Feb 3, 2025

From Confederation of Revolutionary Anarcho-Syndicalists (KRAS)

From Confederation of Revolutionary Anarcho-Syndicalists (KRAS)
December 30, 2024
On December 27-29, the 3rd conference (“convergence”) of anarcho-syndicalists from Asia-Pacific countries was held in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. It was attended by delegates from Australia, Burma (Myanmar), Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia, representatives of the Secretariat of the International Labor Association and the M.A.T. Sub-Secretariat in Asia-Pacific, as well as on-line comrades from a number of other countries.
Delegates were sent by the Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation (ASF, M.A.T. section in Australia), the Workers Solidarity Federation (WSF, M.A.T. friendly organization in Pakistan), PPAS (M.A.T. section in Indonesia), a group of M.A.T. supporters in Seoul, Korea, initiatives for M.A.T. from Yangon, Burma, and Singapore. Comrades from Thailand, Japan and other countries participated via videoconference.
The participating delegations introduced their organizations, spoke about their local and regional work, the economic situation of the working class in their countries and the situation of trade unionism, anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism in the workplace.
The PPAS delegation opened the meeting with a presentation of their organization and network / federations in the production centers in the cities of Jakarta, Surabaya, Tamanggung and Bogor. The difficulties faced by PPAS, which currently has to work illegally, were described.
The delegation from Thailand presented the actions being carried out, cooperative work among workers, the current situation of trade unions and the spread of industry and services in the region.
Comrades exchanged information on the social and political situation in their countries, as well as experiences of struggle. Ways and methods to improve the coordination of activities on a regional and international scale were also discussed.
During the meeting it was noted that anarcho-syndicalists in the region have to operate in difficult conditions: in Singapore protests are forbidden, in Myanmar the civil war between the junta and its opponents is raging, in Indonesia the authorities are waging a campaign against anarchism, in Indonesia and Pakistan atheist propaganda is punishable by death, in Indonesia there are big problems with employment of women and youth, etc.
The meeting expressed solidarity with CNT-AIT, the M.A.T. section in Spain, which has been sued in the most shameful way by the dissident reformists from CIT in a bourgeois court. The resolution adopted on this occasion states:
“The 3rd Asian-Pacific M.A.T. Conferencia 3 expresses its solidarity with the CNT-AIT of Spain. We condemn the CNT-CIT for taking legal action against it and attempting to intimidate the anarcho-syndicalist organization, the CNT-AIT.
We also express our concern about CIT's actions in Southeast Asia, where it supports authoritarian labor unions that collaborate with the state and support the government.
For international solidarity!”
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