Yeah I know it's difficult to be humble when you get it right....
Weapons in space
Going ballistic: Twenty years after he announced it, Reagan's missile defence legacy lives on in the U.S. -- and Canada. David Pugliese investigates.
Xia Liping, a People's Liberation Army (PLA) officer and professor at the Shanghai Institute for International Strategic Studies, said Beijing did not want an arms race in space. But the reported test may have been intended to push Washington towards international talks aimed at preventing a race, he suggested.
"The weaponisation of space would be very dangerous; it could lead to a new arms race," said Xia, who stressed he had no firm knowledge of any test. "I would say, though, that in the history of arms control the rule is that the United States is willing to ban a military capability only when other countries possess it."
In October, the White House finally released its new U.S. National Space Policy (NSP). This came after years of dithering and bureaucratic infighting as to what it would include and how far it would stretch the boundaries from the previous policy, last updated during the Clinton administration in 1996. The new NSP at first glance doesn’t indicate many obvious differences. However, a closer reading reveals that this, like everything else coming out of the Bush White House, contains a unilateralist and militaristic bent that could prove quite dangerous.
This policy heavily promotes “unhindered” access to space for the United States, while the previous one pushed for access to space for all countries. The new NSP also contains a distrust of international institutions that falls in line with much of the administration’s prior actions. See: Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, abrogation of; Kyoto Treaty, dismissal of; International Criminal Court, continued opposition to.
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