Thursday, January 26, 2006

Outlaw Working Alone

Once again a worker a teenage girl on a night shift has been killed while working alone.

Girl, 17, killed on first night shift at Montreal store

A 17-year-old female clerk was killed overnight inside a gas station convenience store in the St-Léonard area of Montreal, police said on Wednesday morning.

Last year it was a young woman again working alone this time in Ontario that was killed. And the McGuinty government downplayed the need for safer working conditions. The safest would be to have no-one work alone in a retail outlet during the night shift. But of course that would cut into the bottomline.

Working Alone Kills
Body in Ottawa identified as missing 18-year-old Exhausted after more than a week of torturous uncertainty, her brother and others had no public words to offer about the vivacious Jennifer, a student and soccer goalie who chatted with friends on the walk home from her late shift at a fast food restaurant, then disappeared. Ms. Teague's friends are also, understandably, distraught

McGuinty Denies Workers Safety
Late night laws unnecessary: McGuinty Canadian Press September 21, 2005 TORONTO -- Premier Dalton McGuinty does not think legislation is necessary to ensure young workers in Ontario get homtee safely from their late night jobs. McGuinty is calling on businesses to "be good corporate citizens" and ensure they have a voluntary plan in place to assist employees who work late.

In Alberta it took a number of attacks on women working alone and finally a death of a young woman in a Calgary Sub shop to get the Alberta Government to introduce its, toothless, Working Alone legislation. Which of course the big retail chains like 7-11 lobbied against. And of course this always occurs in a non-union workplace.


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