Friday, February 02, 2024

Sarah Knapton
Fri, February 2, 2024 

The ship came across a colony of chinstrap penguins at Diaz Rock
 - Alamy, Sarak Knapton

The remote Antarctic island of Diaz Rock should have been deserted, yet when penguin experts turned their binoculars on the outcrop, tiny eyes were looking back. Guarding their ascetic stone nests there emerged a completely undiscovered colony of chinstrap penguins, the endearing little species which appears to have a King’s Guard bearskin strap tattooed onto its face. The rocky refuge is Antarctica’s newest penguin colony discovered to date, and lies close to Astrolabe Island and the fearsome volcanic extrusion of steep peaks known as the Dragon’s Teeth.

Boats sailing between the stone fangs are said to have “flossed” the island. Yet the new colony was not discovered by a dedicated scientific expedition, or satellite imagery, but when the Viking Octantis cruise ship I was sailing on was forced to alter her course after a passenger became desperately ill.

Originally, the itinerary should have taken us to Damoy Point, a former transfer station for the British Antarctic Survey, as well as Mikkelsen Harbour, once a popular refuge for whalers caught out by the treacherous katabatic winds. But with a critically ill patient on board, the schedule was ripped up and Captain Jorgen Cardestig made a mercy dash for the nearest airport at King George Island in the South Shetlands for an emergency evacuation to Chile.

The passenger was air-lifted to hospital successfully, but with a day’s sailing lost, the voyage had to be rerouted from the Gerlache Strait towards the Weddell Sea, leaving the ship sailing into waters unknown not only to the passengers, but also most of the crew. Here was an opportunity for real off-plan exploration, and by a stroke of good fortune, the ship was carrying penguin counters Hayley Charlton-Howard and Dr Mairi Hilton from the Antarctic conservation group Oceanites.

Viking is known for its commitment to science, allowing a large number of researchers to tag along on its Antarctic voyages, and recently endowing a chair at the University of Cambridge.

Under the new itinerary, the Octantis was now bound for Astrolabe Island, a three-mile-wide volcanic mass lying in the Bransfield Strait, with a colony of chinstrap penguins that had not been surveyed since 1987.

Sarah Knapton journeyed to Antarctica with Viking Cruises

There are thought to be around 1.6 million pairs of chinstraps on the Antarctic Peninsula, but their numbers are falling by 1.1 per cent per year, largely as a result of fewer krill – their main food source – due to climate change and sea ice retreat.

Previous counts had found more than 3,000 nesting chinstrap penguins on Astrolabe but the counters were keen to find out how they were fairing. So, on a sunny January morning, with calm seas and cerulean skies, we struggled into our waterproofs and life jackets and took a rigid inflatable boat to the island.

Dozing Weddell seals on the shore opened one eye to glance lazily at us, before resuming their slumber. Petrels, skuas and snowy sheathbills squawked overhead. And there, on the rocks, were thousands of chinstrap penguins, camped on steep slopes with their fluffy chicks, many having climbed up to vertiginous and seemingly uninhabitable cliff edges to nest.

Sarah discovered more than expected during her Antarctica cruise - Sarah Knapton

The colony was full to bursting and appeared to be thriving. But it was not Astrolabe that was causing excitement among the penguin counters, but nearby Diaz Rock. Penguins are often smelt before they are seen, but this time it was the pinkish hue of their guano, rather than its cloying stench, that alerted the Oceantisis team to a new site.

“We went around the back of the island to fly the drone and we thought ‘that looks like it’s covered in some suspiciously pink stains’,” said Dr Hilton, “That’s a tell-tale sign penguins are nearby.

“When we first got there, we only could see cormorants so we were a little bit disappointed. We got the binoculars and had a closer look. And it turned out that there were in fact some chinstraps there, we think between about 40 and 50 chinstrap penguin nests. So, that’s a brand new colony for us.”

She added: “Finding a penguin colony only happens once every three or four years. So this is a really big privilege for us to be able to do that. That was a really good day.”

It is a theme of Antarctica that adversity and discovery tend to go hand in hand, with tragedy written into the landscape. We sailed close to Wiencke Island in the Gerlache Strait, named in honour of Carl August Wiencke, a German seaman swept to his death on Adrien de Gerlache’s Belgian Antarctic Expedition of 1897–1899.

We visited Paulet Island, another major penguin colony and where the Swedish Antarctic Expedition was stranded for the winter in 1903. Remains of their stone cabin are still visible as well as a cairn built at the highest point to attract the attention of rescuers.

In 1915, Ernest Shackleton aimed for the island after the Endurance sank in Weddell Sea, hoping to use stores left behind by the Swedish crew, but drifted too far east.

Not far away is Danco Island, commemorating Emile Danco who died of a heart condition after being forced to endure the long Antarctica winter trapped in the pack ice with his Belgica crew mates. On that expedition, penguins were clubbed to death and eaten to stave off scurvy during the sunless months, kept on leashes as pets, and even slung over the side of the Belgica as feathery fenders, to prevent ice floes grating against the wooden hull.

Today, under the Antarctic Treaty, all 18 species of penguins are legally protected and it is unlawful to hunt them, collect their eggs or interfere with the birds in any way.

On our trip alone we saw more than 300,000, the seas often writhing in a moving penguin soup, as the animals arced in and out of the water in a trait known as porpoising, a behaviour practised by dolphins and whales, but not, curiously, porpoises.

As well as chinstraps, there are two other species of penguin on the Antarctic peninsula, including the easily-spooked Adélies that will often flee en masse like panicked maître-des. The gentoos give off a more insouciant air, except when their chicks are terrorised by raiding skuas, when they will stretch out their necks to the sky and scream in fury.

The International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) insists on strict rules for landing parties, and every stray cat hair was plucked from our clothing before we left the ship and we were thoroughly hosed down on our return. Passengers are banned from sitting or kneeling on land and are instructed to keep 5 metres clear of the wildlife, a tricky request when so many curious penguins are keen for a closer look.

It is a far cry from the 1980s when cruise passengers were encouraged to play golf off the side of Antarctic cruise ships, and shoot clay pigeons. But despite the measures many penguins are still declining, and avian flu has now reached the region, leading to fears that tourist visits to the Antarctic will only spread disease further and exacerbate the declines.

Visitors to the continent have now reached 100,000 a year and there is a constant tension between conservation and tourism. Researchers on board the Viking ships are pragmatic about the influx. Carrying out science at the end of the world is expensive and difficult, and hitching a ride is the only way many of them can access the area.

On board the Octantis, scientists have access to state-of-the-art wet labs, and are repurposing the ship’s former Covid PCR testing lab to run genetic tests on phytoplankton to see if populations are changing as more freshwater floods into the area from glacial melting.

Elsewhere, sonars are being fitted to the ships so they can map the seabed, providing crucial data on past glaciation, while Viking’s expedition ships are the only civilian vessels in the world which are designated official NOAA / the United State’s National Weather Service weather balloon stations.

Viking is also the first cruise line in the world to publish a scientific paper, after submarine passengers spotted the rare giant phantom jellyfish – a bizarre 30ft creature resembling a giant ribbon attached to a flying saucer.

Jason Hayden, the chief scientist on the Viking Octantis, said: “Having this opportunity to tag along with Viking Cruises is amazing, the funding that it would take for my lab to come with its own research vessel is near impossible.

“When people say, ‘hey this is a pristine environment and you should not go there’ I say there is something called a baseline study, and if you don’t know what the baseline is you don’t know if it’s been screwed up or not.

“It has to be done in a responsible way, which is what we do. Everyone who comes to Antarctica knows how special it is, and the more people who feel the place is special the more it will be protected.”

In such a remote location, getting a true picture of penguin numbers is difficult, and arguably, every extra eye helps. Just this week, the British Antarctic Survey announced that satellite images had shown four previously unknown emperor penguin breeding sites, including a site at Halley Bay which had been thought abandoned. Without our cruise, the world would not know about the new chinstrap colony. Who knows what other colonies are waiting to be found in the next bay.

King penguin swims hundreds of miles from Antarctic to show up on Australian beach

Namita Singh
Fri, February 2, 2024 

A king penguin was spotted at a south Australian beach, about hundreds of miles from its home in the Antarctic.

“We were up high on the beach. We stopped and it kept on walking up towards us," said Jeff Campbell, president of Friends of Shorebirds South East, which was doing a survey of bird population in Kingston South East when it encountered the penguin.

"Then it did some displays towards us and then did its really strange braying calls, putting its head back and then bowing to us and then it came really, really close to us. We didn’t go toward it; it came toward us,” he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation as he theorised that the bird might have “never seen a human before”.

"It was a young bird. It’s come from a sub-Antarctic island like Heard Island or Macquarie Island and has landed here, so [it’s] probably never encountered a human before and didn’t know humans could be dangerous,” he told the outlet.

Though it was a surprise, Mr Campbell said, the long journey of penguins from was not unheard of. A king penguin was spotted at Port MacDonnell, near Mount Gambier about two decades ago, in 2004.

Dr Julie Mc Innes, from the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Ecology and Biodiversity, told the Guardian that it would have possibly come to the mainland “to moult” – a period when penguins shed all feathers.

It typically takes three to four weeks and often begins around February, according to New Zealand’s Yellow-eye Penguin Trust. “During the moult, because plumage is not waterproof and the body is not well insulated, they cannot go to sea to feed, and may lose three to four kg in weight.

“They are confined to shore as they wait for their old feather coat to be replaced,” read the organisation’s website.

Ice and fire: Antarctic volcano may hold clues to life on Mars

Fri, February 2, 2024 

The volcano has been active for thousands of years, erupting most recently in 1967, 1969 and 1970, devastating British and Chilean bases and forcing the evacuation of an Argentine base (Juan BARRETO)

On Deception Island in Antarctica, steam rises from the beaches, and glaciers dot the black slopes of what is actually an active volcano -- a rare clash of ice and fire that provides clues to scientists about what life could look like on Mars.

The horseshoe-shaped isle in the South Shetland Islands is the only place in the world where ships can sail into the caldera of an active volcano.

In the waters here, some 420 kilometers (260 miles) from Chile's Port Williams, fish, krill, anemones and sea sponges survive, while unique species of lichen and moss grow on the surface in an ecosystem of extreme contrasts.

The island, uninhabited by people, is home to perhaps the world's largest colony of chinstrap penguins, seabirds, seals and sea lions.

The volcano has been active for thousands of years, with the most recent eruptions -- in 1967, 1969 and 1970 -- devastating British and Chilean bases and forcing the evacuation of an Argentine base.

Yet life always returns and thrives on an island where water temperatures in steam vents, or fumaroles, have been measured at around 70 degrees Celsius (158 degrees Fahrenheit), even as air temperatures can plummet to -28 degrees.

It is "similar to Mars because there what we have is a planet with (a past of) immense volcanic activity ... where currently there are very cold conditions," Spanish planetary geologist Miguel de Pablo told AFP.

"It is the best possible approximation that we can make to understand Mars without stepping on" that planet, added de Pablo.

- A rich history -

The analysis of rocks on Deception Island complements the work of engineers, scientists and astronomers who study Mars from afar.

In 2023, researchers with the US space agency NASA concluded that Mars once had a climate with cyclical seasons, conducive to the development of life, according to evidence found on the red planet by the Curiosity rover.

Scientists believe an immense volcanic eruption changed the planet's atmosphere and led to the appearance of oceans and rivers that later evaporated.

Even though temperatures on Mars are far lower now -- estimated by NASA at about -153 degrees Celsius -- "Antarctic conditions can help us understand if the conditions for the development of life could, or could have, existed on Mars," said de Pablo.

Another Mars rover, Perseverance, landed on the planet in February 2021 to look for signs of past microbial life.

The multitasking rover will collect 30 rock and soil samples in sealed tubes to be sent back to Earth sometime in the 2030s for lab analysis.

The South Shetlands are claimed by Britain, Chile and Argentina but are not administered by any one country. The 1959 Antarctic Treaty states they shall be used "for peaceful purposes" and guarantees "freedom of scientific investigation."

Deception Island, first visited by British sealers in 1820, has a rich history, with abandoned scientific bases and an old whaling station rusting in the icy air.

Wilson Andres Rios, a researcher and captain of a Colombian navy frigate conducting a scientific expedition in Antarctica, said the hunting of seals and whales from the island in the early 20th century was "indiscriminate."

In 1931, a Norwegian whaling station on the island closed when the price of whale oil slumped.

Then, in 1944, Britain established a base there as part of a secret wartime mission to occupy Antarctic territories.

After several evictions and eruptions, the island is now dedicated to scientific research.

And, under the scientists' wary eyes, thousands of tourists now arrive on cruises.

That phenomenon, said Natalia Jaramillo, scientific coordinator of the Colombian expedition, is "worryingly increasing."

Lava from Iceland volcano spied from space (satellite photo)

Samantha Mathewson
Fri, February 2, 2024 

Satellite photo of an icy landscape, with a blotch of dark indicating a newly solidified lava flow.

Solidified lava surrounds the small Icelandic town of Grindavík in a new satellite photo, following recent volcanic eruptions.

Satellite imagery taken on Jan. 27 by the European Space Agency's (ESA) Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission shows dark patches of solidified lava near the fishing village of Grindavik in Iceland's Reykjanes Peninsula. Areas covered in the solidified lava stand out against the contrast of freshly fallen white snow, ESA officials said in a statement describing the new image.

The Svartsengi volcano system, located roughly 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) north of Grindavík, erupted on Dec. 18 and Jan. 14, triggering lava flows and emergency evacuations of the town. The first eruption, which lasted until Dec. 21, occurred at Sundhnukagigar — a row of craters just outside the town of Grindavík — which previously erupted over 2,500 years ago. The second eruption, which lasted until Jan. 16, occurred near Hagafell mountain, located much closer to Grindavík.

Related: Satellite sees glowing Iceland volcano (photos)

bright red magma can be seen in an overhead photo of a coastal town

ESA's Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite previously captured infrared signals from the active lava flows on Jan. 17. At the time, the satellite images showed the bright red glow of the lava flow's heat as it neared Grindavík.

Magma has continued to accumulate beneath Svartsengi since the last eruption, causing concerns that new eruptive fissures may open without warning due to heavily fractured land that allows for magma to readily reach the surface, the Iceland Met Office (IMO) said in a statement.

"It should be noted that, although the overall hazard level for Grindavík has been reduced by one level, the hazard associated with fissures remains very high," IMO representative said in the statement. "The current hazard is now referred to as 'subsidence into a fissure,' describing the danger that may be present where fissures are hidden beneath unstable surfaces that could collapse and develop sinkholes."


NASA photo shows a volcano eruption in Iceland at night

Satellite photos show Iceland's Grimvotn volcano eruption from space

Satellites see glowing Icelandic volcano

Current estimates of magma accumulation suggest the land has been rising at a rate of approximately 0.3 inches (8 millimeters) per day, which slightly exceeds the recorded rate of uplift before the eruption on Jan. 14. However, computational models are being updated to gain more precise measurements, IMO representatives wrote.

"At this point, it is challenging to determine exactly how much magma has accumulated beneath Svartsengi since the eruption ended on January 16th," IMO representatives said. "Low levels of seismic activity persist and are mostly concentrated around Hagafell. The current seismic activity aligns with that observed in the area following the previous eruption."
Fake news, online hate swell Indonesia anti-Rohingya sentiment

Fri, February 2, 2024 

A Rohingya refugee baths a child at a temporary shelter in Banda Aceh in January 2024, part of a wave of more than 1,500 refugees arriving in Indonesia in recent months (CHAIDEER MAHYUDDIN)

Arriving on a rickety boat in western Indonesia from squalid Bangladesh camps after weeks at sea late last year, hundreds of Rohingya refugees came to shore only to be turned around and pushed back.

The persecuted Myanmar minority were previously welcomed in the ultra-conservative Aceh province, with many locals sympathetic because of their own long history of war. But a wave of more than 1,500 refugees in recent months has been treated differently.

A spate of online misinformation in the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation has stoked what experts say is rising anti-Rohingya sentiment culminating in pushback, hate speech and attacks.

In December, hundreds of university students entered a government function hall in Banda Aceh city hosting 137 Rohingya, chanting, kicking refugees' belongings and demanding they be deported. The refugees were relocated.

"The attack is not an isolated act but the result of a coordinated online campaign of misinformation, disinformation and hate speech," the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said.

On social media, anti-Rohingya videos have been spreading since late last year, racking up more than 90 million views on TikTok alone in November, according to Hokky Situngkir, TikTok analyst at Bandung Fe Institute.

It began after some local media outlets reported the Rohingya's arrival with sensational headlines, said Situngkir.

The reports have framed the mostly Muslim Rohingya as criminals with bad attitudes and Indonesian community leaders have reinforced this narrative.

Some TikTok users have reshared the sensational articles and videos, which would help generate more views and money.

"Sometimes when the sensation is too big, it turns out to be misinformation," Situngkir told AFP.

- 'Seems coordinated' -

President Joko Widodo has called for action against human traffickers responsible for smuggling Rohingya and said "temporary humanitarian assistance will be provided" to refugees while prioritising local communities.

But a few days after the attack on a refugee shelter, the Indonesian navy pushed away a Rohingya boat approaching the Aceh coast.

Jakarta -- not a signatory of the UN refugee convention -- has appealed to neighbouring countries to do more to take in the Rohingya.

On TikTok, dozens of fake UNHCR accounts have flooded Rohingya videos with comments.

"If you don't want to help, just give them one empty island so they can live there," one read, presented as if it was written by a real UNHCR account.

A post sharing a report that Indonesia's Vice President Ma'ruf Amin was considering moving the refugees to an island was viewed three million times.

A verified account wrote underneath: "Big no! It is better to expel them, no use in sheltering them."

Ismail Fahmi, analyst for social media monitor Drone Emprit, told AFP the narrative "seems coordinated" but presented as if "it was organic".

The campaign started with posts from anonymous confession accounts, and then several users with large followings replied with anti-Rohingya messages, making the narrative appear to be trending, he said.

Locals say social media is making such anti-Rohingya sentiment appear widespread, but that was not reflected across Aceh day-to-day.

"It seems massive when we observe it on social media," said Aceh fishermen community secretary-general Azwir Nazar, acknowledging that Rohingya defenders online were treated as a "common enemy".

But, he said, "In reality, in our daily lives, things seem normal."

- Election narrative -

Some of the most viewed videos peddling misinformation showed overcrowded vessels claiming to be ships carrying Rohingya to Indonesia.

The footage, viewed millions of times on TikTok, actually showed ferry passengers on domestic Bangladesh routes, according to an AFP Fact Check investigation.

Another video claimed Rohingya damaged an East Java refugee centre –- more than 2,300 kilometres (1,429 miles) from Aceh.

An AFP Fact Check investigation debunked the claim through interviews with authorities who said the perpetrators were not Rohingya.

The videos were uploaded on TikTok and video platform Snack, then reposted on other social media sites like Facebook and by local media outlets with millions of followers, boosting the misinformation's reach, AFP's Fact Check team found.

AFP, along with more than 100 fact-checking organisations, is paid by TikTok and Facebook parent Meta to verify videos that potentially contain false information.

Both organisations declined AFP requests for comment.

Some videos and comments were also related to this month's presidential election.

Some mocked candidate Anies Baswedan, saying he supports the Rohingya because he recommended they be housed "in a separate place" to avoid conflict.

Others praised front-runner and Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto who has said Indonesia should "prioritise our people".

But in several presidential debates so far, the candidates have not mentioned Rohingya migration.

For some in Aceh, anti-Rohingya feelings have stemmed from frustration at a lack of a government solution.

But the inflated anti-refugee posts have left them wondering if that feeling is genuine.

"Only Allah knows whether (the posts are) all humans," said Nazar.

"Or perhaps, with the technology now, there might be AI or robots involved."


Out of options, Rohingya are fleeing Myanmar and Bangladesh by boat despite soaring death toll

Updated Thu, February 1, 2024 

Ethnic Rohingya people sit on a beach after they land in Kuala Parek Beach, East Aceh, Aceh province, Indonesia, Thursday, Feb. 1, 2024. Across a treacherous stretch of water, the Rohingya came by the thousands, then died by the hundreds. And though they know the dangers of fleeing by boat, many among this persecuted people say they will not stop — because the world has left them with no other choice.
 (AP Photo/Husna Mura)

SYDNEY (AP) — Across a treacherous stretch of water, the Rohingya came by the thousands, then died by the hundreds. And though they know the dangers of fleeing by boat, many among this persecuted people say they will not stop — because the world has left them with no other choice.

Last year, nearly 4,500 Rohingya — two-thirds of them women and children — fled their homeland of Myanmar and the refugee camps in neighboring Bangladesh by boat, the United Nations’ refugee agency reported. Of those, 569 died or went missing while crossing the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, the highest death toll since 2014.

The numbers mean one out of every eight Rohingya who attempted the crossing never made it, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said last week.

Yet despite the risks, there are no signs the Rohingya will stop. On Thursday, Indonesian officials said another boat carrying Rohingya refugees landed in the country’s northern province of Aceh.

Fishermen provided food and water to 131 Rohingya, mostly women and children, who had been on board, said Marzuki, the leader of the local tribal fishing community, who like many Indonesians goes by one name.

Some passengers told officials they had been at sea for weeks and their boat's engine had broken down, leaving them adrift, said Lt. Col. Andi Susanto, commander of the navy base in Lhokseumawe.

“Southeast Asian waters are one of the deadliest stretches in the world and a graveyard for many Rohingya who have lost their lives,” says Babar Baloch, UNHCR’s spokesperson for Asia and the Pacific. “The rate of Rohingya who are dying at sea without being rescued — that’s really alarming and worrying.”

Inside the squalid refugee camps in Bangladesh, where more than 750,000 ethnic Rohingya Muslims fled in 2017 following sweeping attacks by Myanmar’s military, the situation has grown increasingly desperate. Not even the threat of death at sea is enough to stop many from trying to traverse the region’s waters in a bid to reach Indonesia or Malaysia.

“We need to choose the risky journey by boat because the international community has failed their responsibility,” says Mohammed Ayub, who is saving up money for a spot on one of the rickety wooden fishing boats traffickers use to ferry passengers 1,800 kilometers (1,100 miles) from Bangladesh to Indonesia.

Global indifference toward the Rohingya crisis has left those languishing in the overcrowded camps with few alternatives to fleeing. Because Bangladesh bans the Rohingya from working, their survival is dependent upon food rations, which were slashed last year due to a drop in global donations.

Returning safely to Myanmar is virtually impossible for the Rohingya, because the military that attacked them overthrew Myanmar’s democratically elected government in 2021. And no country is offering the Rohingya any large-scale resettlement opportunities.

Meanwhile, a surge in killings, kidnappings and arson attacks by militant groups in the camps has left residents fearing for their lives. And so, starving, scared and out of options, they continue to board the boats.

Ayub has lived in a sweltering, cramped shelter for more than six years in a camp where security and sanitation are scarce, and hope even scarcer. There is no formal schooling for his children, no way for him to earn money, no prospects for returning to his homeland and no refuge for his family amid spiraling gang violence.

“Of course I understand how dangerous the boat journey by sea is,” Ayub says. “We could die during the journey by boat. But it depends on our fate. … It’s better to choose the dangerous way even if it’s risky, because we are afraid to stay in the camps.”

Two hundred of the people who died or went missing at sea last year were aboard one boat that left Bangladesh in November. Eyewitnesses on a nearby boat told The Associated Press that the missing vessel, which was crowded with babies, children and mothers, broke down and was taking on water before it drifted off during a storm as its passengers screamed for help. It has not been seen since.

It was one of several distressed boats that the region’s coastal countries neglected to save, despite the United Nations refugee agency's requests for those countries to launch search and rescue missions.

“When no action is taken, lives are lost,” says UNHCR’s Baloch. “If there is no hope restored in Rohingya lives either in Myanmar or in Bangladesh, there are no rescue attempts, (then) sadly we could see more desperate people dying in Southeast Asian seas under the watch of coastal authorities who could act to save lives.”

Six of Mohammed Taher’s family members were aboard the boat that vanished in November, including his 15-year-old brother, Mohammed Amin, and two of Taher’s nephews, ages 3 and 4. Their ultimate destination was Malaysia, a Muslim-majority country where many Rohingya seek relative safety.

Taher and his parents now struggle to sleep or eat, and spend their days agonizing over what became of their loved ones. Taher’s mother saw a fortune teller who said her relatives were still alive. Taher, meanwhile, dreamed that the boat made it to shore, where his relatives took refuge in a school and were able to bathe in warm water. But he remains unconvinced their journey ended so happily.

And so he has vowed to tell everyone to stay off the boats, no matter how unbearable life on land has become.

“I will never leave by boat on this difficult journey,” Taher says. “All the people who reached their destination are saying that it’s horrific traveling by boat.”

Yet such warnings are often futile. Ayub is now preparing to sell his daughter’s jewelry to help pay for his spot on a boat. While he is frightened by the stories of those who didn’t make it, he is motivated by the stories of those who did.

“Nobody would consider taking a risk by boat on a dangerous journey if they had better opportunities,” he says. “Fortunately, some people did reach their destination and got a better life. I am staying positive that Allah will save us.”


Associated Press writer Niniek Karmini in Jakarta, Indonesia, contributed to this report.

More than 100 Rohingya refugees escape from Malaysian detention centre

Maroosha Muzaffar
Fri, February 2, 2024 

More than 100 Rohingya refugees escape from Malaysian detention centre

More than 100 Myanmar migrants fled from a Malaysian detention centre after protests, with one killed in a road accident.

Officials said that more than 100 Rohingya refugees from Myanmar escaped from the Bidor facility in the northern state of Perak on Thursday night.

The Malaysian immigration department said in a statement that some 115 of the men were Rohingya refugees and the remaining 16 were of other Myanmar ethnicities.

Director-general of the immigration department Ruslin Jusoh said in a statement that 131 detainees escaped from a centre in Perak state late Thursday.

District police chief Mohamad Naim Asnawi was quoted by the national Bernama news agency as saying that the immigrants escaped from the men’s block after a riot broke out at the detention centre.

This is the second time Rohingya refugees have fled a temporary detention centre in Malaysia.

In 2022, 528 Rohingya refugees protested and fled from the detention facility in northern Penang state. Six lost their lives while crossing a highway, and the majority of the escapees were recaptured.

Malaysia, a country that does not recognise refugee status, has historically been a popular refuge for ethnic Rohingya escaping oppression in Myanmar or from refugee camps in Bangladesh.

However, in the past few years, Malaysia has started to reject boats filled with Rohingya refugees and has detained thousands in overcrowded detention facilities, intensifying its efforts to clamp down on undocumented migrants.

Meanwhile, search operations for over 100 escapees were ongoing on Friday.

Nearly one million Muslim Rohingyas fled Buddhist-majority Myanmar amid waves of violence starting in August 2017 when armed attacks, massive-scale violence, and serious human rights violations forced the community to flee their homes in Myanmar’s Rakhine state.

The United Nations describes the Rohingya as “the most persecuted minority in the world”.

The Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic minority, have resided for centuries in what is now predominantly Buddhist Myanmar – previously referred to as Burma. Although they have been inhabitants of Myanmar for numerous generations, the Rohingya are not acknowledged as an official ethnic group and have been deprived of citizenship since 1982, rendering them the largest stateless community globally, according to UNHCR.

Additional reporting with agencies
'I Was Wrong': Ex-Trump White House Adviser Makes Surprise Confession On Fox Business

Ed Mazza
Updated Fri, February 2, 2024 

One of Donald Trump’s leading economic advisers now admits he was wrong about the predictions he made for the economy under President Joe Biden.

“Mea culpa,” Fox Business host Larry Kudlow said on the air Thursday. “I was wrong about the slowdown and the recession, so was the entire forecasting fraternity.”

Fox News host Sandra Smith, however, tried to get him to back out of it.

“I don’t think you were wrong,” she said.

But Kudlow, who was director of the National Economic Council under Trump for nearly three years, stuck with it.

“The Fed, everyone was wrong,” he said, referring to widespread predictions of a recession in 2022 and 2023 that never came to fruition.

Kudlow noted that unemployment numbers will come out Friday after a month of headline-making layoffs.

“My guess is that the Federal Reserve is looking more closely at that than inflation,” Smith said in a clip posted on Mediaite, noting that the agency is hoping to tame inflation, which could lead to job losses.

“If the labor market takes a significant hit, we could see a significant downturn in the American economy,” she predicted.

Kudlow made a similar confession about the strength of the economy last month when the gross domestic product GDP jumped faster than expected.

“He gets his due,” Kudlow said of Biden. “If I were he, I would be out slinging that hash, too. No problem.”

He did, however, add that a chunk of the growth was from government spending.

‘Large’ metallic creature — thought extinct for 100 years — rediscovered on island

Moira Ritter
Fri, February 2, 2024 at 3:25 PM MST·4 min read

Tom Terzin has been fascinated by beetles since he was a child.

“They behave like tiny natural robots,” Terzin said in a Jan. 30 University of Alberta news release. “They crawl around obeying simple rules. If there’s an obstacle in their way they usually go around it, which is generally how a robot would behave.”

That’s why the researcher and biology professor participated in two expeditions to the Philippines to search for beetles and collect samples, he told McClatchy News in a Feb. 2 email.

While sifting through the specimens he collected from Northern Negros National Park on Negros Island, Terzin spotted something unusual, according to the university. It was a short-nosed weevil known as Metapocyrtus (Orthocyrtus) bifoveatus, which was thought to be extinct.

The “colorful” species had not been seen on the island in 100 years. Researchers believed it was killed off after its habitat in the rainforest’s lowlands was “wiped out by deforestation.”

“In the world of insects, it’s almost like discovering a dodo bird,” Terzin said.
Discover more new species

The specimen Terzin found is the first female of the species recorded, according to a study published Dec. 8 in the journal Topola Poplar.

The species is “large to medium sized,” Terzin and his co-author, Bangoy Shirley, said in the study. The female beetle measured about 0.5 inches.

Metapocyrtus (Orthocyrtus) bifoveatus have “metallic green and blue scales” on their head beneath oval-shaped eyes, the researchers said. The upper half of their body is “shiny, smooth” and “rusty brown” with a collar covered by “metallic green and blue scales.”

The lower half of the species’ body is “smooth” and “reddish-brown to black.” It is covered in “round metallic mixed green and blue scales,” and it has two “shiny brown spots” on its sides that lack scales.

Photos show the brightly colored new species.

Metapocyrtus (Orthocyrtus) bifoveatus was last seen on Negros Island 100 years ago, scientists said.

Terzin found the Metapocyrtus (Orthocyrtus) bifoveatus specimen in a rainforest at about 4,600 feet above sea level, according to the study.

“Somehow this species has managed to survive in higher altitudes of over 1,000 meters (3,280 feet), which shows a struggle for life, that they refused to become extinct from deforestation,” he said in the university’s release.
A new species of weevil

Terzin spotted another strange specimen while sorting through his collection from the park: a black bug that didn’t have the same “metallic sheen” as similar weevils.

It was a new species.

“This guy was a bit strange, some sort of rebel in refusing to mimic the species,” Terzin said.

Identified as Metapocyrtus (Trachycyrtus) augustanae, the new species is small, and the single female specimen measured about 0.26 inches, according to the study.

The new species is “strange,” according to Terzin.

The “small-sized” weevil has a gray-black body with “several prominent yellow” bristle-like protrusions, researchers said. The lower half of its body is “rough,” and its “oval” eyes are black.

Scientists named the new species after the University of Alberta’s Augustana campus, where Terzin works.

The female specimen was found in a rainforest habitat about 4,600 feet above sea level.

Terzin said the discovery of the new species is exciting.

“It could mean there’s a redirection of the habits of these species, evolutionarily speaking, and being only known from a single specimen, for now, indicates it’s probably a rare species,” he said.

‘They’re like asteroids’

Continuing to learn about weevils is necessary because they can possibly become pests, according to Terzin.

“They’re like asteroids that cross the Earth’s orbit,” he said. “Some of them can be dangerous, but they’re even more dangerous if we don’t know about them. So it’s important to monitor their population — and that means we first need to discover them.”

Terzin also encountered a third type of “rare” weevil while visiting Kanlaon National Park in the Philippines, he said in his email.

Known as Eumacrocyrtus canlaonensis, the “large sized” creatures have a “shiny rusty brown” upper body with “dense semi-metallic gray-bluish scales” on their sides, according to the study. Their lower bodies are “dark brown or black, smooth” and “covered in round semi-metallic gray-bluish scales.”

When Terzin was in the park in 2016, the previously dormant Kanlaon Volcano erupted. Since then, the area where Eumacrocyrtus canlaonensis specimens were collected has been closed, according to Terzin.

“My brief encounter with E. canlaonensis may be the last one,” he said.

Strike by security staff at most major German airports cancels hundreds of flights

Associated Press
Thu, February 1, 2024 

Germany Airport Strike
Gangways on the apron of the airport are empty in Cologne, Germany, Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024. A union has called on security staff at most of Germany’s major airports to stage a one-day strike on Thursday as it steps up pressure on employers in a pay dispute.
(Thomas Banneyer/dpa via AP)

BERLIN (AP) — Security workers at most of Germany's major airports walked off the job Thursday in a one-day strike to step up pressure in a pay dispute, prompting widespread flight cancellations.

The ver.di union, which announced the walkout on Tuesday afternoon, called on workers to strike at 11 airports: Frankfurt, Berlin, Cologne, Duesseldorf, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Leipzig, Hannover, Dresden, Bremen and Erfurt.

Airports in Bavaria — including Munich, the country's second-busiest — were not affected.

All departures for the day from Berlin, Hamburg and Stuttgart were canceled before the strike started. About four-fifths of flights in Cologne and one-third in Duesseldorf also were canceled.

In Frankfurt, the operator of Germany's busiest airport said security checkpoints outside the transit area would remain closed. It advised passengers planning to start their journeys there not to come to the airport. However, there were connections for transferring passengers; Lufthansa planned to operate much of its planned schedule, including intercontinental flights.

Airport operator group ADV estimated that about 1,100 flights in total would be canceled or delayed, affected some 200,000 passengers, German news agency dpa reported.

Three rounds of labor negotiations have failed to produce a pay agreement for some 25,000 security workers. Ver.di is seeking a raise of 2.80 euros per hour ($3.03) for all employees and calling for bonuses for overtime work to kick in from the first extra hour.

An employers’ association says it offered a 4% raise this year and 3% next year, as well as concessions on when overtime bonuses kick in. The talks are due to resume on Feb. 6.

Short “warning strikes” are a common tactic in German contract negotiations. In a separate dispute, ver.di has called for strikes Friday on local public transportation systems in much of the country.

A bitter dispute over working hours and pay resulted in full-scale strikes last month that affected Germany's passenger trains. The GDL union, which represents many of the country's train drivers, on Monday ended a five-day strike earlier than originally planned after agreeing to resume talks with the state-owned main railway operator, Deutsche Bahn.

Germany strikes: Local transport at a standstill with Hamburg airport also affected

Ruth Wright
Fri, February 2, 2024 

Germany strikes: Local transport at a standstill with Hamburg airport also affected

Local buses, trams and subway trains are cancelled in 80 cities across Germany today, as well as disrpution at Hamburg airport.

Off the back of a strike that downed planes yesterday, transport employees walked off the job in the country's third transport-related strike in two weeks.

Travellers will be impacted in different ways, depending on which city they are in.

In Berlin, workers with the local transport authority walked off the job until 10 am. In Hamburg, Cologne, Hannover and elsewhere, the strike was to last all day. Bavaria, where there are no negotiations at present, was the only region not affected.
Hamburg airport warns passengers to check before travelling to the airport

Hamburg airport announced: "The trade union Ver.di is calling for a full-day warning strike by ground handling services on Friday, 02.02.24. Passengers are asked to keep up to date with their flight status and to contact their airline, as possible disruptions cannot be ruled out."

The service providers Groundstars, Stars and Cats are affected. According to Ver.di, their employees are responsible for loading and unloading the aircraft, providing technical equipment, baggage handling, aircraft de-icing, and cleaning aircrafts’ interiors.

Verdi hopes the strike will emphasise the demands of the approximately 900 ground handling employees working at Hamburg airport. These include an inflation compensation bonus of €3,000 and an increase in wages.

Why is the strike happening?

The Ver.di service workers' union called for a “warning strike,” a common tactic in German contract negotiations, on Monday. Its deputy chair, Christine Behle, said that “the time has now come to exert more pressure on employers” as talks on new pay contracts for about 90,000 people employed by over 130 local transport operators have failed to make progress.

The dispute centres on demands for better working conditions, such as a shorter working week and extra compensation days for shift and night work.

Coinciding contract negotiations in the rail, airport and local transport sectors have made for a frustrating few weeks for German travellers and commuters.

The German railway system is involved in a separate dispute that centres on a train drivers' union's demand for a shorter working week.

Local transport in Germany hit by walkouts in a dispute over working conditions

Associated Press
Fri, February 2, 2024

Germany Public Transport Strike
(AP Photo/Michael Probst)

BERLIN (AP) — Local buses, trams and subway trains were canceled in much of Germany on Friday as transport employees walked off the job in the country's third transport-related strike in two weeks.

The Ver.di service workers' union called for a “warning strike,” a common tactic in German contract negotiations, on Monday. Its deputy chair, Christine Behle, said that “the time has now come to exert more pressure on employers” as talks on new pay contracts for about 90,000 people employed by over 130 local transport operators have failed to make progress.

The exact demands and the length of Friday's walkouts varied from place to place. In Berlin, workers with the local transport authority walked off the job until 10 a.m.; in Hamburg, Cologne, Hannover and elsewhere, the strike was to last all day. Bavaria, where there are no negotiations at present, was the only region not affected.

The dispute centers on demands for better working conditions, such as a shorter working week and extra compensation days for shift and night work.

Coinciding contract negotiations in the rail, airport and local transport sectors have made for a frustrating few weeks for German travers and commuters.

The German railway system is involved in a separate dispute that centers on a train drivers' union's demand for a shorter working week.

In an unrelated dispute that centers on pay demands, Ver.di on Thursday called security workers at most of Germany’s major airports out on a one-day strike that prompted widespread flight cancellations.

Ground staff strike at Hamburg airport begins over wage dispute

Thu, February 1, 2024 

A view of the deserted Hauptbahnhof Nord subway station due to a warning strike. Over 80 cities were called to go on a warning strike as part of the nationwide wage dispute in regional negotiations by the Verdi trade union. Rabea Gruber/dpa

A day after a one day strike by aviation security staff at many German airports, another strike has come into force at Hamburg Airport.

The Verdi union had called on ground handling staff to stop work from 3:00 am (0200 GMT) to 11:59 pm on Friday. According to the airport, the consequences for passengers should be limited.

Initially, five departures and three arrivals were cancelled in the morning, according to the airport's website. The majority of these were flights to and from Helsinki and Munich, the statement said.

Hamburg Airport had originally planned 135 departures and 132 arrivals with over 37,000 passengers for Friday.

At the airport, employees of the service providers Groundstars, Stars and Cats have been called out on strike.

According to the union, they are responsible for loading and unloading aircraft, providing technical equipment, pushing back aircraft, baggage handling, de-icing aircraft and cleaning the interiors of aircraft.

With the strike, Verdi wants to push for the demands of around 900 employees. These include an inflation compensation bonus of €3,000 and a wage increase of €200 plus a 5.5 % payrise with retroactive effect from January 1. The next negotiation date is scheduled for February 19.

A sign reading "Warning strike" hangs at a BVG bus depot in Müllerstrasse. Over 80 cities were called to go on a warning strike as part of the nationwide wage dispute in regional negotiations by the Verdi trade union. Sebastian Christoph Gollnow/dpa

A view of a closed subway station due to a warning strike. Over 80 cities were called to go on a warning strike as part of the nationwide wage dispute in regional negotiations by the Verdi trade union. Sebastian Christoph Gollnow/dpa

Hundreds of flights cancelled amid strikes at 11 German airports

Thu, February 1, 2024

Strikers stand in front of Berlin Brandenburg Airport BER, one of 11 major German airports that have started a one-day strike. Christophe Gateau/dpa

Hundreds of flights have been cancelled in Germany on Thursday amid a one-day strike by aviation security workers at 11 airports across the country.

The strike forced the closure of security checkpoints at all 11 affected airports, meaning no travellers could enter the airport and board flights.

But the impact of the strike on flight operations, which began in the early hours of Thursday at most of the airports, varied widely.

The airports hit by the strike are Frankfurt, Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin, Leipzig, Dusseldorf, Cologne, Hanover, Stuttgart, Erfurt and Dresden.

At Germany's busiest airport hub in Frankfurt, for instance, about 310 flights had been cancelled as of Thursday morning out of a schedule of 1,120 flights.

Lufthansa, which is based in Frankfurt, announced plans to continue flying a nearly full schedule for arriving and connecting passengers, although no travellers could begin their journey in Frankfurt due to the security strike.

In Berlin, all departures and many arrivals were cancelled and the terminal on Thursday morning appeared deserted. In Dusseldorf, around a third of take-offs and landings were cancelled, and in nearby Cologne - where the strikes began late on Wednesday evening - virtually all air traffic had ceased.

Other airports, such as Lufthansa's secondary hub in Munich, are not impacted by the strike and were operating on largely normal flight schedules.

Workers take part in a waring strike at Frankfurt airport, one of 11 major German airports that have started a one-day strike. Jörg Halisch/dpa

An airport employee walks through the closed and deserted security checkpoint at Hamburg Airport, one of 11 major German airports that have started a one-day strike. Christian Charisius/dpa

A display at the entrance to the closed and deserted security checkpoint at Hamburg Airport reads "Gate closed" in various languages, at Hamburg Airport, one of 11 major German airports that have started a one-day strike. Christian Charisius/dpa

Two passengers who were originally due to fly from Stuttgart to Mexico, but whose flight was canceled due to the strike, sit on a bench in a terminal at Stuttgart Airport. Marijan Murat/dpa

Passengers stand in front of the check-in counter area at Cologne Bonn Airport, one of 11 major German airports that have started a one-day strike. Thomas Banneyer/dpa

Striking airport security workers hold a banner reading "More pay? With security" at Cologne Bonn Airport, one of 11 major German airports that have started a one-day strike. Thomas Banneyer/dpa

Strikers and union representatives stick posters with the words "Warning strike!" on the windows at Terminal 2 of Hamburg Airport, one of 11 major German airports that have started a one-day strike. Bodo Marks/dpa

Travelers lie sleeping on the floor at Frankfurt Airport, one of 11 major German airports that have started a one-day strike. Andreas Arnold/dpa
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Shifts in lake carbon dynamics on the Qingzang Plateau — from predominant carbon sources to emerging carbon sinks

Peer-Reviewed Publication


A new study shows that annual carbon emissions from lakes in the Qingzang Plateau (QZP) — a vast elevated plateau at the intersection of Central, South, and East Asia — have declined, with some lakes shifting from carbon sources between 1970-2000 to carbon sinks between 2000-2020, a finding that has implications for estimates of global warming and climate change relative to China overall.


The study was published in Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, and offers insights into the timing and degree of shifting in the annual CO2 flux for lakes in the QZP region.


The authors found that the QZP lake systems have generally acted as a carbon source from 1970–2000, with an annual CO2 exchange flux of 2.04 ± 0.37 Tg C yr−1. From 2000 to 2020, some freshwater and saltwater lakes shifted from acting as a carbon source to a small carbon sink, while the annual CO2 exchange flux of QZP lakes has decreased to 1.34 ± 0.50 Tg C yr−1.


Before 2000, the average temperature on the QZP from 1970 to 2000 was lower, aquatic plant and phytoplankton rates were relatively low, and the effect of respiration on C emissions was more pronounced. After 2000, the annual average temperature on the QZP showed a rising trend. At the same time, the CO2 absorbed through photosynthesis exceeded the CO2 released through respiration, while pCO2 at the water-air interface decreased, and waterbodies increasingly become less saturated, all of which are conducive for CO2 entering waterbodies.


On the QZP, most lakes are located above an altitude of 3000 m, with low levels of eutrophication. Phytoplankton and aquatic macrophytes are very sensitive to the availability of light, and a slight reduction in solar radiation will also slow respiration processes and gradually decrease CO2 emissions. In addition, solar radiation is crucial in carbon emissions during lake ice melting. When the lake ice begins to melt in the spring, the circulation (flipping) of the water column caused by convection causes a significant outflow of CO2. In recent decades, the annual solar radiation on the QZP has generally declined, which will weaken the convection in the water body and thus reduce CO2 emissions.


Since the turn of the 21st century, the expansion rate in the lake area has accelerated due to increased precipitation and glacial meltwater, providing a broader living space for aquatic plants and phytoplankton growth. Due to increased river runoff, QZP lakes have received more nutrient inputs, increasing aquatic plant and phytoplankton biomass. This lake area expansion has also decreased lake salinity levels, reducing aquatic plant and phytoplankton toxicity stress. Moreover, aquatic plants and phytoplankton have absorbed more CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, which has increased carbon fixation.


These factors have collectively contributed to a decrease in QZP lake carbon emissions over the past five decades. This trend suggests that QZP lakes might assume an increasingly significant role in both regional and global carbon cycles in the context of ongoing global climate change.



Sedimentary records of contaminant inputs in Frobisher Bay, Nunavut

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Although contaminant levels in Arctic environments are often lower than those in temperate locations close to cities and industrial areas, contaminant studies in the Arctic remain important due to the potential for bioaccumulation and biomagnification through food webs to top consumers and humans. Regions important for traditional food harvesting are a priority for monitoring.


Contaminants primarily reach the Arctic through long-range atmospheric and oceanic transport, but local sources within the Arctic, including legacy sources and new sources associated with commercial and industrial development, also contribute to the levels observed in the environment.


A major population centre in the Canadian Arctic that has seen increased human activity during recent decades is the City of Iqaluit, the capital of the Canadian territory of Nunavut. Iqaluit is located at the head of Frobisher Bay, an area where Inuit continue to harvest country food.


Research led by Meaghan C. Bartley of the Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS) at the University of Manitoba, and published in Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, found evidence of impacts from both local source and long-range transport in the marine sediment of Frobisher Bay,  Nunavut, via seven dated sediment cores collected from sites near Koojesse Inlet (close to Iqaluit), and inner and outer Frobisher Bay. Contaminants detected included total mercury (THg), major and trace elements, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and per and polyfluoralkyl substances (PFASs). These findings show that pollution effects leave a long legacy in the environment and include both local and long-range effects.


Sediments collected 1.8 km away from Iqaluit, in the Koojesse Inlet, received inputs of THg, PAHs, PCBs, and PFASs primarily originating from activities in and around Iqaluit. Records of THg in sediment suggest that although concentrations were not different from other areas of the Arctic, inputs were connected to local civilian and military activities (e.g., thermometers, fluorescent light bulbs, electrical switches), and were potentially moved from the terrestrial to coastal environment by local activities such as construction.


A peak in PCB concentrations was concurrent with military site presence from the 1950-60s, and congener composition in the sediment resembled that of the industrial PCB mixture Aroclor 1260. PCB contamination associated with the historic civilian and military activity in Iqaluit continues to represent a source of PCBs to coastal sediments, albeit reduced from a factor of at least 4X from its peak in the ∼1960s.


PAH concentrations increased in recent sediments and exhibited a pyrogenic signature, likely reflecting increased fossil fuel burning for transportation (ships and airplanes), heating and electricity associated with the rapid population growth of Iqaluit in recent decades, northern development, and waste burning.


The dominant PFASs observed close to Iqaluit were associated with airport and military activities. This core exhibited a peak in PFOS and PFDS, which may be explained by legacy aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) usage. Fluorotelomer carboxylic acids (FTCAs) increased closer to the surface, which could be from the phase out of PFOS formulations of AFFF towards fluorotelomer chemistry.


This study provides evidence for the importance of both long-range contaminant sources and local inputs in Arctic environments. These results highlight that even after the clean-up of legacy military sites, there remains an impact on the environment for many decades. As human activities escalate in the Arctic, comprehensive investigations into contaminant levels and prospective ecological ramifications hold paramount importance for evaluating risks within regions of significance for traditional food harvesting.



Environmental Science and Ecotechnology




Article Title

Sedimentary records of contaminant inputs in Frobisher Bay, Nunavut


Article Publication Date

10 October 2023