And then a big brave Liberal named PM rode into Ottawa and said I am offended at all the money that them Liberals spent in Quebec and I am going to do something about it. But the people were not amused and they said, but you are a Liberal.
And big brave PM said Yes I am but not a Liberal like them. And so he got the good sheriff of Gomery to look into the nasty deeds done by bad Liberals. And the good Sheriff of Gomery said that PM was a good Liberal, and that he did not know what the bad Liberals were doing, and the bad Liberals should go to jail.
And so the Liberal party was saved by PM and they all lived happily ever after...........
Except for the nasty Troll Kretien who lived under the PeaceTower and kept popping up and saying; "I yam gonna sue dat Sheriff Gomery d'about what he been saying about me".
But other than that..........
oh yeah and then their was the other Troll Peltme who said "nyah nyah I got my job back",
But other than that...............
opps then there was that other Troll DingDonginthewell who was a bad Liberal and PM got rid of him but he kept popping up saying; "I'm entitled" (he thought he was a prince)...
Well ok they kinda lived happily ever after........Except that the people called an election and PM was sad, cause he wanted to do so much for the people, with their money, and he said that the people didn't need an election cause he had put the Kingdom right with all his Kings Horses and all his Kings men, and it was just that nasty Prince of Darkness the Harp that wanted an election.
And then PM said to all the boys and girls in the Kingdom I will give you daycare, they cheered, I will give you healthcare,they cheered, I will give you clean air, and they cheered.
Suddenly there was a flash and in a puff of smoke the Pied Piper Layton appeared and said, hey I already said that stuff, and the children cheered.
Well it all got complicated after that and we are not sure where anyone was living or whether they were happy or not, cause no-one talked about the homeless or the poor, but that is a tale for another day.
The End.
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