A tip o the blog to Dissonance and Disrespect for this.Ottawa — Canada's next ambassador to the United States will be Mulroney-era finance minister Michael Wilson, The Globe and Mail has learned.
Mr. Wilson is expected to be appointed toward the end of this week or early next week, pending the agreement of the U.S. government, which is normally a formality.
The appointment is the latest example of former prime minister Brian Mulroney's influence on Stephen Harper's new Conservative government. Derek Burney, a former chief of staff to Mr. Mulroney who also served as ambassador to the U.S from 1989 to 1993, is head of Mr. Harper's transition team and was also rumoured to be in line for the job.
Mr. Wilson, 68, takes over from outgoing ambassador Frank McKenna, who tendered his resignation immediately after Mr. Harper won the Jan. 23 election.
Other members of Mr. Mulroney's inner circle who are close to Mr. Harper include senators Hugh Segal and Marjory LeBreton, both of whom have acted as advisers to the new Prime Minister.
Mr. Wilson was Mr. Mulroney's finance minister and is best known as the man who introduced the much-maligned goods and services tax in 1990. Besides finance, Mr. Wilson also served as minister of industry, science and technology and of international trade.
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I'd take Mulroney over Trudeau, Chretien or Paul Martin any day.
Isn't this guy one of the staunchest supporters of public private partnerships too?
And he is probably the most qualified person for the job, so what is your point with this post?
Are you saying that he should not be put in this position? That he would not serve Canada to the best of his ability? Again, what is the point here?
TT really even over Harper? Becuase your wish has come true.
Rob yep he sure was. Introduced the idea of P3's and the GST two strikes and yer out.
Platty: I think my point was that Canadians who voted for Harper were not expecting Mulroney and his hanger ons to be running the government which is what appears to be happening because the Harperites have no experience in running a governmetn. Irony was ozzing out of this since Harper and his Reform/Alliance party was created in OPPOSITION to Mulroney's Conservatives. Remember?!
"Platty: I think my point was that Canadians who voted for Harper were not expecting Mulroney and his hanger ons to be running the governmen..."
To say this is a premature observation based on very little evidence would be, to say the least, an extreme understatement.
Platty; "To say this is a premature observation based on very little evidence" Gee how much evidence do ya need? Buckets of Grewals worth?
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