Election week one and the Harper takes the lead in the all important fashion look. Yep he got more comments from the Media and pundits about his New Look, which they mistakenly called the Turtle Neck.
Get with it folks. Don't you guys shop at Henry Rosen or Tip Top. Now I know guys don't watch Fashion TV ,except for the Victoria Secret segments, but come on we got some female pundits here and they should know the difference between a Mock Turtle Neck and a Turtle Neck.
The Harper is sporting the latest in casual yet office acceptable apparel for those who don't want to wear neckties. It's not a T-Shirt and its Not a Turtle neck its the Mock Turtle Neck.
And Lets not get confused again.
Mock Turtle

Turtle Neck

Harpers mock turtle neck seems appropriate for his politics they are after all mock conservative, and he specialises in mocking the Liberals, and well he got mocked for his choice of cowboy attire this summer, including by me.

And it makes him look like the University Professor he always wanted to be. Ah the Intellectual Harper, not the every man but the expert.
Well congrats to the Tories for finding someone to dress him properly after this summers Stampede cowboy debacle.
So first week of the election the Harper sets the fashion agenda. Image is everything in politics. Mssrs. Duccepe, Layton and Martin, gentlemen how will you top this?
Certainly not dressed like this....

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