Thursday, January 13, 2022

Surprising photos of soldiers in Almaty wearing UN peacekeeping helmets spark a response from the United Nations.

Images released by the Associated Press on January 8 show several soldiers in Kazakhstan's largest city, Almaty, wearing helmets with "UN" stenciled on them in the unmistakable colors of United Nations peacekeeping forces. The photos, made by photographer Vladimir Tretyakov and shared by independent journalist Jake Hanrahan, have added to questions over what exactly is happening in the restive Central Asian country.Since protests set off by gas prices broke out across Kazakhstan last week, Internet blackouts, unidentified gunmen, disputed official claims, and winter fog have made events on the ground increasingly murky.

  • What to Make of Kazakhstan’s Seemingly Sudden Unrest

    What started last week as a protest against fuel price increases has quickly turned into a nationwide movement that is taking aim at Kazakhstan’s elite political and economic leaders — in particularly, the semi-retired former President Nursultan Nazarbayev, whose continued role in political affairs has become a focal point of popular discontent. The demonstrations have become increasingly violent in recent days, as protesters clash with Kazakh police and Russian military personnel have been brought in at the request of Kazakhstan’s president. USIP’s Gavin Helf and Donald Jensen discuss where these explosive protests came from, Moscow’s increasing role in the crisis and where Kazakhstan goes from here.

    President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of Kazakhstan, delivers remarks at the United Nations General Assembly at the United Nations headquarters in New York. September 24, 2019. (Dave Sanders/The New York Times)
    President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of Kazakhstan, delivers remarks at the United Nations General Assembly at the United Nations headquarters in New York. September 24, 2019. (Dave Sanders/The New York Times)

    Kazakhstan is the wealthiest Central Asian republic and — until now — has been the most stable. Is this all out of the blue or have warning signs been visible for a while?

    Helf: In many ways, Kazakhstan is a poster child for the new “techno-authoritarianism” and a model of a successful petrostate. It has been careful about investing its oil wealth to create a robust, diverse economic future beyond petroleum and has done better at sharing the wealth throughout the society than many of its neighbors. It is now an upper middle-income economy that attracts foreign labor — unlike its neighbors, who are dependent on labor migrant remittances from Russia.

    Problems in the past that have led to protests have been usually localized and/or narrowly focused —such as labor unrest in Western Kazakhstan, protests over land ownership (especially by Chinese companies), inter-ethnic conflicts and protests over consumer debt relief and inflation.

    As in a lot of places, Kazakhstan’s good economy has been shaken by COVID and government has lost some of its shine over the last two years. Corruption, always endemic at some level, has become more offensively obvious during COVID. What has been surprising this time, though, is the sudden and wide geographic spread of the discontent and its initial lack of focus.  

    Kazakhstan saw local protests get out of hand ten years ago, but a brutal, heavy-handed crackdown was employed to quell them. In the interim, authorities have tried to learn from that experience and developed a more sophisticated game plan. So far, they’ve tried to address concerns over fuel price hikes by reversing — and then cutting — the prices, and then cutting prices on other commodities and making other economic concessions. When that didn’t work, they blamed the ministries and the prime minister, who the president then fired as a scapegoat. This, again, has not worked to quell the protests.

    Who are the protesters then, and how has this developed? 

    Helf: It is very hard to get a clear picture right now, but the protests up until Wednesday were faceless, peaceful and seemed to be consistent with the kind of post-COVID economic revolt that the government thought it could buy off.

    Then things took a very different turn. The protests suddenly became focused on the country’s semi-retired first president Nursultan Nazarbayev. After his official retirement in 2019, he has been publicly revered as “The Leader” and “Father of the Nation.” But as these protests developed, statues of him started to fall and reports of him preparing to seek medical treatment abroad and of his family members fleeing by private jet started to circulate. Right now, it’s not clear why this happened.

    His hand-picked successor, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, also removed him from his chairmanship of the National Security Council and very quickly started to purge Nazarbayev’s loyalists in key positions. We still don’t know where Nazarbayev is, what role he is playing at this time or whether he is actively opposing Tokayev’s purge.

    The situation on the ground changed on Wednesday night as well — turning violent. In Almaty, armed protesters seized the country’s major airport, as well as important government buildings, which they set ablaze.

    What we may be seeing — in addition to a “people-power” revolt — is also a catastrophic failure of Nazarbayev’s managed transition to his successor, Tokayev, playing out in real time. Transition from one ruler and ruling family to another is a huge weak spot in authoritarian, oligarchical systems. It seldom goes well, as a fading leader tries to secure both his political legacy and the wellbeing of his family after his own passing.

    January 4 also marked the 20th anniversary of the suppression of the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan — a pro-reform, pro-Nazarbayev political movement that Nazarbayev turned against. One of their leaders, Mukhtar Ablyazov, has been very actively trying to promote regime change from abroad since his exile, and has popped up all over foreign media this week, seeming to speak for the protesters. He is likely to figure prominently in any hunt for a “foreign” hand in this drama, regardless of what he actually did over the last few days.

    It’s also important to remember that in Kazakhstan, there really is no democratic opposition waiting in the wings. The government has either coopted or suppressed anyone even mildly critical of its policies over the last three decades. There are, however, plenty of grievances that nativists, Islamic extremists, xenophobes and others could try to exploit — along with plenty of political entrepreneurs with their own agendas who will try to take advantage of the situation and bend it to their own goals. Whatever comes next will likely be messier than what has come before.

    President Tokayev has appealed to the Moscow-dominated Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) for assistance. How has Russia responded to the request, and what is motivating Moscow’s decision-making in regard to Kazakhstan?

    Jensen: On January 6, Kazakh President Tokayev claimed that unrest in his country was due to “an invasion of bandit formations trained from abroad” and requested the assistance of the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). In response, the CSTO officially announced the start of a peacekeeping mission in Kazakhstan that would be tasked with the protection of state and military facilities and assistance to police forces. Russian airborne special forces have already begun arriving in the country, and reports indicate they will send a few companies but no more than 5,000 troops total.

    Russia’s immediate goal in Kazakhstan is most likely the containment and suppression of political instability at its southern border. In addition, Russia has numerous interests in Kazakhstan, including military installations, the Cosmodrome at Baikonur and valuable business investments. The protection of these locations from violent disruption is probably of paramount importance to the Kremlin. 

    In the long term, it’s unlikely that Moscow sees the current unrest in Kazakhstan (and the CSTO response to that unrest) as an opportunity to crystalize or serve some broader strategic approach. The events in Kazakhstan also come at an inconvenient time for the Kremlin, with its attention focused on Ukraine, where Russia has massed forces near the Ukrainian border in an effort to gain concessions from Ukraine and its Western supporters either through saber rattling or a real invasion.

    With that military deployment underway, it is highly unlikely the Kremlin would use the current situation in Kazakhstan as an opportunity to use military force in Central Asia or to assert a new foreign policy doctrine. Russian policy has not been consistent regarding defense of neighboring authoritarians, and in the case of Kazakhstan, it’s not even clear whether they would be intervening to stop a democratic revolution or to stop internecine elite fighting. It is far more probable that the Kremlin is responding to events with the minimal force necessary to protect Russia’s interests.

    Yanks’ Balkovec living ‘American dream’ with manager role


    New York Yankees minor league hitting coach Rachel Balkovec speaks to reporters during the Major League Baseball winter meetings on Dec. 10, 2019, in San Diego. Balkovec was introduced Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2022, as manager of the Tampa Tarpons, the New York Yankees’ Low A affiliate in the Florida State League. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)

    NEW YORK (AP) — Rachel Balkovec is aware of the negativity in her social media feeds and tries to leave it there. Her sisters see it, too, and can’t help but pass along certain disparaging reactions to her barrier-breaking journey.

    “It’s hilarious to me,” Balkovec said. “Because it’s the American dream.”

    In the clubhouse? She hasn’t seen any of that toxicity there.

    Balkovec was introduced Wednesday as manager of the New York Yankees’ Low A affiliate in the Florida State League. In taking over the Tampa Tarpons, Balkovec will become the first female manager in the history of affiliated baseball, an appointment 10 years in the making for the former college softball player.

    “If you know my story and you have a pulse, I think it’s pretty hard not to get behind what’s going on here,” she said.

    Nearly a decade after changing her name on resumes to disguise her gender and break into baseball, the 34-year-old has smashed several barriers en route to this title. She was the first woman to serve as a full-time minor league strength and conditioning coach, then the first to be a full-time hitting coach in the minors.

    This promotion — a year after former Yankees employee Kim Ng became the majors’ first female general manager with the Miami Marlins — is different. Balkovec will run the clubhouse in Tampa, charged with overseeing the development of future big leaguers for one of the most famous sports franchises in the world.

    “The players that I’ve worked with, whether they like me, they don’t like me, they like what I’m saying, they don’t like what I’m saying, I do feel like they respect me,” she said.

    It’s a trust she’s earned via an unusual route — one that didn’t exist 20 years ago, but not just because of her gender.

    A former softball catcher at Creighton and New Mexico, Balkovec has a master’s degree in kinesiology from LSU and another in human movement sciences from Vrije University in the Netherlands. She’s worked in strength and conditioning with the St. Louis Cardinals and Houston Astros since first breaking into pro ball in 2012, and also spent time at Driveline Baseball, a data-driven center that has trained numerous major leaguers. She’s an expert in performance science, precisely the expert teams are coveting.

    When the Yankees hired her as a minor league hitting coach in 2019, she was at the forefront among women breaking into uniformed jobs, but she was hardly the only coach without a traditional playing background.

    Hitting 95 mph isn’t the same skill as teaching someone else to, and as teams have shifted their focus in the hiring process to reflect that, it’s created a pathway for women like Balkovec or Alyssa Nakken, part of the San Francisco Giants’ major league coaching staff since 2020.

    “There wasn’t a ton of debate as to whether baseball was ready or the world was ready,” said vice president of baseball operations Kevin Reese, who made the decision to promote Balkovec. “We’re trying to find the best people and put them in the best position to have an impact here.”

    Reese, introduced Wednesday under a new title after being promoted from senior director of player development, helped hire Balkovec in 2019 and has been overwhelmingly impressed with her expertise and ability to lead, including with young Latin American players. The Nebraska native taught herself Spanish after becoming Houston’s Latin American strength and conditioning coach in 2016, and some of her most notable work has been with New York’s Spanish-speaking players, including top prospect Jasson Dominguez.

    General manager Brian Cashman has had a woman as an assistant general manager since hiring Ng in 1998. When she left in 2001, Jean Afterman was appointed to the role and has been there since. Balkovec has expressed interest in one day working in the front office and potentially becoming a GM herself.

    “The sky’s the limit,” Cashman said. “She’s determined. She’s strong. She’s got perseverence.”

    She’s needed it. After serving her temporary role with St. Louis in 2012, she began applying for baseball jobs with what she knew was a rock-solid resume. And yet, only one team responded.

    Her point of contact with that club said his bosses wouldn’t let him hire a woman in a strength and conditioning role. Even worse, that person called around to other teams with vacancies, and they all told him the same.

    “In that very moment, my level of naivete went from a 10 to a zero,” she said.

    One of her sisters suggested changing her name to “Rae Balkovec” on her resume, and the tactic worked to at least get hiring managers on the phone. The Cardinals brought her back as a full-time strength and conditioning coordinator in 2014.

    She’s seldom had issues with players related to her gender — “so little it’s hardly worth mentioning,” she said. Being the only woman in that trail-blazing role was lonely, though.

    Now, she believes there will be 11 women with on-field jobs in affiliated ball next year, and she’s able to compare experiences with them. Tennis great Billie Jean King was among the many who congratulated her on the Tampa job, and she’s developed a network of support that’s reinforced her confidence that she’s ready for the role.

    “On behalf of Major League Baseball, I congratulate Rachel on this historic milestone,” Commissioner Rob Manfred said. “As manager of the Tampa Tarpons, she will continue to demonstrate her expertise and leadership in the Yankees’ organization. We wish Rachel well in this new capacity and appreciate her mentorship to the growing network of women in baseball operations and player development roles.”

    The job ahead of her, though, is the same as any other skipper — get the most out of the players in her clubhouse.

    “My goal is really to know the names of the girlfriends, the dogs, the families of all the players,” she said. “My goal is to develop them as young men and young people who have an immense amount of pressure on them. My goal is to support the coaches that are on the staff.

    “We’re going to be talking more nuts and bolts of pitching and hitting with them, and defense. It’s really just to be a supporter, and to facilitate an environment where they can be successful.”


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    Russia won’t rule out military deployment to Cuba, Venezuela

    US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, left, and Russian deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov attend security talks at the United States Mission in Geneva, Switzerland, Monday, Jan. 10, 2022. (Denis Balibouse/Pool via AP)

    MOSCOW (AP) — Russia raised the stakes Thursday in its dispute with the West over Ukraine and NATO’s expansion when a top diplomat refused to rule out a military deployment to Cuba and Venezuela if tensions with the United States escalate.

    Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said he could “neither confirm nor exclude” the possibility of Russia sending military assets to Latin America if the U.S. and its allies don’t curtail their military activities on Russia’s doorstep.

    “It all depends on the action by our U.S. counterparts,” the minister said in an interview with Russian television network RTVI, citing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s warning that Moscow could take unspecified “military-technical measures” if the U.S. and its allies fail to heed its demands.

    Ryabkov led a Russian delegation in talks with the U.S. on Monday. The negotiations in Geneva and a related NATO-Russia meeting in Brussels took place in response to a significant Russian troop buildup near Ukraine that the West fears might be a prelude to an invasion.

    Russia, which annexed Ukraine’s Crimea Peninsula in 2014, has denied having plans to attack the neighboring country. The Kremlin reacted to the suggestion by accusing NATO of threatening its territory and demanding that the military alliance never embrace Ukraine or any other ex-Soviet nations as new members.

    Washington and its allies firmly rejected the demand this week as a nonstarter, but the NATO and Russian delegations agreed to leave the door open to further talks on arms control and other issues intended to reduce the potential for hostilities.

    A senior Biden administration official suggested Thursday that Ryabkov’s statement about Cuba and Venezuela had not changed Washington’s calculations.

    “We are not going to respond to bluster. If Russia actually started moving in that direction, we would deal with it decisively,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing negotiations.

    Ryabkov last month compared the current tensions over Ukraine with the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis — when the Soviet Union deployed missiles to Cuba and the U.S. imposed a naval blockade of the island.

    That crisis ended after U.S. President John F. Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev agreed that Moscow would withdraw its missiles in exchange for Washington’s pledge not to invade Cuba and the removal of U.S. missiles from Turkey.

    Putin, in seeking to curtail the West’s military activity in Eastern Europe, has argued that NATO could use Ukrainian territory to deploy missiles capable of reaching Moscow in just five minutes. He warned that Russia could gain a similar capability by deploying warships armed with the latest Zircon hypersonic cruise missile in neutral waters.

    Soon after his first election in 2000, Putin ordered the closure of a Soviet-built military surveillance facility in Cuba as he sought to improve ties with Washington. Moscow has intensified contacts with Cuba in recent years as tensions with the U.S. and its allies mounted.

    In December 2018, Russia briefly dispatched a pair of its nuclear-capable Tu-160 bombers to Venezuela in a show of support for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro amid Western pressure.

    Ryabkov said a refusal by the U.S. and its allies to consider the key Russian demand for guarantees against the alliance’s expansion to Ukraine and other ex-Soviet nations makes it hard to discuss the confidence-building steps that Washington says it’s ready to negotiate.

    “The U.S. wants to conduct a dialogue on some elements of the security situation ... to ease the tensions and then continue the process of geopolitical and military development of the new territories, coming closer to Moscow,” he said. “We have nowhere to retreat.”

    Ryabkov described U.S. and NATO military deployments and drills near Russia’s territory as extremely destabilizing. He said U.S. nuclear-capable strategic bombers flew just 15 kilometers (9 miles) from Russia’s border.

    “We are constantly facing a provocative military pressure intended to test our strength,” he said, adding that he wondered how Americans would react “if our bombers fly within 15 kilometers off some U.S. bases on the East or the West Coast.”

    The high-stakes diplomacy this week took place as an estimated 100,000 Russian troops with tanks and other heavy weapons are massed near Ukraine’s eastern border. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Thursday rebuffed the West’s calls for a troop pullback from areas near Ukraine.

    “It’s hardly possible for NATO to dictate to us where we should move our armed forces on Russian territory,” he said.

    Peskov said this week’s talks produced “some positive elements and nuances,” but he characterized them as unsuccessful overall.

    “The talks were initiated to receive specific answers to concrete principal issues that were raised, and disagreements remained on those principal issues, which is bad,” Peskov said in a conference call with reporters.

    He warned of a complete rupture in U.S.-Russia relations if proposed sanctions targeting Putin and other top civilian and military leaders are adopted. The measures, proposed by Senate Democrats, would also target leading leading Russian financial institutions if Moscow sends troops into Ukraine.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov likewise denounced the proposed sanctions as a reflection of U.S. “arrogance,” adding that Moscow expects a written response to its demands from the U.S. and NATO next week in order to mull further steps.

    Tensions revolving around Ukraine and Russia’s demands on the West again appeared on the table at a Thursday meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Vienna.

    Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau, who assumed the position of the OSCE’s chairman-in-office, noted in his opening speech that “the risk of war in the OSCE area is now greater than ever before in the last 30 years.”

    The tensions over Ukraine also figured high on the agenda of a meeting of European Union foreign ministers in Brest, France. Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod said it’s important “for Putin to understand that the military threats, the game he’s playing, the way he’s trying to take us back to the darkest days of the Cold War, is totally unacceptable.”

    The EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, reiterated that “any further aggression against Ukraine will have massive consequences and severe costs for Russia.” Borrell said the 27-country bloc is providing 31 million euros ($35.5 million) in logistical assistance to the Ukrainian army and is preparing to send a mission to help the country counter cyberattacks.

    Russia seized the Crimean Peninsula after the ouster of Ukraine’s Moscow-friendly leader and in 2014 also threw its weight behind a separatist insurgency in eastern Ukraine. More than 14,000 people have been killed in nearly eight years of fighting between the Russia-backed rebels and Ukrainian forces. .


    Emily Schultheis reported from Vienna. Lorne Cook in Brussels and Colleen Long in Washington contributed to this report.
    Abortion grows as priority issue for Democrats: AP-NORC poll


    Stephen Parlato of Boulder, Colo., holds a sign that reads "Hands Off Roe!!!" as abortion rights advocates and anti-abortion protesters demonstrate in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, on Dec. 1, 2021, in Washington. With Roe v. Wade facing its strongest threat in decades, a new poll finds Democrats increasingly view protecting abortion rights as a high priority for the government.
    (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

    WASHINGTON (AP) — With Roe v. Wade facing its strongest threat in decades, a new poll finds Democrats increasingly view protecting abortion rights as a high priority for the government.

    Thirteen percent of Democrats mentioned abortion or reproductive rights as one of the issues they want the federal government to address in 2022, according to a December poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. That’s up from less than 1% of Democrats who named it as a priority for 2021 and 3% who listed it in 2020.

    Some other issues like the economy, COVID-19, health care and gun control ranked as higher priorities for Democrats in the poll, which allowed respondents to name up to five top issues. But the exponential rise in the percentage citing reproductive rights as a key concern suggests the issue is resonating with Democrats as the Supreme Court considers cases that could lead to dramatic restrictions on abortion access.
    “The public have lots of things that they want to see government addressing,” said Jennifer Benz, deputy director of The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. “You ask this kind of question in a time of economic turmoil and in the time of a pandemic and all of these other things going on, we might not expect abortion to rise to the top.”

    With a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court, Republicans see this as their best chance in years to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision legalizing abortion throughout the United States. In December, the Supreme Court left in place a Texas law that bans most abortions in the state and signaled during arguments that they would uphold a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. That decision will be made public in June.

    Calling the abortion polling numbers “stark,” Benz noted that conventional wisdom holds that abortion is a motivating issue for Republicans and not for Democrats. Research from the 1980s and 1990s, Benz said, “regularly found that opponents of abortion had greater strength of attitudes and considered the issue important to them personally more than pro-choice people.”

    That may be changing. Sam Lau, senior director for advocacy media at the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, believes more Americans are recognizing this moment as a crisis for abortion access.

    “I think what we have seen is absolutely an increase in awareness, an increase in urgency, an increase in the need to fight back,” he said. “But I still actually think that huge swaths of this population still don’t quite believe that the access to abortion and the 50-year precedent that is Roe v. Wade is really hanging in the balance.”


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    The court’s 1973 decision, reaffirmed in the 1992 ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, allows states to regulate but not ban abortion up to the point of fetal viability, at roughly 24 weeks. If Roe and Casey are overturned in June, abortion would soon become illegal or severely restricted in roughly half the states, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a research organization that supports abortion rights.

    That’s just months ahead of midterm elections that are expected to be challenging for Democrats.

    Lau thinks people are starting to recognize they “simply cannot rely on the courts to protect our rights and our access to essential health care.”

    “We are currently pushing for elected officials who are champions of sexual and reproductive health care to be bold and to go on offense and to pass proactive legislation to protect access to abortion,” Lau said. “I think voters are going to go to the polls and want to vote for candidates who they can trust to protect their health care and their reproductive freedom.”

    Polling shows relatively few Americans want to see Roe overturned. In 2020, AP VoteCast, a survey of the electorate, showed 69% of voters in the presidential election said the Supreme Court should leave the Roe v. Wade decision as is; just 29% said the court should overturn the decision. In general, AP-NORC polling shows a majority of the public favors abortion being legal in most or all cases.

    Still, Americans have nuanced attitudes on the issue, and many don’t think that abortion should be possible after the first trimester or that women should be able to obtain a legal abortion for any reason.

    For 41-year-old Rachelle Dunn, who knew girls in high school and women in college and her adult life who have needed abortions, it’s “just health care.”

    “It’s something that women I have known through my life have needed for different reasons,” said Dunn, of Tarentum, Pennsylvania. “The government needs to step in because all of these laws are being written and passed, but none of them are for medical reasons.”

    She’s concerned about a domino effect from these Supreme Court cases, adding that she worries about how they will affect her two daughters’ futures, as well as her son’s.

    “It just seems like, if it’s been affirmed, repeatedly, why are we still doing this?” Dunn said.


    The AP-NORC poll of 1,089 adults was conducted Dec. 2-7 using a sample drawn from NORC’s probability-based AmeriSpeak Panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 4.1 percentage points.
    Rubble brings opportunity, and risk, in war-scarred Gaza

    1 of 11
    Palestinian workers use a backhoe to break and remove parts of the Al-Jawhara building, that was damaged in Israeli airstrikes during Israel's war with Gaza's Hamas rulers last May, in the central al-Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City, Nov. 16, 2021. The Gaza Strip has few jobs, little electricity and almost no natural resources. But after four bruising wars with Israel in just over a decade, it has lots of rubble. Local businesses are now finding ways to cash in on the chunks of smashed concrete, bricks and debris left behind by years of conflict. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)

    GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — The Gaza Strip has few jobs, little electricity and almost no natural resources. But after four bruising wars with Israel in just over a decade, it has lots of rubble.

    Local businesses are now finding ways to cash in on the chunks of smashed concrete, bricks and debris left behind by years of conflict. In a territory suffering from a chronic shortage of construction materials, a bustling recycling industry has sprouted up, providing income to a lucky few but raising concerns that the refurbished rubble is substandard and unsafe.

    “It’s a lucrative business,” said Naji Sarhan, deputy housing minister in the territory’s Hamas-led government. The challenge, he said, is regulating the use of recycled rubble in construction.

    “We are trying to control and correct the misuse of these materials,” he said.

    Israel and Gaza’s Hamas rulers have gone to war four times since the Islamic militant group, which opposes Israel’s existence, seized control of the territory in 2007. The most recent fighting was in May. Israeli airstrikes have damaged or leveled tens of thousands of buildings in the fighting.

    The United Nations Development Program says it worked with the local private sector to remove some 2.5 million metric tons of rubble left behind from wars in 2009, 2012 and 2014. Gaza’s Housing Ministry says the 11-day war in May left an additional 270,000 tons.

    The UNDP has worked on rubble recycling since Israel’s 2005 withdrawal from Gaza. It also has played a key role in the latest cleanup, removing about 110,000 tons, or more than one-third of the rubble. That includes the Al-Jawhara building, a high-rise in downtown Gaza City that was damaged so heavily by Israeli missiles that it was deemed beyond repair. Israel said the building housed Hamas military intelligence operations.

    Over the past three months, excavators lifted atop the building systematically demolished it floor by floor. Just one floor remains and the construction crews are now removing the building’s foundations and pillars on the ground.

    In a common scene outside every building destroyed by the war, workers separated twisted rebar iron from the debris, to be straightened out and re-used in things like boundary walls and ground slabs.

    Israel and Egypt have maintained a crippling blockade on Gaza for the past 15 years, restricting the entry of badly needed construction materials. Israel says such restrictions are needed to prevent Hamas from diverting goods like concrete and steel for military use. Since 2014, it has allowed some imports under the supervision of the United Nations. But thousands of homes need to be repaired or rebuilt, and shortages are rampant.

    The UNDP has put tight restrictions on its recycling effort. It says that renewed rubble is not safe enough for use in building homes and buildings. Instead, it allows it to be used only for road projects.

    “We do not recommend any of the rubble to be used for any reconstruction as such, because it is not a good quality material for reconstruction,” said Yvonne Helle, a UNDP spokeswoman. She said the metal is separated and returned to the buildings’ owners because it “also has a value.”

    On a recent day, trucks trickled into a lowland in central Gaza near the Israeli frontier, carrying large chunks from the Al-Jawhara tower. The site, adjacent to a mountain of garbage serving as Gaza’s main landfill, is overseen by the UNDP.

    A wheel loader filled a bucket with debris that was tossed into a crushing machine. It produces large pieces of aggregate that the site supervisor said could be used as a base under the asphalt layer in street construction. Because of safety concerns, they are not allowed to crush the rubble into smaller aggregate that could be used in house construction.

    The trucks then return to Gaza City where the UNDP is funding a road project, providing a much-needed source of work in a territory with nearly 50% unemployment.

    The U.N. road projects have provided a partial solution for the rubble problem, but most of Gaza’s debris continues to make its way into the desperate private sector.

    Sarhan, the Housing Ministry official, said it is forbidden to use recycled rubble in major construction. But he said enforcing that ban is extremely difficult and much of the material is creeping back into the local construction markets.

    Ahmed Abu Asaker, an engineer from the Gaza Contractors’ Union, said many brick factories use the local aggregate, which he said is not a “great concern.” He said there have been a few isolated cases of it being mixed into concrete, which is far more dangerous.

    There have not been any reports of building collapses. But Abu Asaker estimates that thousands of homes have been built with materials from recycled rubble since 2014.

    Just north of the UNDP processing center, about 50 rubble crushers were hard at work at a private facility on a recent day, producing different kinds of aggregate.

    The most popular items are the “sesame,” which is used for making cinder blocks, and the “lentil-like” grind sent to cement-mixing factories.

    Around the crushers were mounds of small aggregate, with tiny pieces of shredded plastic, cloth and wood clearly mixed in.

    Antar al-Katatni, who runs a nearby brick factory, says he makes bricks using the sesame aggregate. He acknowledged the material has impurities like sand, but there is an upside. “It makes more bricks,” he said.

    He said engineers do not buy his blocks for internationally funded projects, because they are not allowed to do so, “but poor people do.”

    A brick costs two shekels, or about 65 cents, when it’s made with higher quality Israeli-imported aggregate. The price for the ones he makes are slightly cheaper, at 1.7 or 1.8 shekels. When a typical project might require several thousand bricks, even the small price difference can add up for a poor family.

    Sarhan said that given the blockade and Gaza’s numerous other problems, it is difficult to regulate the gray market industry.

    “We cannot patrol or control every citizen,” he said. “That’s why you may find someone used recycled rubble here or there.”
    Opinion: After COVID vaccine menstruation findings, a sigh of relief — and indignation

    As one woman who experienced an irregular menstrual cycle after the COVID-19 vaccine, Sonya Diehn feels reassured that this has now been scientifically acknowledged. But why has it taken so long?

    A woman of reproductive age receives the COVID vaccine in Cologne, Germany

    Soon after the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, stories began to emerge that some people were experiencing changes to their menstrual cycles after getting vaccinated.

    For a long time, this did not get much media attention, and numerous medical experts continued to assure the public that the COVID-19 vaccines did not cause these side effects. Such stories remained confined to conversations, internet forums and social media.

    I received my own first dose of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine in summer. Though some people had told me how sick they felt after receiving it, I was relieved to have only moderate side effects.

    A month later, I got my second dose — and then off we were, on family vacation.

    I was scheduled to get my period right at the start of the trip. I had one day of heavy bleeding, none at all the next day.

    Sonya Diehn is a senior editor at DW

    Then, I proceeded to bleed for more than a week, nearly the duration of the vacation. The bleeding was quite heavy, and I also had more pain than usual. For me, this was not normal.

    I got scared. I had read about an extremely rare blood-related side effect of mRNA vaccines, immune thrombocytopenia — a lack of platelets — and was concerned this could have been happening to me, with excessive vaginal bleeding as a possible symptom.

    I felt anxious and did some serious consulting with Dr. Google. Eventually, the bleeding let up and the mega-period finally finished.

    And, though I felt alone in my fear and anxiety, I most certainly was not.
    COVID vaccines can affect menstruation

    Now, a first-of-its-kind, women-led, peer-reviewed study has confirmed the experience of people who menstruate around the world: COVID-19 vaccines can affect periods.

    With a dataset of almost 4,000 women, both vaccinated and not, using a menstrual cycle-tracking app, researchers found a clinically significant shift in the cycles of newly vaccinated individuals, lasting nearly one day longer on average.

    Cycles typically returned to normal within a month or two, which was the case with me, as well.

    This research has given women like me a sigh of relief — what I experienced was abnormal, but normal — and yet I'm left with a lot of questions.

    Most importantly: Why were we not informed of this potential side effect before receiving the vaccine?

    It turns out that menstrual information is not tracked in clinical studies of COVID-19 vaccines. Not to mention, menstrual side effects are not tracked in VAERS, the United States-based database that allows vaccine recipients to enter possible side effects themselves.

    This is frustrating — women deserve to be listened to, and everyone deserves to be informed.

    Despite its importance for women's health, talking about periods remains largely taboo

    Genuine complaints brushed away

    Menstruation is among the most basic benchmarks for the health of women in reproductive age, so any changes are a big deal. Yet talking about menstruation remains taboo.

    Time and again, reports of altered cycles after receiving COVID-19 vaccines have been minimized and dismissed — especially by well-meaning proponents of vaccination trying to counter unfounded claims that vaccines could harm fertility.

    Even after the menstruation study was released, I was reading headlines that downplayed its conclusions.

    Of course, some people experienced no changes in their menstrual cycles, or none that they noticed. But the lack of information could have a strong psychological effect on people who do experience significant changes without knowing why.

    Perhaps they were trying to get pregnant. Or perhaps they were hoping to avoid pregnancy. Perhaps, like me, they felt anxious or fearful about not being "regular."

    Criticism or caution about vaccines is often swept aside as being irrational or the delusions of conspiracy theorists. Yet it should be possible to discuss any legitimate issue without shame or punishment.

    Breaking the taboos around menstruation

    Against the background of the ongoing culture wars around vaccines, I am as pro-vaccination as it gets. But this experience shook my position.

    I don't feel like science has failed here; I feel like people have failed. In their zeal to prove that vaccines are safe, vaccine proponents ignored actual experiences.

    As a result of medical experts not listening to valid concerns, it's possible that some women have lost faith in vaccination.

    We need to remove the taboos around discussing periods. We need to make female reproductive health more central in education and health care.

    Society, and science, need to listen to women.

    If not, both may suffer.
    Multiple sclerosis caused by Epstein-Barr-Virus — study

    Researchers say Epstein-Barr-Virus is a main cause of MS, which affects 2.8 million people worldwide. New treatments and prevention may now be possible.

    US researchers see a link between Epstein-Barr-Virus infections, which causes glandular fever, and multiple sclerosis

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an unpredictable condition — an autoimmune disease that attacks the central nervous system, the brain and spinal cord.

    MS tends to hit people in the prime of their lives. In most cases, the disease starts when those afflicted are between 20 and 40 years old.

    It can be mild but can also turn into a lifelong disability, affecting a person's vision, arm or leg movement, sensation or balance.

    And until now researchers have not known conclusively what causes MS. There are treatments to make living with MS better, perhaps easier, but there is no cure.

    But that may change now that researchers say they have found a link between Epstein-Barr-Virus and MS. That could open the door to better treatments and even preventative measures.

    The link between Epstein-Barr-Virus and MS

    In a study conducted in the United States, researchers say they found that the Epstein-Barr-Virus (EBV) was definitely associated with all but one of 801 cases of multiple sclerosis.

    The researchers analyzed blood samples from more than 10 million US military employees and identified 801 people with multiple sclerosis. They then analyzed those blood samples — from the people with MS — for EBV antibodies. That would indicate whether those people had ever had an EBV infection.

    Epstein-Barr-Virus causes glandular fever, which commonly affects teenagers and young adults. It causes swollen glands and sore throat, and you usually only get it once in your life.

    Among those US military personnel, 35 people with MS showed no EBV antibodies in an initial blood sample. But the researchers say that 34 of those 35 people later tested positive for EBV antibodies.

    Only one of the 801 people with MS ultimately tested negative for EBV antibodies.

    The most important indicator appears to be that those people who had initially tested negative for EBV antibodies also tested negative for multiple sclerosis at the time of the blood sample. It was only after those people experienced an EBV infection that they developed MS, which was also then detected by the researchers.

    So, the researchers seem confident there is a link between EBV and MS. What they still don't know, however, is EBV's precise mechanism — or what it does exactly to cause MS and why.
    EBV does not automatically mean MS

    It's important to note that while about 90% of people contract EBV or glandular fever at some point in their lives, only very few develop multiple sclerosis.

    However, experts say the new research and its data are significant.

    "The study uses epidemiological methods to assess the risk of developing MS after an infection with the Epstein-Barr-Virus. And the authors conclude that the risk of developing MS is 32 times higher among people who have had EBV than those who have not," said Henri-Jacques Delecluse, a leading researcher at the German Cancer Research Center. "That is a significant number. It's the sort of risk we see for lung cancer among smokers."

    But Roland Martin, a leading researcher at University Hospital Zurich, says it's too early to conclude that EBV is the main cause of MS.

    "The methodology is good and solid, and you could conclude that EBV is the main cause of MS," said Martin. "But for me, that goes too far. Over the past 20 years, our data has indicated that MS has a complex genetic background, one that can make you more prone to developing MS."

    So, it may not only be EBV or genetics, but a combination of the two.
    Symptoms: What should you do if you're concerned?

    As with every health issue: For the best advice, ask a medical professional or a doctor you trust if you're concerned.

    Symptoms for multiple sclerosis can differ from person to person. But they can include the following:
    Numbness or weakness in one or more limbs
    Electric-shock sensations when you move your neck
    Tremors or lack of coordination when you walk
    Problems with vision, double vision and pain in your eyes
    Slurred speech
    Problems with sexual, bowel and bladder function

    The study is published in the journal Science.
    Gender-affirming treatment improves mental health in transgender youth: study

    Trans youth experience better mental health outcomes when provided access to gender-affirming treatment, according to a new study.

    Wednesday, January 12, 2022

    STANFORD, Calif. (KGO) -- A new paper published Wednesday supports the overwhelming body of evidence that transgender youth with access to gender-affirming hormone treatments experience better mental health outcomes than those who wait until adulthood, or those who never receive the treatment.

    The paper, featuring a secondary analysis of the largest ever survey of 27,000 transgender adults in the U.S., has the potential to combat prominent arguments in anti-trans legislation bubbling up in state houses across the country in an effort to limit access to this important treatment.

    The paper published in the medical journal PLOS ONE is headed by Jack Turban, M.D. who serves as the chief fellow on child adolescent psychiatry at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

    "These newer approaches of providing gender affirming hormones result in better mental health outcomes than not providing those interventions," said Dr. Turban.

    RELATED: 'Pose' donates set furniture to homeless transgender youth

    Turban's research suggests earlier access to gender-affirming treatments like puberty blockers and hormone therapy improve mental health outcomes, especially youth that started treatment in their early teens.

    "They were less likely to have thought about suicide in the past year when we asked them as adults," said Turban.

    They were also less likely to struggle with alcohol abuse, use illicit drugs, or have clinically relevant mental health diagnoses-the kinds of things that would require special treatment.

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    Turban said there was an existing body of evidence pointing to the mental health benefits of accessing gender-affirming treatments for the transgender population, but this is the first study that looked into the benefits of different age groups accessing treatment.

    "All of the groups had better mental health than people who were never able to access hormones, but people who accessed them during adolescence had better mental health than people who weren't able to access them until adulthood," he said.

    In state houses across the country from Arkansas to Texas, a slew of bills were introduced in 2021 in an attempt to limit gender affirming treatment for youth whose gender identity does not match the body they were born into.

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    Turban stresses it's important to note that all transgender or gender non-conforming people are not interested in hormone therapy or other gender-affirming medical treatments.

    However, of the thousands of trans people who were surveyed in the 2015 report, 41% of people who wanted to access hormones were never able to access it.

    Turban said, in part, there aren't enough doctors who are trained to provide medical care to trans and gender diverse people.

    He hopes the findings of this new report will dispel misinformation about the effects of gender-affirming treatments that are often the focus of anti-trans policy debates.

    "Some of the narratives that we are hearing today are very hostile and damaging especially toward younger transgender people," said Cecilia Chung, Transgender Law Center senior director of strategic initiatives and evaluation.

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    Chung, a long-time transgender activist is hopeful this research will strengthen the organization's hand in the fight to win policy battles and hearts and minds.

    "Things are moving slowly, but it seems that we have more family accepting their transgender children. And it's not something that we could even imagine 40 years ago when I first transitioned," she said.

    RELATED: Transgender woman and her mother launch online effort to combat prejudice

    Turban echoes the sentiment that familial acceptance can go a long way.

    "One of the greatest predictors of good mental health outcomes for transgender people is if their families accept them," he said. "Just having parents who say 'We love you no matter what. We accept your gender identity. We validate who you are as a person.' That does so much to make someone's mental health better."
    Devastating dust storms cause 'eternal black summer' where it hurts to blink or cough

    For the latest in the NextGen International series, Marcos Vargas reports how demand for peanuts is fuelling unnatural and destructive dust storms every summer in Nicaragua

    Demand for peanuts in the UK and Europe is driving unnatural dust storms 
    (Image: Carlos Herrera)

    By Marcos Vargas
    13 Jan 2022

    In the next part of our NextGen International project, young people from Nicaragua share their stories of the climate emergency.

    Here, Marcos Vargas, who volunteers with our charity partner Raleigh International, writes how demand for peanuts in the UK and Europe is driving unnatural dust storms in Nicaragua.

    Find out more and support the work of Raleigh International here.

    Doors are bolted closed, shutters on windows come down and people put on their facemasks.

    This is no lockdown, but a normal summer in the Central American city of Leon, Nicaragua, which is plagued by unnatural dust storms every year - because of demand for peanuts in the UK and Europe.

    Peanuts are one of Nicaragua’s biggest exports but because of the way they are farmed, every summer cities suffer from dust whirlwinds, which affect air quality.
    Peanuts are one of Nicaragua's biggest exports (Image: Carlos Herrera)

    “Before the pandemic I used to wear face masks due to dust storms. Our houses are never clean,” says Pedro Caballero, a 22-year-old student, living in the Chacraseca district of León’s rural area, which is devoted to agricultural production.

    “Throughout my life I have suffered from dust blisters and for me summer is the worst season. I am always sick during the dusty season and I just have to wait for winter to come.

    “We have to eat quickly, we must keep the containers of water and food, doors and windows are always closed.”

    He says his family are directly affected in the summer due to the house’s proximity to peanuts crops.

    Pedro-Caballero says he and his family suffer every summer from the dust

    “I live in an agricultural community surrounded by crops and the most terrible time is after the peanut harvest. The soil is completely arid, the land remains loose and when the wind blows the houses are completely covered with powder,” he adds.

    This crop is being exported in record quantities to Europe.

    In 2018, 64,000 tonnes of peanuts were sent to the UK, accounting for 70% of total Nicaraguan peanut exports, leading Nicaraguan soils to be overexploited.

    More than 20,000 hectares of land in León - the size of about 37,000 football pitches - is devoted to peanut farming.

    Marcos walks through a field where they grow peanut

    The problem existed before peanut farming when the land was used for cotton but that made way for peanut cultivation in the 1950s.

    Since then, the land has been decimated because the soil has been exploited far beyond what is sustainable.

    The dust gets so bad in Leon, it’s referred to by some residents as the Eternal Black Summer.

    The dust from the fields blows into nearby towns

    Hanzell Benavides, 26, who volunteers with Raleigh International, says: “It leads to respiratory diseases and poor sanitary conditions of the areas when peanut crops are cut every six months during the summer.

    “The worst thing about dust storms in León is how irritated your eyes and skin get due to the excess of dust.

    “You can’t blink without feeling dust grains in your eyes, and can’t cough without inhaling dust particles.

    “Even the traffic gets worse, drivers cannot see the street and businesses are forced to close.”

    Marcos holds a peanut crop among the dry soil 

    After harvesting the peanuts, farmers collect the stubble, which is the remaining stem and leaves of the plant rooted in the ground, and it’s then sold on as cattle feed.

    But this process removes any remaining plants and nutrients in the ground, leaving only dirt which then causes the dust storms.

    Dr Xiomaea Castillo has studied the soils where peanuts are grown 

    In addition, the soils lose substantial amounts of fertility every time one of these whirlwinds occur.

    And trees, a natural windbreaker, have been cut down to make way for more agricultural land which causes the dust to blow into nearby communities.

    Dr Xiomara Castillo, a soil scientist from León, explains: “Peanut farming is a good example of how agriculture increasingly degrades our soils.

    Marcos examines one of the crops

    “The process of peanut farming, primarily during harvesting, involves tractors lifting the root structure of the peanut, which contains the peanut kernel and by straining and filtering, all the fine particles are removed from the soil.

    “Since there is no windbreak protection system or soil cover protection system, trade winds blow over the land and carry practically all fine particles away.”

    Among the companies that import peanuts from Nicaragua is KP, one of Britain’s biggest peanut brands.

    A spokesman said: “We have a strict supplier selection policy, which includes a requirement that suppliers comply with our Responsible Sourcing Policy and includes the obligation to be a member of SEDEX.

    NextGen reporter Marcos Vargas 

    “We have a long-standing partnership with our supplier in Nicaragua, which deals directly with the farmers it sources from. Nicaragua is one of the poorest countries in Central America and agriculture forms a significant part of the economy.

    “We are aware of the challenges related to dust storms during the dry season, which pre-dates the peanut industry in Nicaragua, and we are committed to working in partnership with our supplier to help influence the use of more sustainable and regenerative practises across the region.

    Raleigh International

    Raleigh International is a global youth action organisation supporting a global movement of young people to take action for the planet.

    Young people are at the forefront of building a fairer, more inclusive and greener world, and are actively confronting the planet’s most urgent crises through Raleigh International’s Action Not Excuses global campaign.

    Dame Chance – meaning ‘to give a chance’ - is an Action Not Excuses campaign led by young people in Nicaragua to reduce deforestation and improve green livelihoods.

    Dame Chance is tackling deforestation and unemployment by helping 6,000 local farmers to increase forest cover.

    Through the work of this Action Not Excuses campaign, young people from rural communities are developing new job opportunities and working with local communities to conserve and protect Nicaragua’s precious forests.

    PHOTOS Orlando Valenzuela