Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Losers

"I can't win for losing here," Clinton said, with the prime minister at his side.

Funny you should say that Bill, my thoughts exactly.

Oh look UN photo op, Bill still wants to be elected alrighty as the next Secretary General of the UN. And his pal Paul could help him. So what's a little politicking between pals eh?

Hot Air at the Climate Conference

"I was glad to have a chance to meet with the prime minister but I'm not involved in your politics here," Clinton said. Then with a chuckle, he added: "I also know what the law is, as well as what the custom is."

Martin rejected the idea he was seeking to borrow some of Clinton's star power.

"This is not a political meeting," the prime minister said.

Gales of laughter as the flash bulbs go off.

Political Morality

Clinton may have the ignoble distinction of being the second U.S. president ever impeached. But none of that appears to make a whit of difference to Canadians.

We Canadians are after all used to Sex in the Highest Office of the Land. We had years of Trudeau in power with his many pecadillos and escapades, not mention those of Mrs. Trudeau and her fondness for ALL of the Rolling Stones. Trudeau wasn't known as Canada's Swinging PM for nothing. In fact one of his former lovers is the Liberal Candidate running against Jack Layton. Cheeky eh.

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