Thursday, June 08, 2006

Nude News

With the success of my previous nude news review: The Naked Truth, success of course being all those hits when folks google for nude, naked, etc....., here is this weeks nudes in the news....

More naked truth from the naked city. You remember that movie and TV show; Naked City...There's eight million stories in the naked was about the dark noir of New York and of course since the world is a Global village, we are all New York now.... “Cap d'Agde - The Naked City

The Not-Quite Naked City

Naked City
Austin Chronicle, TX

Talk About the Naked City

This weeks nude revue

The naked and the dead...
SYDNEY (Reuters) - There's a time and place for everything, local Australian governments have ruled as they move to stop brothels opening near cemeteries.

Ipswich Mayor Paul Pisasale told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio Tuesday that cemeteries were places for quiet reflection by families who should not have to put up with "a brothel going on next door.""It's totally inappropriate. There's a place for brothels and a place for cemeteries and we don't believe the two mix," he said.

Hmm besides the fact that there is the kinky possibility of Necrophilia. Nah that just happens in funeral homes not brothels.

Heather Mills’ nude photos hit the tabloids

No wonder the McCarthy's broke up.

Of course she will not be financially hurt by this unlike this lass

Nude snaps end Miss England hopes
A FINALIST has been throw in out of a beauty competition - after it was discovered she had posed as a nude model.

PETA would be happy.

The naked vets

Peak Oil: France and Canada Agree

Coincidence ? I think not.

Total sees 2020 oil output peak, urges less demand
Wed Jun 7, 2006 7:48am ET
- France's Total estimates global oil production will peak around 2020 if output growth continues at current levels and has advised governments to cool demand to avoid a supply crunch, its chief executive said. "The capacity of raising (oil) production is a real challenge ... if we stay with this type of production growth our impression is that peak production could be reached around 2020," Thierry Desmarest told the World Gas Conference in Amsterdam on Wednesday.

Canada Reaches Peak Oil In 2020 Saturday, May 20, 2006

We will hit Peak Oil in 14 years. Are ye prepared?!

A tip o the blog to John Murney

Also See:

Peak Oil,


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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

TSX 666

There it was in the news 666. No not the Omen release, the TSX.

It closed yesterday with the mark of the Beast.

Market Change Value

S&P/TSX -33.35 11,666.14
Of course we all realize that the Great Beast is Capitalism.

The best definition of Satan is that he is the father of lies. In his interview of the demons, Dr. Peck lists the lies that repeatedly came from the possessed persons.

  • Humans must defend themselves in order to survive and cannot rely on anything other than themselves in their defense.
  • Everything is explainable in terms of positive and negative energy.
  • There is no mystery in the world.
  • Love is a thought and has no objective reality.
  • Science is whatever one chooses to call science.
  • Death is the absolute end to life – there is no more.
  • All humans are motivated primarily by money, and if this appears not to be the case, it is only because they are hypocrites.
  • To compete for money is the only intelligent way to live.
What you didn't?!

Did you actually think it was some guy with a tail and horns?

Some folks did.

Moms-to-Be Delay Births on June 6, 2006

Dutch lead prayer marathon on 'Devil's day'

World fails to end on Devil's Day

Some folks actually buy into the whole myth of 666, well the commercialized version.

PROUD mum Suzanne Cooper gave birth to this little devil on 06/06/06 yesterday - and named him DAMIEN.

Teacher Suzanne, 36, was induced for six days before Damien arrived at 06.59am - tipping the scales at a spine-chilling 6lb 6oz.

She said: "We are overjoyed. The Omen is one of our favourite films and I was keeping my legs crossed for a birth on the sixth.

"He's a perfect baby - nothing at all like Damien in The Omen."

Dad Mike rushed Suzanne to hospital in Bristol last Wednesday after she began having back pain.

The baby was due on Saturday and doctors decided to induce her - but little Damien refused to be delivered until yesterday
And science, opps science is of course a tool of the devil, explains it this way; Why 666 is a devil of a day

And some folks figure they can cash in on it. A Day in Hell, Michigan

And 666 is not just being used as a marketing tool for those embracing the fallen angel's imagery. Conservative writer Ann Coulter is using the devil's day to release her new book "Godless," a criticism of liberals in America published by Crown Forum.

See what did I say; Capitalism is the Great Beast.

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Anti-Scab Legislation

The BQ private members Bill C-257 to Amend the Canada Labour Act to include anti-scab legislation had second reading in the house yesterday. You can read the debate here.

It is one of two private members bills coming before the house on this issue, which was also debated in the last parliament but went down to defeat at the hands of the Liberals.

In his opening comments
Mr. Richard Nadeau (Gatineau, BQ, who brought forward the bill said;

Mr. Speaker, I am very honoured to again present Bill C-257, an act to amend the Canada Labour Code (replacement workers).

The Bloc Québécois has made it a duty to present this anti-scab legislation for the tenth time. There should no longer be two categories of workers in Quebec, namely, those governed by the Canada Labour Code, which allows the use of scabs, and those governed by the Quebec Labour Code, which does not.

This bill is designed to put an end to the inequity between workers governed by the Quebec Labour Code and those governed by the Canada Labour Code. Only Quebec and British Columbia have legislation prohibiting the use of scabs. Four provinces, including Ontario, however, already have anti-scab provisions in their labour codes.

Let us recall that Mike Harris’s Conservative Ontario government, three of whose ministers may be found in today’s federal cabinet, shamefully legalized the use of scabs again.

In Quebec, the adoption of an anti-scab law goes back to December 1977, under René Lévesque’s Parti Québécois government. Getting his government to adopt this anti-scab legislation guaranteeing respect for workers was an impressive leap forward.

Coming at the end of a particularly tumultuous strike at the United Aircraft factory in Longueuil, this legislation, by seriously hindering employers who could not care less about their unionized employees, placed Quebec in the North American vanguard in this area.

Anti-scab legislation will be good for all workers, both in Quebec and elsewhere in the provinces and territories.

In New Brunswick, union leaders have already been asking for some time for anti-scab provisions in their labour code. Likewise in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, where the unions are trying to convince their New Democratic governments to adopt such measures.

In federal legislation, section 94(2.1) of the Canada Labour Code contains a prohibition respecting replacement workers, but only if an employer uses them with a view to undermining the union’s representational capacity.

This prohibition is very weak, because an employer simply has to go on recognizing the union in place and go on negotiating to avoid undermining the union’s representational capacity and it is entitled to use replacement workers.

In other words, if an employer refuses to negotiate while using replacement workers, the Canada Industrial Relations Board can prohibit their use. But all an employer has to do is negotiate or appear to be negotiating with the union to avoid this prohibition and go on using scabs. So we can see that this is a ridiculous provision and provides a loophole allowing the use of scabs.

The prohibition respecting the hiring of replacement workers during a labour dispute is therefore more necessary than ever.

The debate was important enough that the Minister of Labour showed up to debate against the bill. No surprise there. However he does defend the principles of class war. Something the unions will have to deal with if either bill fails to pass.

"We must consider another important principle. Let us go back to the negotiations I mentioned earlier. Some say that the employer's right to lock out employees offsets the union's right to strike, but that is not the case. The employer's right to continue operating during a strike corresponds to the employees' right not to go to work."

The point of a strike is to end production, to end the employers ability to operate. And here the truth is told. The provision to lock out which was once considered enough to balance the unions right to strike, has now been replaced with the owners right to hire scabs. And that my friends is class war.

Thus every strike should be considered the basis for a General Strike, since an injury to on, is an injury to all. The State and the capitalists understand and fear this. They understand class war better than the unions, whose purpose is to ameloriate workers demands for the interests of capital and its state.

Also See:

Labour Relations Board Scandal in Alberta

Ralph Klein; Tyson's Bum Boy

Telus Workers Defiant

Union Busting Alberta Style

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