Thursday, January 19, 2006

Alberta Values

Liberals gun policy fires blanks in Alberta

This must be one of those Alberta values that puts us out of touch with Buzz Hargroves definition of social democratic values of Canadians.

Which is why he supports the BQ in Quebec;

Quebec's distinct view on guns

Gun control support is popular here

John MacFarlane,

Published: January 9, 2006

MONTREAL -- Quebecers are a little off the wall when it comes to guns and gun control.

The province has the highest incidence of hunters in Canada, says pollster Christian Bourque of Léger Marketing. But apparently even our gun nuts are a distinct society – Quebecers tend to support gun control initiatives more fervently than anyone else in the country.

Buzz opposes the NDP on this issue because even the NDP knows that the Liberal handgun ban is stupid and a cheap political ploy to get votes.Ed Sez: Gun Ban Useless

The NDP would increase border guards and arm them something their union has been asking for and the Liberals denied them. They still deny the problem is illegal guns and and understaffed unarmed border patro, They want to blame sports shooters and gun collectors. Liberals Want Your Handguns

The traditional home of the CCF and NDP has historically opposed the gun ban. That's a Western Canadian social democratic value Buzz.

No need for gun debate in Saskatchewan

When you envision a Saskatchewan gun owner, what do you see? A flannel shirt-wearing, tobacco-spitting redneck driving a six-wheeled truck, like the yahoos in this Arrogant Worms song Let There be Guns.

The true picture is more nuanced than that.

The face of the anti-gun control movement in Saskatchewan has long been Dr. Ed Hudson . Hudson is best known for flaunting his 55
unregistered firearms in front of television cameras and pleading, "Arrest me! I'm breaking the law!" Hudson wants to be led away in handcuffs so he can take his fight against the gun registry to the Supreme Court of Canada and have the Firearms Act struck down.

It won't happen in Saskatchewan.

That's because Saskatchewan's justice department, which argued against gun registration in the Supreme Court and lost, doesn't enforce the Firearms Act. Shortly after the high court's 2000 decision, Saskatchewan's justice minister thumbed his nose at the feds. Please, register your guns, he said through gritted teeth, but if you don't, we won't prosecute you.

This should be no surprise in a province with the lowest support for gun control in the country - 49 per cent, according to one 2003 Environics poll

You know some of us are always suspicious when the state wants to disarm workers Buzz. You should be too. But I guess that's a working class value we don't share with the bosses from Bay Street or CAW.

More Gun Stories Here

Also see:
Canada's Billion Dollar P3 Boondoggle


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