Wednesday, June 05, 2024


China builds strategic South China Sea foothold in Cambodia
in Bangkok
May 28, 2024

Ties between China and Cambodia seem to be growing stronger, as evidenced by joint military drills this month. Experts say Beijing will use Cambodia as a conduit to further its strategic interests in the South China Sea.

A Chinese corvette has been docked at Cambodia's Ream Naval Base since December
Image: AP Photo/picture alliance

China and Cambodia are capping off 15 days of military exercises on Thursday, which have included over 2,000 military personnel from both countries carrying out drills on land and at sea.

This year's annual "Golden Dragon" exercises come after China has significantly helped upgrade Cambodian military facilities, including the Ream Naval Base, while providing new equipment.

When the exercises kicked off on May 16 at a Cambodian military base northwest of Phnom Penh, the Cambodian army's commander in chief, Vong Pisen, publicly thanked China for the upgrade and equipment.

Mark S. Cogan, an associate professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at Japan's Kansai Gaidai University, told DW the drills "reinforce pre-existing notions about the growing influence of China, particularly in matters of security."

The Golden Dragon military drills also symbolize Cambodia's close relations with China, which come at the expense of strategic ties with the US.

The annual exercises have been held regularly since 2016, just before Phnom Penh cancelled its military exercises with the US in 2017.

Cambodian General Vong Pisen (r) kicked off the drills with China's PLA southern theater commander Gao Xiucheng
Image: Heng Sinith/AP Photo/picture alliance

The US has previously expressed concern that the Ream Naval Base could become an outpost for the Chinese navy at a strategic position near the southern tip of Cambodia on the Gulf of Thailand, near the South China Sea.

In December 2023, Chinese naval vessels docked at the base for the first time, at a pier that had been refurbished to accommodate larger vessels. The Chinese corvettes have been docked there for five months, but Cambodia's Defense Ministry said it is not a permanent deployment.

Cambodia's government also maintains that the country's constitution prohibits the deployment of foreign military forces on its territory.

China edging out the US in Cambodia

In recent years, Cambodia has moved to become Beijing's closest partner in Southeast Asia. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet visited Beijing in September, weeks after he was sworn in as the country's new premier.

At same time, US and Cambodian ties continue to sour, with Washington pointing out Cambodia's poor human rights record, and a crackdown on political parties and dissidents.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin will look to smooth relations when he visits Cambodia on June 4 after attending the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore. Austin is also meeting Chinese officials as part of the talks.

"US Defense Secretary Austin will soon be in Cambodia to greet Hun Manet, but like much of Biden's foreign policy in Southeast Asia, he will be on the back foot," Cogan said.

"Austin's visit has to mix the pragmatic with the normative, as the tough line on human rights have pushed Cambodia closer to China, and the advantage that has given Beijing can be seen across the country," he added.

Chinese snipers participated in the drills in Cambodia as well
Image: Heng Sinith/AP Photo/picture alliance

China is already Cambodia's top trading partner and biggest foreign investor. And it shows, with new public and private infrastructure funded by Beijing, including both roads, airports, hotels and high-rises.

Cambodia is also part of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a global infrastructure funding project.

Oren Samet, a PhD candidate at the University of California researching authoritarianism in Southeast Asia, said Beijing's support does not come along with the scrutiny and criticism of Cambodia's governance that is seen in Western countries.

"The close relationship with Beijing is the product of longer-term shifts, which have cemented China as the Cambodian People Party's (CPP) main international patron," said Samet.

"In contrast with traditional Western donors, Beijing does not care at all about Cambodia's human rights abuses or lack of democracy, and that works well for the Cambodian government, which has more free reign to suppress opposition and avoid difficult reforms," he told DW.

Samet said it will be a challenge for Washington and Phnom Penh to "repair frayed relations and strengthen strategic ties after a difficult few years."

"Democratic deficits and rights concerns will remain stumbling blocks. Cambodia hasn't improved on this front at all in the past decade, and it is unlikely to do so in the near future," he added.

Cambodia and China: authoritarian bedfellows

Critics call Cambodia's leadership the "Hun-Dynasty." The ruling CPP has faced little challenge to its power, with opposition parties being suppressed in recent years.

Critics say Hun Sen, who led Cambodia for nearly four decades, from 1985 to 2023, ran Cambodia like a dictatorship, cracking down on both political rivals and free independent media, as well as opposing free and fair elections.

Cambodia ranks second-to-last, 141 out of 142, in The World Justice Project's global rankings for 2023. The rankings are based on several indicators including human rights, social justice and the economy.

Cambodia and China have both described their relations as "ironclad," with official ties stretching back to 1958.

Manet pledged stronger ties with Beijing on his first overseas visit as Prime Minister in September, and said he hoped for closer cooperation with China on international and regional issues.

"I am skeptical that things will change much under Hun Manet. Despite being superficially more Western-oriented than his father, he presides over what is fundamentally the same regime as before," said Samet.

A voice for China in ASEAN?

Beijing's influence in Cambodia is also seen in forums like the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a 10-member political and economic union, of which China is not a member, but is a "comprehensive" strategic partner.

Cambodia often stands in support of China's regional goals, which include political ambitions like claiming ownership over much of the South China Sea.

Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Manet is expected to govern in the style of his father, Hun Sen
Image: Heng Sinith/AP/picture alliance

The Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam, all ASEAN members, strongly dispute these maritime claims, but with Cambodia on the side of Beijing, the country has become a leverage point for China.

"Competition and conflict over the South China Sea have driven further sclerosis within ASEAN," said Samet.

"Beijing is making its influence felt across the region, but Cambodia has been particularly strongly impacted," Samet added.

Edited by: Wesley Rahn
Are Google, Meta and Amazon's AI tools hampering innovation?

Insa Wrede
May 28, 2024

Significant advances are being made in artificial intelligence by Big Tech companies and more data is being collected than ever. So why is the rate of innovation slowing?

AI is taking over — will it make the human brain less imaginative?
Image: Science Photo Library/imago

It would be nice if innovation could happen "just by dreaming," says Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, who stresses that imagining things is "crucial for being innovative."

That is why the professor of information science at Oxford University believes artificial intelligence (AI) won't be able to compete with human creativity for the time being.

"Humans can imagine things that don't exist yet," he told DW, because despite being trained on massive datasets AI is working with data from the past.

So, the datasets used for machine learning reflect what we can learn from the past for the present, he added, enabling AI to make insights from collected data more accessible, "but it doesn't invent anything new."

If the present or the future differs significantly from the past, AI cannot help us find the right solutions. For example, if people during Henry Ford's time had been asked what they wanted, most would have likely said "a faster horse" — a solution rooted in past experiences
Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company
Image: TelePress/United Archives/picture alliance

Living in less innovative times

AI is thus a tool for evaluating large datasets and increasing efficiency, especially in economically stable times. However, we do not live in stable times. The challenges posed by climate change require innovations beyond current capabilities.

Paradoxically, the pace of innovation has slowed down despite rapid advancements in AI, said Mayer-Schönberger.

Ufuk Akcigit, an economics professor at the University of Chicago, and Sina T. Ates from the board of the US Federal Reserve both have observed a slowdown in productivity growth in the United States.

"The entry rate of new businesses has decreased, productivity growth has slowed down, the labor share of output has decreased, while market concentration and the corporate profit share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) have increased," they wrote in a recent paper on declining US business dynamism.

The researchers found that the dynamism of innovation in American companies has decreased since the 1980s, and even more noticeably since the 2000s.

They attribute this to insufficient competition between leading companies and their rivals, partly because knowledge is not shared sufficiently. This prevents latecomers to markets from learning from the advances of the leaders and growing themselves. As a result, there is less competitive pressure on the big players, who, without competition, have fewer incentives to innovate.

Big data companies have a huge competitive advantage with their huge data storage and processing capacitiesImage: Benis Arapovic/Zoonar/picture alliance

Sharing the raw material of innovation

The prime mover of modern-day innovation is data. With the help of AI, large amounts of data can be increasingly well-analyzed.

According to the Federation of German Industries (BDI), ever more data is being collected, with the volume having increased 10 times between 2012 and 2022, and expected to triple again by 2025.

This is where major digital companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook come into play. These companies collect vast amounts of data, thus becoming more efficient while at the same time preventing access to their data wealth for others.

"Although these digital giants are reputed to be pioneers, they actually slow down innovation processes and progress by hoarding data," said Mayer-Schönberger, adding that rival companies, as well as public institutions and scientific organizations, are shut out.

Reinforcing oligopoly structures

These days, it is also more common for innovative companies to be simply bought out by big firms, said Mayer-Schönberger. He noted that about 20 years ago more than three-quarters of successful Silicon Valley startups chose to go public, while today, three-quarters are already swallowed up by the likes of Google and Facebook even before they go public.

The Oxford University researcher warns this is not only hampering innovation but is also presenting a systemic risk to economic growth. He likened the situation to driving on a highway where if one car's brakes fail, it's bad enough, but if all the cars have the same faulty brakes because there is only one type of car, it leads to a crisis.

This dilemma can only be resolved, he said, if policymakers ensure that data is more freely accessible.

"There is no property right to data," Mayer-Schönberger said, like "intellectual property rights, authorship, and patent rights produced through human thought." Data, however, "cannot establish ownership," he added.

While the EU's Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act are steps in the right direction, Mayer-Schönberger said, especially education systems must also be restructured to provide the next generation with "incentives to dream purposefully."

"It's not about memorizing a 19th Century poem but about seeing the world with different eyes," he said, because innovation doesn't need "streamlined, diligent ants, but uncomfortable mavericks."

This article was originally written in German.
Congo: PM Tuluka announces long-awaited new government

Nikolas Fischer
May 29, 2024

The cabinet of Congo's first female prime minister, Judith Suminwa Tuluka, has finally been unveiled. Members include some close allies of President Felix Tshisekedi. Stakes are high as fighting in the east continues.

The announcment of the new government took months
Image: Saleh Mwanamilongo/DW

After months of anticipation, the cabinet was made public at 2:00 in the morning local time on May 28.

Felix Tshisekedi was sworn in for a second term as president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in January, while Prime Minister Judith Suminwa Tulukatook office in early April.

Suminwa's new government is made up of 54 members, including six deputy prime ministers, 10 ministers of state, 24 ministers, four deputy ministers and ten vice ministers.

One of the deputy prime ministers is Jean-Pierre Bemba, who takes over the Ministry of Transport. He hands over the Ministry of Defense to Guy Kabombo Mwadiambita, a newcomer to the government.

Other noteworthy cabinet members include Guylain Nyembo, a former cabinet member of President Felix Tshisekedi, who now heads the Ministry of Planning, and Jackmain Shabani, former special advisor to the president who is now the deputy prime minister in charge of the interior.

Who is Judith Suminwa Tuluka?

Tuluka, 56, comes from Central Congo, the same province as the country's first democratically elected president, Joseph Kasavubu, who served between 1960 and 1965.

She has a master's degree in applied economics as well as a diploma for additional studies in human resource management in developing countries.
Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi appointed the country's first female prime minister in April, fulfilling a campaign promise
Image: DRC Presidency/Xinhua News Agency/picture alliance

Congo's new PM worked in the banking sector before joining the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), where she was coordinator of the "Peacebuilding and Strengthening Democracy" pillar.

Tuluka has been described as a close confidant of Tshisekedi and was an expert in a national project to support the community in eastern Congo. She then worked in the Ministry of Finance and later as deputy coordinator of the Presidential Strategic Watch Council, a body that advises the president on strategic issues.

Empowering women

Tuluka's appointment as prime minister has provoked many satisfied reactions, especially among Congolese women.

"I very much hope that there will definitely be new things, good things," Sefora Wameh, a student in the capital, Kinshasa, told DW. "There are men who say that women can't do what they do. But I firmly believe that this time we women have the opportunity to do better than the men."

Antomiss Mangaya, a civil servant in the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, also feels encouraged and hopes that Tuluka will bring some positive changes.

"She is a very good example for us women. That is very commendable," said Mangaya. "As this is the first time, she should do better than the person before her. She should work hard and show us that women can do the same."
Eastern Congo in the spotlight

Tuluka's appointment comes as the security situation in the east of the country remains extremely difficult.

Rebels from the M23 movement, one of over 100 armed groups in the resource-rich region, are fighting the Congolese army in the volatile region.

In recent weeks the rebels have come very close to the regional capital of Goma, and some villages are still controlled by the rebels.

Diplomatic relations between Congo and neighboring Rwanda are tense. The government in Kinshasa, the United Nations and many Western nations have accused Rwanda of supporting the M23 rebels in order to control the region's lucrative diamonds, copper and gold resources.

The government in Kigali, Rwanda's capital, has repeatedly denied the allegations, but UN experts claim to have found evidence of Rwandan interference in Congo.

The US State Department has called on Rwanda to withdraw its troops and surface-to-air missile systems from eastern Congo. The Rwandan Foreign Ministry has stated that the troops were defending Rwandan territory, as the Congo was carrying out a "dramatic military buildup" near the border.
Worsening humanitarian crisis

More than 7 million people have been displaced because of the long-running conflict, according to the United Nations, making it one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world — and perhaps the greatest challenge facing Tuluka.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has the highest number of internally displaced people in Africa

Laurette Mandala Kisolokele, an advisor at the Ministry for Regional Integration, is nevertheless optimistic. After all, the issues and problems facing Congo are not new to the top politician.

"She knows the security situation in the east of the country," Kisolokele told DW.

"What we want from her now is that she makes smart decisions with her staff so that they can support her effectively and we can put an end to the insecure situation in the east."

Jean Noel Ba-Mweze contributed reporting.

This is an updated version of an article first published on April 3, 2024. The article was originally written in German.

Trump's ex-press team reveals how they browbeat surrogates to spread his message

Matthew Chapman
June 4, 2024 

Donald Trump after being found guilty of all 34 felony counts in a fraud case in New York. (Justin Lane-Pool/Getty Images)

Former Trump administration communications officials Alyssa Farah Griffin and Stephanie Grisham spilled the beans on how their former boss operates in a new article for CNN this week.

This comes as former President Donald Trump faces the new reality of being convicted of 34 felonies in New York — and tries to use everything in his playbook to make it go away.

"Many viewers who turned to right-wing media outlets like Fox News and Newsmax were given exceptionally coordinated spin that the conviction was, in fact, a massive boon to Trump," they wrote, noting that Trump's allies in Congress are working overtime to spread the same message.

"According to right-wing talking points, the president’s trial was rigged — it was a witch hunt orchestrated by an activist Democrat prosecutor at President Joe Biden’s behest. But the truth is, the case was heard by a grand jury of average Americans who decided to pursue it. The guilty verdicts against Trump were rendered after a trial by a jury of 12 of Trump’s peers."

"We both spent considerable amounts of time in our careers running the communications operation in Trump’s White House," they wrote. "We were well-versed in crafting talking points that would resonate with the public, and in pressing Trump’s allies and surrogates to parrot them to the media. We were experts, as well, in briefing lawmakers on exactly what they needed to say to support Trump, with the goal of creating a very loud, unified narrative within the GOP.

"We both know the very real limitations of the rightwing media messaging machine — and the often-flagrant dishonesty of Donald Trump."

Trump's narrative, they wrote, frightens Republican leaders into toeing the line, and it galvanizes his hardcore believers into action — but it isn't going to work on regular voters who aren't in that universe. "Voters are simply not that gullible" to fall for the idea Trump is a "victim" and everyone conspired against him, they said — a reality borne out by at least some focus grouping.

At the end of the day, they concluded, "Trump’s messaging since the verdict has been about little more than rage and retribution. And we all remember how that worked out for him in 2020."
'Spectacular': Report reveals Comer mistakenly imported 'Chinese pot' instead of hem

A hemp deal that Rep. James Comer (R-KY) could hail as a win for Kentucky ended in a swiftly buried Chinese pot bust, according to a new report.

M.L. Nestel
June 4, 2024 

U.S. Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, attends a media event at the National Press Club on January 30, 2023 in Washington, DC. Comer outlined his committee's agenda for the upcoming Congress including his plan to investigate President Biden's son Hunter Biden and his overseas business deals. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

The Daily Beast Tuesday revealed a sweeping expose about the House Oversight Committee chair — known for lobbing accusations against President Joe Biden's son Hunter over ties to a Chinese energy company — and his snafus importing Chinese hemp while running for the governorship of his state.

Citing emails pulled from official state documents, the Daily Beast reveals the legal hemp Comer tried to import the country was "essentially Chinese pot, containing illegally high levels of THC."

On Sept. 30, 2014, an email shared with Comer and others involved in the hemp efforts paints the picture a nervous driver freaking over the payload that "reeked of pot," the Beast reports.

“FYI—your eyes only,” the email reads, according to The Beast. “The driver who picked up the hemp seed was scared all the way back from Murray. He stated the odor was very strong and he observed a few truckers pass his truck and snicker.

"I was told the smell is identical to what maryj [marijuana] smells like...I personally have to take their word for it."

The driver was described as being "terrified of the potential of being pulled over and having to explain his way out of the delema [sic].”

The timeline of the efforts to secure the hemp from a company known as Caudill Seed overlapped Comer's 2015 unsuccessful run for governor, The Beast reports.

And from the outset, Comer considered their efforts to be on the up and up.

“There is nothing criminal occurring with the projects,” according to a memo cited by the Beast. “The program is in compliance with both state and federal regulations; there is nothing to hide.”

And Comer himself has lauded the hemp sourcing efforts when he attempted to sponsor "Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2017" in Congress.

Only when he advertised his past experience, the Beast notes the "Chinese hemp imports—potentially mislabeled 'as a decoy' for customs inspection and eventually found to contain quantities of THC nearly ten times the legal limit—were never made public."
People in Britain, France, Germany question U.S. reliability: survey
Agence France-Presse
June 5, 2024

Donald Trump and Joe Biden (AFP)

Only a tiny number of people in Britain, France and Germany put great faith in the United States to guarantee their security over the coming decade, a survey said Wednesday, ahead of an election in which Donald Trump has thrown doubt on alliances.

The Eurasia Group's Institute for Global Affairs, in its survey of the three western European nations, still found that more people than not expected the United States to be at least "somewhat" reliable.

But only six percent said that the United States would be a "very reliable" guarantor of European security over the next decade, compared with 24 percent of Americans who believed their country was very reliable.

Mark Hannah, a senior fellow at the institute, said it was the first time the question was asked in the annual survey, but that the low number was striking after two years of President Joe Biden staunchly backing Ukraine against Russian invasion.

"The fact that the United States has contributed to the extent it has, and yet only six percent of Western European respondents thought the United States was very reliable, is remarkable and shows this lack of certainty or confidence in American guarantees," he said.

Hannah, who formerly worked in Democratic Party politics, said the most likely reason for the doubts was Trump, who has described both NATO and assistance to Ukraine as wasteful and unfair to the United States.

Lawmakers of Trump's Republican Party held up fresh military assistance to Ukraine for months, citing unrelated disputes on migration.

Majorities in the three European countries -- as well as in the United States itself -- said Washington should maintain or increase troop numbers in Europe, but at the same time only small numbers believed the United States should bear "primary" responsibility for Europe's defense.

In France, which has long led calls for Europe to develop its own security arrangement, 31 percent said that Europe should manage its own defense and maintain a "more neutral" relationship with the United States, higher than in other countries.

Biden, throughout his career a dedicated supporter of US-Europe ties, is running a tight race against Trump with the 81-year-old president lagging in polls.

Biden received few votes from Europeans in the survey when asked which head of state sets the most positive example for the world.

French President Emmanuel Macron enjoyed greater support, with 33 percent of Germans and 25 percent of French saying he set the most positive example.

The survey, conducted with YouGov, reached 3,360 adults in Britain, France, Germany and the United States from April 8-15.


Family looted by Nazis donates works back to Louvre

Paris (AFP) – Two 17th century paintings looted by the Nazis and kept at the Louvre in Paris after the war have finally been returned to their Jewish owners, who then donated them back to the museum.

Issued on: 05/06/2024 -
Several of the descendants of the Javal family gathered at the Louvre to see the looted works rehung © MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP

Several of the 48 descendants of the Javal family gathered at the Louvre on Tuesday to see "Still-Life with Ham" by Floris van Schooten and "Food, Fruit and Glass on a Table" by Peter Binoit rehung alongside items detailing the family's experience under the Nazis.

It is a "duty of memory towards my family, looted from and persecuted, whose history speaks to current generations", said one of them, Marion, who did not want to give her full name.

Five members of the family were deported from France during the war and murdered at Auschwitz, while others fought in the Resistance or went into hiding.

The paintings were for decades part of the Louvre's Nordic painting collection, held under the "National Museum Recuperation" programme for stolen works whose owners are unknown.

The government called on genealogy experts way back in 2015 to look into a small number of items in these collections -- part of a broader movement in French museums to hunt down rightful owners.

The experts traced the paintings back to a mansion in central Paris owned by Mathilde Javal that was seized and emptied by the Nazis in 1944.

She had put in a restitution request after the war, but some simple errors in the spelling of her name and address undermined the process, according to the Louvre.

The museum's director Laurence Des Cars told AFP the case was "a commitment to transmitting memory and a constant reminder to action".

Around 100,000 cultural items were looted or sold under duress in France during the Nazi occupation of 1940-45, mainly from Jewish families -- with many transferred to Germany.

Around 60,000 works came back to France after the war, of which 45,000 were returned to their owners by a special commission that operated until 1949.

Of the remaining 15,000, around 13,000 were sold by the state and 2,200 entrusted to museums.

The Louvre remains responsible for 1,610 of these artworks, including 791 paintings.

© 2024 AFP
Spain unveils 'lost Caravaggio' that nearly sold for a song

Madrid (AFP) – A painting by Italian master Caravaggio, once mistakenly thought to be by an unknown artist and nearly auctioned off for a song, was unveiled at Madrid's Prado Museum .

Issued on: 27/05/2024
'Ecce Homo' by Italian master Caravaggio is a dark and atmospheric canvas depicting a bloodied Jesus in a crown of thorns just before his crucifixion 

Painted between 1605-1609, the dark, atmospheric canvas depicts a bloodied Jesus wearing a crown of thorns, his hands tied, as he is presented to the crowd by the Roman governor Pontius Pilate just before his crucifixion.

Entitled "Ecce Homo" -- Latin for "Behold the Man" -- it is one of around only 60 known works by the Renaissance artist.

Three years ago, a Madrid auction house had been due to put the canvas under the hammer with an opening price of 1,500 euros ($1,800 at the time), mistakenly attributing it to an artist from the circle of 17th-century Spanish painter Jose de Ribera.

But just hours before the auction, the culture ministry blocked the sale on concerns it was actually painted by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, whose works are worth millions.

The last-minute intervention came after the Prado said it had "sufficient documentary and stylistic evidence" to suggest the canvas was a Caravaggio.

The artist, who lived a violent and chaotic life (1571-1610) pioneered the Baroque painting technique known as chiaroscuro, in which light and shadow are sharply contrasted.

Earlier this month, the museum said experts confirmed the painting was "without doubt, a Caravaggio masterpiece", calling it "one of the greatest discoveries in the history of art".

Now restored, the old master artwork went on display to the public for the first time Monday in a one-piece exhibition called "The Lost Caravaggio". It will remain on display for nine months.

'Extremely important'

The exhibition was made possible by the "generosity" of its new owner, who agreed to temporarily lend the work, the museum's director Miguel Falomir told a news conference on Monday, without revealing who it was.

The painting's emergence is "extremely important for the history of art because there has been no new work by Caravaggio had been identified for more than 45 years", explained David Garcia Cueto, who is responsible for Italian paintings at the Prado.

Experts who have studied its history say this oil on canvas became part of the private collection of Spain's King Felipe IV in the mid-17th century before being put on display at the residence of his son, Charles II.

It was then bequeathed to the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts near Madrid's central Puerta del Sol before being passed on to Spanish diplomat and later premier Evaristo Perez de Castro in 1823.

When he died, it passed to his descendants, only to disappear from view for nearly two centuries until it resurfaced in April 2021.

Caravaggio's 'Ecce Homo' will remain on display at Madrid's Prado Museum for nine months 

Its reappearance stunned Caravaggio experts who were "absolutely unanimous" in their recognition of the painting's provenance, Cueto said.

"All the Caravaggio specialists are in agreement which means we are certain that this is a painting by the great master of this period," he said.
'Clearly a Caravaggio'

Art historians use various methods to determine the legitimacy of an artwork, including forensic examination of the canvas and paint to determine its age, the technology and styles of the era it was created in, and the techniques of the artist or their students.

One expert involved in the authentication process was Maria Cristina Terzaghi, an art history professor from Italy's Roma Tre University who said the canvas underwent "radiographic" techniques and a "meticulous examination".

She flew into Madrid after the auction was halted, saying her examination left her in no doubt: "It was clear it was a work by Caravaggio," she told AFP at the time.

For her, the evidence was ample: from "the head of Christ" to the glow of his torso, the colour of his cloak and "the three-dimensional nature of the three figures, who are offset in a transition that is almost cinematic".

Spanish media reports said the owner was a British national living in Spain who had paid 36 million euros ($39 million) for the 400-year-old canvas.

"The painting won't end up in the home of the buyer" who wants to loan it to "public art collections for now," Jorge Coll, head of London's Colnaghi art gallery which handled the sale, told El Pais daily.

But Prado director Falomir said its future was in the hands of its owner.

"It is a privately-owned artwork so the owner will have the last word," he said.

© 2024 AFP
Lost treasures: The world's most wanted artworks
June 4, 2024

An enduring mythology has developed around stolen, looted and missing masterpieces that have not been seen for decades.

Henri Matisse's 'Pastoral' was stolen from Paris in 2010 and remains missing
Image: picture-alliance/dpa

From "Poppy Flowers" by Vincent Van Gogh to Rembrandt's missing masterpiece, "Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee," to Nazi-looted works by the likes of Gustav Klimt, absence has made the heart grow fonder for long-lost artistic treasures.

In 1969, thieves stole the "Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence," an early Baroque painting by Italian artist Caravaggio, which the artist completed in 1609 and which hung in a church in Palermo on the island of Sicily. Fifty-five years later, its whereabouts remains a mystery.

Depicting the birth of Jesus, the vast work extending near 3 meters in height was removed from its frame in the church by two thieves. It allegedly fell into the hands of the Sicilian Mafia.

After the infamous art crime was investigated by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, Interpol and Italian police, it is believed to remain in Sicily and could fetch around $20 million (€18.43 million). Several Mafia members are said to have attempted sales on the black market, with one arrested in 1981 after he was said to have buried the masterpiece.

Meanwhile, five paintings worth hundreds of millions of euros were stolen from the City Museum of Modern Art in Paris in 2010, including Pablo Picasso's "The Pigeon with Green Peas," Henri Matisse's "Pastoral" and Georges Braque's "Olive tree near l'Estaque."

These also have never been found — despite the thief having stood trial. The unprecedented French heist was described by one city official as "one of the worst events for the city of Paris, on a par with the Notre Dame fire, earth-shattering for France and the world."

World's top unsolved art crimes

The long-lost Caravaggio mentioned above features in the FBI's published list of Top 10 Art Crimes, which also includes works by Dutch master Van Gogh.

Hidden, stolen or lost: 10 famous treasures with mysterious stories

The Rhine Gold of the Nibelungen, the Amber Room or the Treasure of the Knights Templar: Many famous troves have never resurfaced. Their whereabouts remain a mystery to this day

 Frank Mächler/dpa/picture-alliance

The Amber Room

The legendary Amber Room was given by Frederick William I of Prussia to Russia's Peter the Great in 1716. During World War II, it was looted by the Nazis, who took the valuable amber to Königsberg, then in Germany. By the end of the war, the amber panels, which had been packed away in crates, disappeared. A replica can be seen in St. Petersburg, but the original remains missing to this day.
Image: Arno Burgi/dpa/picture alliance

Nazi gold train

Historians deny that the so-called "Nazi gold train" ever existed, but that hasn't stopped treasure hunters from searching for it anyway. According to legend, the train carried valuable cargo — up to 300 tons of gold, paintings and other spoils of war — and was hidden by retreating Nazis in a sealed-up rail tunnel or mine somewhere in western Poland.Image: Arno Burgi/dpa/picture alliance

The Rhine Gold

"The Song of the Nibelungs," an epic poem dating back to around 1200, is the first mention of the treasure. In the saga, the gold that Siegfried obtained in a battle against hundreds of warriors, 12 giants and a dwarf is dumped by Hagen von Tronje into the Rhine. But to this day no one knows exactly where. Some researchers believe that the gold was not sunk into the river, but buried
.Image: Presse-Bild-Poss/picture-alliance

The treasures of the Jerusalem Temple

In the year 70 CE, the Romans stole treasures from the Second Temple in Jerusalem: a golden candelabrum and the bejeweled Table of the Divine Presence, which was also made of pure gold. But with the fall of the Roman Empire they were lost. There are many theories about their whereabouts. Some believe the trove is kept in the Vatican, or that the gold was incorporated into the Kaaba, in Mecca.
Image: CPA Media Co. Ltd/picture alliance

The Tsar's Gold in Lake Baikal

Where is the last tsar's gold treasure? Maybe in the depths of Lake Baikal? According to legend, in the winter of 1920, two years after Tsar Nicholas II had been murdered, opponents of the new communist state tried to save wagons full of gold across the frozen lake. But they broke through the ice. The search for the treasure has been ongoing ever since.

Image: Jewgeni Jepantschintsew/dpa/picture-alliance

The treasure of the Knights Templar

In 1307, the wealthy Knights Templar became too powerful for the French King Philip IV. He had their leaders arrested and murdered. But where was their fortune? Philip's men did not find great wealth in the religious houses. Since then, the myth that the knights hid the treasure has persisted. Some treasure hunters believe it to be in Israel, Scotland or Oak Island in Canada.
Image: Leemage/The Holbarn Archive/picture alliance

The Honjo-Masamune sword

The Japanese master blacksmith Okazaki Masamune (1264-1343) produced the legendary katana that the samurai Honjo Shigenaga is said to have carried. The long sword was a status symbol of the Tokugawa dynasty and was passed down from generation to generation for centuries — until it was stolen by the Americans after World War II in 1945. It hasn't resurfaced since.
Image: piemags/IMAGO

A van Gogh self-portrait: 'The Painter on the Road to Tarascon' (1888)

This van Gogh painting, which shows the artist walking with his painting equipment in southern France, was stored with hundreds of other pictures in a salt mine in Stassfurt, south of Magdeburg, during World War II. Two fires in April 1945 are said to have destroyed the pictures. Or were they perhaps stolen by US soldiers or the Nazis? To this day, there is no trace of the painting
.Image: The Print Collector/Heritage Images/picture alliance

Two of Charles Darwin's notebooks

In 2000, two of Darwin's notebooks disappeared after a photo shoot. Their value: several million pounds. Did the Cambridge University Library simply file them incorrectly? After two decades of unsuccessful searches, they unexpectedly reappeared in a publicly accessible area of the library in a pink gift bag, with an Easter greeting to the librarian.
Image: Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto/picture alliance

The 'Big Maple Leaf' gold coin

There is no trace left of the 100-kilogram coin, which was probably melted down or chopped up and then sold. On March 27, 2017, the "Big Maple Leaf" coin was stolen from a display case in Berlin's Bode Museum and transported away with a wheelbarrow and skateboard. A spectacular theft. It was valued at €3.75 million. Several men from organized crime families were convicted in 2021
.Image: Marcel Mettelsiefen/dpa/picture alliance

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For instance, the $55 million-valued "Poppy Flowers," an 1887 painting by Van Gogh, was stolen twice from Cairo's Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil Museum — first in 1977 before it was found a decade later, and then again in August 2010 — the last time it was seen.

Four paintings by Van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, Edgar Degas and Claude Monet respectively were stolen in 2008 from a Swiss museum in what was described as a "spectacular art robbery." Masked and armed men entered the Emil Bührle Collection at the Kunsthaus Zurich and removed the masterpieces, before taking off in a car.
Recovering missing art

Luckily for art lovers, some of these works have found their way back to their rightful owners.

The perpetrators of the 2019 Dresden Green Vault Museum heist that saw 18th-century jewels worth more than €113 million stolen were bought to justice in 2023 — even if all the jewels did not turn up with the thieves.

A diamond encrusted sword hilt was among numerous recovered items, but some may never be seen again.

The Jewel Room in the Green Vault Museum in Dresden's Royal Palace reopened in 2020 after some stolen treasures were recovered
Image: Jens Meyer/AP/picture alliance

Former lawyer Christopher A. Marinello founded the UK-based Art Recovery International (ARI) as a means to help recover stolen, looted and missing works of art. He provided information to aid in the recovery of the Dresden jewels.

Marinello told DW that he received "a number of tips from various sources on the whereabouts of the stolen jewelery," and passed the information to law enforcement investigating the case.

"Most of our work begins when stolen and looted objects are being offered for sale," he said of ARI's recovery strategy.

"We attempt to stop the sale and negotiate a discreet resolution with the possessors and the victims," Marinello explained, adding that such negotiated out-of-court settlements save "expensive public litigation."

ARI has recently also helped return screenprints by Andy Warhol valued at $500,000 from the pop artist's Endangered Species Series.

Earlier this year, Spanish police also recovered a painting by British artist Francis Bacon that was stolen from a Madrid apartment in 2015.

Returning Nazi-looted art

Marinello also targets artworks looted by the Nazis, including a work by Polish art deco painter, Tamara De Lempicka, titled "Myrto," that was stolen from war-time France.

Locating these Nazi-looted masterworks, many from Jewish families and art dealers, is often difficult.

"People who knowingly possess stolen or Nazi-looted works of art have no scruples or moral inclination to return someone else's property," said Marinello, who is actively searching for looted art by French impressionists Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro and Edgar Degas.

Gurlitt Collection: Germany's most infamous Nazi-looted art trove

So far, only 14 works were proven to have been looted under the Nazis among the some 1,500 found in Gurlitt's hoard.

Carl Spitzweg, 'Playing the Piano,' ca. 1840

This drawing by Carl Spitzweg was seized in 1939 from Jewish music publisher Heinri Hinrichsen, who was killed at the Auschwitz death camp in 1942. It was acquired by Nazi art dealer Hildebrand Gurlitt — and later found among the spectacular collection of works hoarded by his son, Cornelius Gurlitt. The work was auctioned by Christie's at the request of Hinrichsen's heirs.Image: Staatsanwaltschaft Augsburg/Lost Art Datenbank

Max Beckmann, 'Zandvoort Beach Cafe,' 1934

The watercolor by the Jewish painter Max Beckmann entered Gurlitt's collection only in 1945. Held by the allied occupation forces at the Central Collecting Point in Wiesbaden from 1945-1950, it was returned to Hildebrand Gurlitt in 1950. Before working for the Nazi regime, Gurlitt had collected and exhibited modern art, curating Beckmann's last exhibition in 1936 before the artist fled Germany.
Image: Bundeskunsthalle / Foto: David Ertl

Otto Griebel, 'Veiled Woman,' 1926

This work was owned by lawyer and art collector Fritz Salo Glaser. Artists of Dresden's avant-garde scene were his guests in the 1920s — as was the young Hildebrand Gurlitt. It is not known how Gurlitt came to possess the painting. It was confiscated in 1945 and later returned. Of Jewish heritage, Glaser only narrowly avoided deportation to the Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1945.
Image: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH / Foto: David Ertl

Claude Monet, 'Waterloo Bridge,' 1903

This painting by the famous impressionist is not suspected to have been looted. The artist sold it to the Durand Ruel Gallery in 1907. The Jewish art merchant and publisher Paul Cassirer is said to have given it to Marie Gurlitt as a present, and she left it to her son Hildebrand Gurlitt in 1923.
Image: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH / Foto: David Ertl

Thomas Couture, 'Portrait of a Seated Young Woman,' 1850

A short handwritten note allowed provenance researchers to identify this work by the French painter as a looted work of art. The picture was seized from the collection of Jewish politician and resistance leader Georges Mandel, who was executed by French fascists near Paris in 1944. German Culture Minister Monika Grütters (right) handed over the work to Mandel's heirs in January 2019.

Image: picture-alliance/AP Photo/M. Schreiber

Paul Signac, 'Quai de Clichy,' 1887

The activist group Provenance Research Gurlitt identified this painting by French neo-impressionist Paul Signac as stolen Jewish property in October 2018. Gaston Prosper Levy fled Nazi-occupied France in 1940. Occupying soldiers are believed to have looted his art collection shortly before his escape. The painting was returned to Levy's family in 2019.Image: picture-alliance/Keystone/A. Anex

Auguste Rodin, 'Crouching Woman,' approx. 1882

Hildebrand Gurlitt must have acquired this work by the French sculptor between 1940 and 1945. Previously belonging to the Frenchman Eugene Rudier, it entered circulation in 1919 at an auction by Octave Henri Marie Mirbeau, who is said to have received it as a present from the artist.
Image: Bundeskunsthalle / Foto: David Ertl

Albrecht Dürer, Knight, Death and Devil, 1513

This copper engraving by Albrecht Dürer once belonged to the Falkeisen-Huber Gallery in Basel. It is not known how it got there or how long it was there however. In 2012 the engraving turned up in Cornelius Gurlitt's collection. "Old masters" like Dürer were very important to the National Socialists' view of art and were often exploited for propaganda.
Image: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH / Foto: David Ertl

Edvard Munch, 'Ashes II,' 1899

The provenance of this drawing is completely unknown. It is certain, however, that Hitler considered Norwegian artist Edvard Munch's work "degenerate art." Some 82 pieces by Munch were confiscated in German museums in 1937.
Image: Bundeskunsthalle/Foto: Mick Vincenz

Francois Boucher, 'Male Nude,' undated

Hitler venerated 18th-century French painting. He secured exceptional paintings for his own collection by targeting the collection of the Rothschild Family after the annexation of Austria. Hildebrand Gurlitt supplemented them with drawings by renowned French painters. He acquired this work by Boucher from a Parisian art merchant in 1942.
Image: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH / Foto: David Ertl

In Gurlitt's apartment

Cornelius Gurlitt hoarded the sculpture along with many other artworks for decades in his Munich apartment. Before his death in 2014, he consented to have his stocks researched and — should they include articles of stolen art — have them returned to their rightful owners in accordance with the Washington Principles on Nazi-looted art.
Image: privat/Nachlass Cornelius Gurlitt

"Such individuals hide behind German privacy laws to protect their ill-gotten goods to the detriment of crime victims and victims of the Holocaust," he added.

Nonetheless, the investigator noted that a number of stolen works come into the hands of "honest dealers and auction houses" who are willing to work to have the art returned.

In 1976, German performance artist Ulay (1943-2020) decided to symbolically loot Nazi art when he stole Adolph Hitler's favorite painting, "The Poor Poet" (1839) by Carl Spitzweg.

Documented on camera as part of his performance, Ulay (whose real name was Frank Uwe Laysiepen) strolled into the National Gallery in Berlin, grabbed the artwork and drove with it to the poor immigrant enclave of Kreuzberg to hang it on a Turkish family's apartment wall. Before entering their apartment, though, he stopped at a phonebooth on the street and called the museum authorities to inform them where they could retrieve the painting.

"I made a statement that this was a demonstrative action, not a theft in the traditional sense," Ulay would later explain. He considered it a "protest action, first of all against the institutionalization of art, secondarily about discrimination against foreign workers."

Edited by: Brenda Haas

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