Thursday, June 08, 2006

666 in the news

Perhaps it is the millipede that is the Great Beast.

666-Legged Creature Rediscovered

Out of the past crawls leggiest bug

Although Illacme plenipes was discovered by a government scientist in 1926 in the same area of San Benito County, it hadn't been seen since. The leggiest female had 666 legs on half a millimetre width

Also See:

TSX 666

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They Bombed Zarqawi Like Saddam

US airstrike kills Iraq terror chief al-Zarqawi

Given the Americans atrocious history of lack of scoring hits using precision bombing I think the partying over this should wait for the DNA evidence.

How They Got Zarqawi

The terrorist responsible for some of the most gruesome killings in Iraq was killed in a joint U.S.-Iraqi military operation Wednesday, after the U.S. and its allies had finally located him. A well-placed intelligence source in Jordan told TIME that the CIA was tipped off after Jordanian intelligence learned of a meeting that Zarqawi planned to hold in the town of Baquba, north of Baghdad. His safe house was targeted in an air attack, and, says the same source, the Jordanian-born leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq was killed in the bombing.

Remember they claimed they got Saddam and the Bathist leadership in the same kind of hit back in the early days of the war.

Al-Dura Farm, Baghdad

The war opened on March 20 with an attempted attack on Saddam Hussein. This strike was the beginning of a pattern that would be repeated many times. The U.S. military targeted a facility in the mistaken belief that the Iraqi leadership was there; instead of “decapitating” the regime, this strike resulted in fifteen civilian casualties because of faulty intelligence.

A human intelligence source provided the CIA with information on Saddam Hussein’s alleged location at a farm in al-Dura, a district of southeastern Baghdad.59 Two F-117A Nighthawk aircraft dropped four EGBU-27 2,000-pound penetrator bombs at 3:15 a.m. on a reported bunker at the farm. Moments later, the rest of the farm was hit with up to forty cruise missiles (Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles, or TLAMs) in an attempt to kill Saddam Hussein.60 The U.S. military later acknowledged there was no bunker at the farm, and Saddam Hussein broadcast a television interview days later.61 The attack resulted in one civilian killed and fourteen wounded, including nine women and a child.62

And the US success at using CIA drones to kill Osama bin Laden well I rest my case.

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And while I am at it here is a link to Nazanin Af Shin-Jam's site with three cuts from her upcoming album; Nazanin, to be released in July.

Pop World Beat and call to revolution in Iran. Not bad, for a Former Miss. Canada, Miss. World runner up.

And like all of her sites even this one contains info on her cause celebre;
Nazanin Fateh

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News Scoop: Nazanin Fateh

It turns out I have a scoop, no one else has covered the all Party MP news conference in Ottawa on Tuesday over the issue of Nazanin Fateh.

NAZANIN FATEHI: The Kurdish woman awaits execution in an Iranian prison for killing the man who tried to rape her NAZANIN AFSHIN-JAM: The Canadian model is leading a growing international campaign to spare the jailed woman's life

Along with Nazanin Af Shin-Jam,was Liberal MP Belinda Stronach who led the pack of MP's but no press release is on the Liberal web site.
Alexa McDonough was there for the NDP, ditto no press release.
Josée Verner was there for the Conservatives and again no press release.

Nor was there any coverage in the MSM so you can only read about it here. the press conference was coverd on CBC Newsworld and has not been archieved.

You see this story was swamped by the news coverage about the so called Terrorist Conspiracy. The life of a girl in Iran is worth less newsprint than the comic book accusations that so called terrorists planned to behead the PM.

I would call that a classical example of sexism in the media.

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CIA Creates Fortress Europe For Torture

This is interesting, the CIA plants a story in the US Media in advance of being criticized.

US Disappointed at New Report Criticizing CIA Tactics
June 06, 2006

The United States Wednesday expressed disappointment over a new report saying that secret U.S. transfers and detention of terrorist suspects in Europe violated international law. The State Department said intelligence cooperation among the United States and European allies saves lives.

The report commissioned by the Council of Europe is the latest in a series of critical assessments in the past year of cooperation between the CIA and European counterparts in the transfer and detention of terrorist suspects.

Here is the original report from the European Council released only Yesterday!

PACE committee: US has woven clandestine ‘spider’s web’ of detentions and transfers, with collusion of Council of Europe member states

Strasbourg, 07.06.2006 – The United States has progressively woven a clandestine “spider’s web” of disappearances, secret detentions and unlawful inter-state transfers – spun with the collaboration or tolerance of Council of Europe member states, the Legal Affairs Committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) said today.

In a draft resolution adopted at a meeting in Paris, based on a report by Dick Marty (Switzerland, ALDE), the committee said hundreds of persons had become entrapped in this web – in some cases when they were merely suspected of sympathising with a presumed terrorist organisation.

The parliamentarians said this knowing collusion of member states took several different forms, including secretly detaining a person on European territory, capturing a person and handing them over to the US or permitting unlawful “renditions” through their airspace or across their territory.

“It has now been demonstrated incontestably, by numerous well-documented and convergent facts, that secret detentions and unlawful inter-state transfers involving European countries have taken place, such as to require in-depth inquiries and urgent responses by the executive and legislative branches of all the countries concerned,” the committee said.

The committee called on Council of Europe member states to review bilateral agreements signed with the United States, particularly those on the status of US forces stationed in Europe, to ensure they conformed fully to international human rights norms.

The report is due for debate by the plenary Assembly – which brings together 630 parliamentarians from the 46 Council of Europe member states – in Strasbourg on 27 June 2006.

Draft resolution and recommendation
Mr Marty's explanatory memorandum (PDF)
Mr Marty's explanatory memorandum (HTML)
Graphic image of global ''spider's web'' (JPEG)
Information for the press
Video of the press conference
Summary of Mr Marty's explanatory memorandum
Special file

And of course the countries used are the NEW members of the EU, those countries that joined America's Coalition of the Blackmailed in their war on Iraq.

European states ‘in CIA’s spider’s web’

14 Nations Aided CIA in Abductions, Report Says

However for the CIA this is the continuation of the Cold War, sans the Soviet Union. They have merely transfered their dirty black operations from focusing on Russia, to using the East European countries as their dungeons for the War On Terror.

That is the same Cold War, which they used to justify their covert support of former Nazi's such as Bundesfueher Gehlen and his former SS division, because they had agents in Russia.

Appointing Hayden Makes Perfect Spook Sense

Early last year, the National Security Archive “posted the CIA’s secret documentary history of the U.S government’s relationship with General Reinhard Gehlen, the German army’s intelligence chief for the Eastern Front during World War II. At the end of the war, Gehlen established a close relationship with the U.S.,” writes Tamara Feinstein. “The documentation unearthed by the [Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group] reveals extensive relationships between former Nazi war criminals and American intelligence organizations, including the CIA. For example, current records show that at least five associates of the notorious Nazi Adolf Eichmann worked for the CIA, 23 other Nazis were approached by the CIA for recruitment, and at least 100 officers within the Gehlen organization were former SD or Gestapo officers.” General Reinhard Gehlen was a big time war criminal, responsible for organizing the Iron Guard in Romania, the Latvian Vanagis, and the Croatian Ustashe, groups responsible for brutal atrocities against the “untermenschen” of Eastern Europe (not only Jews, Roma, homosexuals, and communists, but anybody who opposed Nazi rule).

Of course, that the CIA embraced Nazi murderers (including the notorious Claus Barbie) should come as no surprise. “Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy,” William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, noted in 1937. “They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there.” William Randolph Hearst, Sr., the Mellon-Davis-Duke Alcoa monopoly, the Du Pont corporation, ITT, General Motors, Standard Oil of New Jersey, the anti-Semite Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company, and of course the Bush crime family and no shortage of Wall Street bankers and financiers all supported and bankrolled the Nazis. Remember, the CIA’s first covert op was conducted in the name of the United Fruit Company and it has worked diligently in the service of corporations ever since.

This made headlines again this week with the realease of newly declassified CIA documents.

Why Israel's capture of Eichmann caused panic at the CIA
Guardian Unlimited, UK - 15 hours ago
Newly declassified CIA documents show the Americans and the German BND knew Eichmann was hiding in Argentina at least two years before Israeli agents snatched ...
CIA used former Nazis as spies, did not act on war criminals Hindustan Times
CIA ignored tip to arrest Eichmann to preserve Cold War stability
Files show CIA didn't pass tip on EichmannInternational Herald Tribune

In Somalia it turns out that once again the CIA's War On Terror has only made things worse. Its just not the CIA's week. Truly the Spy Who Came In With A Cold, or The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight.

Efforts by CIA Fail in Somalia, Officials Charge
New York Times, United States - 12 hours ago
... The officials said the CIA effort, run from the agency's station in Nairobi, Kenya, had channeled hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past year to ...
CIA role in Somalia may have backfired Denver Post
Somalia militia flaunts control Chicago Tribune

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Irony Redux

Here is another example of a real life definition of Irony/Ironic.

GM plant wins laurels, no promises
A General Motors Corp. factory that is scheduled to close in 2008 is turning out the highest-quality vehicles in North America

Yep my devils dictionary definition of capitalist planning; cutting your nose to spite your face.

Also See: GM

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The Left In Latin America

Foreign Affairs has an excellent article on the Left in Latin America. Castaneda has couched his analysis as Social Democracy versus Leninism. The Leninism he opposes is no longer Bolshevik but the 'populist' left, like Chavez and Morales, who will use the state to nationalize while embracing a cooperativist movement of the poor from below. Chavez is populist, not a socialist

This meme is being used in the media now to attack the Chavez/Morales Left as being authoritarian verus the left like Lula in Brazil and the new Socialist President Michelle Bachelet in Chile, who are more amenable to capitalism and imperialist demands.

Ironically populism is the basis of the new right in Canada and the United States, it is the source of the popularity of the Klein, Manning, Harper new right, in Canada as well as the base of the U.S. Republican party. Of course the commentators who denounce the populist left in Latin America do not apply the same critique to the Populist Right in North America.

The populism of the Left is being described as authoritarian when in reality it is not. But Castaneda sees it for what it is. That the seizure of state power is limited, where it will go, nowhere as in the case of Brazil, or towards a dual power situation as in Bolivia, Argentina and Venezuala with popular assemblies, worker community control is the real question. The latter is what scares the bejezus out of the right and liberals like Castaneda.

Latin America's Left Turn
Jorge G. Castañeda
From Foreign Affairs, May/June 2006

Summary: With all the talk of Latin America's turn to the left, few have noticed that there are really two lefts in the region. One has radical roots but is now open-minded and modern; the other is close-minded and stridently populist. Rather than fretting over the left's rise in general, the rest of the world should focus on fostering the former rather than the latter -- because it is exactly what Latin America needs.

JORGE G. CASTAÑEDA is the author of Utopia Unarmed: The Latin American Left After the Cold War and Compañero: The Life and Death of Che Guevara. Having resigned as Mexico's Foreign Minister in 2003, he is currently Global Distinguished Professor of Politics and Latin American Studies at New York University.

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Oil Verbs

Love these screaming headlines. Oil Verbs like; slip, plunge, fall, tumbles, slumps. Really? Which is it? Seems like it moved a little. I like slips, it actually is accurate. Oil slipped a little from $71 to be still above $70 per barrel yesterday. Hardly a drop in the bucket, nor a market plunge. Just a slip. Oil. Slip. Get it.

Oil slips towards $70 after US inventory builds

Oil prices plunge below 71 dollars

Oil slumps on rising US fuel inventory

Oil tumbles on rising US fuel inventory

But wait it gets better what is the actual price it supposedly fell to?

Oil prices fall to $70.40 a barrel

Oil Prices Fall to $70.53 a Barrel

U.S. crude oil traded 21 cents down at $70.61 a barrel

Crude oil for July delivery fell $1.68, or 2.3 percent, to close at $70.82 a barrel

What the hell price is being set here. Its all the same futures market. So why the 39 cent gap in all these prices. That gap is huge when it comes to stock investing.

Prices are still UP from last year. Prices are up 32 percent from a year ago.

So all this clamour and sturm and drang is for naught. A blip. Away to give a false image of the market falling. Chicken little headlines.

The real headline is:
Oil Still ABOVE $70 regardless of US reserves and Iran

But wait it gets better this headline runs counter to all the rest.

Oil eases towards $72 after positive Iran signal

If dropping a few cents leads to verbs like plunge, tumble, fall, drops, etc. why not replace eases with rockets, surges, leaps.

And which oil price are we talking about for our headlines, Brent Oil or Light Sweet Crude? Cause the latter is ABOVE $72.

Light sweet crude for July delivery fell 25 cents to $72.25 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, midmorning in Singapore.

Opps and here we go again what did light sweet crude actually drop to?

Light sweet crude for July delivery fell 35 cents to US$72.15 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange by midday in Europe.

Wait now I am really confused.

Oil Prices Continue to Fall
Light sweet crude for July delivery fell $1.68 to settle at $70.82 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, where gasoline futures slid by more than 5 cents to settle at $2.124 per gallon. July Brent crude futures on London's ICE Futures exchange fell $1.62 to finish at $69.19 a barrel.

Yep let the market decide our futures say the right wing neo liberals. Decide what? They can't even settle on the prices of Oil, whether it is above or below, up or down. Ain't capitalism grand. And this is the market that the right wing wants to dominate our society.

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The following Carnivals are now out, which your humble scribe has contributed to.

The Carnival of History.

The XVI Carnival of Feminists is here!

And don't Forget the Carnival of Socialism

And your humble scribe will be hosting the next round so send your contributions to me at

Deadline is before June 11.

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Oil Spill

The Oilers were defeated last night in a shut out 5-0 by the Oilers. Not only the ex-Oilers playing for the Hurricanes, but the Oilers strategies of blocking, and assault. Leaving the Oilers to shadow box with themselves. Looking forward to them getting their s*** together for the Saturday Night Showdown. It should be a Whale of a game.

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