CN awaits the State to legislate UTU workers back to work. They have made no effort to deliver just in time.
Rather they would sacrifice Canadians needs on the backs of their workers. It is after all a sure fire way of increasing your stock price. And your salary.
Ironically 'precision railroad' sounds a lot like precision model trains, and that is how Hunter Harrison has been running CN. Like his own toy railroad in his rec room. Or should that be wreck room?
The bottom line: Did CN push too hard?
In his four years at the throttle, Hunter Harrison has revolutionized how CN Rail does business, driving productivity, boosting the stock price by 150 per cent and making $56-million in 2005 for himself in his pursuit of a "precision railroad."
Five day stock price during strike
CNR (Canadian National Railway Company ) Last: $54.45 Change: +0.51 (+0.95%)
Revenue (ttm): $7,716.0M EPS: 3.91 Market Cap: $27,493.13M Time: 4:23pm ET
The strike is unlikely to have much of an impact on Canada's economy if it's settled within a month, Robert Hogue, a Bank of Montreal economist, said today in a report. ``While the current impact on business and many remote communities can be heavy, much of the broader economic toll, if any, will only surface if the strike carries on significantly longer,'' Hogue said.
The government is using the pretext of inconvenience to bring in Back To Work Legislation today. But inconvenience by whom?
Blaming the workers instead of CN which refuses to bargain. Notice the State always brings in " back to work" legislation, never back to bargaining legislation. And notice who is returning to work for the good of the country.
SeeLee Rawsthorne of the United Transportation Union local in Winnipeg said the returnees include about 150 workers in Winnipeg, roughly 30 in Dauphin and about six in Brandon.
Workers in Melville, Sask., are also reported to have laid down their picket signs.
Rawsthorne said the national union may not approve of the return to the job, but he said workers felt it was the right thing to do.
"It was never our intention to damage our country," he told CBC News. "It was to try to negotiate a deal.
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