Friday, May 05, 2023


The Pandemic Portal View

May 3, 2023

“In order to fully recover, we must first recover the society that has made us sick.”

I can still hear those prophetic words, now a quarter-century old, echoing through the Church Center of the United Nations. At the podium was David, a leader with New Jerusalem Laura, a residential drug recovery program in North Philadelphia that was free and accessible to people, no matter their insurance and income status. It was June 1998 and hundreds of poor and low-income people had gathered for the culminating event of the “New Freedom Bus Tour: Freedom from Unemployment, Hunger, and Homelessness,” a month-long, cross-country organizing event led by welfare rights activists. Two years earlier, President Bill Clinton had signed welfare “reform” into law, gutting life-saving protections and delivering a punishing blow to millions of Americans who depended on them.

That line of David’s has stuck with me over all these years. He was acutely aware of how one’s own health — whether from illness, addiction, or the emotional wear and tear of life — is inextricably connected to larger issues of systemic injustice and inequality. After years on the frontlines of addiction prevention and treatment, he also understood that personal recovery can only happen en masse in a society willing to deal with the deeper malady of poverty and racism. This month, his words have been on my mind again as I’ve grieved over the death of Reverend Paul Chapman, a friend and mentor who was with me at that gathering in 1998. The issue of “recovery” has, in fact, been much on my mind as the Biden administration prepares to announce the official end of the public-health emergency that accompanied the first three years of the Covid-19 pandemic.

For our society, that decision is more than just a psychological turning of the page. Even though new daily cases continue to number in the thousands nationally, free testing will no longer be available for many, and other pandemic-era public-health measures — including broader access to medication for opioid addiction — will also soon come to an end. Worse yet, a host of temporary health and nutrition protections are now on the chopping block, too (and given the debate on the debt ceiling in Congress, the need for such programs is particularly dire).

When the pandemic first hit, the federal government temporarily banned any Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) cuts, mandating that states offer continuous coverage. As a result, enrollment in both swelled, as many people in need of health insurance found at least some coverage. But that ban just expired and tens of millions of adults and children are now at risk of losing access to those programs over the next year. Many of them also just lost access to critically important Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, as pandemic-era expansions of that program were cut last month.

Of course, the announced “end’ of the public-health emergency doesn’t mean the pandemic is really over. Thousands of people are still dying from it, while 20% of those who had it are experiencing some form of long Covid and many elderly and immunocompromised Americans continue to feel unsafe. Nor, by the way, does that announcement diminish a longer-term, slow-burning public health crisis in this country.

Early in the pandemic, Reverend William Barber II, co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, warned that the virus was exploiting deeply entrenched fissures in our society. Before the pandemic, there had already been all too many preconditions for a future health calamity: in 2020, for instance, there were 140 million people too poor to afford a $400 emergency, nearly 10 million people homeless or on the brink of homelessness, and 87 million underinsured or uninsured.

Last year, the Poor People’s Campaign commissioned a study on the connections between Covid-19, poverty, and race. Sadly, researchers found the fact that all too many Americans refused to be vaccinated did not alone explain why this country had the highest pandemic death toll in the world. The lack of affordable and accessible health care contributed significantly to the mortality rate. The study concluded that, despite early claims that Covid-19 could be a “great equalizer,” it’s distinctly proven to be a “poor people’s pandemic” with two to five times as many inhabitants of poor counties dying of it in 2020 and 2021 as in wealthy ones.

The pandemic not only exposed social fissures; it exacerbated them. While life expectancy continues to rise across much of the industrialized world, it stagnated in the United States over the last decade. Then, during the first three years of the pandemic, it dropped in a way that experts claim is unprecedented in modern global history.

In comparison, peer countries initially experienced just one-third as much of a decline in life expectancy and then, as they adopted effective Covid-19 responses, saw it increase. In our country, the stagnation in life expectancy before the pandemic and the seemingly unending plunge after it hit mark us as unique not just among wealthy countries, but even among some poorer ones. The Trump administration’s disastrous pandemic response was significantly to blame for the drop, but beyond that, our track record over the last decade speaks volumes about our inability to provide a healthy life for so many in this country. As always, the poor suffer first and worst in such a situation.

The Pandemic as a Portal

In the early weeks of those Covid-19 lockdowns, Indian writer Arundhati Roy reflected on the societal change often wrought by pandemics in history. And she suggested that this sudden crisis could be an opportunity to embrace necessary change:

“Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine the world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway, between one world and the next. We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it.”

There was hope in Roy’s words but also caution. As she suggested, what would emerge from that portal was hardly guaranteed to be better. Positive change is never a certainty (in actuality, anything but!). Still, a choice had to be made, action taken. While contending with the great challenges of our day — widespread poverty, unprecedented inequality, racial reckoning, rising authoritarianism, and climate disaster — it’s important to reflect soberly on just how we’ve chosen to walk through the portal of this pandemic. The sure-footed decisions, as well as the national missteps, have much to teach us about how to chart a better path forward as a society.

Consider the federal programs and policies temporarily created or expanded during the first years of the pandemic. While protecting Medicaid, CHIP, and SNAP, the government instituted eviction moratoriumsextended unemployment insurance, issued stimulus payments directly to tens of millions of households, and expanded the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Such proactive policy decisions did not by any means deal with the full extent of need nationwide. Still, for a time, they did mark a departure from the neoliberal consensus of the previous decades and were powerful proof that we could house, feed, and care for one another. The explosion of Covid cases and the lockdown shuttering of the economy may have initially triggered many of these policies, but once in place, millions of people did experience just how sensible and feasible they are.

The Child Tax Credit is a good example. In March 2021, the program was expanded through the American Rescue Plan, and by December the results were staggering. More than 61 million children had benefited and four million children were lifted above the official poverty line, a historic drop in the overall child poverty rate. A report found that the up to $300 monthly payments significantly improved the ability of families to catch up on rent, afford food more regularly, cover child-care expenses, and attend to other needs. Survey data also suggested that the CTC helped improve the parental depression, stress, and anxiety that often accompany poverty and the suffering of children.

How extraordinary, then, that, rather than being embraced for offering the glimmer of something new on the other side of that pandemic portal, the expanded CTC was abandoned as 2022 ended. The oppressive weight of our “dead ideas,” to use Roy’s term, crushed that hopeful possibility. Last year, led by a block of unified Republicans, Congress axed it, invoking the tired and time-worn myth of scarcity as a justification. When asked about the CTC, Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) claimed that “the country frankly doesn’t have the time or the money for the partisan, expensive provisions such as the Child Tax Credit.” Consider such a response especially disingenuous given that Brady and a majority of congressional Republicans and Democrats voted to increase the military budget to a record $858 billion that same year.

In so many other ways, our society has refused to relinquish old and odious thinking and is instead “dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred” through the portal of the pandemic.

There are continued attacks on the health of women and the autonomy of those who can get pregnant; on LGBTQ+ people, including a wave of anti-trans legislation; on homeless people who are criminalized for their poverty; and on poor communities as a whole, including disinvestment, racist police abuse, and deadly mass incarceration at sites like New York City’s Rikers Island and the Southern Regional Jail in the mountains of West Virginia. And while weathering a storm of Christian nationalist and white supremacist mass shootings, this country is a global outlier on the issue of public safety, fueled by endless stonewalling on sensible gun legislation.

To add insult to injury, economic inequality in the United States rose to unprecedented heights in the pandemic years (which proved a godsend for America’s billionaires), with millions hanging on by a thread and inflation continuing to balloon. And as pandemic-era protections for the poor are being cut, ongoing protections for the rich — including Donald Trump’s historic tax breaks — remain untouched.

Another World Is Possible

In the office of the Employment Project where I worked upon first moving to New York City in 2001, there was a poster whose slogan — “Another World Is Possible” — still stays with me. It hung above my head, while I labored alongside my friend and mentor Paul Chapman.

Paul died this April and we just held a memorial for him. He was an activist in welfare rights and workers’ rights, director of the Employment Project, and one of the founders of the Poverty Initiative, a predecessor to the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights, and Social Justice that I currently direct.

Paul did pioneering work to bring together Protestant and Catholic communities in Boston, organized delegations of northern clergy to support civil rights struggles in small towns in North Carolina, and sponsored significant fundraisers for the movement, alongside his friend, theologian Harvey Cox. He also spent time in Brazil connecting with liberation theologians and others who went on to found the World Social Forum (WSF), an annual gathering of social movements from across the globe whose founding mantra was “Another World Is Possible.” Over the course of his long life, Paul would do what Black Freedom Struggle leader Ella Baker called “the spadework,” the slow, often overlooked labor of building trust, caring for people, planting seeds, and tilling the ground so that transformative movements might someday blossom. His life was a constant reminder that every organizing moment, no matter how small, is a fundamentally important part of how we build toward collective liberation.

Paul explained many things, including that powerful movements for social change depend on the leadership of those most impacted by injustice. Right next to the WSF poster there was another that read: “Nothing about us, without us, is for us.” Paul spoke regularly about how poor and oppressed people had to be the moral-standard bearers for society. He was unyielding in his belief that it was the duty of clergy and faith communities to stand alongside the poor in their struggles for respect and dignity. As a young antipoverty organizer and seminarian, I was deeply inspired by the way he modeled a principled blending of political and pastoral work.

Perhaps the most important lesson I learned from him was about the idea of “kairos” time. Paul taught me that, in ancient Greece, there were two conceptions of time. Chronos was normal, chronological time, while kairos was a particular moment when normal time was disrupted and something new promised — or threatened — to emerge. In our hours of “theological reflection,” he would say that during kairos time, as the old ways of the world were dying and new ones were struggling to be born, there was no way you could remain neutral. You had to decide whether to dedicate your life to change or block its path. In some fashion, his description of kairos time perfectly matched Roy’s evocative metaphor of that pandemic portal and when I first read her essay I instantly thought of Paul.

In antiquity, Greek archers were trained to recognize the brief kairos moment, the opening when their arrow had the best chance of reaching its target. The image of the vigilant archer remains a powerful one for me, especially because kairos time represents both tremendous possibility and imminent danger. The moment can be seized and the arrow shot true or it can be missed with the archer just as quickly becoming the target. Paul lived his life as an archer for justice, ever vigilant, ever patient, ever hopeful that another better world was indeed possible.

Despite our bleak current moment, I retain the same hope. However briefly, the pandemic showed us that such an American world is not only possible, but right at our fingertips. As the public-health emergency draws to an “official” end, it’s hardly a surprise to me that so many of those in power have chosen to double down on policies that protect their interests. But like Paul, it’s not the leadership of the rich and powerful that I choose to follow. As our communities continue to fight for healthcare, housing, decent wages, and so much more, I believe that, given half a chance, the poor, the hurting, and the abandoned, already standing in the gap between our wounded old world and a possible new one, could help usher us into a far better future.

Liz Theoharis a TomDispatch regular, is a theologian, ordained minister, and anti-poverty activist. Co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival and director of the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights and Social Justice at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, she is the author of Always With Us?: What Jesus Really Said About the Poor.
World Press Freedom Day 2023: Australia going backwards on press freedom

3 May 2023

A stone statue representing Justice is seen in front of the Supreme Court, in Melbourne, Australia
. THE AGE Picture by ANDREW DE LA RUE/Fairfax Media via Getty Images

MEAA urges the Australian government to implement a backlog of reforms related to national security laws, freedom of information, and defamation.

This statement was originally published on on 3 May 2023.

Australia’s standing as a world leader for press freedom is in further danger of being eroded without major changes to support public interest journalism, says the union for Australian media workers.

On World Press Freedom Day 2023, the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance is renewing calls for reforms so that journalists can confidently play their role to support democracy by ensuring the public knows what is done in their name by governments and their institutions.

MEAA urges the Albanese Government to implement a backlog of reforms including to national security laws, freedom of information, and defamation.

MEAA Media Federal President Karen Percy said that in recent years Australia had slid down the ranks for press freedom to just 39th place in 2022, according to Reporters Sans Frontières. Five years ago, it was 19th.

“In Australia, we like to think of ourselves as progressive and world leaders when it comes to democracy, with a free media playing an important role in ensuring our democracy functions effectively,” she said.

“But over the years, little by little, law by law, regulation by regulation, amendment by amendment, journalists and media outlets – and more importantly the public’s right to know – have been squeezed in the name of national security.

“Today, World Press Freedom Day, is an opportunity to take stock and have a hard look at what needs to change to deliver on the promise of democracy.”

Ms Percy said the tightening of national security laws over a number of years had placed a veil of secrecy over much of the functioning of government, putting journalists in danger of a prison term just for being in possession of classified documents without even having published or broadcast a story based on them.

She said whistleblowers needed to be protected, not prosecuted, and freedom of information processes urgently needed reform.

“Another area that needs urgent change is our defamation laws which favour the rich, and are designed to muzzle brave reporting,” she said.

“Too many important stories never see the light of day because of the chilling effect these outdated laws have on journalism.”

It is an especially difficult environment for the growing community of freelance journalists, as well as smaller outlets and regional media organisations, which lack the resources to be able to challenge the confusing legal obstacles.

MEAA is also concerned at possible changes to the Privacy Act, which might inhibit press freedom.

Press freedom in Australia is also under attack on other fronts, including the impunity with which journalists are harassed and threatened physically and online.

Ever dwindling media workforces and the emergence of “news deserts” in regional and rural Australia are also barriers to the public’s right to know.

Ms Percy said a recent meeting hosted by Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus and attended by representatives of Australia’s major media organisations, including MEAA, had been encouraging, but the government was yet to enact any real reforms.

On World Press Freedom Day, she also urged the government to increase its advocacy for the release from overseas prisons of Australian journalists Julian Assange and Cheng Lei.

Green Left Party calls on voters abroad to go to the polls

As overseas voting for the 14 May elections continues, the Green Left Party calls on voters to go to the polls.

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

The overseas voting for the presidential and parliamentary general elections to be held in Turkey and North Kurdistan on May 14 continues at the representative offices abroad. During the voting process that started on April 27, 3.5 million registered external voters will cast their votes at the polling stations in 73 countries and 52 constituencies. Voting in Germany, France, Denmark, the Netherlands and Luxembourg entered day 8. The voting started on April 29 in the Netherlands, Switzerland, USA, Australia, Belgium, England, Norway, Greece and Canada. In Czechia, Israel, Italy, Poland and Romania, voters have begun voting today. As of yesterday, 797, 493 voters went to the polls abroad.

Voting today at 131 ballot boxes set up in 21 locations in Germany. As of yesterday, 345, 458 people went to the polls in Germany, where 1.5 million voters are registered. Moreover, the Supreme Election Board (YSK) requested to increase the number of ballot boxes in 20 cities in Germany.

In Amsterdam, 5,302 voters went to the polls as of yesterday. 2968 voters cast their votes in Deventer, the Netherlands.

Voters showed great interest in the voting in France. As of yesterday, 23070 people went to the polls in the country.

Voting in Australia started on April 29 and 3,000 voters have voted in Sydney so far.

Voters in the Czech Republic, Israel, Italy, Poland and Romania have started going to the polls today.

People in Italy showed great interest in the voting that started in the morning. The Green Left Party Overseas Election Coordination called on voters to go to the polls.

Battal GeniÅŸ, a campaigner of the Green Left Party, called on all Kurdish patriots living in Italy to go to the polls.
Barred from polls, a Greek neo-Nazi seeks way back to politics

Ex-Golden Dawn member Ilias Kasidiaris launches a party before the May 21 vote, but the Supreme Court disqualifies it.

Ilias Kasidiaris, former Golden Dawn member, delivers a speech at the Greek parliament [File: Wassilios Aswestopoulos/NurPhoto via Getty Images]

By John Psaropoulos
Published On 3 May 2023

A Greek fascist sentenced to 14 years in jail for organised criminal acts says his candidacy in this month’s general election is a democratic litmus test for his country.

Ilias Kasidiaris used to be the spokesman for the disbanded Golden Dawn, a party that entered parliament in 2012 at the height of Greece’s economic woes following the 2008 global financial crisis.

A little more than a year later, its 20 MPs were led to prison in handcuffs. The Supreme Court prosecutor saw the murder of a left-wing rapper at the hands of a Golden Dawn functionary as part of a pattern of violence against immigrants, the LGBTQ community and leftists and successfully prosecuted Golden Dawn as a criminal organisation.

Kasidiaris has appealed his conviction and been active in prison, tweeting messages to supporters.

This year, he entered his own party, the Greeks-National Party, in the May 21 general election. Opinion polls give him about 3.5 percent of the popular vote, enough to enter parliament.

But on Tuesday, the Supreme Court’s First Section, which vets parties ahead of elections, disqualified the party.

“Tonight, the democratic system was dissolved and half a million Greeks are deprived of the cardinal right to vote for the party of their choice,” Kasidiaris’s lawyer said outside the Supreme Court after the decision, reading from a written message from her client.

“Greeks-National Party was illegally targeted because it is the cleanest and most honest party on the domestic political scene. We expected this unprecedented upset and are totally prepared for the next day,” the statement said.

When it was elected, Golden Dawn styled itself as a financially honest party, aiming to strike a contrast with a mainstream political scene that had mismanaged the country into bankruptcy.

After Golden Dawn was indicted and parliament stripped it of its state funding, its MPs diverted their salaries to party coffers so it could still function. Kasidiaris is adopting that political profile.
Protesters wearing masks to help protect from the spread of coronavirus, chant slogans during an anti-fascist protest outside a court in Athens, Greece
[File: Milos Bicanski/Getty Images]

The ruling New Democracy conservatives have sought to banish neo-Nazism from parliament once and for all. In a country that suffered Nazi occupation and nearly a million deaths during World War Two, many see fascism’s re-emergence as a national disgrace.

Two years ago, the government passed an amendment barring felons convicted of organised crime from leading political parties, a move designed to exclude Golden Dawn members from the political process.

In February, after Kasidiaris placed a retired army officer in charge of his party, the government broadened that amendment to bar felons from being party members or behind-the-scenes controllers of parties.

In April came a third amendment saying that the First Section of the Supreme Court must vet parties in a plenary session to give its decisions transparency and legitimacy.

But two days later, Supreme Court Deputy President Christos Tzanerikos resigned after saying he was approached by a senior member of the government and told that he would be appointed to the head of an independent authority if he steered the First Section the right way on the Kasidiaris issue – suggesting the government did not feel its three amendments were ironclad.

The government denied the allegation.
Kasidiaris delivers a speech during a pre-election rally in Athens 
[File: Yorgos Karahalis/Reuters]

New Democracy’s attempts to put a lid on fascism have now unleashed a legal and political storm.

Since the turn of the century, four splinter parties to the right of New Democracy have won seats in parliament. Opposition parties accuse Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis of acting solely to disenfranchise new competitors.

“He was looking at opinion polls and weighing the issue,” socialist leader Nikos Androulakis said on the campaign trail.

“In recent months, he saw Kasidiaris going up, which makes one-party government harder,” he said, referring to the fact that the more parties that enter the 300-seat legislature, the fewer the seats available for distribution among them in proportion to their share of the popular vote.

“Only then did he bring a law against Golden Dawn,” Androulakis concluded.

New Democracy is projected to win about 32 percent of the vote – not enough to give it the 151 seats it needs to form a government alone, and Mitsotakis has suggested he is unwilling to form a coalition.
Political motives

Kasidiaris’s lawyer, Vaso Pantazi, agreed that New Democracy’s motives were political.

“The amendments happened as we approached elections,” she told Al Jazeera. “… You need to do them in neutral time; otherwise, someone feels they are aimed at him personally.”

New Democracy had few options. Banning a party in Greece is practically impossible. Article 29 of the constitution says any party may enter an election “if it serves the free functioning of the democratic system”.

Under that vague formula, even the Communist Party of Greece, which hews to Stalinism and considers Nikita Kruschev the beginning of the end of communism, has been accepted into the legislature for half a century.

Greece tried banning the Communist Party after its leaders launched a bitter civil war from 1944 to 1949. Communists were sent to penal colonies throughout the 1950s and 60s.

The fear of a communist resurgence caused a seven-year suspension of democracy when a group of colonels seized power. After they fell in 1974, Greece restored the Communist Party, and its new constitution steered away from banning anyone from office on the basis of ideology.

Even Golden Dawn was not convicted for its beliefs.

“Golden Dawn wasn’t convicted because it’s fascist or Nazis,” Interior Minister Makis Voridis said in parliament. “Golden Dawn was convicted because it committed crimes. … We’re talking about criminals, convicts.”

The only way the government could ban Golden Dawn from parliament was to go after them as individuals.

Its legal amendments claim that Golden Dawn members’ inability to “support the free functioning of the democratic system” is based on their felony convictions.

But even that is unconstitutional, Pantazi said.

“The Greek Constitution requires an irrevocable criminal conviction to bar any citizen from elected office, so a person has to be found guilty on appeal to the Supreme Court,” she said. “Here we have the unique situation of a person with a first conviction being stripped of the right to office … while he still enjoys the presumption of innocence.”
‘Dire test’

Constitutional lawyer Yiannis Drossos agreed that the government’s approach has weaknesses.

“This is not a court ruling. This is an administrative decision taken by justices, which means that probably it will be put under judicial review at a later stage,” he said of the disqualification of the Greeks-National Party.

He told Al Jazeera the amendments on which the decision were based had put the constitution to a “dire test”.

Kasidiaris has decided his best course is to fight the judiciary and parliament as publicly as possible.

Pantazi said she believes Kasidiaris will be vindicated once his case exhausts domestic appeals and reaches the European Court of Human Rights.

“Greece will be condemned for trampling on the presumption of innocence as it is condemned for a number of violations,” she said. “It will take years, but some things are not done for the end result. They are done for history.”
"Journalism may be our only hope to secure human rights."

03 May 2023

In 2017, Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, 53, mother-of-three, was brutally murdered by a car bomb that was placed under her seat as she drove away from her home.

Many journalists like Caruana Galizia are killed every year because of their work. According to UNESCO, 87 journalists were killed in 2022 compared to 55 in 2021.

Before her death, Caruana Galizia spent 30 years as a well-known columnist, blogger and journalist in Malta, investigating government corruption in her blog, Running Commentary. According to her family, powerful people in Malta subjected her to repeated threats and violence. Her house was attacked twice, and her family dogs killed. Caruana Galizia’s biggest critics intimidated her with 47 open libel suits and her assets were frozen.

Libel and lawsuits, including Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) are frequently used to harass and intimidate journalists, according to UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk.

“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is our guardrail,” said Türk. "As we celebrate its 75th anniversary this year, my Office will devote the month of May to celebrating critical voices and debate, to ensuring the safety of journalists and to protecting the civic space.”

According to Herman Grech, Editor-in-chief of the Times of Malta, an English language daily newspaper in Malta where Caruana Galizia once was a columnist, she was the most popular as well as the most resented blogger in Malta and her work on the Panama Papers was so powerful that it helped trigger an early election in 2017. The Panama Papers were 11.5 million leaked documents of data published in 2016, which detailed financial information for offshore entities. After her murder, Grech was among a small group of journalists who went on to investigate the case and fight for justice.

“They shut up Daphne simply because she was getting too close to the truth,” he said. “It’s just not the fact that she was murdered, but there was a concerted attempt to cover up for the perpetrators. And the people responsible for this went straight to the top of the government.”

In 2020, he also decided to take her story to an artistic platform and write a play, “They Blew Her Up,” inspired by the interviews he compiled with those involved in the story and investigation. After several showings throughout Europe, the play is scheduled to be performed in Vienna to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May in collaboration with the European Union. On World Press Freedom Day, Grech shared with UN Human Rights more of his thoughts on the investigation, the ongoing fight for justice, and the importance of protecting freedom of expression.

Actor Alan Paris in a scene from “They Blew Her Up”. Photo credit: © Francesca Rizzo

Why did you feel her story was so important to take to the stage?

I've been a journalist for 26 years, including four years as Editor in Chief of the Times of Malta, as well as a stint in TV. In the last 15 years, I have also started doing theater which relates directly to my line of work. The play was inspired by the shocking story of Daphne, who was killed for doing her job, and serves as a call to protect journalism now more than ever. It was also a means to fight back against the dangerous power play of politics and money trampling on human rights. The play is not about glorifying an assassinated journalist, but about the importance of journalism and media freedom, especially in the face of increasing obstacles. It provides a platform to speak about issues like freedom of expression, information, and protection of journalism. I find the arts can be impactful in expressing these ideas, and the play gave me an avenue to recount one of the most disturbing stories of my generation beyond the news headlines.

What was the audience’s response?

I must admit, I wasn’t too sure this play was going to work when I set about to write it. Also, I thought since it is based in Malta, I felt many wouldn’t care about tiny Malta. I was wrong. The play has since been performed in other countries in Europe, and the one thing I’m seeing is that the issues of freedom of expression and the threat to journalism resonates everywhere.

Was justice served in Caruana Galizia’s murder?

Justice has only been partially served. The trigger men have been convicted but the person who has allegedly ordered Daphne’s assassination is still awaiting trial, which is probably happening later this year. The suspect is one of the richest men in Malta with plenty of connections. So, we’re dealing with a very delicate story. I would only say justice is served once we see some more people behind bars, including those who tried to cover it all up.

What has her murder taught you about journalism?

It taught me that journalism has a crucial role to play when the institutions fail, either because of incompetence or by design. Still, in all my career, I’ve never found it so difficult to operate in this business. We are relentlessly attacked and trolled in an environment where the government refuses to acknowledge the media as the fourth pillar of democracy. Sadly, some of the best journalists I know are no longer working in the industry. Since Daphne was killed, people are scared to get into the media here. And all this is happening in a race against time where politicians and social media are introducing a dangerous discourse. We need to call out the lies and speak the truth.

What can we do to improve the situation?

We need to change our narrative because freedom of expression and even the quest for basic truth is being threatened. As journalists, we must focus on fact checking, debunking myths, and fight leaders with just the truth. The world has changed to such an extent that investigative journalists now need to be a bit more blunt and speak out about what is right and wrong. Use whatever means you have to speak truth to power.

What do you see as a threat?

The threat is big money, politicians and corporations manipulating the truth. There is a big problem with media literacy. Many people still don’t know the difference between something which has just been posted on Facebook by an unverified sourced as opposed to reports or investigations by long-established media organizations that have been fact-checked and double sourced stories. All our rights are at risk if we can’t be free to analyze and question our governments and hold them accountable. Journalism may be our only hope to secure human rights.

* This story is part of an occasional series of stories of individuals or organizations that stand up for human rights. The views expressed in these stories do not necessarily reflect the position and opinions of UN Human Rights.
Israel: UN experts demand accountability for death of Khader Adnan and mass arbitrary detention of Palestinians

03 May 2023

GENEVA (3 May 2023) – The death of Palestinian hunger striker Khader Adnan must be accounted for, UN experts* said today, calling Israel’s mass arbitrary detention of Palestinians “cruel” and “inhumane.”

The 45-year-old Palestinian prisoner died in his prison cell on Tuesday morning after a hunger strike that spanned nearly three months. He was protesting Israel’s widespread policy of arbitrarily detaining Palestinians against fair trial guarantees and in abhorrent conditions.

Khader Adnan went on hunger strike shortly after he was last arrested on 5 February 2023 by Israeli authorities on terrorism-related charges. Despite the serious deterioration of his health, Israeli authorities refused to release Adnan or transfer him to hospital, and continued to detain him in a prison hospital facility, reportedly without providing adequate health care. The experts noted that Khader Adnan was arrested at least 12 times in the past, spent around eight years in prison, mostly in administrative detention, and went on hunger strike five times.

“The death of Khader Adnan is a tragic testament to Israel’s cruel and inhumane detention policy and practices, as well as the international community’s failure to hold Israel accountable in the face of callous illegalities perpetrated against Palestinians,” the experts said.

Israel currently holds approximately 4900 Palestinians in its prisons, including 1016 administrative detainees who are held for an indefinite period without trial or charge, based on secret information. The number of administrative detainees in Israeli detention facilities is at its highest since 2008, despite repeated condemnation from international human rights bodies and recommendations for Israel to immediately end the practice. In recent years, many Palestinian prisoners have resorted to hunger strikes to protest the brutality of Israel’s detention practices.

“We cannot separate Israel’s carceral policies from the colonial nature of its occupation, intended to control and subjugate all Palestinians in the territory Israel wants to control,” the UN experts said. “The systematic practice of administrative detention, is tantamount to a war crime of wilfully depriving protected persons of the rights of fair and regular trial.”

The experts said it was ever more urgent for the international community to hold Israel accountable for its illegal acts in the occupied territory and stop the normalisation of war crimes that have become a daily reality in the lives of Palestinians.

“How many more lives will have to be lost, before an inch of justice can be delivered in the occupied Palestinian territory?” they said.


The experts:Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967; Tlaleng Mofokeng, Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health

The Special Rapporteurs are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human Rights system, is the general name of the Council’s independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms that address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special Procedures experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent from any government or organisation and serve in their individual capacity.

UN Human Rights, Country Pages: Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel


Kenya sees economic losses because of its anti-LGBTQ+ stance


Illustration courtesy Sydney Allen

By Linda Ngari

Kenya is losing money for over-policing people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or non-heteronormative (LGBTQ+). The overriding rule that criminalises the LGBTQ+ community in the country falls under the pre-colonial penal code laws which do so on the ambiguous premise of “unnatural offences.” Such a stance impedes global investments by liberal entrepreneurs who find the country hostile.

When President William Ruto was elected in 2022, he, like his predecessor Uhuru Kenyatta, dismissed the need to ensure equal rights for members of the LGBTQ+ community. In an interview in September 2022, Ruto said that only when matters concerning LGBTQ+ people become a major issue in the country, will Kenyans make a decision. This was similar to former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s stance in 2018, when he said that protecting the rights of LGBTQ+ people was not a priority for Kenyans.

When leaders make the perpetual assault of LGBTQ+ people a non-issue, victims attacked because of their gender or sexual orientation in turn face the same treatment from the community and, worse, from the police. According to the Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya (GALCK), 53 percent of people in the LGBTQ+ community in Kenya have been physically assaulted.

Consequently, the Kenyan economy is largely driven by those who strictly subscribe to heteronormative concepts, locking out other potential investors. The penal code rule and its reinforcement by political leaders who claim to uphold Christian values have exposed LGBTQ+ people to health issues and depression at higher rates than the general population.

According to GALCK, only 29 percent of LGBTQ+ people report their assaults to the police because they are often revictimized. Seeing as their rights are shrugged off right from those in power, police frequently disregard and trivialise reports of assault when victims identify or present as queer. As Kenya looks to mark 60 years of independence this year, therefore, it is time to abandon colonial-era laws known to uphold slavery and racism, among other extreme human rights violations. An example of post-colonial legislation is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) which was agreed upon in the aftermath of World War II. The UNDHR, to which Kenya is a signatory, describes the rights and freedoms of all as inalienable, meaning they cannot be taken away or given away by the possessor.

Two recent cases are the murders of Edwin Chiloba in January this year and Sheila Lumumba in April 2022. Chiloba, a 25-year-old gay rights activist, was found dead on January 3; he was reportedly strangled and stuffed into a metal box. Lumumba, also 25, was a non-binary lesbian who was raped and murdered in Kenya’s Nyeri County. After Chiloba’s murder, hashtags like #NotOurCulture trended on Twitter, claiming same-sex relationships are “unAfrican.” The same Kenyans forget that many people deemed Christianity as “unAfrican,” yet it is widely practised in the country today. Sadly, the hashtag focused on Chiloba’s queer identity while overlooking the blatant injustice of his cold-blooded murder.

More liberal economies, which recognise, guarantee and protect the freedoms of all, attract a wider pool of investment. Hence a crucial component of every company's Diversity, Equality, and Inclusivity (DEI) policy should be to include the LGBTQ+ population. DEI policies imply that businesses proactively take steps to include marginalized groups in their employment strategies while working towards ensuring equality and equity among all. According to Open For Business, LGBTQ+-inclusive employers have earned 9.1 percent more than the market average since 2010. These employers attract loyalty from both LGBTQ+ customers and employees. A report from top-tier global auditing firm Deloitte, further notes that more than 70 percent of LGBTQ+ employees are inclined to stay with their current employer.

Failure to openly protect the fundamental rights of the LGBTQ+ minority could be costing Kenya up to 1.7 percent of its GDP. In the survey by Open For Business, a group of international businesses committed to research and actions on LGBTQ+ inclusiveness, 1.7 percent of the GDP amounts to annual income losses of up to USD 1.3 billion, which is equivalent to KSH 130 billion. The USD 1.3 billion is divided into three parts: about USD 140 million (KSH 14.3 billion) lost in the tourism industry because some visitors find the country hostile; USD 105 million (KSH 10.7 billion) lost in productive labor through unemployment and underemployment, and USD 1 billion (KSH 105 billion) lost in poor health outcomes as a result of stigma, assault, depression, and other physical and mental illnesses.

It’s worth noting, however, that Kenya has made some strides towards inclusivity for people in the LGBTQ+ community, and Nairobi moved up in the Open For Business City ratings in 2022. This is attributed to the gains driven by a strong LGBTQ+ movement that is constantly working to shift norms, repeal the unconstitutional penal codes and focus on building strong innovation and start-up hubs in the city. Kenya had also made remarkable strides in the 2019 census, by becoming the first nation in the world to include intersex people as a distinct group. Yet another notable move is the recent Supreme Court of Kenya ruling which granted the LGBTQ+ community the right of association under the Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Board.

While greater inclusion for the LGBTQ+ community could see Kenya gain USD 140 million (KSH 14.3 billion) per year, according to Open For Business, ultimately, inclusivity would largely encourage young people to be themselves without fear.

Linda Ngari is a writing fellow at the African Liberty.

Poisoned, soaked, but still dancing: Georgia’s ‘Zoomers’ enter the political arena

Image by Tata Shoshiashvili/OC Media. Used under a content partnership agreement.

This article was first published on OC Media. An edited version is republished here under a content partnership agreement. 

Sassy posters, raving to sirens, dancing with water jets, and barricades made of scooters: these have become some of the symbols of the demonstrations that defeated Georgia's controversial foreign agent bill, as well as symbols of Generation Z’s (those born from 1997–2013) entrance into politics.

“This protest was different; there was more humor in it,” says 21-year-old Anastasia Pirtskhalaishvili. Pirtskhalaishvili was among thousands of young people who took to the streets in early March after the ruling party passed the foreign agent bill in its first reading. The proposed bill, “on transparency of foreign influence,” was similar to Russia's 2012 “foreign agent” law, which has been used to crush dissent and opposition in Russia since it came into force. It was proposed by a group of parliament members, formally from the ruling Georgian Dream party who quit the party ranks last year and formed their own political party called People's Power in August 2022. If approved, the bill was going to “compel foreign-funded non-governmental organizations to register as foreign influence agents,” reported Eurasianet.

Thousands of Georgians took to the streets to protest the bill. Images of young people like Pirtskhalaishvili standing unflinchingly as they are shot with water cannons, wearing snorkels and goggles, face masks, and scarves to protect from pepper spray and tear gas, or dancing as the riot police advance, have spread widely online.

But despite the playfulness of some of their protests, Pirtskhalaishvili says young people were sending a serious message. “Dancing to the background of the sirens was also to demonstrate that we are not afraid and we can overcome this.”

Pirtskhalaishvili was standing opposite the Parliament building on March 7 as part of a largely peaceful protest. Still, she did not escape either the tear gas or arrest. “Twice they dispersed people, and both times we returned to the area in front of the Parliament, but so much gas was released that my throat burned terribly,” she recalls. “I was standing on the side of a peaceful demonstration and shouting with others when two policemen snuck up behind me and arrested two of my friends and me.”

She says she was charged with a public order violation and insulting law enforcement officers. Although she was released soon after, her trial is ongoing. Despite her arrest, Pirtskhalaishvili was back at the protests the following day.

“Georgia’s place is in Europe”

“When [tens of thousands] of people tell the government they should not adopt a law, they should not do it,” 22-year-old Nikoloz Arobelidze tells OC Media.

Even though he knew he could get hurt, Arobelidze came to the protests on March 8 after watching riot police suppress the previous night’s demonstration. “I was standing in front of parliament when I heard chaotic sounds, how people shouted: ‘Run, help, they are shooting at us.’ I remember at some point how people started to run away,” he recalls.

“Seconds before that, I thought nothing bad would happen to my friends and me because we were just standing peacefully, but suddenly I saw some [tear gas] thrown, which burned my face, eyes, nose, and throat terribly. I understood that I should have breathed less, but because of the panic, it became more frequent,” he recalls, adding that the coughing did not stop for several days.

Arobelidze, like many others, said that for young people like him, the protests were about much more than this specific law — the country’s future as a democracy and its place in Europe were at stake.

“We stood there and told the government that we want a bright future where we don’t have to fear that the Russians will come and take the country from us, or that their tanks will hit us,” he said. “Everyone thinks that Georgia’s place is in Europe.”

As riot police attempted to break up the demonstration on March 8 and drive protesters away from the Parliament building with tear gas and water cannons, protesters took shelter at the nearby Kashueti Church. Among them was 23-year-old Gvantsa Seturidze, who had been protesting since the demonstrations began the previous week. Gvantsa says that there was a special energy during these demonstrations on March 7 and 8, as the voice of a new generation grew louder.

During these days, she highlighted how people helped each other, distributing eye cleaning products, water, and face masks, while others physically helped people find refuge. She said it was a “very difficult period,” but that, nevertheless, “the young people somehow lightened everything.”

“Gen Z’s protest is different. At the rally, I saw children handing a police officer pretzel sticks, [and asking] ‘Do you want them?’ The police officer [replied]: ‘Don’t think that I’ll refuse,’ and he took it,” she recalls.

All the young people who spoke with “OC Media” emphasized that they had stood together with people of all generations during protests in Georgia, with rallies against the draft foreign agent law being no exception. However, the voices of Gen-Z and millennials were especially loud at this demonstration.

“Slay generation, lame government”

The protests were full of sarcastic and satirical posters, images of which were widely spread online. “You can’t troll Gen Z,” “Hello, is it 112? 78 of us pressed a button, and we are all fucked now” (a mistaken reference to the 76 MPs who voted for the law and Georgia's emergency response number 112), “We go to clubs because of the sirens and smoke, you bastards!” and “You can’t poison me with your gas 'cause my ex was more toxic.” The list goes on.

One poster reading “SLAY generation, LAME government can’t deceive us” was widely shared online. Its author, 23-year-old Mariam Kereselidze, told “OC Media” that at first, she was reluctant to show the poster at the demonstration, but in the end, decided to use it. “I’m a content manager by profession, and I work with texts daily. This is why this message suddenly occurred to me. Many people looked at my poster, smiled, and complimented it, which made me happy. Some people didn’t understand what ‘slay’ or ‘lame’ meant, and [when] I explained it, they laughed,” says Kereselidze.

“I went to the rally because I believe that a big victory can be achieved with small steps,” she says. “The approval of this law would remove us from the European Union forever,” she said, adding, “We have lost many battles in recent years, but this one, in my opinion, was decisive.”