The Case for Invading Iran
by Guest Author at January 19, 2006 01:24 PM
by Thomas Holsinger
And the logic of this is that if Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons hit them before they do cause we all know America is a pussy cat when it comes to countries with Nukes. And a

Which begs the question, Iran is surrounded by Nuclear Powers, Pakistan, India, China, Russia, Israel, Turkey (US base). Why is the West so fixated on this issue. Why the dismissal of Irans intentions to develop a domestic nuclear energy program? The reason given is that Iran lies. This is an ideological given by all who talk about the Iranian nuclear power issue. They see Iran wanting to be a Nuclear Power and discussions of Iran wanting to use Nuclear Power for domestic civilian purposes are dismissed out of hand. Except by Russia. Who is of course biased since it is trading with them.
But if Russia endorses the Iranian program, then as the endorser and supplier they need to be held responsible for insuring that the program remians civilian. Putin and China will not allow the UN to sanction Iran. So the diplomatic way of dealing with this is to have UN inspectors work with Russia insuring Iran does what it says it is going to do.
Is Iran paranoid. Well of course they are. And just because they are it doesn't mean the US the UN and the EU is not out to get them. They are also aware that the American Imperialist Tiger is next door, with hundreds of thousands of troops, and an unstable war mongering leadership. A leadership that calls them an axis of evil. That has them on a hit list with North Korea. After the Afghanistan invasion, and now the Iraq invasion, Iran has American and Nato troops sitting on its doorstep. Along with Pakistan, as America's new client state.
Nuclear Iran: A matter of time
In geopolitical terms of course Iran is worried that it is next for invasion. And with articles like the one above, they are not being paranoid. That being said the Americans would face world outrage over any attempted invasion of Iran. Despite the censoring of Iran for its outrageous, but predictble, Anti-Semitic remarks, and for its Nuclear posturing, the EU and UN do NOT want war with Iran.
Most Americans tired of the war in Iraq will not sanction War with Iran. Unlike Iraq any such invasion or armed intervention in Iran would be met with mass resistance. Given that the sabre rattling has to stop. It only feeds into Iran's political paranoia, one that creates the conditions for Iran to see no alternative but to build a nuclear weapons system. Because America only respects countries with Nukes.

nuclear weapons
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