Thursday, January 09, 2020

A majority of Nigerians and Kenyans have confidence in President Trump, according to Pew research
By Bukola Adebayo, CNN Thu January 9, 2020

Lagos, Nigeria (CNN)Most Kenyans and Nigerians have confidence in President Donald Trump, according to data released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center.

While international confidence in Trump's handling of world affairs has flagged across Europe and most of the rest of the world, opinions of the US President remained mostly positive in two of Africa's most populous countries, the research finds.
Sixty-five percent of Kenyans and 58% of Nigerians believe Trump "will do the right thing regarding world affairs," it finds.
By contrast, trust in Trump dips in the other two African countries polled, with just 12% of those in Tunisia -- in the continent's north -- and 42% of South Africans confident of his global decisions, polls show.

Kenyans, Nigerians and South Africans also favored Trump over German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the 32 nations of the world surveyed, Merkel's approval ratings surpassed those of Trump, Marcron, Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
More than half of Nigerians have expressed confidence in Trump's leadership since he took office, despite accusations that the President in mid-2017 made vulgar remarks about immigrants from the West African nation. The White House has denied the allegations.

Trump's confidence rating lowest in Mexico
Across the countries polled, a median 29% of respondents expressed confidence Trump would do the "right thing" on the world stage, according to Pew's experts. That figure has remained fairly unchanged since his inauguration.
"Perceptions of Trump are more positive in general in the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa compared with Europe, though opinions vary across the countries surveyed in these regions," they wrote.

"Majorities in the Philippines, Israel, Kenya, Nigeria and India have confidence that the president will do the right thing in world affairs. Yet few in Japan, Australia, Lebanon, Tunisia and Turkey share this view."
The President's rating was lowest in Mexico, where 89% said they have no confidence in him, data show. Trump's administration has sought to stem the tide of migrants and asylum-seekers entering the US from Mexico.
Anti-Trump sentiments were also common in most of Western Europe, as more than 3 in 4 respondents in Germany, Sweden, France, Spain and the Netherlands said they "do not have confidence in him."
The surveys were conducted by the Pew Research Center from May 18 to October 2. The margin of sampling error and exact methodology varies by country.

CNN's Jennifer Agiesta contributed to this report.

Which countries love Trump the most and least?

President Donald Trump speaks as he participates in a signing ceremony for the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES

President Donald Trump has been a polarising figure at home - but how has he fared abroad? A new report by the Pew Research Center details what the world thinks of the US leader.
Pew, a non-partisan US-based opinion pollster, surveyed nearly 37,000 individuals across 33 countries from May to October of last year.
So the polling was done before the US president gave the order to kill Iran's top general, Qasem Soleimani.
Here are some key findings.

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Views on Trump...

Only 29% of the countries surveyed by Pew expressed confidence in Mr Trump last year, in keeping with how his presidency has been viewed since its infancy in 2017.
Pew notes that this lack of confidence is in part due to opposition to the president's foreign policy.
Mr Trump's policies on tariffs, climate, immigration and Iran are all largely unpopular globally. His negotiations with North Korea's Kim Jong-un garnered the most support, with a median 41% approval across the 33 countries polled.

Confidence in Trump around the world in 2019

Medians based on 32 countries
Only 29% of the countries surveyed by Pew expressed confidence in Mr Trump last year, in keeping with how his presidency has been viewed since its infancy in 2017.
Pew notes that this lack of confidence is in part due to opposition to the president's foreign policy.
Mr Trump's policies on tariffs, climate, immigration and Iran are all largely unpopular globally. His negotiations with North Korea's Kim Jong-un garnered the most support, with a median 41% approval across the 33 countries polled. 
No opinion responses not shown

Source: Pew Research Center

... and views on America

Unlike Mr Trump, the US remains favourable in the eyes of the world, generally speaking, Pew found.
"Favourable opinion of the US declined dramatically when Trump took office and remains significantly lower than during the Obama era," Pew reported.
But in the last year, there have been some increases in favourable views of the US, which Pew says "may be driven at least in part by increased favourability among supporters of right-wing populist groups in some nations".

Views of the US around the world in 2019

Medians based on 33 countries
No opinion responses not shown

Source: Pew Research Center
Overall, Israel has the highest rating of the US in Pew's survey, with 83% of those polled viewing the US in a favourable light.
In Mexico, the Middle East and Northern Africa, views of the US are mostly negative. In Turkey, just one in five reported a favourable opinion of the US.

How Trump stacks up against other leaders

It appears none of the five leaders have received particularly high marks overall, but Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel saw the highest of the group.
The US president received the highest negative ratings of the group, though Russia's Vladimir Putin and China's Xi Jinping were also seen in a negative light.
"Trump is more popular among people on the political right, yet even among these respondents, confidence in Trump rises to 50% or higher in only six nations," according to the report.

Trump vs other world leaders graphic
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So which countries love Trump the most?

While overall, it seems the world lacks confidence that the US president will make the right choices, Mr Trump does find support in some countries.
Mr Trump is popular in the African nations surveyed despite his past missteps - including reportedly calling African states "shithole countries".

Graph showing countries support of Trump

Kenya and Nigeria, which view Mr Trump favourably, are both among the top recipients of US economic aid, according to the Security Assistance Monitor. Pew also notes sub-Saharan African nations have typically expressed favourable opinions of the US.
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari was the first sub-Saharan African leader invited to the White House in 2018. The Trump administration also sold 12 US military aircraft to Nigeria in a reversal of an Obama-era policy.
Mr Trump's support in the Philippines is less surprising, considering his praise for his Philippine counterpart Rodrigo Duterte.
In 2017, Mr Trump was criticised for telling Mr Duterte he was doing an "unbelievable job on the drug problem" in his country.
Since coming into office in 2016, Mr Duterte has encouraged extrajudicial killings of those involved in the drug trade, which critics allege undermines human rights.
Mr Trump's favourability in Israel is also expected; the US president has a close relationship with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu and the US has long been supportive of Israel.
The Trump administration has gone controversially further in that support - moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognising Israel's sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights, which was seized from Syria in 1967.

How the world has viewed US presidents

For most countries, there is a clear lack of trust in Mr Trump's international policy in comparison to his predecessor, but the trends, as tracked by Pew since 2002, do appear to have a partisan pattern.
President George W Bush, the Republican who preceded Democrat Barack Obama, saw similarly low trust ratings throughout his tenure.

Approval ratings for Bush, Obama, Trump
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Madame Tussauds removes Prince Harry and Meghan figures from Royal Family set

 Wax figures of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan have been separated from the rest of the royals at Madame Tussauds in England.

The move follows the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s announcement that they plan to step back as “senior members” of the Royal Family to “carve out a progressive new role within this institution.”

The royal display at the popular London tourist attraction saw the Sussexes standing next to Queen Elizabeth II, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

“Alongside the rest of the world we are reacting to the surprising news that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be stepping back as senior Royals. From today Meghan and Harry’s figures will no longer appear in our Royal Family set,” Steve Davies, general manager at Madame Tussauds London, said in a statement.

“As two of our most popular and well-loved figures they will of course remain an important feature at Madame Tussauds London as we watch to see what the next chapter holds for the them.”


Madame Tussauds London moves its figures of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex from its Royal Family set to elsewhere in the attraction
The empty space left next to the figures of Queen Elizabeth II, the Duke of Edinburgh, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, as Madame Tussauds London moved its figures of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex from its Royal Family set to elsewhere in the attraction.


Trudeau confirms Canadian military personnel were at airbase hit by Iranian missiles
PM says all Canadian personnel are safe, refuses to comment on U.S. drone strike that precipitated the attack



Posted: Jan 08, 2020 6:48 PM ET | Last Updated: January 8

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke to reporters with, left to right, 
Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan, Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Jonathan Vance 
and Deputy Minister of National Defence Jody Thomas at the National Press
 Theatre in Ottawa on Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2020. (Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press)

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed today that Canadian troops were in harm's way when Iranian ballistic missiles slammed into a military base in northern Iraq early Wednesday, but he declined to condone — or criticize — the U.S. actions which precipitated the strike.

Speaking to reporters in Ottawa after a separate deadly air crash in Tehran claimed the lives of 63 Canadians, the prime minister said Canada condemns the Iranian attack on the base.

"I am relieved, as are all Canadians, that all personnel deployed in Iraq are safe," Trudeau said.

He expressed admiration for the professionalism of the soldiers under fire but also repeatedly emphasized the importance of staying the course in the ongoing effort to eradicate the remnants of the Islamic State.

That message, according to government insiders, was the main focus of Canada's diplomatic efforts Wednesday, conducted through a flurry of telephone calls to world leaders.
Drone strike was Washington's call: Trudeau

Keeping the anti-Islamic State coalition together and focused has taken precedence over pressing the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump for evidence justifying the American drone strike that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad.

"It was a threat assessment the U.S. made," said Trudeau. "It was a threat assessment the U.S. was tasked with making and made."

The Trump administration has insisted since Friday's drone strike that Soleimani represented an imminent threat to American lives — but the language it's used to support that claim has changed over the last few days, with more emphasis being placed on the general's role in creating mayhem and bloodshed in the region with the secretive Quod Force branch of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

Iranians gesture as they gather to mourn Gen. Qassem Soleimani, 
head of the elite Quds Force, who was killed by an American 
drone strike last week. (Nazanin Tabatabaee/WANA/Reuters)

In some respects, Trudeau's remarks mirror the careful language being used by other world leaders — including NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who on Monday deflected questions about whether the allies were troubled by the extraordinary decision to kill Soleimani.

NATO ambassadors were given a briefing by the U.S. State Department and military members on Monday, and apparently were given a sense of the intelligence the Americans were acting on when they ordered the drone strike. Trudeau did not say today whether Canada was convinced by that briefing, or whether he brought up the subject in a telephone call with President Trump on Wednesday.
'It opens the Pandora's Box'

Roland Paris, a former foreign policy adviser to Trudeau and a University of Ottawa professor, said Democrats in the U.S. have been doing a good job of demanding an explanation for the killing. He also emphasized the extraordinary nature of the United States targeting a foreign official for death, in legal and foreign policy terms.

"It opens the Pandora's Box and it might be one of the longer term consequences," said Paris, noting that it's largely unprecedented for a western country to kill an adversary's general outside of a state of war.

The focus of U.S. allies, including Canada, appears to be "stabilizing this situation, which is explosive," he said.

Trudeau said Canada is prepared to continue the "extremely important" anti-ISIS NATO training mission in Iraq.

"NATO has a significant role in the training mission that we're moving forward with — but there are always going to be more reflections on what are the next steps to take, given the current circumstances," the prime minister said.
Keeping the anti-ISIS mission alive

Canada has about 500 troops in Iraq, some of whom were moved out earlier this week as a precaution. Military assistance operations and most activities outside of heavily fortified compounds have been suspended until the security situation improves.

Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan said today he could not state when, or if, the assistance might resume.

Paris said it's vital that both the NATO training mission and the more direct U.S.-led military coalition hunting ISIS holdouts resume their work.

"We have a clear interest in sustaining those missions and building up the capacity of the Iraqi government to hold the country together and to be countering any revival of ISIS," said Paris.

Iran's supreme leader says missile strike a 'slap on the face' for U.S.
Northern Iraq airbase targeted by Iran has been key in Canadian fight against ISIS
Iran missile strikes: Canadian troops safe, no known U.S. casualties

Less than two years after the American troops left Iraq following the 2003 invasion, the Iraqi army collapsed in the face of the threat from ISIS.

"It was not only horrifying in terms of ISIS's actions, but it threatened our security," said Paris. "Canada [and] the rest of our allies have a very clear interest in preventing a resurgence of the Islamic State."

Former top Canadian commander Tom Lawson, who first ordered special forces into Iraq, said that given the current tension between Iran and the U.S. — and even within the Iraqi government in Baghdad — restarting both missions could be tough.

"It's difficult to see a scenario that has [Canadian troops] return happily to supporting the Kurds in the north, and just as tough to figure out what kind of scenario could return the NATO mission out of Baghdad," the retired general told CBC's Power and Politics Wednesday night.

Murray Brewster is senior defense writer for CBC News, based in Ottawa. He has covered the Canadian military and foreign policy from Parliament Hill for over a decade. Among other assignments, he spent a total of 15 months on the ground covering the Afghan war for The Canadian Press. Prior to that, he covered defense issues and politics for CP in Nova Scotia for 11 years and was bureau chief for Standard Broadcast News in Ottawa.


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