbol of the French Revolution that must not be surrendered to the far right.”

Among the younger members of the audience, 23-year-old students Nadia and Clara highlighted the words of optimism voiced by Roussel, and his ability to “reach out to those who don’t consider themselves Communists.” Still, others said they may yet cast a ballot for Mélenchon, rather than Roussel, should the former be in a position to qualify for the second round.

As things stand, Roussel’s success is good news for his party but bad news for the left’s already slim chances of reaching the all-important run-off, says Martelli.

“If you add up support for Mélenchon and the Communist candidate, then the second round is, in theory, attainable,” he explained, noting that the right is also divided, thereby lowering the threshold to qualify for the run-off. “In this respect, the end of their alliance is hugely detrimental to the left.”

Either way, this year’s race for the Élysée Palace is already a lost cause, counters Brossat, for whom a left-wing candidate would get pummeled in the second round – “including by the far right”.

“Our problem is not one of arithmetics, it’s political,” said Roussel’s campaign director. “Left-wing ideas have massively retreated in recent years. It is not by rallying behind a self-proclaimed candidate that we will reclaim the ideological ground we lost.”
Kris Kobach, running for Kansas AG, still working for scandal-tainted border wall group

© The Kansas City Star
Former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is now running for state attorney general, on Aug. 6, 2018. - Shelly Yang/The Kansas City Star/TNS

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Before Kris Kobach lost the Kansas Republican primary for U.S. Senate in August 2020, his pitch to voters included his work for We Build the Wall, the nonprofit funding the construction of strips of wall along the southern border.

As its general counsel, Kobach commanded a handsome fee of $25,000 per month. He was sometimes the organization's public face, appearing on conservative media and in slick promotional materials.

Everything changed 16 days after the election, when federal prosecutors charged leaders of We Build the Wall, including former White House strategist Steve Bannon, with defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors. They created sham invoices and accounts to launder donations and cover up crimes, prosecutors alleged.

The former Kansas secretary of state, known for his hard-line views on immigration, wasn't charged or accused of wrongdoing. Bannon was pardoned by President Donald Trump during his final hours in office. We Build the Wall's operations largely ground to a halt, its funds frozen as the remaining criminal cases moved forward.

But Kobach has continued to work for the scandal-tainted group over the past year and a half, even after launching his campaign for Kansas attorney general — the state's top law enforcement official.

Kobach is no stranger to controversial causes or associating with fringe characters. His latest campaign, coming after unsuccessful bids for Senate and governor, may attract fresh attention to his day job as a lawyer. The ongoing fallout from the We Build the Wall scandal is only the latest headline-grabbing development in a legal career that has also included being held in contempt in federal court while personally defending a Kansas voter registration law.

Kobach remains general counsel at We Build the Wall. And according to Florida business filings, he is a director along with president and founder Brian Kolfage, who is charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Money helps explain why Kobach has maintained his ties to Kolfage's organization.

In the immediate wake of the federal charges, We Build the Wall owed Kobach at least $75,000, according to a September 2020 letter that Kobach's attorney, Justin Weddle, filed in federal court. Kobach had a contract with the organization for a flat $25,000 monthly fee but was last paid in June 2020, the letter said.

Since then, Kobach has been fighting in court on behalf of himself and We Build the Wall to obtain access to the group's funds, which were frozen when charges were filed against Kolfage, Bannon and others. We Build the Wall has about $1.7 million cash on hand, Weddle wrote in September 2020.

We Build the Wall has also been unable to retain private attorneys to defend itself in a lawsuit brought by the North American Butterfly Association, which is accusing Kolfage of defamation over social media posts in 2019 alleging a link between the group and sex trafficking. NABA operates the National Butterfly Center, located in Mission, Texas, near a strip of wall funded by We Build the Wall, and closed to the public earlier this year amid threats.

Federal judges have rejected Kobach's requests for access to the funds, looking skeptically at allowing the organization to spend cash that may eventually be used to compensate victims if We Build the Wall's leaders are ultimately convicted.

Kobach is now asking the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene. In November, We Build the Wall filed a petition asking the high court to take up the case. A response from the Department of Justice is due Tuesday.

Kobach and We Build the Wall's byzantine legal quest, and the prospect of the Supreme Court taking it up, appears to be unusual.

"I will tell you, I have not seen a situation like this before ... I've been deeply engaged in these things since 2006 and this is not something I've seen," said Phil Hackney, a law professor at the University of Pittsburgh who studies nonprofits.

Kobach responded to questions for this story with a statement, saying the chances the Supreme Court will hear any case are "always slim."

"This case presents an important question though, regarding the freezing of assets that belong to an organization that has not been charged with any crime, merely because a board member (who does not own the assets) has been charged with a crime," Kobach said, referring to Kolfage. " A Supreme Court ruling would likely affect other nonprofit organizations in the future."

We Build the Wall's frozen funds

We Build the Wall formed in late 2018 after Kolfage, a U.S. Air Force veteran of Iraq, initially raised money for a wall through a GoFundMe page. It's not exactly clear when Kobach joined, but when he launched his Senate campaign in July 2019, he told supporters his involvement with the group had been "one of the most rewarding things I have done in my career."

The organization and the novelty of its mission — privately-funded border wall — quickly attracted attention. Trump had made building a wall (and making Mexico pay for it) a key part of his first campaign for president. We Build the Wall offered Trump supporters a way to take matters into their own hands.

Kolfage told The Kansas City Star in June 2020 that he and Kobach were first connected through Bannon. At the time, Kolfage said Kobach was "involved in every decision-making process for the organization."

"Because we've had so many eyes just watching every move that we make and he's been able to help me make sure everything we do is by the book and legally above board," Kolfage said.

But prosecutors allege Kolfage covertly used more than $350,000 in donations for his personal use. Bannon was also accused of using We Build the Wall funds to cover personal expenses. The two men, along with Andrew Badolato and Timothy Shea, were accused of concealing payments to Kolfage by routing them through a nonprofit and shell company controlled by Shea.

While Bannon was pardoned, Kolfage and Shea may face trial in May. Badolato is in the "final stages of a pretrial resolution" — indicating he is likely to take a plea deal — prosecutors said in a letter filed in court on Monday.

Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York first unveiled the charges on Aug. 20, 2020. Two weeks later, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Sobelman emailed Weddle asking Kobach to voluntarily produce two categories of documents.

One category included documents concerning an array of politically-oriented limited liability companies and individuals, including Bannon, Kolfage and others close to We Build the Wall. The other was for documents about the group's email or donor lists in connection with Kobach's campaign for Senate, including "any solicitations for contributions."

Kobach had been previously accused by government watchdogs of misusing We Build the Wall's email list to raise money for his campaign. Kobach had emailed the group's supporters, providing links to the campaign's official fundraising page and asked for "a financial contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500, or any amount up to the maximum of $2,800 per individual."

Washington-based Common Cause in 2019 filed a complaint with the Department of Justice, asking for an investigation. Campaign finance experts at the time pointed to the lack of a "paid for" disclosure in the message and said if Kobach didn't pay a fair market price for access to the email list, it could be a violation of campaign finance law.

"Any time a candidate for public office is associated with an outside political organization, it warrants scrutiny to make sure the candidate is not getting an unfair or even illegal boost from the outside organization," Paul S. Ryan, Common Cause's vice president of policy and litigation, said in an interview this week.

Sobelman's email indicates prosecutors had interest in how Kobach's Senate campaign had used We Build the Wall resources and went at least as far as asking for records in his possession.

$75,000 in back pay

Kobach's efforts to gain access to We Build the Wall's funds began soon after charges were filed, according to court documents.

Weddle responded to Sobelman on Sept. 22, 2020, asking in a letter for permission to spend We Build the Wall's funds for a variety of purposes — everything from hiring attorneys to help Kobach produce documents to $75,000 in back pay Kobach was owed.

Weddle also wanted permission to spend $125,000 to pay a retention fee that would allow an insurance company to pay for Kolfage's defense.

Sobelman and Weddle's messages were originally filed under seal in the We Build the Wall criminal cases, but the seal was later lifted. The Star accessed them through a public court records search.

"I have complied voluntarily with the DoJ requests for documents in my possession," Kobach told The Star. "I have continued to serve as General Counsel in order to protect the interests of an organization that serves an important cause, namely physically securing our southern border, and to protect the interests of the hundreds of thousands of contributors who donated to that mission."

Beyond Kobach's own legal expenses and Kolfage's criminal defense, We Build the Wall continues to face long-running litigation involving the North American Butterfly Association. The association sued in 2019, alleging defamation by Kolfage, who sent tweets alleging sex trafficking on National Butterfly Center property.

Over time, the Butterfly Center has become the target of right-wing conspiracy theories about sex and human trafficking.

Last year, We Build the Wall's private attorneys in the lawsuit received permission to drop the case because of non-payment. We Build the Wall has "every intention of paying its legal fees, but is temporarily unable to do so," Kobach said during a March 2021 hearing, according to a transcript.

Kobach said that he, too, hadn't been paid as general counsel since August 2020, "but I don't believe it's appropriate to withdraw."

In an unusual move, Crane designated Kobach as We Build the Wall's attorney "not of record." Earlier this year, the defamation allegations were returned to Texas state court, where the lawsuit was originally filed.

Marianna Trevino-Wright, executive director of the National Butterfly Center, told The Star that she expects the discovery and depositions in the lawsuit to move forward now that it's back in state court.

"Boy, do I feel sorry for you people," Trevino-Wright said of Kobach's run for attorney general.

Supreme Court request

Kobach's formal legal effort to obtain access to We Build the Wall's accounts has been ongoing since the fall of 2020, when his attorney first asked to modify a restraining order placed upon funds in three bank accounts in the nonprofit's name.

Prosecutors said the restraining order was meant to "safeguard funds" that it could later recover through a forfeiture order if it convicts the defendants.

In December 2020, Kobach's request was denied by a district court judge. He appealed to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, which heard arguments in June 2021.

"If the boss of an organized crime family formed an LLC and had all his capos pay money into the LLC instead of giving it to him in cash, can't the government reach the LLC?" U.S. District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan asked, according to Courthouse News Service.

Weddle replied that the nonprofit had an existence apart from its managers. According to CNS, Kaplan exclaimed that Kolfage "is the crime boss!"

The appeals court dismissed Kobach's appeal the next month. We Build the Wall then filed its petition for Supreme Court review in November.

Kobach didn't answer a question this week about how much We Build the Wall currently owes him.