Monday, May 06, 2024



AI’s Midjourney image generator carries ancient wonders to life where the present and past beautifully offset each other through detailed recreation.

New findings like the Colossus of Rhodes spill in some salty pieces of ancient engineering and artful works.

Preservation of heritages via AI reconstruction is how the value of technology is demonstrated.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has achieved a feat once thought impossible: reviving the last seven wonders in the world that ever existed before and remains in the memory of the time. These ancient wonders of the world have been manually reproduced by AI using a Midjourney image generator to show us the quality of their greatness. This machine offers a view of the past glory. As they recreated the Great Pyramid of Giza, a great wonder of the past, they brought these times as close as they could to the present day.
Rediscovering ancient marvels

Having arisen and collapsed, civilizations often leave no trace of their architectural masterpieces just to forget them in the black hole of history. Yet, AI is on a mission to bring them back from the dead and to inspire life into them once again. One of the spectacles so restored is the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is proof of the intelligence of ancient Egyptians. The temple of Karnak was built in twenty-seven years during the reign of the ancient Egyptians in the 26th century BCE, and its gleaming white limestone casing has been restored to its original beauty, giving a glimpse of the beautiful building that used to dominate the Egyptian sky.

Together with the Great Pyramid, the huge statue of Zeus at Olympia is a marvelous achievement of Ancient Greek craftsmanship. In the temple of Olympia, beholds a golden idol measuring the height of forty feet, which used to attract worshipers there with its divine resplendence. Even though it caused its destruction in 475 AD, AI’s reproduction brings out all the divinity of Zeus which lets the current audience admire the artistic talent of the ancient time.

From Rhodes to Alexandria

Apart from restoring the amazing works to life, the Colossus of Rhodes, a colossal statue dedicated to the Greek sun god Helios, will be constructed. The felling of AI in 226 BCE completed its restoration and back where it stands on its pediment it catches visitors’ eyes and reminds all of them of its ancient majesty. The Colossus is a new visual recreation that conveys a thorough analysis of direct and modern simulations, showing the meticulousness and artistry of its creators.

Furthermore, the legendary Lighthouse of Alexandria has been reborn thanks to the cutting-edge algorithms AI has created. During the rule of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, this architectural masterpiece was constructed, which enabled sailors to navigate within its illuminated region, becoming a symbol of the maritime greatness of Ancient Egypt. Even though the AI made it lost to the vicissitudes of time, nevertheless the AI reconstruction demonstrates the former coast of Alexandria once more.
Source: X (Formerly Twitter)

Honoring the legacy of antiquity

AI can add a new breath to these ancient seven wonders and draw attention to the importance of our cultural legacy. Through technology, we get an insight and an appreciation for the creativity and the workmanship of our ancestors whose creations are still appreciable centuries later. AI accomplishes this through reviving the Seven Wonders of the World, thereby making sure that generations to come get to be overwhelmed and enjoy the legacy for a long time.

In a time marked by continuous change and turmoil, the reappearance of these marvelous remains tells us that despite incessant changes, the enduring power of human ingenuity and creativity will never be in doubt. When we capture these artificially accentuated masterpieces in our mind eye, we suddenly find ourselves transported back in time to an era of architectural grandeur and artistic excellence. Via AI, these time-honored marvels enabling people to vividly imagine the now-passed time of ancient civilizations are no longer confined to pages of history, but the wonder and awe go back to life.

New Air Quality Monitors Could Expose Factory Farming and Environmental Racism


In North Carolina, Sampson County residents and environmental groups are working together to measure air pollution from the meat industry.


By Grace Hussain, Sentient Media

Sampson County is an agricultural powerhouse for North Carolina, home to more than 400 industrial animal agriculture operations, otherwise known as factory farms. These hundreds of factory farms are responsible for spewing tons of greenhouse gasses and other toxic pollutants into the air, but until now, Sampson county residents haven’t been able to do much about it.

Ninety-five percent of North Carolina hog farms are located in the eastern part of the state, a region predominantly low-income and Black, brown and Indigenous. A 2023 analysis of air quality in Duplin county (neighbor to Sampson county) found that marginalized communities are exposed to higher pollution levels — including ammonia — than the state’s residents as a whole. Efforts to fight back against pollution have long proved challenging, but residents are turning to air quality monitors to expose factory farming and a clear pattern of environmental racism.

Even though research has shown that the pork industry’s heavy presence contributes to air pollution, until recently communities in the eastern part of North Carolina have not had access to federal air quality monitors, which would give them access to federal grants that could be used to make the air cleaner. A new program spearheaded by residents and a coalition of advocacy groups is working to address that gap in information — putting monitoring equipment in the hands of the community in order to arm them in the fight for cleaner air.

“There is a gap in air quality data,” says Daisha Wall, who manages programs for Cleanaire NC, one of the organizations working in Sampson County to install air quality monitors throughout the area in order to fill the void. The organization employs what is sometimes called “citizen science,” a strategy of scientific research that is driven by a collaboration of professional scientists and members of the public, though the group uses the term “community science” to describe its collaborative efforts. Community scientists are called Airkeepers by the Cleanaire NC, which previously spearheaded a similar effort in Charlotte.

The Sampson County initiative brings together community residents and a number of environmental groups, including Cleanaire NC, the Environmental Justice Community Action Network and Eastern Research Group. The groups will be working together to deploy air sensors — some directly into backyards and one that is mounted on a car — in order to detect pollution in the air. The project is being funded by a $500,000 grant from the EPA, and depending on the data, agency regulators could take action if that pollution exceeds regulatory limits.

Hog Farm Air Pollution Linked to Higher Cancer Rates

A typical North Carolina industrial hog farms hold thousands of hogs at a time, and those animals generate massive amounts of waste — upwards of millions of gallons of manure, in fact. Farms have to store the waste somewhere until it can be sprayed on crop farms, often in massive open-air cesspits. Each of the farms in Sampson County usually has at least one of these cesspits, though some of the larger farm operations need five or six to hold all of their waste, according to state data. As the waste sits, it emits noxious gasses like methane and hydrogen sulfide that spread into the air in surrounding communities. Collectively, these gasses are called volatile organic compounds or VOCs, and the science suggests these pollutants might be linked to a number of health conditions that are more common in these communities.

According to the research, factory farms in North Carolina have been linked to higher rates of anemia, kidney disease and, for some residents, early mortality. And according to the American Lung Association, exposure to these gasses can cause ear, nose and eye irritation, difficulty breathing and increase the risk of some kinds of cancer.

In Sampson County, Community Residents Take the Lead

Factory farms have a long history of operating in poorer marginalized communities where residents lack the financial resources to push back against the meat and dairy industries. Every single attendee at Cleanaire NC’s first community meeting for the project was Black or brown, says Wall, who heard residents express concern about the quality of the air they and their families breathe each day.

The concerns raised at that first meeting became some of the major driving forces behind the new initiative. Some community members recounted how their homes were sprayed with animal feces, says Wall, while others described playgrounds located right next to factory farms. “It really puts a fire under you to do the best you can,” she adds.

Data collection is set to launch July 1, but 25 out of 30 sensors have already been deployed at homes across the county. Using an app developed in partnership by Cleanaire NC and the EPA, residents report unusual odors, which triggers the system to analyze the source of the smell  — ammonia smells sharp and pungent, for instance.

Over the next three years, the coalition will also host training and informational sessions aimed at equipping community members to effectively advocate for clean air. The end goal of all of it: a federal air monitor that can unlock stronger clean air protections for Sampson county.

Federal air quality monitors are used to flag any air contaminant that’s out of the ordinary, says Wall. And once a pollutant has been flagged, she says, “they have to implement programs to address it.” Up until now, communities didn’t have actual data about the pollution in the air. But if the federal monitor detects regulatory violations, the EPA can pursue action against the offenders — including fines and remediation.

Building On Success in Charlotte

In Sampson County, the campaign for a federal air monitor has just started. But 170 miles away in Charlotte, residents of the historic West End neighborhood have already leveraged the sensors to jumpstart federal air quality monitoring.

The community in Charlotte even went on to create a green district with the support of organizations like Cleanaire NC, which includes car charging stations, a community garden, freshly planted trees, newly established green spaces and green bus stations and infrastructure.

The new landscape is a distinct departure from the historic reality of the West End neighborhood, which was redlined by zoning maps in the 1930’s. The practice of redlining was used to delineate Black neighborhoods as “risky investments.” These neighborhoods then were excluded from the investments enjoyed by other areas in cities, and buildings, roads and other city services became neglected and rundown as a result. To make matters worse, when highways came to Charlotte, they cut through other Black neighborhoods, which caused more families to move to the West End and increased racial segregation in Charlotte. Decades later, the neighborhood is now considered highly desirable, but the district also struggles against the effects of gentrification, which increase rents and property taxes and threaten to displace longtime residents.

Back in Sampson County, Wall emphasizes that Cleanaire NC is well aware of their role as an outside organization supporting the work of the residents of the local community. “We really are led and guided by community needs and input,” she says. Wall also says she’s eager to get started, to help spur “the changes that communities want to see.”

This article has been updated to clarify Wall’s work with Cleanaire NC, and also the group’s use of the term “community science.”

This article originally appeared in Sentient at

This story was originally published by Sentient Media.

How Britain Shields Israel From War Crime Charges

May 5, 2024

The U.K. government has repeatedly protected Israeli politicians, spies and soldiers from being arrested for war crimes when they visit Britain, John McEvoy and Phil Miller reveal.

Benny Gantz, then chief of general staff of the IDF, left, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meeting in 2013. (Prime Minister of Israel/Flickr)

By James McEvoy and Phil Miller
Declassified UK

The U.K. government has provided special diplomatic immunity to scores of foreign officials accused of committing serious violations of international law, Declassified has found.

Since 2013, the Foreign Office has granted over 50 “special mission” certificates to military and political figures from Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Rwanda and Iran.

Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz was granted this protection as recently as March, even after the country was put under investigation for genocide in Gaza.

It comes as the International Criminal Court looks poised to indict two names on Britain’s list: Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and IDF chief of staff Herzi Halevi.

By granting “special mission” immunity, foreign officials have been able to visit the U.K without fear of arrest.

This could breach Britain’s commitment to universal jurisdiction legislation like the Rome Statute, which provides for the most serious crimes to be prosecuted regardless of where they were committed.

The U.K. government argues that the immunity it issues is customary practice under international law. It says these measures are necessary to ensure the smooth conduct of diplomatic relations.

However, the new list indicates that the Foreign Office has deliberately obstructed efforts to prosecute officials from allied states, many of whom have been accused of egregious violations of international law.

The list was obtained by Labour’s former shadow justice secretary, Richard Burgon MP, in response to a question in parliament.

The Pinochet Precedent

In 1998, Augusto Pinochet was arrested in London on a warrant issued by a Spanish judge for crimes against humanity committed during the Chilean dictatorship.

Though Pinochet was ultimately allowed to return to Chile, his arrest served as a “wake-up call to tyrants around the world”.

It showed how, under the principle of universal jurisdiction, state actors could not rely on diplomatic immunity to escape prosecution for serious violations of international law.

Yet over recent decades, it has become increasingly difficult to pursue universal jurisdiction cases in Britain.

In September 2011, David Cameron’s coalition government passed new legislation requiring the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP – none other than Keir Starmer) before such arrest warrants could be issued.

The law was implemented with Israeli officials in mind. Britain’s foreign secretary William Hague declared: “We cannot have a position where Israeli politicians feel they cannot visit this country”.

Israel’s former foreign minister Tzipi Livni visited Britain a month later, putting the new legislation to the test.

A human rights group and law firm asked Starmer to approve an arrest warrant for Livni over war crimes allegedly committed during Operation Cast Lead.

That was the bombardment of Gaza in 2008-09 when Israel killed over 300 Palestinian children.

Instead of waiting for Starmer to review the evidence, the Foreign Office attributed “special mission” status to Livni’s visit, granting her temporary diplomatic immunity from arrest.

Following this incident, the Foreign Office established “special mission” immunity as common practice. Livni would rely on it a further three times.

Declassified is reporting on the full list of foreign officials who have been shielded from prosecution under this scheme the first time.

It includes politicians, royalty, generals and spies from some of the world’s most abusive regimes.

Immunity for Israel

David Cameron, then U.K. prime minister, left, with his defence minister Dr. Liam Fox in May, 2010. (UK Ministry of Defence)

The U.K. has granted “special mission” immunity to at least seven Israeli officials who have been accused of serious violations of international law.

Chief amongst them was Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his visit to Britain in 2015, when he met David Cameron.

It is unclear why Netanyahu required this protection given heads of state and government as well as foreign ministers typically enjoy full diplomatic immunity.

It is possible that immunity was extended to Netanyahu’s entourage, who were not automatically shielded from prosecution.

Other high-profile recipients include Benny Gantz when he was Israel’s army chief of staff between 2011-15.

During this time, he oversaw an airstrike which destroyed a three-storey building in al-Bureij refugee camp. It killed seven members of a Palestinian family inside.

Now part of Israel’s war cabinet, Gantz was once again given temporary immunity when he visited Rishi Sunak and David Cameron in London this March.

General Herzi Halevi, the current head of the IDF who has approved plans for an assault on Rafah, received immunity to visit the U.K. back when he was Israel’s military intelligence chief.

Another name on the list is Amos Yadlin. He ran the IDF’s military intelligence directorate between 2007 and 2010.

Police Feared Gun Battle at Airport

Yadlin played a role in Israel’s raid of the Turkish-owned Mavi Marmara, the lead ship in a flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Nine of the activists onboard were killed, five with gunshot wounds to the head. Another later died from his injuries.

Doron Almog, a retired Israeli major general, was also granted “special mission” immunity.

As head of the Israeli army’s southern command between 2000-3, Almog was blamed for dropping a one tonne bomb on Gaza City.

It killed 14 civilians, injured 150 people, and destroyed nine apartment buildings. He also authorised the destruction of 59 houses in Rafah refugee camp.

In 2005, an arrest warrant was issued for Almog at Bow Street Magistrates’ Court under the Geneva Conventions Act.

However, he was tipped off by Israeli diplomats upon arriving in London, and refused to leave the plane.

British authorities failed to execute the arrest warrant because “officers feared an attempt to stop him would lead to a gun battle at Heathrow airport”.

Another Israeli official accused of responsibility for dropping that one tonne bomb on Gaza City – Avi Dichter – received immunity for his visit to Britain in 2016.

Israeli military chiefs have been a priority for temporary immunity. It was awarded to Shaul Mofaz when he spoke at the UK parliament in 2015.

Mofaz ran the IDF from 1998 to 2002, a period which spanned the second intifada.

That saw bloody military assaults on Palestinian cities in the illegally occupied West Bank.

Mofaz went on to become Israel’s defence minister “where he was again responsible for numerous human rights violations, including torture, home demolitions and collective punishment”, according to Electronic Intifada.

Other Israelis granted “special mission” status include Yuval Steinitz, when he was international relations minister. He is now chairman of Rafael, Israel’s state-owned arms firm.

Appeasing Egypt

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi speaking at a U.K.-Africa investment meeting in London, Jan. 20, 2020. (DFID/Graham Carlow)

Although changes to universal jurisdiction proceedings were made with Israel in mind, other countries have benefited too.

Egyptians are actually the most common nationality on the list.

The Foreign Office issued 35 “special mission” certificates to Egyptians in the regime of General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Sisi came to power in 2014 after staging a military coup against Egypt’s first democratically-elected president, Mohamed Morsi, one year prior.

Morsi led the Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing and under his brief tenure Egypt loosened restrictions on Hamas in Gaza, alarming Israel.

Since his overthrow, as Declassified reported, Sisi “has presided over a human rights crackdown in the North African country, locking up thousands of political prisoners. Arbitrary arrest and torture are widespread”.

More than 400 prisoners have been hanged, many of them from the Muslim Brotherhood, in what Human Rights Watch has called an “execution frenzy”.

Amid the repression, the U.K. government has remained a close ally of Sisi’s regime, with diplomatic exchanges continuing, trade booming, and senior MI5 and MI6 officials training Egyptian spies.

In 2015, Egypt’s army chief of staff, Mahmoud Hegazy, travelled to Britain for an arms fair.

Lawyers acting for Morsi’s banned Freedom and Justice party sought Hegazy’s arrest over the torture and massacre of political opponents.

The call for Hegazy’s arrest was supported by 55 British figures including the then shadow chancellor, John McDonnell.

Yet the Foreign Office granted Hegazy “special mission” immunity, shielding him from prosecution. Lawyer Tayab Ali noted:

“When Mr Hegazy came, the only reason the police cited not to act on our request to arrest him was the Foreign Office’s decision to grant him special mission immunity.”

That same year, Sisi’s entourage and advance delegation received temporary immunity, allowing his associates to travel without fear of prosecution.

Other Egyptians awarded immunity were trade minister Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, spy chief Khaled Fawzy and military intelligence chief Mohammad Farag Elshahat.

Alex Carlen, human rights coordinator at campaign group FairSquare, commented: “Under Sisi’s rule, Egyptian officials have been credibly accused of perpetrating severe human rights abuses after coming to power following a massacre of more than 800 protestors.

“The UK government has been actively engaged in efforts to sanitise and rehabilitate the image of the Sisi regime. It now transpires that 23 officials have been granted virtual immunity, enabling them to visit the UK without fear of prosecution under our justice system”.

Green Light for Tyrants

Saudi Arabia’s crown prince Mohammed bin Salman was granted special mission status to visit Britain three years into the Kingdom’s war with Yemen. (Palácio do Planalto/Flickr)

Other foreign officials granted “special mission” status to visit Britain include Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, Qatar’s attorney general Ali bin Fetais Almarri and Iran’s deputy foreign minister Ebrahim Rahimpour.

Prince Salman’s protection was awarded for his blockbuster visit to the UK in 2018 when he met Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace.

It came months before he ordered the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and three years into the Kingdom’s war with Yemen, which had seen Saudi coalition forces repeatedly bomb hospitals.

Another eye-catching name on the immunity list is Rwandan general James Kabarebe. He was granted “special mission” status to visit Britain in 2016 when he was president Paul Kagame’s defence minister.

The reason for Kabarebe’s visit was apparently to speak at a U.N. peacekeeping conference in London alongside defence ministers from all over the world.

Four years prior, a leaked U.N. report had identified Kabarebe “as effectively directing a Congolese rebel militia accused of killings, rapes and other atrocities”.

This militia, named M23, was said to be coordinated by Rwandan officials who were attempting to plunder Congo’s mineral resources.

Kabarebe is also accused of involvement in the shooting down of Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana’s plane, whose death sparked the genocide in 1994.

He was ordered to comply with a French investigation into the matter in 2017, but refused. Campaign group Redress previously noted that:

“The U.K. should refuse to accept an individual as being on a special mission, and potentially entitled to immunity, when there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the individual has been involved in or associated with international crimes including torture, war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide”.

This story was first published by Declassified UK.

Phil Miller is Declassified UK’s chief reporter. He is the author of Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away With War Crimes. Follow him on Twitter at @pmillerinfo.

John McEvoy is an independent journalist who has written for International History Review, The Canary, Tribune Magazine, Jacobin and Brasil Wire.
Ex-Fulton County Prosecutor Defends Workplace Romance: 'As American As Apple Pie'

Nathan Wade resigned so District Attorney Fani Willis could continue prosecuting the case.

By Paige Skinner
May 5, 2024,

Special prosecutor Nathan Wade sits in court on March 1 in Atlanta. The hearing is to determine whether Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis should be removed from the election interference case against Donald Trump because of a relationship with Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor she hired.

Nathan Wade, the former Fulton County special prosecutor involved in former President Donald Trump’s election interference case who resigned after his relationship with District Attorney Fani Willis was made public, said workplace romances are common.

“Workplace romances are as American as apple pie,” Wade told ABC News on Sunday. “It happens to everyone. But it happened to the two of us.”

Wade continued, not confirming whether he regretted the relationship with Willis: “I regret that that private matter became the focal point of this very important prosecution. This is a very important case.”

“I hate that my personal life has begun to overshadow the true issues in the case,” he said.

In January, rumors began that Wade and Willis were in a romantic relationship when a lawyer for one of Trump’s co-defendants alleged that Willis benefitted from Wade’s hiring because Wade took Willis on dates.

Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee found no evidence that supported this claim, however, he said Willis could continue prosecuting the case as long as Wade stepped down, which he did.

In March, Trump and his team asked if they could appeal the judge’s decision, but the court hasn’t decided if they’ll allow an appeal.

Wade told ABC News that he and Willis thought about pausing the relationship until the case was over, but that “the feelings are so strong.”

“But there again, when you are in the middle of it, these feelings are developing and you get to a point where the feelings are, are so strong that, you know, you start to want to do things that really are none of the public’s concern.”

In the 1980s, he led student protests. Now, he's a college dean

Sproul Hall at University of California, Berkeley.

The term divestment has come up a lot over the past few weeks as pro-Palestinian students around the county demand that their universities divest their assets from companies doing business with Israel.

Forty years ago, there was another divestment movement, when students wanted to end minority rule known as apartheid in South Africa. UC Berkeley was a focal point of that movement, and their student body president, Pedro Noguera, was also one of the leaders of the anti-apartheid movement there.

Noguera is now dean of the Rossier School of Education at the University of Southern California, one of the many college campuses with ongoing demonstrations over the war in Gaza. He spoke with Weekend Edition Sunday host Ayesha Rascoe about his role leading student protests at UC Berkeley against apartheid in the 1980s.

This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

Interview highlights

Ayesha Rascoe: Take us back to Berkeley in the 1980s. How did the idea of divestment come about?

Pedro Noguera: So there was a push that started in the seventies, really, but built up that there needed to be sanctions against the South African government because the United States and many other countries and corporations were doing business in South Africa, which in effect was propping up the apartheid government. So the idea of sanctions led to the idea that we need to get companies to disinvest from South Africa. And many universities then started looking at their portfolios and many large church religious organizations did the same thing. And we stuck with it. We really studied the portfolio and started raising questions at the Board of Regents meetings about how we were investing university holdings. Over time, it led to a real critical analysis of the university's responsibility to invest in corporations that upheld its values.

Rascoe: Tell us about how the protests grew and what your role was.

Noguera: The protest started with marches. Then we had a huge sit in at Sproul Hall, which is kind of the main administration building. One hundred sixty-eight people were arrested, myself included, and that really set off a number of events. I think what was really important was our organizing because it wasn't limited to a small number of activists. We were able to get support from students who had fraternities and sororities, graduate, undergraduate, as well as faculty and staff across the campus. So our numbers were just so much bigger and we did a lot of education work, we did teach ins, and that really helped because many people didn't understand South Africa, didn't understand what divestment was about. And so education and organizing was really a critical part of the work.

Rascoe: How did the Berkeley administration react to the protests? As I mentioned, the police were called in at one point and how did you feel about that?

Noguera: Well, we expected that and we always were nonviolent. We always maintained actually dialogue with the administration throughout. They weren't happy about what we were doing, but we tried to assure them that this was not about destroying the university or tearing it down. This was about making the point politically. I think we understood that it was not going to happen quickly because they were quite dismissive. Initially, they did not believe that students had a role to play in determining where they invested their stocks. But we pushed for over two years and it took time, but eventually we won.

Rascoe: So fast forward to today. You're now a dean at USC, which, unlike Berkeley, isn't known for a history of protesting. What are you seeing now compared to what you saw as a student at Berkeley?

Noguera: It's really different because there was never a pro-apartheid group we had to contend with. There is a pro-Israel group, a pro-Zionist group. There are many Jewish faculty and students who see the protest as being anti-Semitic. I don't see it that way. And I know many Jewish friends and colleagues who don't see it that way. The other thing that was different is this group, the ones that have been building these encampments, don't seem to be doing a lot of educating and organizing. And so they're pretty small and that makes them more easily isolated.

Rascoe: What do you tell your students now who may come to you? They know your history and they'll say, what advice do you have for us if we we want to get involved?

Noguera: My advice is always be careful about who you're out there with. There are elements out there who are agitators, who are provocative. You got to really be careful because they will divert the message to be the destruction of property and violence away from the focus of the protest. Then also build alliances with groups that will share your interests – religious groups, church groups, other students, because isolation will limit the movement. And I see that happening now on many of these campuses. [Copyright 2024 NPR]


Boeing preps Starliner ship for first piloted flightBoeing is preparing its Starliner capsule for its first piloted launch. The launch, scheduled for Monday, comes after years of delays and a ballooning budget. Mark Strassmann reports.

MAY 5, 2024

Boeing Starliner's first crewed mission with Sunita Williams onboard set for launch, aiming to rival SpaceX's success

ByNikhita Mehta
May 06, 2024

Astronauts Barry "Butch" Wilmore & Sunita Williams will lead Boeing Starliner's 1st crewed mission. The capsule will take off on an Atlas V rocket on Monday.

Boeing's Strainer spacecraft will finally carry two NASA astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) after years of anticipation.

Boeing's Starliner set for crewed mission with Barry "Butch" Wilmore and Sunita Williams.(NASA)

At Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, the capsule is set to take off on an Atlas V rocket on Monday at 10:34 p.m. ET. Prior to NASA approving Boeing to fly Starliner on regular trips to and from the space station, astronauts Barry "Butch" Wilmore and Sunita Williams will lead the spacecraft on its first crewed voyage.

Boeing is launching their spacecraft for the first time with people on board following years of delays, technological difficulties, and large overhead costs.

Speaking about the test flight, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said: "Because it is a test flight, we give extra attention. They’re checking out a lot of the systems — the life support, the manual control, all of those things that you want to be checked out."

What if the mission gets successful?

If the mission is successful, Boeing will have the opportunity to rival Elon Musk's SpaceX, which has been transporting astronauts from NASA to and from the orbiting outpost since 2020.

The spacecraft of both firms were developed under NASA's Commercial Crew Programme following the retirement of NASA's space shuttle fleet in 2011.

During a preflight briefing held last week, Wilmore stated that safety is the top priority and that the capsule was simply not ready for launch when the previous Starliner launch attempts, both crewed and uncrewed, were postponed.

“Why do we think it’s as safe as possible? We wouldn’t be standing here if we didn’t,” Wilmore told reporters.

“Do we expect it to go perfectly? This is the first human flight of the spacecraft,” Wilmore said.

“I’m sure we’ll find things out. That’s why we do this. This is a test flight.”

The astronauts are scheduled to dock with the space station the next day and stay there for around a week before making their way down to Earth and landing at Starliner's primary landing site in the White Sands Missile Range of New Mexico.

Also Read: Indian-American astronaut Sunita Williams gives insight into 1st crewed Boeing Starliner launch: ‘It feels unreal’
How is NASA making sure they have backup plans?

Makena Young, a fellow with the Aerospace Security Project at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., noted that although NASA astronauts have been flying aboard SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft for years, the agency does not want to depend on a single business.

“Having that second option is really important because it adds redundancy and resiliency,” Young said, as per NBC News. “In space systems, there are always redundancies, because if something goes wrong, you want to make sure that you have backups.”

NASA's administrator on ambitions to return to the moon

MAY 5, 2024


NPR's Scott Detrow speaks with NASA administrator Bill Nelson about the space agency's plans to return to the moon and travel later to Mars.
Sponsor Message


UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #1: You're now watching live feed from Wenchang Satellite Launch Center.


That's the sound of China's Chang'e-6 lifting off Friday, carrying a probe to the far side of the moon to gather samples and bring them back to Earth. If successful, it would be a first for any country.


UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #1: It's now starting its epic journey to the moon.

DETROW: The race to get astronauts back to the moon, it's also in full swing, and the U.S. has serious competition.


UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #2: Soft landing on the moon. India is on the moon.

DETROW: Last August, India successfully landed a spacecraft near the moon's south pole. Five nations in total have now landed spacecraft on the moon. This time around, the race isn't just about who gets there first. It's a race for resources, minerals and maybe even water, which could fuel further space exploration.


UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #3: And here we go.

DETROW: If the U.S. stays on schedule, it would get humans back to the moon before anyone else. As part of NASA's Artemis program. It's a big if, but NASA is making progress.


UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #2: And liftoff of Artemis 1.

DETROW: Artemis 1 launched in late 2022. It put an uncrewed Orion capsule in orbit around the moon. Artemis 2 will circle the moon with a crew.


UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #4: Ladies and gentlemen, your Artemis 2 crew.

DETROW: It was supposed to happen later this year but got delayed until 2025. If that goes well, the U.S. will try to put humans back on the moon with Artemis 3. NASA is making a bit of a bet and mostly relying on private companies. In the 1960s, in the heat of the Cold War, budgets were flush.


NEIL ARMSTRONG: Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed.

DETROW: Now, the U.S. is hoping that private contractors, mainly Elon Musk's SpaceX, can get Americans back on the moon for a fraction of the price. Earlier this year, two private American companies attempted to land uncrewed research spacecraft on the moon. One succeeded.


UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #5: And liftoff. Go...

DETROW: And one failed


UNIDENTIFIED JOURNALIST: Astrobotic Peregrine moon lander ended its mission in a fiery...

DETROW: NASA has set its sights on a big goal - reaching the moon and then Mars. But with limited resources and facing a more crowded field, it's unclear if the U.S. will dominate space as it once did. This week, I went to NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. In the lobby, I touched a moon rock that was collected by the crew of Apollo 17 in 1972, the last time humans stood on the moon. Then I went upstairs to Administrator Bill Nelson's office to talk to him about NASA's plans to return within the next few years.

BILL NELSON: The goal is not just to go back to the moon. The goal is to go to the moon to learn so we can go farther to Mars and beyond. Now, it so happens that we're going to go to a different part of the moon. We're going to the south pole. And that is attractive because we know there's ice there in the crevices of the rocks, in the constant shadow or darkness. And if, in fact, there's water, then we have rocket fuel. And we're sending a probe later this year that is going to dig down underneath the surface on the south pole and see if there is water.

But you go to the moon and you do all kind of new things that you need in order to go all the way to the Mars. The moon is four days away. Mars, under conventional propulsion, is seven or eight months. So we're going back to the moon to learn a lot of things in order to be able to go further.

DETROW: Lay out for me what the timeline is for Artemis right now, because this was the year that that first mission was supposed to take a crew to circle the moon. That's been delayed. What are we looking at right now?

NELSON: Well, understand, we don't fly until it's ready.


NELSON: Because safety is paramount. But the plan is September of next year, '25, that the crew of four - three Americans and a Canadian - will circle the moon and check out the spacecraft. Then the contractual date with SpaceX - a fixed price contract - is one year later, September of '26. Now, as you know, SpaceX is just going through the - getting their rocket up on - they're about to launch again this month with their huge rocket. It's got 33 Raptor engines in the tail of it. And then their actual spacecraft, called Starship, they're going to try to get it to come on down. They just did a fuel transfer, by the way, on the last one, which is something that's very hard to do.

DETROW: And it's key for these future missions.

NELSON: And it's absolutely key because they have to basically refuel in low Earth orbit before Starship goes on to the moon.

DETROW: You said that nobody's going to go until they're ready. As you know, there were some reports. The Government Accountability Office had a report late last year raising serious concerns and skepticism about the timeline that you laid out. Do you share that concern? Do you feel like this timeline is realistic?

NELSON: Well, all I can do is look to history. When we rush things, we get in trouble. And we don't want to go through that again. I was on the Space Shuttle 10 days before the Challenger explosion, and that is something you just don't want to go through. Seventeen astronauts have given their lives. Spaceflight is risky, especially going with new spacecraft and new hardware to a new destination. That's why this launch of the Boeing Starliner, it's a test flight. The two astronauts are test pilots. If everything works well, then the next one will be the starting of a cadence of four astronauts in the Starliner.

DETROW: In the '60s and '70s, NASA's moonshot was a central organizing thrust of the U.S. government. The Apollo program cost about $25 billion at the time, the equivalent of a little less than $300 billion today. That's not the case for Artemis. Nelson argues NASA has done big things over and over in the decades since those stratospheric Apollo budgets. And a big part of the current calculation is relying on private companies, not the U.S. government, to get crews to the moon and beyond.

I do want to ask, though. SpaceX has had so much success when it comes to spaceflight, but Elon Musk's decision-making has come under a lot of scrutiny in recent years when it comes to some of his other companies Twitter and Tesla, his kind of engagement in culture war politics. Any concern that so much of this plan is in the hands of Elon Musk at this point in time?

NELSON: Elon Musk has - one of the most important decisions he made, as a matter of fact, is he picked a president named Gwynne Shotwell. She runs SpaceX. She is excellent. And so I have no concerns.

DETROW: No concerns. When you were on the Hill the other day, a lot of the questions came back to China. And in speeches you have given, you keep coming back to China as well. What is the concern about - you know, we just had a report on our show. One of our reporters watched one of these launches in person and was reporting on just how focused China is to get back to the moon as well. Why is it key to you? Why does it matter so much that the U.S. beat China back to the moon?

NELSON: Well, first of all, I don't give a lot of speeches about China, but people ask a lot of questions about China. And it's important simply because I know what China has done on the face of the Earth. For example, where the Spratly Islands, they suddenly take over a part of the South China Sea and say, this is ours, you stay out. Now, I don't want them to get to the south pole, which is a limited area that where we think the water is. It's pockmarked with craters. And so there are limited areas that you can land on on the south pole. I don't want them to get there and say, this is ours, you stay out. It ought to be for the international community, for scientific research. So that's why I think it's important for us to get there first.

DETROW: The U.S. is part of a lot of different treaties in terms of, you know, sharing its work with other countries. I guess people in China might hear that and say, well, we're concerned the U.S. would do the same.

NELSON: Well, but we are the instigators with the international community, now upwards of 40 nations - and that will rise - of the Artemis Accords, which are a - common-sense declarations about the peaceful use of space, which includes working with others, which includes going to somebody else's rescue, having common elements so that you could in space. And a vast diversity of nations have now signed the accords, but China and Russia have not.

DETROW: You said, I don't give a lot of speeches about China, but I'm asked about it a lot. This is being framed in those same space race terms in many ways, the U.S. versus China. Is that how you see it? Is that how you think about it?

NELSON: With regard to going to the moon?



DETROW: And that's specifically about making sure that those resources around the south pole are protected.

NELSON: And the peaceful uses for all peoples. That's basically the whole understanding of the space treaty that goes back decades ago. It is another iteration of the declaration of the peaceful uses of Space.

DETROW: How else can the U.S. ensure that, other than getting there first?

NELSON: Well, you know, we've got a lot of partners. And the partners generally, you know, nations that get along with China as well, nations that get along with Russia. By the way, we get along with Russia. Look. Ever since 1975, in civilian space, we have been cooperating with Russia in space.

DETROW: And that's continued throughout the Ukraine war in space.

NELSON: Without a hitch.

DETROW: On China, how do you balance the speed and urgency and concern that you feel with the safety element that we talked about before? Because both are very important to you.

NELSON: We don't fly until it's ready. That's it.

DETROW: And the last question I had on China is when you were on the Hill the other day, a lot of the questions had to do with resources, but also concern that China might be viewing lunar activity through a military prism. Do you share that concern?


DETROW: Can you tell us what specifically you're concerned about?

NELSON: Well, I think if you look at their space program, most of it has some connection to their military.

DETROW: What's the solution to that, then, from the U.S.'s perspective and NASA's perspective?

NELSON: Well, take history. In the middle of the Cold War, two nations realized they could annihilate each other with their nuclear weapons. So was there something of high technology that the two nations, Russia, in this case, the Soviet Union, and America could do? And an Apollo spacecraft rendezvoused and docked with a Soviet Soyuz. And the crews lived together in space. And the crews became good friends. Now, that says a lot. So that's what history teaches us that we can overcome. I would like for that to happen with China. But the Chinese government has been very secretive in their space program, their so-called civilian space program.

DETROW: You've cared about all of this stuff for a long time. You represented Florida in the Senate. You flew on the Space Shuttle, as you mentioned. Now you're in charge of NASA. What is your goal for when you leave NASA? Where do you want the agency to be on all of these ambitious projects?

NELSON: Well, understand that this is a group of wizards, and I just am privileged to tag along with them. I try to give them some direction, particularly with the interface of the government. I will be very happy if NASA, because of some little minor contribution that I might have made, will send our star sailors sailing on a cosmic sea to far off cosmic shores.

DETROW: Administrator Bill Nelson, thank you so much.

NELSON: It's a pleasure.

DETROW: NASA's privatized push will face another big test Monday night. The long-delayed Boeing Starliner is scheduled to make its first crewed flight to carry two test pilots to the International Space Station and back. If successful, it will help cement the role of private companies in the space race.

Tim Peake hopes a Brit could be on the moon within the next 10 years and says a mission to Mars is 'absolutely achievable'

PUBLISHED: 5 May 2024

Tim Peake hopes a Brit will be on the moon within ten years and said a mission to Mars is 'absolutely achievable'.

The famous astronaut, who remains the last Brit to make it into space, has already said he thinks boots will be on the moon by 2026.

He thinks a Brit will follow in the next 10 years and said he would 'love' to be involved.

The 52-year-old said he would also throw his hat in the ring for any future trips to Mars.

However the dad-of-two admitted that he may have to leave it to the next generation.

Tim Peake

The famous astronaut, who remains the last Brit to make it into space, has already said he thinks boots will be on the moon by 2026

Major Tim Peake, pictured here in his European Space Agency space suit, could make a spectacular return to space

Speaking on White Wine Question Time, Peake explained: 'Gosh, every astronaut is going to have their hand up for that mission. It's going to be incredible. I would love a moon mission - I really would.

READ MORE MailOnline looks at Tim Peake's greatest achievements

Major Peake was the first British spaceman

'Will I get a moon mission? I don't know, I doubt it. I've kind of stepped down from the European Space Agency and we now have a new class of ESA astronauts.

'I'd like to think that a Brit will be on the moon within the next 10 years but it may be that one of the new class should be the ones who go and do those missions. It's really exciting and I think it's fantastic that we're going to be part of it.'

The British astronaut revealed in October that he was going to quit his retirement in order to lead the UK's first astronaut mission. Peake will lead the crew of four on a £200million project to the International Space Station with the mission being funded by Axiom.

But the Chichester-man doesn't want to stop there: he's also expressed an interest in going to Mars in what he described as a 'high risk' mission.

He said: 'Whilst you might think Mars is incredibly audacious, incredibly high risk, I think it's absolutely achievable: we just need to make sure that we've got options at various stages.

'I think fundamentally what makes Mars so audacious is the fact that once you go, you're so committed (for a three year mission).'

Major Peake had previously hinted at a return; when asked by James O’Brien during a recent podcast if he'd ever go back to space he replied 'never say never'.

In October Peake was tipped to spend up to two weeks on an orbiting lab to carry out scientific research and demonstrate new technologies before flying home

The dad of two, from Chichester in Sussex, was selected as an ESA astronaut in 2009 and spent six months on the International Space Station from December 2015
Soyuz docks at ISS with flight engineer Tim Peake on boar

View of the Soyuz TMA-19M rocket carrying Tim Peake, as well as Yuri Malenchenko and Tim Kopra, to the ISS in December 2015

Peake said: 'If you'd asked me that a year ago, I'd have said there perhaps weren't a huge amount of opportunities.

Tim Peake's journey to space

2008: Applied to the European Space Agency. Start of rigorous, year-long screening process

2009: Selected to join ESA's Astronaut Corps and appointed an ambassador for UK science and space-based careers

2010: Completed 14 months of astronaut basic training

2011: Peake and five other astronauts joined a team living in caves in Sardinia for a week.

2012: Spent 10 days living in a permanent underwater base in Florida

2013: Assigned a six-month mission to the International Space Station

2015: Blasted off to the ISS

'Actually, right now, I think there's more opportunity than I've even realized. There's a lot happening in the commercial space sector.

'It's really a "never say never" – there are plenty of opportunities.'

Tim Peake, originally from Chichester in Sussex, was selected as an ESA astronaut back in 2009 and spent six months on the ISS from December 2015.

When he blasted off to the ISS, he became the first officially British spaceman, although he was not the first Briton in space.

It was back in 1991 when Sheffield-born chemist Helen Sharman not only became the first British spacewoman, but the first British person in space.

Before both Sharman and Peake had been into space, other UK-born men had done so through NASA's space programme, thanks to acquiring US citizenship.

But Sharman and Peake are considered the first 'official' British people in space as they were both representing their country of birth.

Major Peake also became the first astronaut funded by the British government.

During his time on the ISS, he ran the London marathon and became the first person to complete a spacewalk while sporting a Union flag on his shoulder

At least 224 people, 153 pets rescued in Texas floods with more rain in the forecast

May 6, 2024

As rivers swell across South Texas, leaving homes and businesses flooded and thousands of people displaced, residents have been looking skyward as more rain looms.

At least 224 people have been rescued from homes and vehicles in Harris County, an official said Saturday night, with evacuation orders and flood watches in place, as more rain descended on the state Sunday, with a bull's-eye of excessive rainfall over the already waterlogged Houston area.

No deaths or serious injuries have been reported, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo told CNN, adding 153 pets have also been rescued during the deluge.

An SUV is stranded in a ditch along a stretch of street flooding during a severe storm Thursday in Spring, Texas. (CNN)

"It's been really sad to see the impact of people's livelihoods, homes, infrastructure as well as just the public infrastructure," Hidalgo told CNN Saturday.

"We're really asking folks to give it a minute before they go back home."

CNN's Rosa Flores rode in a boat Sunday with rescuers from the Harris County Sheriff's Office and said the craft passed over fences and mailboxes. Stop signs were at eye level.

In some areas, the water had receded Sunday but was still very high.
The first responders took CNN to an area where the banks of the San Jacinto River were not visible.

"It's kinda hard to tell where the river ends," Lt. David Jasper said.

Many people in the City of Houston were evacuated before the worst of the severe weather, Brent Taylor, chief communications officer for the Houston Office of Emergency Management told CNN's Amara Walker Sunday.

"We have Houston Police and Houston Fire who are patrolling these neighbourhoods that are near the river and where the water is gone so high," Taylor said. "There's been some instances where it's someone just yelling for help saying, 'Hey, I'm stuck over here!'"

"We have high water rescue vehicles. We have Jet Skis, we have airboats. Our Houston Public Works Department has dump trucks that can be outfitted to move people through those high waters, so it really is a unified effort to make sure that these Houstonians are staying safe," he added.

The website for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's West Gulf River Forecast Center shows nine river gauges in Texas in major flood stage, 22 in moderate flooding and 35 in minor flooding.

Forecast calls for rain

Most of the weekend's rain fell over western and central Texas, but there's a significant chance of heavier rain in the greater Houston area Sunday.

The National Weather Service office in Houston posted on X at 1.30 pm CT, the "next round of storms has arrived and continue to train along the I-10 corridor."

Jackson, Wharton, and Colorado counties were under a severe thunderstorm watch in effect until 7 pm Storm activity is expected to wind down this evening.

Flooding in Livingston, Texas. (CNN)

Earlier, the office said 1 to 3 more inches of rain were possible by Monday morning. Some areas could see up to 4 to 8 inches.

"Because of multiple rounds of heavy rain over the past week, flooding may be seen earlier than would be expected under typical conditions. Rainfall today will continue to exacerbate existing river flooding," warned the Houston weather service office.

The rainfall amounts in the region have been huge over the past week, with some areas picking up two months' worth of rain in five days.

There is relief on the horizon, however. The rest of the week's forecast for Houston is showing dry weather and warm temperatures from Monday through Saturday, with lots of sunshine to help dry the region out.

This week's storms were just the latest in a series of brutal weather events that have pounded the state since early April. Dozens of tornadoes have hit from the Panhandle to the Gulf Coast, some areas of the state have been pounded with softball-sized hail and months of rain has fallen in East Texas in intense spurts, causing rivers to rise to levels not seen since the devastating floods of Hurricane Harvey in 2017.

Mandatory evacuations are in place in counties in and around the Houston area, as local officials make comparisons to past disasters. The flooding is "85 per cent worse than Hurricane Harvey," Emmitt Eldridge, San Jacinto County's emergency management coordinator, told CNN. "This has been a historic flood for Walker County. We have flooded more from this event than we did during Hurricane Harvey," Sherri Pegoda, Walker County's deputy emergency management coordinator, said.

A mandatory evacuation order remains in place for low-lying unincorporated areas of Polk County through Sunday evening, emergency managers said in a Facebook post, as are homes along rivers in Harris and Montgomery counties.

Disaster declarations are active for over a third of Texas counties after Texas Governor Greg Abbott expanded the storm-related declarations in response to the flooding, according to a news release. Additional counties could be added in the coming days, particularly with more storms in the forecast.
Pa. mobile learning program delivers accessible education to homeless children

Jordan Anderson
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (TNS)

Jayden, 9, is a quiet kid. But her giggly, energetic personality comes out when her tutor Loren Kurpiewski arrives at her door.

Not every child would be excited to work on their reading or math skills, but the one-on-one learning session with Kurpiewski is the highlight of Jayden's week. In fact, she wants to spend more time on it, her mother Anestha Richardson, 44, says.

"She tells me, 'Mommy, can I do more?'" Richardson said. "Jayden is loving it like crazy. She's come so far."

The family moved to Pittsburgh about a year ago from Fort Lauderdale, after increased rent imposed by a Section 8 landlord became unmanageable. So much so that it forced the mom, who was working in health care, and her young daughter into homelessness.

Getting by was difficult, and Jayden missed a chunk of second and third grade. Richardson doesn't like to dwell on what happened during that time. Rather, she's focused on getting Jayden where she needs to be in school.

"Education is more important than anything else," Richardson said.

Help now arrives in the form of a flashy bright blue van, marked "Winnie's Wagon," on their street each Tuesday. Inside is a mobile classroom, equipped with learning tools, games and books designed to provide kids like Jayden the individualized academic support they need.

Winnie's Wagon first hit the road last November, aiming to create better futures for young people facing the challenges of homelessness. It is the only mobile classroom in southwestern Pennsylvania serving the homeless student population, which has dramatically increased since the pandemic.

The flexibility of the Mobile Learning Program furthers the reach of schools into the community by bringing education support directly to students.

"Homeless children face significant educational challenges, including missed school," Kurpiewski said. "These kids need targeted education and support programs. Winnie's Wagon addresses the immediate crisis of homelessness while also thinking about the long-term effects on a child."

Just last month, the Homeless Children's Education Fund received nearly $640,000 through the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency Violence Intervention and Prevention grant to expand the programming.

The funds will allow HCEF to create a second mobile classroom program, Winnie's STEAM Machine, to focus on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. A mobile learning coordinator with expertise in STEAM education will also join the team, AJ Jefferson, the organization's executive director, said.

"As soon as you walk in, it's going to be very technologically focused," Jefferson said. "My vision is to have smart boards, a lab, and all these other great things in order to make those career paths accessible and practical to our students."

While the idea of homelessness often conjures images of encampments and life on the street, that's not what is mostly commonly experienced, especially for families, said Kurpiewski. Often, people are "doubled up," which refers to temporary shared living situations with friends or family that happen due to loss of one's own housing or economic hardship.

It's a kind of homelessness that leaves families on edge, never knowing when the stay is overwelcomed.

That was the case for the Richardsons, who left Florida to stay with a family member. The situation was fraught. Jayden often told her mother that she felt uncomfortable there. She clung onto Kurpiewski too, pleading with her not to leave after sessions.

This was months before the launch of Winnie's Wagon, so conducting the tutoring wasn't easy either. Kurpiewski met Jayden at a local library because she wasn't allowed inside the home.

"A lot of times, in those situations, the families aren't always keen on letting us in to provide in-house tutoring," Kurpiewski said.

Because Jayden's circumstances were escalating, Homeless Children's Education Fund staff helped them find their current apartment in Northview Heights, a 450-apartment community run by the city's housing authority.

Housing brings a level of much-needed stability to a family, but children still feel the effects of what they experienced long afterwards.

"Just because you have a home now doesn't mean you're academically caught up and the trauma doesn't exist," Kurpiewski said. "A lot of times, the mental and emotional trauma that goes with it, along with the missed school, tends to stay with them throughout their childhood, and even into adulthood. We do our best to try to mitigate that."

Chronic absence has long been a crisis among the homeless student population, but the pandemic proved to exacerbate the problem, said Brian Knight, community engagement manager for the HCEF.

State data shows that almost 60% of homeless students in Pennsylvania were chronically absent during the 2021-2022 school year. For the total population, the number of chronic absences drops to about 25%. The gap was just as dismal in Pittsburgh Public Schools, where nearly 75% of the homeless student population were chronically absent, compared to just under 45% for the total student population.

The reasons children experiencing homelessness miss school so much are vast, Knight says. It can be a lack of documentation to meet enrollment requirements; high mobility that interrupts regular school attendance; lack of transportation; lack of supplies; poor health, fatigue, hunger and mental health issues.

Even when they have a roof over their heads in a doubled-up situation, kids can still be bouncing from place to place. Every time a child moves, three to six months of their education is lost, research shows. This makes homeless children four times more likely to show delayed development, and two times more likely to have learning disabilities.

During the earlier academic years, the missed class time is particularly devastating to their academic progress.

"That's a really critical time for your development, for your ability to read," Knight said.

Richardson tried to help her daughter with her schoolwork. But without a support system or the right resources, Jayden was still falling behind. It left them both frustrated. That's why she says there was no hesitation to join the mobile learning program when a social worker at Jayden's school, Pittsburgh King PreK-8 on the North Side, recommended it.

"It was either I get the help for her or she keeps struggling," she said. "I was excited to get the program because Jayden was excited."

The HCEF advocated for Jayden to get an individualized education program, or IEP, through her school. She is working hard to reach grade level milestones for reading and math, reaching all her IEP goals so far.

"When we started, she had a very difficult time even reading the simplest CVC words — consonant, vowel, consonant — cat, dog, that kind of thing," Kurpiewski said.

Now, Jayden is close to finishing Bob Books, a children's series designed to teach phonics-based reading skills. Each level addresses a single stage in reading development.

"I think she has two more books left, then she'll officially graduate from Bob Books, and I'm very excited," she said.

During a session last week, Jayden sat on a bench inside the van, parked in a cul-de-sac, with a smile rarely leaving her face. She mastered long vowels, like "ee" with a reimagined version of dominos, which asked her to use the tiles to fill in missing parts of words.

Another activity challenged her to solve math equations on flashcards. They finished out the session with coloring a bookmark, where Jayden revealed her favorite color is red.

In getting to know the families, Kurpiewski sees how much parents want their children to succeed.

"A lot of our families that we work with are very involved with their kids, they want what's best for the kids," she said. "Mom would do anything for her, for Jayden."

Like always, Jayden squeezed her tutor with a big hug before she left for the day.

"She did good?" Richardson asked, handing over a freshly cooked fish and rice dinner for Kurpiewski to take home, a small gesture she makes often to share her gratitude.

"Yes, she did good," Kurpiewski responded.

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