- Afghan President Hamid Karzai has offered to meet personally with Taliban leader Mullah Omar and another top insurgent for peace talks.
Something Karzai would have told Parliament if his speech had not been ghost written for him by the Department of Defense. They took particular pains to single out the NDP for criticism in support of their Kandahar operations.
And while Peter Mackay's office denies it the facts at the time bear it out. Because Layton met Karzai and they discussed peace talks.
He also took direct aim at NDP Leader Jack Layton's opposition to the war, saying that those who believe the mission was weighted too heavily toward combat and not enough toward reconstruction were wrong.
The irony is that while Jack promotes peace talks, and is blasted for it being called Taliban Jack, Harper actually has hung out with Warlords connected to the Taliban.
One Blogging Tory tries to spin the bad news this way;
The Difference Between NDP Surrender & Afhganistan Democracy
Once again providing disinformation by generalization; that the NDP is calling for withdrawal from Afghanistan. Which it isn't. Its calling for withdrawal from Kandahar with reduced forces stationed in Kabul doing peace keeping.And actually would it be any different in Afghanistan if the Taliban were part of parliament? He asked tongue in cheek.

A woman casts her ballot in Afghanistan’s
September 18, 2005, election, for which
Canada provided support.
Afghan voters elected the members
of the Wolesi Jirga (lower chamber
of the National Assembly) and
representatives of 34 provincial councils.
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