Friday, February 09, 2024


Researchers discover cosmic dust storms from Type Ia supernova

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Cosmic dust—like dust on Earth—comprises groupings of molecules that have condensed and stuck together in a grain. But the exact nature of dust creation in the universe has long been a mystery. Now, however, an international team of astronomers from China, the United States, Chile, the United Kingdom, Spain, etc., has made a significant discovery by identifying a previously unknown source of dust in the universe: a Type Ia supernova interacting with gas from its surroundings.  

The study was published in Nature Astronomy on Feb. 9, and was led by Prof. WANG Lingzhi from the South America Center for Astronomy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

Supernovae have been known to play a role in dust formation, and to date, dust formation has only been seen in core-collapse supernovae—the explosion of massive stars. Since core-collapse supernovae do not occur in elliptical galaxies, the nature of dust creation in such galaxies has remained elusive. These galaxies are not organized into a spiral pattern like our Milky Way but are giant swarms of stars. This study shows that thermonuclear Type Ia supernovae, the explosion of white dwarf stars in binary systems with another star, may account for a significant amount of dust in these galaxies. 

The researchers monitored a supernova, SN 2018evt, for over three years using space-based facilities like NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope and NEOWISE missions, ground-based facilities like the Las Cumbres Observatory’s global network of telescopes, and other facilities in China, South America, and Australia. They found that the supernova was running into material previously cast off by one or both stars in the binary system before the white dwarf star exploded, and the supernova sent a shock wave into this pre-existing gas.  

During more than a thousand days of monitoring the supernova, the researchers noticed that its light began to dim precipitously in the optical wavelengths that our eyes can see and then started glowing brighter in infrared light. This was a telltale sign that dust was being created in the circumstellar gas after it cooled following the supernova shock wave passing through it. 

"The origins of cosmic dust have long been a mystery. This study marks the first detection of a significant and rapid dust formation process in the thermonuclear supernova interacting with circumstellar gas," said Prof. WANG, first author of the study. 

The study estimated that a large amount of dust must have been created by this one supernova event—an amount equal to more than 1% of the Sun's mass. As the supernova cools, the amount of dust created should increase, perhaps tenfold. While these dust factories are not as numerous or efficient as core-collapse supernovae, there may be enough of these thermonuclear supernovae interacting with their surroundings to be a significant or even dominant source of dust in elliptical galaxies. 

"This study offers insights into the contribution of thermonuclear supernovae to cosmic dust, and more such events may be expected to be found in the era of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)," said Prof. WANG Lifan from Texas A&M University, a co-first author of the study. The Webb telescope sees infrared light that is perfect for the detection of dust. 

"The creation of dust is just gas getting cold enough to condense," said Prof. Andy Howell from Las Cumbres Observatory and the University of California Santa Barbara. Howell is the Principal Investigator of the Global Supernova Project whose data was used in the study. "One day that dust will condense into planetesimals and, ultimately, planets. This is creation starting anew in the wake of stellar death. It is exciting to understand another link in the circle of life and death in the universe."

Migration solves exoplanet puzzle

Simulations provide a potential explanation for the mysterious gap in the size distribution of super-Earths.


Artistic representation of an exoplanet whose water ice on the surface is increasingly vaporizing and forming an atmosphere during its approach to the central star of the planetary system 



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Ordinarily, planets in evolved planetary systems, such as the Solar System, follow stable orbits around their central star. However, many indications suggest that some planets might depart from their birthplaces during their early evolution by migrating inward or outward. This planetary migration might also explain an observation that has puzzled researchers for several years: the relatively low number of exoplanets with sizes about twice as large as Earth, known as the radius valley or gap. Conversely, there are many exoplanets smaller and larger than this size.

Six years ago, a reanalysis of data from the Kepler space telescope revealed a shortage of exoplanets with sizes around two Earth radii,” Remo Burn explains, an exoplanet researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg. He is the lead author of the article reporting the findings outlined in this article, now published in Nature Astronomy.

Where does the radius valley come from?

In fact, we – like other research groups – predicted based on our calculations, even before this observation, that such a gap must exist,” explains co-author Christoph Mordasini, a member of the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) PlanetS. He heads the Division of Space Research and Planetary Sciences at the University of Bern. This prediction originated during his tenure as a scientist at MPIA, which has been jointly researching this field with the University of Bern for many years.

The most commonly suggested mechanism to explain the emergence of such a radius valley is that planets might lose a part of their original atmosphere due to the irradiation from the central star – especially volatile gases like hydrogen and helium. “However, this explanation neglects the influence of planetary migration,” Burn clarifies. It has been established for about 40 years that under certain conditions, planets can move inward and outward through planetary systems over time. How effective this migration is and to what extent it influences the development of planetary systems impacts its contribution to forming the radius valley.

Enigmatic sub-Neptunes

Two different types of exoplanets inhabit the size range surrounding the gap. On one hand, there are rocky planets, which can be more massive than Earth and are hence called super-Earths. On the other hand, astronomers are increasingly discovering so-called sub-Neptunes (also mini-Neptunes) in distant planetary systems, which are, on average, slightly larger than the super-Earths.

However, we do not have this class of exoplanets in the Solar System,” Burn points out. “That’s why, even today, we’re not exactly sure about their structure and composition.

Still, astronomers broadly agree that these planets possess significantly more extended atmospheres than rocky planets. Consequently, understanding how these sub-Neptunes’ characteristics contribute to the radius gap has been uncertain. Could the gap even suggest that these two types of worlds form differently?

Wandering ice planets

Based on simulations we already published in 2020, the latest results indicate and confirm that instead, the evolution of sub-Neptunes after their birth significantly contributes to the observed radius valley,” concludes Julia Venturini from Geneva University. She is a member of the PlanetS collaboration mentioned above and led the 2020 study.

In the icy regions of their birthplaces, where planets receive little warming radiation from the star, the sub-Neptunes should indeed have sizes missing from the observed distribution. As these presumably icy planets migrate closer to the star, the ice thaws, eventually forming a thick water vapour atmosphere.

This process results in a shift in planet radii to larger values. After all, the observations employed to measure planetary radii cannot differentiate whether the determined size is due to the solid part of the planet alone or an additional dense atmosphere.

At the same time, as already suggested in the previous picture, rocky planets ‘shrink’ by losing their atmosphere. Overall, both mechanisms produce a lack of planets with sizes around two Earth radii.

Physical computer models simulating planetary systems

The theoretical research of the Bern-Heidelberg group has already significantly advanced our understanding of the formation and composition of planetary systems in the past,” explains MPIA Director Thomas Henning. “The current study is, therefore, the result of many years of joint preparatory work and constant improvements to the physical models.

The latest results stem from calculations of physical models that trace planet formation and subsequent evolution. They encompass processes in the gas and dust disks surrounding young stars that give rise to new planets. These models include the emergence of atmospheres, the mixing of different gases, and radial migration.

 “Central to this study were the properties of water at pressures and temperatures occurring inside planets and their atmospheres,” explains Burn. Understanding how water behaves over a wide range of pressures and temperatures is crucial for simulations. This knowledge has been of sufficient quality only in recent years. It is this component which permits realistic calculation of the sub-Neptunes’ behaviour, hence explaining the manifestation of extensive atmospheres in warmer regions.

It’s remarkable how, as in this case, physical properties on molecular levels influence large-scale astronomical processes such as the formation of planetary atmospheres,” Henning adds.

If we were to expand our results to cooler regions, where water is liquid, this might suggest the existence of water worlds with deep oceans,” Mordasini says. “Such planets could potentially host life and would be relatively straightforward targets for searching for biomarkers thanks to their size.

Further work ahead

However, the current work is just an important milestone. Although the simulated size distribution closely matches the observed one, and the radius gap is in the right place, the details still have some inconsistencies. For instance, too many ice planets end up too close to the central star in the calculations. Nonetheless, researchers do not perceive this circumstance as a disadvantage but hope to learn more about planetary migration in this way.

Observations with telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) or the under-construction Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) could also assist. They would be capable of determining the composition of planets depending on their size, thus providing a test for the simulations described here.

Background information

The MPIA scientists involved in this study are Remo Burn and Thomas Henning.

Other researchers include Christoph Mordasini (University of Bern, Switzerland [Unibe]), Lokesh Mishra (Université de Genève, Switzerland [Unige], and Unibe), Jonas Haldemann (Unibe), Julia Venturini (Unige), and Alexandre Emsenhuber (Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany, and Unibe).

The NASA Kepler space telescope searched for planets around other stars between 2009 and 2018 and discovered thousands of new exoplanets during its operation. It utilised the transit method: when a planet’s orbit is inclined in a way that the plane lies within the telescope’s line of sight, planets periodically block part of the star’s light during their orbit. This periodic fluctuation in the star’s brightness enables an indirect detection of the planet and determination of its radius.

Size distribution of observed and simulated exoplanets with radii smaller than five Earth radii


Physical activity is insufficient to counter cardiovascular risk associated with sugar-sweetened beverage consumption


Québec, February 8, 2024 - Contrary to popular belief, the benefits of physical activity do not outweigh the risks of cardiovascular disease associated with drinking sugar-sweetened beverages, according to a new study led by Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. Jean-Philippe Drouin-Chartier, professor at Université Laval’s Faculty of Pharmacy, was a co-author.  

Sugar-sweetened beverages are the largest source of added sugars in the North American diet. Their consumption is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, the world’s leading cause of death.  

“The marketing strategies for these drinks often show active people drinking these beverages. It suggests that sugary drink consumption has no negative effects on health if you’re physically active. Our research aimed to assess this hypothesis,” says Drouin-Chartier.  

For the study, the scientists used two cohorts totalling around 100,000 adults, followed for about 30 years. The data show that those who consumed sugar-sweetened beverages more than twice a week had a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, regardless of physical activity levels. 

The study found that even if the recommended 150 minutes of weekly physical activity protects against cardiovascular disease, it’s not enough to counter the adverse effects of sugar-sweetened beverages. “Physical activity reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease associated with sugar-sweetened beverages by half, but it does not fully eliminate it,” says Drouin-Chartier.  

The frequency of consumption considered in the study—twice a week—is relatively low but still is significantly associated with cardiovascular disease risk. With daily consumption, the risk of cardiovascular disease is even higher. 

For this reason, Drouin-Chartier underlines the importance of targeting the omnipresence of sugar-sweetened beverages in the food environment. This category includes soft and carbonated drinks (with or without caffeine), lemonade, and fruit cocktails. The study did not specifically consider energy drinks, but they also tend to be sugar-sweetened. 

For artificially sweetened drinks, often presented as an alternative solution to sugar-sweetened beverages, their consumption was not associated with higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. “Replacing sugar-sweetened beverages by diet drinks is good, because it reduces the amount of sugar. But the best drink option remains water,” explains Drouin-Chartier. 

“Our findings provide further support for public health recommendations and policies to limit people’s intake of sugar-sweetened beverages, as well as to encourage people to meet and maintain adequate physical activity levels,” added lead author Lorena Pacheco, a research scientist in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard Chan School. 

The study was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The authors are Lorena S. Pacheco, Deirdre K. Tobias, Yanping Li, Shilpa N. Bhupathiraju, Walter C. Willett, David S. Ludwig, Cara B. Ebbeling, Danielle E. Haslam, Jean-Philippe Drouin-Chartier, Frank B. Hu and Marta Guasch-Ferré. 




New fossil site of worldwide importance uncovered in southern France

Peer-Reviewed Publication


New fossil site of worldwide importance uncovered in southern France 



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Nearly 400 exceptionally well-preserved fossils dating back 470 million years have been discovered in the south of France by two amateur paleontologists. This new fossil site of worldwide importance has been analyzed by scientists from the University of Lausanne, in collaboration with the CNRS and international teams. This discovery provides unprecedented information on the polar ecosystems of the Ordovician period.

Paleontology enthusiasts have unearthed one of the world's richest and most diverse fossil sites from the Lower Ordovician period (around 470 million years ago). Located in Montagne Noire, in the Hérault department of France, this deposit of over 400 fossils is distinguished by an exceptionally well-preserved fauna. In addition to shelly components, it contains extremely rare soft elements such as digestive systems and cuticles, in a remarkable state of preservation. Moreover, this biota was once located very close to the South Pole, revealing the composition of Ordovician southernmost ecosystems.

At the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment at the University of Lausanne (UNIL), scientists have collaborated with the CNRS and international teams to carry out the first analyses of this deposit, known as the Cabrières Biota. The results are published in Nature Ecology & Evolution.

Ordovician climate refugia

Analyses of the new biota reveal the presence of arthropods (a group that includes millipedes and shrimps) and cnidarians (a group that includes jellyfish and corals), as well as a large number of algae and sponges. The site's high biodiversity suggests that this area served as a refuge for species that had escaped the high temperatures prevailing further north at the time.

"At this time of intense global warming, animals were indeed living in high latitude refugia, escaping extreme equatorial temperatures," points out Farid Saleh, researcher at the University of Lausanne, and first author of the study. "The distant past gives us a glimpse of our possible near future," adds Jonathan Antcliffe, researcher at the University of Lausanne and co-author of the study.      

For their part, Eric Monceret and Sylvie Monceret-Goujon, the amateurs who discovered the site, amateurs who discovered the site, add with enthusiasm: "We've been prospecting and searching for fossils since the age of twenty," says Eric Monceret. "When we came across this amazing biota, we understood the importance of the discovery and went from amazement to excitement," adds Sylvie Monceret-Goujon.

This first publication marks the start of a long research program involving large-scale excavations and in-depth fossil analyses. Using innovative methods and techniques, the aim is to reveal the internal and external anatomy of the organisms, as well as to deduce their phylogenetic relationships and modes of life.

A new fossil bed has been uncovered in the French department of Hérault through the perseverance of two ardent amateur palaeontologists. 

Eric Monceret is one of the persons who discovered the biota


Sylvie et Eric Monceret


Global study: Wild megafauna shape ecosystem properties

A new meta-analysis across six continents establishes that large wild herbivores affect ecosystems in numerous important ways, from soils to vegetation to smaller animals and promote ecosystem variability

Peer-Reviewed Publication





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For millions of years, a variety of large herbivores, or megafauna, influenced terrestrial ecosystems. Among many others, these included elephants in Europe, giant wombats in Australia, and ground sloths in South America. However, these animals experienced a wave of extinctions coinciding with the worldwide expansion of humans, leading to dramatic but still not fully understood changes in ecosystems. Even the survivors of these extinctions strongly declined, and many are currently threatened with extinction.  

While there are many case studies as well as theories about the effects of large animals, formal attempts to quantitatively synthesize their effects and establish generality have been lacking.

A new study, conducted by an international team led by researchers from Aarhus University and the University of Göttingen, published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, has gathered numerous individual case studies and analyzed the findings. They show that large animals have a variety of generalizable impacts – impacts that are likely missing from most of today’s ecosystems.

The impact of large animals on ecosystems

Among the identified general impacts of large wild herbivores are

  • shifts in soil and plant nutrients
  • the promotion of open and semi-open vegetation
  • the regulation of the population of smaller animals

Moreover, one of the key findings of the studies is that megafauna promote ecosystem diversity by increasing the structural variability in the vegetation.  

“The positive impact on variability in vegetation structure is particularly noteworthy, given that environmental heterogeneity is known as a universal driver of biodiversity. While our study mostly looked at the impact of megafauna on small scales, our findings suggest that they promote biodiversity even on the landscape level,” says PhD student at Aarhus University Jonas Trepel, who led the study.

Large herbivores change vegetation structure by consuming biomass, breaking woody plants, and trampling smaller plants – impacts that are hypothesized to depend on the animal’s body size. Given that the analyzed dataset spanned two magnitudes of body size (45-4500 kg), the researchers were able to test specifically how this important trait shapes the impact of large animals. They found, for example, that megafauna communities which include larger herbivores tend to have positive effects on local plant diversity, while communities composed of smaller species (e.g. <100 kg) tend to decrease local plant diversity. 

“Large herbivores can eat lower-quality food such as branches and stems, which may result in proportionally greater impacts on dominant plant species and thus give less competitive plants better odds in their struggle for sunlight and space,” explains Erick Lundgren, one of the senior authors of the study.

Assistant professor Elizabeth le Roux, who is also one of the senior authors, adds:

 “These findings support the expectation that many small herbivores cannot fully compensate for the loss of a few large ones."

The benefits of a meta-analysis

This study is a so-called meta-analysis. This means that the researchers have analyzed data from all available studies on the subject in order to find general patterns. Meta-analyses are especially powerful in their conclusions because they draw on big data pools and make it possible to draw conclusions that go beyond a local context.  

While many recent ecological studies have shown or hypothesized the importance of large animals in ecosystems, according to senior author Jens-Christian Svenning, the meta-analytical study is an important step forward by synthesizing direct experimental and semi-experimental evidence from across the globe to assess the generality of these effects quantitatively.  

“This global meta-analysis shows that large herbivores have important general effects on ecosystems and their biodiversity," explains professor Jens-Christian Svenning, continuing: “Importantly, our analysis shows that these effects cut across a broad range of ecologically important phenomena, from soil conditions to vegetation structure to plant and animal species composition, affecting not only their general state but also their variation across landscapes.”

Jens-Christian Svenning is the director of Center for Ecological Dynamics in a Novel Biosphere (ECONOVO), a Danish National Research Foundation center of excellence at Aarhus University.

Fact box: How did the researchers get these results?

A key aspect of the 297 studies, including 5,990 individual data points, is that the researchers compare adjacent areas with clear differences in the megafauna community (i.e. megafauna present or absent) due to known reasons. The vast majority of studies in the data set are so-called exclosure studies, in which some parts of a field site are fenced up to prevent large animals from entering. By comparing different plots inside and outside of the fences, researchers are then able to assess in which ways megafauna impact the ecosystem.

Importance of ecosystem biodiversity in responding to global change

The identified general importance of large herbivores for ecosystem functioning implies that important functions are missing due to the loss of wild megafauna. This may affect the approach to nature conservation and ecosystem restoration.

“The majority of today’s protected areas are missing large animals – and thus also an important range of functions. So even areas we consider to be pristine ecosystems are probably not as natural as we may think. Reintroducing large animals could be a key avenue to make these areas a bit more dynamic and used to disturbances,” says Jonas Trepel and continues:

“By increasing the structural variability in an ecosystem, large animals may provide refuges, for example during extreme weather events, but also open up more available niches for other species. This could prevent one or a few species from dominating and allows species with similar ecological attributes to coexist – which in turn would make the ecosystem more resilient. Ultimately, that may help them to deal with the consequences of global change.”

Given the important functions that large animals have on ecosystems and their biodiversity, the researchers conclude that it is crucial to not just protect the few remaining megafauna species, but also to reestablish megafauna populations as part of restoration efforts to achieve positive outcomes for Earth's biosphere, not least under the increasingly unprecedented global environmental conditions.



Scandinavia’s first farmers slaughtered the hunter-gatherer population


Following the arrival of the first farmers in Scandinavia 5,900 years ago, the hunter-gatherer population was wiped out within a few generations, according to a new study from Lund University in Sweden, among others. The results, which are contrary to prevailing opinion, are based on DNA analysis of skeletons and teeth found in what is now Denmark.

The extensive study has been published as four separate articles in the journal Nature. An international research team, of which Lund University in Sweden is a member, has been able to draw new conclusions about the effects of migration on ancient populations by extracting DNA from skeletal parts and teeth of prehistoric people. 

The study shows, among other things, that there have been two almost total population turnovers in Denmark over the past 7,300 years. The first population change happened 5,900 years ago when a farmer population, with a different origin and appearance, drove out the gatherers, hunters and fishers who had previously populated Scandinavia. Within a few generations, almost the entire hunter-gatherer population was wiped out. 

“This transition has previously been presented as peaceful. However, our study indicates the opposite. In addition to violent death, it is likely that new pathogens from livestock finished off many gatherers,” says Anne Birgitte Nielsen, geology researcher and head of the Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory at Lund University.

A thousand years later, about 4,850 years ago, another population change took place when people with genetic roots in Yamnaya – a livestock herding people with origins in southern Russia – came to Scandinavia and wiped out the previous farmer population. Once again, this could have involved both violence and new pathogens. These big-boned people pursued a semi-nomadic life on the steppes, tamed animals, kept domestic cattle and moved over large areas using horses and carts. The people who settled in our climes were a mix between Yamnaya and Eastern European Neolithic people. This genetic profile is dominant in today’s Denmark, whereas the DNA profile of the first farmer population has been essentially erased.

“This time there was also a rapid population turnover, with virtually no descendants from the predecessors. We don’t have as much DNA material from Sweden, but what there is points to a similar course of events. In other words, many Swedes are to a great extent also descendants of these semi-nomads,” says Anne Birgitte Nielsen, who contributed quantitative pollen data which shows how the vegetation changed in connection with the population changes.

The results do not just overturn previous theories about amorous and peaceful meetings between groups of people. The study also provides a deepened understanding of historical migration flows, and the interpretation of archaeological finds and changes in vegetation and land use found in palaeoecological data.

“Our results help to enhance our knowledge of our heredity and our understanding of the development of certain diseases. Something that in the long term could be beneficial, for example in medical research,” concludes Anne Birgitte Nielsen.

In addition to Lund University, around 40 European, American and Australian higher education institutions and organisations took part in the study.


With camera systems, nets and a deep-sea Robot on an Ocean Discovery Journey

International expedition MSM126 sets sail to explore deep-sea habitats around Madeira

Business Announcement


“It is very likely that we will discover new species on this cruise,” says Dr Jan Dierking. The marine biologist from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel is the chief scientist of the expedition MSM126 “Jellyweb Madeira” on the German research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN, which will set off tomorrow to explore the underwater habitats around Madeira. And his expectations are probably not too high, as the planned investigations will mainly focus on the deep sea, which is still largely unexplored. One reason for this is the extreme conditions: it is dark, cold and there is enormous pressure. Above all, the deep sea is deep. In combination, this means that sampling and observing deep-sea systems is extremely difficult.

During the MSM126 cruise, the international team of 22 scientists from five countries, including world-leading experts in various fields of research, will therefore use a wide range of state-of-the-art instruments and technologies, including remote sensing, camera systems, a deep-sea robot, oceanographic sensors and various nets, to shed light on deep-sea biodiversity and food webs.   

“We will be using echosounders and towed cameras to map three areas around the island of Madeira,” explains co-expedition leader Dr Henk-Jan Hoving, “a deep-sea canyon, an extensive underwater plateau and a submarine ridge, from shallower depths of 50m down to 3000m”. The XOFOS (Ocean Floor Observing System) photo and video system will film and photograph the seafloor for mapping purposes. The deep-sea camera system PELAGIOS (Pelagic in Situ Observation System), equipped with a camera, light sources and sensors to measure environmental data, can be used day and night in the deep-water column to document organisms alive in their natural environment. Dr Hoving: “We hope to find layers with abundant and diverse life and previously undiscovered organisms and encounter underexplored habitats such as coral gardens or deep-sea reefs, and will then return to these areas for focussed sampling afterwards”.

For sampling, they have what Jan Dierking and Henk-Jan Hoving call the “Swiss army knife of marine research”: the ROV PHOCA, a remotely operated underwater robot that can dive down to depths of up to 2000m, and transmit live, high-definition video from the deep sea to the surface via a fibre-optic connection. It can be configurated with a variety of scientific instruments depending on the mission. During MSM126, it will be deployed both in open water and on the seabed. Floating in open water, a “slurp gun”, a kind of vacuum cleaner, will collect fragile gelatinous organisms – “a huge opportunity to bring up deep-sea species intact”. On the seabed, the ROV will sample sediments and benthic organisms including corals and sponges. It will also serve as a platform for experiments on so-called food falls, i.e. what sinks to the seafloor from the upper layers of the ocean. “We want to see how organisms in the open water are linked to the deep sea: Who eats whom, who competes with whom?” explains Dr Jan Dierking. “I am very excited to see what the eye on the seabed will reveal.”

A key question is what role gelatinous zooplankton, or jellyfish, play in the oceanic food web. Not much is known about this because jellyfish are difficult to study. They are very fragile and are difficult to capture intact in nets, so their importance in food webs is probably underestimated. “This group of organisms is very diverse,” explains Dr Henk-Jan Hoving, “some of them can grow to tens of metres in length. Some are predators, feeding on crustaceans, fish or other gelatinous organisms. Others rely on detritus, the dead and decaying material that is abundant in the water column”.

Improving our understanding of the food web of jellyfish, also known as the jelly web, is essential to our understanding of marine food webs. Dr Dierking explains: “The jelly web probably plays a crucial role in the processing of organic matter, because jellyfish can occur in large numbers, and when such a ‘jelly bloom’ dies, potentially a large amount of this biomass sinks. But for many regions, including Madeira, we don't know how much of it actually reaches the seabed or who feeds on it”. The contribution of the jelly web to the export of carbon to the deep sea could be significant.

On Madeira itself, the expedition is generating a lot of public interest. For example, there will be a live Q&A session on board for schoolchildren, who will be able to look over the scientists' shoulders as they work. Dr Dierking: “There is a big effort in Madeira to increase the knowledge of the deep sea in order to better protect it”. He hopes that the data gathered during the expedition will not only fill knowledge gaps, but also make a concrete contribution to the protection of habitats and biodiversity in the sea around Madeira.

The jelly web was the focus of the EU Horizon 2020 project GoJelly (coordinated by Jamileh Javidpour, University of Southern Denmark, in which GEOMAR was a core partner), which sparked the idea for the MSM126 expedition. Its results will now be exploited via the collaborations with partner institutes of the cruise, and will provide the foundation to pursue deep sea work with the Regional Agency for the Development of Research, Technology and Innovation (ARDITI) Madeira in the future.

Expedition at a Glance:

RV MARIA S. MERIAN Expedition MSM126

Name: Jellyweb Madeira

Region: Central East Atlantic

Chief Scientists: Dr Jan Dierking, Dr Henk-Jan Hoving

Start: 09 February 2024, Funchal (Portugal)

End: 04 March 2024, Las Palmas (Spain)

Project Funding:

The expedition is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and the German Research Foundation (DFG).