So ask your self this, why does boxing on ice skates; hockey result in riots on Whyte Avenue. Could there be a connection between this violent sport, one the fans watch for fights, as Don Cherry has made a video career out of, and fans on Whyte getting rowdy and violent? Nah.
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Don, Cherry, Hockey, Whyte, Avenue, Oilers, NHL, riot, Edmonton, Alberta
So why then do entire continents of metrosexuals (Europe, S. America) get into violent riots over soccer, a game with almost no body contact and for that matter almost no exciting plays? Remember that these soccer riots on a quiet day eclipse anything Whyte Avenue has ever produced.
Come to think of it, could there be a connection with the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles and the contention that black people are naturally violent?
Maybe all of those Seattle protests are proof a posteriori about the violent soulless nature of left-wingers, or the violent anti-human foundation of their philosophies? Doesn't this sound like a fun and easy game that anybody can play?
Ah my racist Whyte Avenue dweeb returns and I thought you had fallen off the face of the earth. Lets see you managed to argue that there is a secret black subculture on the ETS bus system that prevented the police from finding the person who assaulted the student at Oliver school, which they still haven;t so obviously the underground railroad you conjecture about is thus proven. Now you claim Europe and South America are metrosexuals, ahh wrong ooo boyo. They are macho cultures. Hence the soccer holliganism, after all unlike overweight baseball players soccer is actually a physical and violent sport. Unlike baseball which needs steroids to keep the bonds scoring.
OMG! You are not just a racist you are ignorant too! Oh but aren't all racist ignorant? Hmmmmm
You have NO idea what you're talking about! Soccer has no exciting plays? Are you crazy too? Soccer is one of the oldest sports, it's worldwide and violent. Have you ever been to a World Cup game? I have! I travel all over the world to see a game. It is not only a passion, it's very exciting too. For others it's a life! They eat, sleep and drink football(soccer).The fans are very patriatic. Something you're probably missing. You're probably over weight, eat fast foods and watch football. Grown men feeling up on each other every 10 yards, then a kick and a goal. How easy. Don't get me wrong... I love football too but any one can play. Soccer requires extreme physical conditioning and a lot of talent to control the ball with every part of their body except their hands. Do us a favor and educate yourself on subjects you're not familiar with.
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