Old Kate the voice of the Republican arm of the Conservatives over at Sniveling Dead Animals was whinning again, or is that whinnying, about how the media has a liberal left bias in Canada.
Really could have fooled me. Watching CPAC with its cross country coverage of Talk Shows during the elction one gets the feeling that every single radio host must be a subscriber to the National Review in order to get hired. And being a loud mouth right winger is defined as 'controversial'. I would think that with such a plethora of right wingers on talk shows it would be more controversial to have a left wing host.
Last time I checked the Sun chain was right wing, and the Canada.com chain carries both liberal and conservative commentators. The National Post is the very essence of the voice of the right. The Globe and Mail also has its fair share of Right Wing nutbars. Macleans now is the Alberta Report reborn. Go here for a break down of the Election coverage and its Conservative Bias.
So the if the media is the mirror that Kate wants to see her reflection in it

And even CBC has the likes of Ezra Levant on to comment, has a columnist from the right on its web page and hired Rick Anderson of the Reform party to be its masked insider commentator on the Canadian Election.
Old Kate also wants to see taxpayers quit funding liberal think tanks. How about if we quit funding the more influential right wing think tanks like the C.D. Howe Institute, The Fraser Institute and the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies.
The media in Canada has gone through a seismic shift since the eighties when Lubor Zink was the lone voice of the looney right wailing about the liberal left media, ok him and Peter Worthington.
So where has Kate been? Even in Saskatchewan the Canada.com papers there spin the editorials and opinion pages to the right.
But hey Kate isn't satisfied until we have Faux news here. With its ever objective Bill O' Reilly as a commentator. You see to the right wing its only free speech if you can lie, slander and denigrate your oponents while saying, don't you agree.
Without acknowledging error, O'Reilly modified false Abramoff claim; attacked "organized terror" from "far-left websites"
Summary: Bill O'Reilly modified his previous false claim that lobbyist Jack Abramoff donated money to both Republicans and Democrats, saying: "His personal donations were to Republicans." However, O'Reilly made no admission of his previous error, and went on to attack "far-left websites" for "put[ting] out a fatwa" against him and Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell, further claiming the websites engage in "organized terror."
On the January 23 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly modified a false claim he made three days before that former lobbyist Jack Abramoff donated money to both Democrats and Republicans, saying: "His personal donations were to Republicans." In modifying his claim, however, O'Reilly made no admission of his previous error, nor did he apologize for having berated a caller to his nationally syndicated radio show for correctly noting that Democrats received no money directly from Abramoff. O'Reilly went on to attack the "far-left websites" for "put[ting] out a fatwa" against him and Washington Post ombudsman Deborah Howell and and to claim that the websites engage in "organized terror.
Also see:
Much Ado About BCE
CTV is NOT the CBCCTV/G&M Showing Conservative Bias
CTV Liberal Bias
This is Fearmongering?
The Revolving door at the National Pest
Macleans the New Alberta Report
It's A Family Thing
right wing
Fox News
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