Saturday, February 08, 2025

Op-Ed: Gaza ‘redevelopment’ — A recruitment poster for a new American war

By Paul Wallis
February 7, 2025

People inspect the aftermath of an Israeli strike in central Gaza. — © AFP Omar AL-QATTAA

The total inability of American conservatism to comprehend the views of others is an established fact. Superficiality is a genetic condition in these people. If these guys were capable of listening to reason, they’d stay well away from Gaza.

Whatever the issue, they don’t and won’t get it. They didn’t get Vietnam, either. The incredibly naïve and equally insensitive Gaza redevelopment will create more terrorism and very probably attacks on American soil.

Digging up the mass graves to put in kitschy buildings may be an issue. The infrastructure required to make the place habitable is totally destroyed. There are as usual lots of unexploded shells, bombs, and other ordnance. Cleaning it up will take years.

US involvement in the Middle East ultimately led to 911 and multiple wars. What sort of response is likely to an idiotic two-dimensional beach resort in Gaza? ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, and anything in between will have a field day. The propaganda value on social media alone would generate thousands of fighters.

Any American development would be a sitting duck—an unmissable target for just about anyone or anything. Trying to secure it would be close enough to impossible and unbelievably expensive.

Disabling US intelligence by firing everyone who knows what they’re doing won’t help. The sheer scale of Middle East intelligence issues should be obvious to a house brick, but no, that’s not an issue.

Then there’s Iran, the obvious instant threat. They’re already on extremely bad terms with the Trump administration, with Trump “telling advisors to obliterate Iran” if he’s assassinated.

(Everything is melodrama with this guy.)

Instead of giving pre-posthumous advice, he should be checking the realities. The backers of Hamas aren’t likely to miss a chance to poke Trump so close to home. Israel and Iran came very close to an all-out war over Gaza, and things haven’t exactly cooled down.

You can see it now – Trump Mall, Trump statues, and Trump Luxury Hotels For Bozos getting the benefits of Iran’s first dirty bomb or real bomb. That’s assuming they can get any of these monuments to ignorance built in less than a decade.

The Palestinian exodus may be far tougher than US deportations. Illegal US immigrants aren’t shooting back, well, not yet. The Palestinians and their allies, aka the entire Middle East in this case, definitely will.

The US will have to pay for whatever happens out of what’s likely to be a completely dysfunctional revenue mix of tariffs and tax cuts. That’s not gonna happen. More debt is the only possible outcome.

US involvement in the Middle East has been an ongoing torrent of costs for very little return on investment.

Who’s likely to win a full-scale long-term engagement?


Having effectively written itself out of global good graces with tariffs, the US has been systematically disabling many of its other links with the outside world. Antagonizing allies is one of those issues. The US will get no help or token help in another Middle East war.

China is the default choice, particularly for people who don’t want to do business with this demented version of the US.

In one half-witted move, the Gaza initiative destroys both credibility and diplomatic relations. It creates a flashpoint with more wars with unlimited costs.

The word “incompetence” can do only so much.

The opinions expressed in this Op-Ed are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Digital Journal or its members.

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