Thursday, July 28, 2022

Health-care union members vote to accept tentative wage deal with Alberta Health Services

20,000 members employed by AHS to get a 4.25 per cent

increase over four years

Health Sciences Association of Alberta president Mike Parker says the deal falls short of what is required for members to deal with inflationary pressures. (Health Sciences Association of Alberta)

A tentative agreement between the Health Sciences Association of Alberta and Alberta Health Services was passed by 85 per cent of members who voted on the four-year deal.

The agreement, which runs from April 1 to March 31, 2024, gives the 20,000 members who work for AHS a 4.25 per cent increase over four years.

The pay raises breakdown to a one per cent increase retroactive to October 2021, 1.25 per cent on Sept. 1, 2022 and two per cent on April 1, 2023.

The agreement falls short of the wage increases the HSAA bargaining committee was asking for: 2.6 per cent the first year, 4.2 per cent the second year, 4.7 per cent in the third year and around 3.7 per cent in the fourth year. 

​​​The​ union ​represent​s​​ ambulance paramedics, respiratory therapists, social workers, speech language pathologists and other ​health-care workers.

AHS negotiators had been asking for wage rollbacks – as much as 11 per cent for pharmacy technicians and social workers and eight per cent for respiratory therapists. 

The union said speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, health information management workers, therapy assistants, diagnostic sonographers, pharmacists, physiotherapists, dieticians and advanced care paramedics had faced potential salary rollbacks ranging from nearly nine per cent to 0.28 per cent.

HSAA president Mike Parker says the deal falls short of what is required for members to deal with inflationary pressures. 

"It does not reflect the current economy in this country. It does not reflect the sacrifices our members have given to this province," he said.

"But in the end our membership has chosen to focus on the task at hand, that's taking care of Albertans."

The tentative deal was reached at the end of June following a recommendation from a mediator. 

The AHS board still needs to approve the agreement, which is expected at its board meeting on Thursday. 

Neither the health authority nor the government will comment until then.

A green hydrogen economy depends on this little-known machine

Cell stacks inside the electrolyzer area at a green hydrogen plant in Puertollano, Spain, in May. The device uses electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. If that electricity comes from wind turbines, solar panels or a nuclear reactor, the whole process gives off no greenhouse gases. | BLOOMBERG

Jul 25, 2022

Solar power depends on the solar cell. Wind power, the wind turbine.

T he key to the green hydrogen economy is a little-known machine with a name out of 1950s science fiction — the electrolyzer. And after a century of obscurity, the electrolyzer’s moment has come.

The device uses electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. If that electricity comes from wind turbines, solar panels or a nuclear reactor, the whole process gives off no greenhouse gases. Factories, power plants, even jet aircraft can then burn that hydrogen without warming the earth.

There are other ways to make hydrogen fuel, from natural gas or even coal. But the ways to do it carbon-free, with no emissions that need to be trapped and stored, rely on the electrolyzer.

“I don’t think people grasp what an electrolyzer is,” said Andy Marsh, chief executive officer of Plug Power Inc., which makes the devices. “It is the building block of green hydrogen.”

Unlike wind turbines and solar cells, electrolyzers aren’t immediately easy to understand. Larger ones can look like a jumble of tubes and pipes, while smaller, more modular versions are collections of electronics and machinery crammed into boxes the size of a shipping container or even a fridge.

Scientists discovered the process the electrolyzer employs — electrolysis — more than two centuries ago, and commercial electrolyzers hit the market in the 1920s. They were the main way to produce hydrogen until the 1960s, when a process using steam to strip hydrogen from natural gas supplanted them. Almost all of the hydrogen used around the globe today — in oil refineries, fertilizer plants and chemical facilities — comes from natural gas. Demand for electrolyzers dried up.

That has now changed — in just the last few years. Measured by the amount of power the machines consume, worldwide electrolyzer sales doubled from 200 megawatts in 2020 to 458 in 2021, according to BloombergNEF, a clean energy research group. They’re expected to triple this year, reaching anywhere from 1,839 megawatts to 2,464 megawatts, BNEF predicts. It may be the kind of hockey-stick moment solar power experienced a decade ago.

“It’s going to be difficult to supply all the demand,” said Amy Adams, vice president of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies at Cummins Inc., a veteran engine maker that has jumped into the business. “Can everybody scale up the supply base as fast as people would like?”

Andy Marsh, president and chief executive officer of Plug Power Inc., testifies during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing in Washington, D.C. on July 19. | BLOOMBERG

Even more explosive growth likely lies ahead. Electrolyzer “gigafactories,” each able to make enough electrolyzers in one year to use at least 1,000 megawatts of power, have been announced in Australia, China, India and Spain.

“When somebody says they’re going to build a gigafactory, they’re talking about in a year having more capacity than is installed in the world today,” said Patrick Molloy, a manager in the climate aligned industries program at the U.S.-based RMI energy and climate think tank.

The amount of hydrogen each megawatt of electricity can produce varies, making comparisons between products and projects difficult. The most popular electrolyzer technology needs between 51 and 54-kilowatt hours of electricity, on average, to produce one kilogram of hydrogen, according to BNEF.

The underlying idea may be old, but there’s plenty of innovation. Electrolyzers come in three basic flavors — alkaline, proton-exchange membrane (PEM), and solid oxide — with different pros and cons. All involve water reacting with oppositely charged electrodes and an electrolyte, sometimes liquid, sometimes solid. Competitors are vying to perfect each technology. They’re paring down the use of such expensive catalysts as iridium and figuring out better ways to build a product that, until now, was largely assembled by hand.

Driving all of this is the need for a clean, carbon-free fuel. Solar and wind power now cost less than new fossil fuel generation in much of the world, but storing that electricity in bulk remains difficult and expensive. And some things, like steel mills and jet planes, can’t easily run on electricity. A molecule that can be produced, stored, shipped and used without pumping heat-trapping carbon into the atmosphere would work far better. Governments and companies worldwide are betting hydrogen will be that molecule.

“You need long-term energy storage, and you need it transported place to place,” said KR Sridhar, chief executive officer of Bloom Energy Corp. a veteran cleantech company now diving into the electrolyzer market. Large-scale batteries, he said, only provide energy for a few hours and aren’t portable. “You will not charge a big battery in Australia, ship it to Japan, discharge it and ship it back to Australia,” Sridhar said.

Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. But here on Earth, it’s typically bound together with oxygen, nitrogen, carbon or other elements. To use hydrogen as a fuel, it must be cleaved off of those compounds. That can be done in a dizzying array of ways, each represented by a specific shade on a constantly expanding color wheel. The dominant form of hydrogen today, pulled from natural gas, is “gray hydrogen.” Capture the CO2 from that process, and it’s called “blue.” Strip the hydrogen from water using renewable power and an electrolyzer, and you get “green hydrogen.” Plug the electrolyzer into a nuclear plant, and it’s “pink.” Green hydrogen now costs far more than gray or blue: as much as $9.62 for a kilogram of green hydrogen, compared to $2.72 for blue, according to BNEF. But that likely won’t last. BNEF predicts that by 2030, green hydrogen will be cheaper than blue in every country the analysis service tracks.

For many hydrogen advocates, the electrolyzer is the missing piece to fulfill renewable power’s promise. It can take the excess electricity streaming from solar plants at noon and turn it into a fuel for use any time.

“That’s one of the things about electricity — we as consumers want it when we want it, and renewables don’t always work that way,” said Ian Russell, Bloom Energy’s director of development engineering.

Two of Bloom’s electrolyzers perch behind a low industrial building in Fremont, California, just up the freeway from Tesla Inc.’s original auto plant. Seven feet tall, their smooth, rounded covers pop out and up to reveal a mass of circuit boards, red and orange wiring, and a metal core that holds the “hot box” where water vapor separates into hydrogen and oxygen. The core runs between 750 and 800 degrees Celsius — a scorching 1,472 degrees Fahrenheit — but touch its exterior, and it feels warm. The only sound is the whir from a row of fans at top.

Hydrogen storage tanks, an electricity substation and electrolyzer at a green hydrogen plant in Puertollano, Spain, on May 19. | BLOOMBERG

Bloom built its business on fuel cells, devices that generate electricity through an electrochemical reaction rather than combustion. Now the San Jose company is selling solid-oxide electrolyzers using most of the same technology, but in reverse. Hydrogen fuel cells combine hydrogen and oxygen into water as they produce power — electrolyzers do the opposite. They’re almost mirror images of each other.

“We’re building on our track record of fuel cells,” Russell said. “The manufacturing technologies, the field service program we have in place, the global supply chain — we already know how to do this.”

Plug Power also started with fuel cells before adding electrolyzers, and several competitors sell both. Cummins in 2019 spent $290 million to buy Hydrogenics Corp. for its fuel cells, thinking they could help decarbonize Cummins’s customers in mining and heavy transportation. But Hydrogenics had also developed electrolyzers, and now those look like the better business, said Managing Director Alex Savelli.

“We came to realize the electrolyzer opportunity is probably as big if not bigger, and probably will happen sooner, than the fuel cell,” he said. “Sometimes, it’s OK to get lucky.”

Each type of electrolyzer has its selling points. Alkaline electrolyzers, for example, tend to be the least expensive and have become the technology of choice for Chinese manufacturers. They’re trying to undercut their global competitors on price — just as happened with solar cells a decade ago — and BNEF reports that Chinese alkaline electrolyzers currently cost 73% less than comparable units made in the West. PEM technology uses more rare metals and costs more, but it can start faster than alkaline, something worth considering if the power source is as variable as the sun and the wind.

Hydrogen has become a priority for the Chinese government, and electrolyzers are a big part of the push. Electrolyzer deliveries there may top 1,600 megawatts this year, mostly on orders from state-owned businesses such as oil and gas giants Sinopec and CNPC, as well as high-emitting companies like coal-based chemical company Ningxia Baofeng Energy Group. If anything, demand is rising faster than production. And the companies making the machines — including one of the world’s largest solar manufacturers, Longi Green Energy — don’t want to limit themselves to the Chinese market.

“It’s quite difficult to order electrolyzers now,” said Mao Zongqiang, a professor at the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology at Tsinghua University in Beijing. “The supply can’t meet the demand.”

The customers could, in the end, span many industries. Oil companies need hydrogen for their refineries, where it helps lower the sulfur content of fuel, although many have their own way of producing it from their own natural gas. But semiconductor and LED factories use hydrogen, too, and could benefit from on-site production. Electrolyzers would provide that. Owners of solar plants and wind farms may want to add electrolyzers, just as they’re adding batteries to their projects today.

“We’re just at the beginning of where this industry’s going,” said Ole Hoefelmann, general manager of Plug Power’s electrolyzer business.

World’s first hydrogen trains enter regular passenger service

By Keith Fender | July 26, 2022

Alstom-built equipment begins operation on regional line in Germany

A hydrogen-powered train operated by EVB rests at the station in Bremervörde, Germany, after a trip from Buxtehude on Monday, July 25 — the first day of regular operation for the equipment. (Russell Sharp)

BREMERVORDE, Germany — The world’s first hydrogen-powered trains in regular passenger service are now in operation, having begun service July 25 on a German regional rail line between Cuxhaven and Buxtehude, via Bremervörde. Bremervörde is around 40 miles southwest of the city of Hamburg.

The initial service is being billed as “preliminary,” in case operating adjustments are needed before a reliable service can be officially launched, so older diesel multiple-unit trainsets remain as a backup for the next few months. Once the required level of reliability is achieved, a big public opening ceremony and inauguration by the Governor of the state of Lower Saxony is planned for later this year.

The 14 two-car LINT trains were built by Alstom at its Salzgitter, Germany, shop. They are owned by the state of Lower Saxony and leased to the concession operator Eisenbahn und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser (EVB), also owned by the State of Lower Saxony, which operates both passenger and freight train service on its own 150-mile network and elsewhere. The 14 hydrogen-powered trains join a fleet of 40 locomotives and 20 DMUs.

The trains cost $86 million (including a 30-year maintenance contract), part of which has been funded by the German federal government. They are based at the EVB shop in Bremervörde, where a hydrogen fuelling station has been provided. Initially this uses hydrogen supplied by the chemical industry, although plans call for use by 2024 of “green hydrogen.” This will be made by electrolysis of water using power generated by solar panels and wind turbines, both widespread in northern Germany.

The Alstom-designed iLINT train, which uses hydrogen fuel cells and batteries, was introduced in 2016 at the Innotrans trade fair in Berlin [see “Alstom unveils hydrogen-powered train …, Trains News Wire, Sept. 20, 2016]. Test operation on the EVB line began in 2018, and since then, the two prototype trains have been tested and displayed all over Europe. Each train can operate around 620 miles on a full set of hydrogen cylinders, weighing about 1,600 kilograms (3,530 pounds).  Trial operation has shown that every 2 pounds of hydrogen can replace a gallon of diesel fuel. The hydrogen is used in roof-mounted fuel cells to generate electricity, which is either used directly for traction or stored in onboard batteries. The train recovers energy from braking and stores this in the battery, as well.

Two more hydrogen train fleets are on order in Germany, both also benefitting from federal government subsidies. Twenty-seven more Alstom iLINT trains will enter service on regional routes west of Frankfurt am Main in December this year. These trains will utilize a new hydrogen fueling station built alongside an existing major chemical works at Frankfurt Höchst. A smaller fleet of seven Siemens hydrogen/battery trains, the Mireo Plus-H, are on order for use beginning in 2024 on a commuter rail line currently being rebuilt for passenger use north of Berlin.

No additional orders have followed this initial purchases of hydrogen trains, as large numbers of cheaper battery/EMU trains have instead been ordered from multiple manufacturers for use in Germany. The rail industry there, and around the world, will be looking carefully at the operating economics of the new hydrogen trains in Lower Saxony.

Diagram showing features of hydrogen-powered passenger train
A schematic diagram shows features of the hydrogen-powered iLINT trainset. (Alstom)

— Updated at 12:15 p.m. CDT on July 27 to correct train’s route, add additional details on EVB.

Redating specimens of Australopithecus might rewrite human historical past

JULY 27, 2022

The high-security fossil vault on the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), in Johannesburg, incorporates treasure extra treasured than the gold that paid for the college’s institution. It is the resting place of 5 of the ten identified partial skeletons of early hominins, the ancestors of human beings. In a glass case on the vault’s centre, resting on blue velvet, is Little Foot, the near-complete stays of a member of the species Australopithecus prometheus.

Wits is just not the one repository of such treasures. Farther north, in Pretoria, the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History hosts the cranium of Mrs Ples, a consultant of Australopithecus africanus, cousin to prometheus, and probably the most well-known hominin fossils but discovered. That these specimens are thousands and thousands of years outdated is just not unsure. But simply what number of thousands and thousands is disputed. A complicated courting method, known as cosmogenic nuclide courting, has upended earlier estimates—and, with that, is rewriting an vital chapter within the story of human evolution.

The first draft of this chapter opened on April 18th 1947, the day when Mrs Ples was found. Robert Broom, a palaeontologist on the Transvaal Museum (because the Ditsong was then identified) and his colleague John Robinson have been utilizing dynamite to blast aside a deposit of a sort of rock known as cave breccia, which had shaped from particles that had fallen into a set of limestone caverns at Sterkfontein, simply outdoors Johannesburg. When the mud settled, Broom noticed a number of fossils within the rubble. Pieced collectively, these shaped an ideal cranium. “Broom originally placed the fossil into its own genus, named Plesianthropus,” says Mirriam Tawane, curator of fossils on the Ditsong. “He thought the skull looked female, so he nicknamed it Mrs Ples.” As a scientific appellation, Plesianthropus has fallen out of trend. But, in on a regular basis utilization, Mrs Ples she stays. She (if “she” she be) is now categorised as the primary found grownup specimen of Australopithecus, the direct ancestors of Homo, the genus of recent people.

Mrs Ples’s unearthing was the start of an explosion of findings at Sterkfontein and different websites dotted shut by. The area is consequently often known as “The Cradle of Humankind”, and was declared a unesco World Heritage Site in 1999. Based on a technique known as uranium-thorium courting, Mrs Ples had been reckoned to be about 2.4m years outdated, give or take a few hundred thousand. But that date has been overthrown by work using cosmogenic nuclide courting. This suggests Mrs Ples—and a plethora of different fossils from Sterkfontein—are greater than 1m years older than beforehand thought.

Never ask an australopith her age

Researchers have recognized six distinct “geological members” of breccia at Sterkfontein. Members 1, 2 and three are nonetheless hidden deep within the caves, however Members 4, 5 and 6 have since been uncovered above floor. Over the previous 75 years excavations at members 2, 4 and 5 have yielded near 1,000 early hominin fossils (most of them fragmentary), accounting for greater than a 3rd of these thus far found, and making Sterkfontein by far the richest website of its form on the planet.

Mrs Ples was initially blasted from Member 4, the supply of virtually each Australopithecus fossil from Sterkfontein. The solely exception is Little Foot, recovered from Member 2 in 1994 by Ronald Clarke, a palaeontologist at Wits. But figuring out the ages of Member 2 and Member 4 has been devilishly exhausting. Established strategies of placing ages to hominin fossils depend on courting layers of volcanic ash above and under the strata through which they have been discovered, utilizing the uranium-lead methodology, one of many oldest and most refined courting strategies. That is ok in volcano-rich Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia, the principle different sources of hominin fossils. But mainland South Africa is among the least volcanically energetic locations on Earth. Consequently, researchers have needed to develop new courting strategies applicable to its geology.

Until lately, the perfect of those was uranium-thorium courting. Water trickling via limestone caves first dissolves, then deposits, calcium carbonate. Dripping from a cave ceiling, this creates stalactites and stalagmites. Percolating into empty cracks and cavities, comparable to these present in breccias, it creates flowstones. The ages of those flowstones may be decided by the ratio inside them of the radioactive parts uranium and thorium. The flowstones in Member 4 have been dated to between 2.1m and a couple of.5m years in the past, with flowstones in Member 2 an identical age.

“That looks like an unimpeachable case,” says Darryl Granger, a geologist from Purdue University, in Indiana. “But geology is often more complicated than that. The trouble with relying on flowstones is that they can be younger than the surrounding rock. There is nothing to stop a flowstone from forming in a crack that developed millions of years after the rock around it, for example.” This is what Dr Granger and his colleagues—together with Dr Clarke—argue occurred at Members 2 and 4 at Sterkfontein. To take a look at that concept, they instantly dated the cave breccias in Members 2 and 4 utilizing cosmogenic nuclide courting, which Dr Granger helped develop.

Earth’s floor is consistently peppered by cosmic rays. These are particles (largely protons) from outer area, transferring at near the pace of sunshine. “When cosmic rays pass through objects, they trigger nuclear reactions,” observes Dr Granger. “The products of those reactions—called cosmogenic nuclides—are often radioactive, and decay over time.” When a breccia-forming object falls right into a cave, it finds itself shielded from cosmic rays, and the regular decay of its present cosmogenic nuclides can be utilized to find out how way back it fell in.

Using this methodology Dr Granger and colleagues decided, in 2015, that the breccia in Member 2 is 3.7m years outdated—1.5m years extra historic than initially thought. “That was a terrific finding, but Little Foot is only one specimen,” he says. “We consequently turned our attention to Member 4, which has produced hundreds.” After years of effort, new dates for Member 4 have been printed in June within the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The workforce now reckon the Member 4 breccia shaped between 3.4m and three.6m years in the past, over 1,000,000 years sooner than believed.

Bones of competition

The standard story of hominin evolution says that the lineage which might turn out to be fashionable people cut up off from that resulting in chimpanzees roughly 6m years in the past, someplace in equatorial Africa. “The first members of the genus Australopithecus are thought to have emerged in east Africa roughly 4.5m years ago, evolving into the species Australopithecus afarensis close to 3.8m years ago,” says Dr Tawane. That is the species to which “Lucy”, a well-known partial skeleton found in Ethiopia in 1974, belonged.

Palaeontologists estimate that Homo emerged someplace between 2.5m and 3m years in the past. There being, till now, no proof of Australopithecus in southern Africa right now, researchers have assumed Homo advanced in east Africa as effectively. The earlier courting of the africanus and prometheus fossils at Sterkfontein and different websites in South Africa led to them being thought to be tangential to the principle, east African story of human evolution.

That interpretation is now threatened. “The fact that Little Foot was living at Sterkfontein 3.7m years ago complicated the picture,” says Dr Granger. “But it was only one specimen. The new dates of Member 4, however, place hundreds of Australopithecus specimens in the range of 3.4m to 3.7m years old.” This is identical age as (and even older than) lots of the Australopithecus fossils in east Africa, together with 3.2m-year-old Lucy. That brings into query whether or not Australopithecus emerged in east Africa in any respect, and hints that the genus could also be even older than beforehand thought.

The incontrovertible fact that two Australopithecus species have been waltzing about Sterkfontein previous to 3m years in the past locations the origins of Homo and its sister genus Paranthropus (a gaggle of much less brainy however extra strong upright hominins) up for grabs too, with South Africa as soon as once more a compelling candidate for the unique cradle of humanity. That is an encouraging prospect for scientists working within the Cradle of Humankind website, the place lots of of different caves await exploration. “These new dates from Sterkfontein complicate our understanding of early human evolution,” says Dr Granger. “But the uncertainty is exciting. The next decade is set to be a fascinating one.” ■
Massive undersea eruption filled atmosphere with water

Blast from Tonga’s Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano in January could eat away at ozone layer, warm Earth

27 JUL. 2022
The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano smoldering in December 2021. The volcano erupted on 15 January, sending shock waves around the globe and sending aloft a plume of water vapor that injected billions of kilograms of water into the stratosphere.

On 15 January, Tonga’s Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano erupted under the sea, rocking the South Pacific nation and sending tsunamis racing around the world. The eruption was the most powerful ever recorded, causing an atmospheric shock wave that circled the globe four times, and sending a plume of debris more than 50 kilometers into the atmosphere. But it didn’t stop there.

The ash and gasses punching into the sky also shot billions of kilograms of water into the atmosphere, a new study concludes. That water will likely remain there for years, where it could eat away at the ozone layer and perhaps even warm Earth.

“The idea that an eruption could directly inject a large amount of water vapor into the stratosphere has not to my knowledge been directly observed, at least not to this magnitude,” says Matthew Toohey, a physicist who focuses on climate modeling and the effects of volcanic eruptions at the University of Saskatchewan and was not involved with the work. “We are really surprised by this eruption in many different ways.”

The study comes thanks to the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) aboard NASA’s Aura satellite. The instrument, which became operational in 2004, measures a variety of compounds in Earth’s atmosphere at heights up to about 100 kilometers. Of particular interest to scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, including study co-author and JPL atmospheric scientist Luis Millán, were the water and sulfur dioxide released by the eruption, because those compounds can affect climate. With repeated observations from the MLS on both the day of the eruption and the days afterward, the researchers were able to watch the plume, and its water content, grow and disperse around the globe.

In all, the plume shot approximately 146 billion kilograms of water into Earth’s stratosphere, an arid layer of the atmosphere that begins several miles above sea level, the authors report this month in Geophysical Research Letters. That’s equivalent to about 58,000 Olympic-size swimming pools, or about 10% of the entire water content of the stratosphere, Millán says.

Other volcanoes have added measurable amounts of water vapor to Earth’s atmosphere, he says, but the scale this time was unprecedented. That’s likely because of the eruption’s magnitude and underwater location, he says. The water will probably remain in the stratosphere for half a decade or more, he says.

Big volcanic eruptions often cool the climate, because the sulfur dioxide they release forms compounds that reflect incoming sunlight. But with so much water vapor flung aloft, the Tonga eruption could have a different impact. Water absorbs incoming energy from the Sun, making it a potent greenhouse gas. And the sulfur dioxide will dissipate in just a few years whereas the water will likely stick around for at least 5 years—and potentially longer Millán thinks.

That could make Earth warmer for years and accelerate the warming from greenhouse gasses, Toohey says. “We’ll kind of just jump forward by a few years.”

But the actual effects on climate will likely take time to understand, says Allegra LeGrande, a physical research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies who was not involved with the work. “I don’t think there is a consensus about what the overall impact will be.”

High above Earth, the water will likely react with other chemicals, potentially degrading the ozone layer that protects us from ultraviolet light, and even changing the circulation of air currents that govern weather patterns.

As the climatic impacts unfold, scientists are eagerly awaiting even more new insights from a volcanic eruption that’s proved to be unlike any other they’ve seen. “It’s exciting seeing these new measurements,” LeGrande says. “It’s exciting seeing something we haven’t seen before.”
doi: 10.1126/science.ade1477

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Airline catering workers at Vancouver airport issue 72-hour strike notice

An Air Canada Airbus A320 jet (C-FPDN) takes off from Vancouver International Airport, Richmond, B.C. on Thursday, September 24, 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS IMAGES/Bayne Stanley

Some airline passengers flying out of Vancouver International Airport could find themselves travelling on an empty stomach.

Unionized workers with Gate Gourmet, the company that supplies meals, snacks and beverages to multiple airlines operating out of YVR, including Air Canada, Air France and KLM, have issued 72-hour strike notice.

Unite Here Local 40, which represents the workers, said the strike vote came after a series of “fruitless bargaining sessions,” and amid chronic understaffing for a growing workload.

READ MORE: YVR wait times easing with security staff back to ‘pre-pandemic levels,’ feds say

The catering workers prepare and assemble meals for aircraft and load and unload beverage and snack carts before and after flights.

The union says pandemic layoffs led to a “significant” reduction in staff, which has not been replaced amid a renewed surge in air travel.

Click to play video: 'COVID-19: Canada to resume random mandatory testing at airports'COVID-19: Canada to resume random mandatory testing at airports
COVID-19: Canada to resume random mandatory testing at airports – Jul 14, 2022

“Airline catering workers have been working day in and day out, serving travellers through the pandemic. As tourism came back this year and consumer prices hit 31-year highs, we are overworked and underpaid,” bargaining committee member and Gate Gourmet tray assembly worker Kiran Hundal said in a media release.

“We’ve attempted to address these issues in good faith with the company, but they continue to propose low wage increases and cuts to our health benefits.”

Global News has requested comment from Gate Gourmet.

READ MORE: ‘Like their work doesn’t matter’: Screening agents protest low pay at Vancouver airport

A spokesperson for the union said if members proceeded to a strike, it would involve picketing on airport grounds.

It was not immediately clear how such picketing activity could affect other unionized employees working out of the airport.

Global News has requested comment from the unions representing Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) and Air Canada employees.

Gorgeous Hubble Space Telescope image shows turquoise waves rippling through Milky Way companion

By Samantha Mathewson 
The Hubble Space Telescope captured bright turquoise plumes and nebulous strands of the Tarantula Nebula, which is located within the Large Magellanic Cloud. 
(Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA: acknowledgement: Josh Barrington)

Bright turquoise plumes ripple through the Milky Way's companion galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, like waves in the ocean in a spellbinding new view shared by NASA.

The venerable Hubble Space Telescope captured this stunning view of the Tarantula Nebula, which is within the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a satellite dwarf galaxy of the Milky Way located about 163,000 light-years from Earth. The LMC is among the closest galaxies to Earth and is visible to the naked eye as a faint cloud in the Southern Hemisphere sky.

The photo, taken by Hubble in 2014, captures bright, glowing plumes of gas and glittering stars. The turquoise plumes and nebulous strands of the Tarantula Nebula appear to flood the LMC like ocean currents cascading into space.

"The Hubble Space Telescope has peeked many times into this galaxy, releasing stunning images of the whirling clouds of gas and sparkling stars," NASA officials wrote in a statement.

However, "in most images of the LMC the color is completely different to that seen here," the statement says. "For this image, researchers substituted the customary R filter, which selects the red light, and replaced it by a filter letting through the near-infrared light. In traditional images, the hydrogen gas appears pink because it shines most brightly in the red. Here, however, other less prominent emission lines dominate in the blue and green filters."

This image of the LMC was taken as part of an initiative called the Archival Pure Parallel Project (APPP), which comprises more than 1,000 images taken using Hubble's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 and the telescope's other science instruments.

In turn, the APPP data can be used to study a wide range of astronomical features and effects, including gravitational lensing, cosmic shear, stars of varying mass, and distant galaxies. The data can also be used to supplement observations collected in other wavelengths to paint an even more detailed view of the cosmos.
'Grand Canyon on Mars': ESA clicks Martian feature that's bigger than the original thing

Edited By: Manas Joshi
New Delhi Updated: Jul 26, 2022,

(Image: ESA) Valles Marineris, the 'grand canyon on Mars'.

We may have not found proof of life on Mars yet, but the red planet is full of interesting geological features

We Earth-dwellers have Earth-centric idea of the Universe and that's probably fine. From sunrise to sunset (and beyond), we eat, drink, work and sleep on one single planet. Human colonies on Moon and Mars are still in the concept stage. Till then, its one blue planet for us.

Due to our Earth-centric thoughts, its hard to imagine that the largest canyon in the Solar System is not on Earth. Sorry Grand Canyon but a canyon system on Mars takes the cake here. And European Space Agency has clicked a picture of it.

Valles Marineris, the canyon system on Mars, is longer, wider and deepr than Grand Canyon. It is 4000 kilometres long, 200 kilometre wide and upto 7 km deep. These dimensions are much greater than the Grand Canyon. To put things in Indian perspective, the length of Valles Marineris is greater than the distance between Kashmir to Kanyakumari.

Image of the Valles Marineris has been captured by ESA's Mars Express. The image shows two trenches, called Chasma in the western region of Valles Marineris. Left portion of the image is southern direction. 840-kilometre-long lus Chasma is visible there and 805-kilometre-long Tithonium Chasma is visible in the right side of the image. Incredible surface details are present in this high resolution image that captures Valles Marineris that is up to 7 kilometres deep.

The blackened portion in the Tithonium Chasma is black sand. Scientists think that the sand must have come from Tharsis volcanic region.

See the Solar System’s Biggest Canyon Up Close: Mesmerizing Mars Photos

Recently released images from the European Space Agency (ESA) furnish an awe-inspiring new perspective of Mars.

The photos combine digital terrain models and color channels from the High Resolution Stereo Camera on board the ESA’s Mars Express Spacecraft. The razor-sharp, breathtaking images focus on two trenches, the lus and Tithonium Chasmata (in this context, trenches are also called chasma).

The two chasma form a part of the Valles Marineris canyon system on Mars. And together, they’re the biggest canyon in the solar system.

a color digitally generated image of a chasm on Mars

Photo: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin

Looking at the lus and Tithonium Chasmata without something for scale can be deceiving. The sizes at play are actually titanic. The Valles Marineris is the largest canyon in our solar system at 4,000km long, 200km wide, and 7km deep in places. That’s deep enough to swallow the biggest mountain in the Alps and larger than the Grand Canyon by many orders of magnitude.

In fact, it contends with the United States itself in some dimensions.

valles marineris

Image: NASA


The ESA has some analysis of the images on its website. The photos include evidence of tectonic plate activity, erosion, landslides, and volcanic sand.

A color-coded topographic map of the lus and Tithonium Chasmata

A color-coded topographic map of the lus and Tithonium Chasmata. Photo: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin


A history of discovery

This isn’t the first time that the Mars Express has delivered the goods. In 2018, the spacecraft famously discovered evidence of liquid water hidden underneath the Martian polar ice caps. The Mars Express has been orbiting Mars since 2003.

Terrawatch: how mass extinctions can spur on evolution

Evidence from 252m years ago shows surviving animals bounced back stronger, fitter, faster and smarter

The asteroid impact believed to have led to the death of the dinosaurs was one of Earth’s many mass-extinction events. Photograph: Science Photo Library/Alamy

Kate Ravilious
Wed 27 Jul 2022 

Mass extinctions are not all bad news: survivors bounce back stronger, fitter, faster and smarter than before. Palaeontologists studying the most deadly mass extinction of all time – the end-Permian, 252m years ago – have shown that predators rapidly became swifter and more deadly, while prey animals adapted and found new ways to survive.

Incredible fossil fish assemblages from China reveal that new hunting modes emerged earlier than previously thought, including fish with masses of teeth, adapted to crushing shells, and streamlined “lizard” fish that specialised in ambush, shooting out from murky lairs. Meanwhile, the animals that they preyed upon had to develop defences. “Some got thicker shells, or developed spines, or themselves became faster in order to help them escape,” said Feixiang Wu, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, whose findings are reported in Frontiers in Earth Science.

On land the reptiles became faster, while mammals and birds became warm-blooded, enabling them to move faster for longer periods of time. “Mass extinctions of course were terrible news for all the victims. But the mass clearout of ecosystems gave huge numbers of opportunities for the biosphere to rebuild itself, and it did so at higher octane than before the crisis,” says Michael Benton from the University of Bristol.
Rail strike: Rail workers walk out over pay dispute, as train drivers announce new strike

Jul 27, 2022

As a fourth day of strikes by members of the RMT brought many rail services to a halt, there was news of more disruption next month with the announcement from Aslef that train drivers at nine companies will stage a one-day strike on 13 August.

Passengers today were advised not to travel because only around one in five trains were running - and in some areas no trains at all.

The Transport Secretary Grant Shapps floated the idea of new measures to curb industrial action, but his suggestions provoked fury from union leaders.