Like the Chretien Adscam which dominated his short lived reign as PM, now Paul has made the Liberal party news again. It's overshadowing the Harper victory with masses of media speculation on who will be running for the Liberal leadership. Clever.
The one successful tactic that worked for the Liberals in the whole election comes the night they lose.
Lots of speculation has dominated the political blogs, left, liberal and right. And frankly I could really care less.
But Adam Rawdwaski makes an interesting point in his National Pest column;
Last week, I got into an online debate with a fellow blogger about why urbanites are so obsessed with the Conservatives' position on gay marriage.
There's another reason for Harper to hurry up with this. To this point, the Liberals haven't been able to fully exploit gay marriage as a wedge issue because Paul Martin was himself unwilling to make a proper case for it. The next Liberal leader probably won't be so squeamish. If the Conservatives wait even until later in this parliament to hold the vote, they'll be handing him a ready-made cause to wrap himself around.
Which is why it is likely this guy will run for the Liberal leadership.

Scott Brison mulls Liberal leadership run - Toronto Star - 29 Jan 2006
Brison says he's getting calls about running for Liberal ... - - 29 Jan 2006
Liberal Leadership
Scott Brison
I'd love to see the Liberals choose Brison as their leader simply on the basis that it would cause the socon's heads to explode and would cause them to reveal the true face of the Conservative Party.
On another matter, I sent you an email to this address;
Is that an active addy? If not, let me know where to resend it.
Yep their heads are already exploding over Bill Graham who also is gay. Which I will be blogging they say watch this space for it. And yes my email address works. I'll check for your email.
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