This item is locked, however amongst all the AIDS conference news this is the only story critical of the Bill and Bill show in TO. However to his credit Stephen Lewis on the other hand has been focusing on AIDS victims and activists, in particular the Grandmothers from Africa.

American singer Alicia Keys (centre) and UN AIDS envoy Stephen Lewis (right) join grandmothers from around the world affected by AIDS at an event raising awareness about the disease at the International AIDS conference in Toronto, Sunday. (CP / Stuart Nimmo)
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What is more disgusting with these AIDS Conferences are the attention they pay to philanthropists AND big pharma who seek to control the debate surrounding HIV AIDS, and denying a voice to the over 2,500 scientists world-wide, including the discoverer of the virus HIV, who are now stating that HIV alone cannot cause AIDS.
This "crisis" has become a huge scam in which big pharma as well as ASO's are implicitly involved.
Furthermore, the numbers out of Africa are based upon computer projected models, which do not reflect reality. Nor is it feasible to test people for HIV in Africa consistently. In fact, to inflate numbers, a test isn't even required in some countries, only symptoms -- symptoms that could also be TB and Malaria.
It's a numbers game, and the victims are the thousands/millions of individuals who are being prescribed anti-HIV medication as guinea pigs, who may not even need them.
Open debate, not only numbers and money is also needed. It could very well be, in 20 years, the biggest scandel in human history -- creating a mega crisis (not saying that it isn't, but the cause), for the profits of pharma companies, and now military (remember, AIDS is a national security issue).
Good points, I posted about big pharma in my article The Mulroney Legacy. Also see Harpers Magazine for a critical, and controversial, article about Africa and the AIDS industry; AIDS and the corruption of medical science
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