Monday, May 27, 2024

 Michigan reports a human case of bird flu, the nation’s second linked to H5N1 outbreak in dairy cows

Asecond human case of bird flu infection linked to the current H5N1 outbreak in dairy cows has been detected, in a farm worker who had exposure to infected cows, Michigan state health authorities announced on Wednesday.

In a statement, health officials said the individual had mild symptoms and has recovered. Evidence to date suggests this is a sporadic infection, with no signs of ongoing spread, the statement said.

“Farmworkers who have been exposed to impacted animals have been askd to report even mild symptoms, and testing for the virus has been made available,” Natasha Bagdasarian, the state’s chief medical executive, said in the statement.

“The current health risk to the general public remains low,” she added. “This virus is being closely monitored, and we have not seen signs of sustained human-to-human transmission at this point. This is exactly how public health is meant to work, in early detection and monitoring of new and emerging illnesses.”

This is only the third human case ever of H5N1 reported in the United States. A man in Texas who worked on a dairy farm was infected there earlier in this outbreak. The country’s first case, in the spring of 2022, was in a man in Colorado who was involved in culling H5N1-infected birds in a poultry outbreak there.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said a nasal swab taken from the Michigan farm worker was negative for flu. But a swab of the person’s eye was sent to the CDC, where it tested positive for H5 flu virus, though final confirmation that it’s the H5N1 subtype is pending genetic sequencing. This was the only symptom the individual had, the CDC said.

In the Texas case in late March, the only symptom reported was conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye.

“We found this case because we were looking for this case. And we were looking for it because we were prepared. And in particular, the state of Michigan was prepared,” CDC’s Principal Deputy Director Nirav Shah said during a press conference organized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Jennifer Nuzzo, director of the Pandemic Center at Brown University’s School of Public Health, said she wished other states were looking for H5N1 cases as aggressively as Michigan is.

“If there’s any takeaway from this finding it’s that this is probably the tip of the iceberg because this is the one state that we know of that has done the most in terms of testing on farms of both cows and also monitoring workers that are on the farms where they found cattle infections,” she told STAT.

Nuzzo said she took no comfort from the fact that only two human cases have been detected so far in this outbreak, and worries that people may be reading too much into that low number.

“The absence of finding cases is being interpreted as reassuring, that this [outbreak] is perhaps something that is abating,” she said. “And I have absolutely no ability to tell you that’s happening, in part because I think the testing that we’re doing could very well be qualitatively … misleading.”

During the press conference, Dawn O’Connell, assistant secretary for preparedness and response at HHS, revealed that 4.8 million doses of H5N1 vaccine that has been stockpiled in bulk is in the process of being put into vials — a process called fill and finish. This is a little less than half of the vaccine believed to be effective against the current strain of H5N1 that is stored in the National Pre-Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Stockpile.

O’Connell said the decision to make the vaccine more readily deployable was taken a couple of weeks ago. “It takes a couple of months to be able to fill and finish vaccine doses… so I thought it made sense, given what we were seeing,” she said.

O’Connell said a decision to use the vaccine has not been made.

To date, nearly 900 people in 24 countries have been confirmed to have been infected with H5N1 since 2003, with most cases tied to exposure to infected poultry. On rare occasions, there have been small clusters of cases that raised questions about whether limited person-to-person spread has occurred — something that is hard to prove when multiple people have the same exposures to infected animals. Ongoing spread among people has not been detected, and it is believed the virus would need to evolve further to gain the ability to spread easily to and among people.

The outbreak in cattle, the first known to have occurred with this virus, was confirmed in late March, though evidence suggests that it had been underway for several months before testing revealed the cause of a drop in milk production among cows.

Since then the U.S. Department of Agriculture has confirmed outbreaks in 52 herds in nine states, including Michigan, which has reported 19 infected herds — more than any other state. (The USDA’s most recent tally does not include four that Michigan reported since May 17.)

Experts following the outbreak believe the national count of affected herds significantly underestimates the scope of the problem. Both the USDA and the CDC have admitted that farmers have been reluctant to allow testing of their cows or their workers, afraid of the stigma attached to being associated with the outbreak.

But that has been less true in Michigan, where state officials have taken a uniquely aggressive stance in its public health response, informed, in part, by the devastating impacts H5N1 has had on the state’s poultry flocks in the past few years.

On May 1, Tim Boring, director of the state’s Department of Agriculture, declared an “extraordinary animal health emergency,” signing an order requiring Michigan farmers to step up their biosecurity measures. “Most farms have been good cooperators with that,” Boring told STAT in an interview last week.

Farmers have also been open to working with local health authorities to fill out questionnaires that could help investigators track how the virus is moving between dairy herds throughout the state. “Hundreds and hundreds of farm workers here in Michigan have been interviewed,” Boring said. “They understand the importance of understanding how this is moving around so we can limit the spread of this.”

Local health authorities have also been monitoring workers from farms with infected herds for symptoms — either through regular phone calls with farm supervisors or automated text messages that ask if they’ve been experiencing conjunctivitis or any flu-like symptoms, even mild ones. Testing is being offered to any symptomatic workers who’ve been exposed to animals on affected farms or are living in congregate settings with people who’ve been exposed.

In an interview Wednesday afternoon, Bagdasarian, the Michigan health official, described the discovery of a human case as a sign these efforts to find new infections are paying off. “Michigan has really been one of the states leading in terms of testing, so it’s not surprising that we have picked up on this sporadic case,” she said. At least 35 people have been tested so far, she said. This case is the first to have come back positive.

Bagdasarian said officials have seen no evidence of secondary infections. But the state is not yet conducting serological surveys — looking for antibodies to H5N1 in the blood of farm workers and those they’ve been in contact with — to determine if there have been unreported cases, and possibly even spread from those individuals to others.

“We’ve always talked about the need to do additional studies to do additional engagement, and to do a big look at serology, especially for people who may have remained asymptomatic throughout,” Bagdasarian said. “That would be a next step.”

Shah said the CDC would very much like to conduct serology studies among dairy farm workers, including those, like the Michigan individual, who test positive. “At this time, we’re not there yet,” he said.

Eric Deeble, the USDA’s acting senior advisor for H5N1, announced during the news conference that additional financial incentives are being planned to try to entice dairy farmers to report infections in their herds and take steps to reduce the risks to cows and workers on the farms. Compensation for lost milk — a substantial drop in milk production is the most notable sign of infection in a herd — is planned, but will take a few more weeks to finalize, he said.

This story has been updated throughout with comments from the HHS news conference and interviews with Bagdasarian and Nuzzo.

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Chickens, ducks, seals and cows: A dangerous bird flu strain is knocking on Australia's door

dairy cows
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

A dangerous strain of avian influenza (bird flu) is now wreaking havoc on every continent except Australia and the rest of Oceania. While we remain free from this strain for now, it's only a matter of time before it arrives.

Penguins in Antarctica, pelicans in Peru, sea lions in South America and dairy cows in the United States have all been hit by fast-spreading and often lethal high pathogenicity , known as HPAI H5N1.

Indeed, avian influenza is knocking on our door right now. Just today, a case of avian influenza was reported in a return traveler, and Victorian authorities have confirmed avian influenza on an egg farm. Importantly, authorities have confirmed the virus affecting chickens is not the virus we are most worried about. Authorities are responding and we expect more information to come in the days ahead.

Researchers and biosecurity authorities are on high alert, monitoring poultry farms and testing wildlife. They could do with our help. Anyone who comes across dead or dying birds—or mammals—should report them to the Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline.

The rise of an animal pandemic

Avian influenza is a viral disease that infects birds, but can infect other animals.

There isn't just one strain of avian influenza found in wild birds—there's a diversity of subtypes and strains. Most cause no disease at all, and are naturally found in wild birds, including in Australia.

But others are deadly. The HPAI H5N1 clade was first detected in a goose in China, back in 1996. HPAI viruses cause high levels of sickness and death in both wild birds and poultry. It spreads rapidly and kills many of the birds—and animals—it infects.

HPAI H5N1 has been endemic in poultry in Asia for decades, driving  and the emergence of a diversity of different virus clades (a clade is similar to a variant).

In 2005 we saw the first mass mortality event in wild birds. The virus spread to Europe and Africa through both poultry trade and potentially wild birds.

In 2014 the virus again entered Europe with wild birds, with spread to North America the same year, and in 2016, to Africa.

But the real change came in 2020. The number of outbreaks in poultry and wild birds dramatically increased. In 2021, reports streamed in of mass mortality events in Europe and the virus rapidly traveled the world. The world was in the grip of a "panzootic"—a global pandemic in animals.

This particularly lethal clade of the virus jumped the Atlantic and reached North America around October 2021. A few months later, it again jumped to North America, but this time across the Pacific. In around October 2022, the virus entered South America, where it traveled an astonishing 6,000 kilometers to the southern tip of the continent in approximately six months.

The first cases were detected on the sub-Antarctic islands in October 2023 in brown skuas, scavenging birds. It's since been found in penguins, , fur seals and Antarctic terns. By February this year, the virus was detected on the Antarctica Peninsula).

Globally, millions of wild birds are likely to have been affected. In South America alone, about 650,000 wild birds were reported dead. Many more are never reported.

This virus is threatening the survival of entire species. For example, 40% of all Peruvian pelicans in Peru have died. Scientists spent years trying to bring back Californian condors from extinction, only to watch them succumb in 2023.

It will take years to fully comprehend the impact this panzootic has had around the world. Some populations of birds and even entire species may never recover.

Scientists are especially concerned about Antarctic wildlife.

Most Antarctic species are found nowhere else on Earth. Many live in large colonies, which makes it easier for the virus to spread.

Questions remain over whether the virus will persist in Antarctica over winter and how it will spread in spring or summer.

From birds to mammals

More than 50 species of predatory and scavenging mammals have now been recorded dying from avian influenza, most likely after eating dead birds.

Particularly concerning are the deaths of 30,000 South American sea lions, 18,000 southern elephant seal pups in Argentina and dairy cows on at least 51 farms across the US.

A recent study from Uruguay shows  were dying before mass bird deaths, suggesting mammal-to-mammal spread may be driving outbreaks in coastal South America.

Since the virus appeared in dairy cows in America, it has spread to herds across 10 US states. We are still learning about how the virus affects cows, but infected cows produce less milk because of infection in their udders. A recent study suggests this is because udders have receptors similar to those found in birds.

The US Food and Drug Administration states pasteurization is effective against this virus.

Globally, only 13 human cases have been confirmed due to this particular variant of HPAI H5N1, but noting that over 800 cases have been recorded since 2005. So far, one dairy worker is known to have caught the virus from cows.

The World Health Organization considers the risk of human infection to be low although the risk is higher (low to medium) for poultry farmers and other animal-exposed workers. There is no sign of human-to-human transmission.

Australia, the lucky country

To date, Australia and New Zealand have avoided HPAI H5N1. Australia has a nationally coordinated surveillance system for wild birds. This includes long-distance  such as shorebirds and seabirds.

Millions of migratory birds arrive from northern Asia each year in spring. That means August to November will be our highest risk period.

In response, in both 2022 and 2023 we collected almost 1,000 samples from recently arrived migratory birds without detecting the virus. Routine testing of dead birds by others around Australia has also come back negative.

We know migratory birds have arrived carrying other strains of avian influenza into Australia. It is only a matter of time before this HPAI H5N1 arrives.

Ducks have played a crucial role in moving the virus from place to place in the Northern Hemisphere. Studies in Asia and North America have shown some duck species are able to migrate while infected, as not all ducks die from the infection. One reason we think that Australia may have been spared so far because no ducks migrate here from Asia.

When the virus does arrive, it will likely threaten entire species. Black swans are highly susceptible. Overseas, pelicans, cormorants, penguins, gannets, terns, gulls and seals have been among the hardest hit.

This spring, please look out for sick or dead  or marine mammals and report it. Surveillance could help us manage the virus.

Provided by The Conversation 

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.The Conversation

US Interventionists Busy in Bolivia as Political Crisis Looms 

 MAY 27, 2024

Photograph Source: José Fuertes –

Delegates loyal to President Luis Arce dominated the 10th Congress of Bolivia’s Movement toward Socialism (MAS) Party held in El Alto in early May. They selected Grover García, chief of a governmental agency and formerly of a farmworkers’ union, to be MAS’s new leader, replacing former president Evo Morales in that capacity.

Another MAS gathering on June 10 takes place in Cochabamba to elect other Party leaders. One more, a “unity congress,” happens there on July 10, in territory friendly to Morales. He conditions his participation on the MAS Party and his own presidential candidacy for 2025 not being eliminated.

Division within the MAS Party is good news for the U.S. government. It had opposed MAS political power from the beginning of Morales’ progressive rule in 2006 until a U.S.-backed coup ousted him in 2019.

Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, retained popular support throughout his tenure. His government overcame repeated attacks from oligarchic, racist, separatist, and U.S.-allied political forces based largely in Bolivia’s eastern departments, notable for rich oil and gas deposits and industrial-scale agriculture. MAS governments, with Luis Arce as minister of economy and public finance, achieved social advances, reduced poverty, nationalized oil and gas extraction and production, carried out land reform, and elevated the status of Bolivia’s majority indigenous population.

The U.S. government has eyed immense lithium deposits in Bolivia and expressed concern about Chinese economic inroads; a commentator notes that, as of 2017, “China has become the principal contractor and financing source for Bolivia’s state-led national development project.”

That President Luis Arce’s secured a 55% majority vote on October 19, 2020 to restore the MAS Party to power is also worrisome to Washington officials. His government in October 2022 mobilized popular support to defeat an opposition uprising led by reactionary politicians in Santa Cruz and other eastern departments. The victory elevated Arce’s appeal to government officials and MAS activists alike.

Division between the Party’s two wings, widening over two years, is highly visible. Highway blockades, strikes and demonstrations carried out by “radical factions of the MAS movement led by former President Evo Morales” played out between January and March. Rising inflation, reduced gas and oil production, falling currency reserves, and shortages of fuel and food add to MAS’s vulnerability.

One goal of the 10th MAS Party Congress was that of meeting constitutional requirements of orderly party function. Observers were on hand whose reports to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE in Spanish) would allow the Tribunal to certify the “resolutions of the Arcista conclave.” But an adverse ruling now and two more in the future would deprive the MAS Party of its “judicial personhood,” and rule out future election participation.

Democracy is at risk. Journalist Tatiana Castro claims social movements, “pillars that sustain the MAS in power,” are “fundamental for guaranteeing governability … [and] part of the democratic dynamics.”  Within the MAS Party itself, social movements are divided.

Those made up of urban residents and indigenous Aymara people of Bolivia’s high plateau region lean towards President Arce. Others supportive of Morales consist of federations of indigenous peoples in Bolivia’s tropical regions. Castro sees the two factions competing within the state apparatus not about ideology but over “perks, advantages, benefits, and nominations.”

President Luis Arce on May 18 warned that “the right is sharpening up for next year’s elections.” He denounced as “economic blockade” the Bolivian Senate’s recent refusal to authorize foreign loans. Meeting recently in the United States, extreme right-wing opposition politicians were “unifying against MAS,” he claims.

Morales warned that TSE recognition of the Arce-inclined El Alto Congress would signify “genocide against the indigenous movement.” He urged followers to “have patience,” to no longer resort to blocking highways, and to expect legal struggles.

Interviewed, Morales referred to an audio-recording of statements of U.S. chargé d’affaires in Bolivia, Debra Hevia. Her remarks, supposedly leaked on April 27, may be head here. They include mention that, “We have been working for a long time to achieve change in Bolivia, time is vital for us, but for it to be a real change, Evo and Arce have to leave power and close that chapter.”  A subsequent report attributes Hevia’s voice to artificial intelligence.

Weeks earlier, an inflammatory article from the same leaking platform, El Radar, had already reverberated across Latin America. It explains that, “Information leaked from the U.S. Embassy in Bolivia, systematized… by the Center for Multidisciplinary Geopolitical Studies (CEGM) reveals a new U.S. plan.” The article includes a document titled: “Latin America in the Eye of the Storm. Possible Victory of the United States and Recolonization of Latin America (Plan Simón Bolívar).”

The origin of the Plan is unclear. Our Internet search for the CEGM provided no information. Article and document cite serious threats to U.S. worldwide hegemony posed by China, India, the BRICS alliance itself, and by “economic power [for Latin America] through trade with the two Asiatic giants, China and India.”

As regards the article’s recommendations for Bolivia: “the strategy would be focused on its natural resources and on consolidation of a servile, rightwing government,” and on break-up of the MAS political movement. It mentions “Debra Hevia, the new U.S. chargé d’affaires, who has been meeting with different parties and organizations throughout the country.”

A report elsewhere on the supposed Simón Bolívar Plan accuses Hevia of “having initiated a new phase of hybrid war whose politics are those of ‘regime change’ within the framework of the presidential elections of 2025.” Diplomat Hevia serves in place of a U.S. ambassador, absent in Bolivia since 2008. Evo Morales expelled the last ambassador Philip Goldberg, alleging interventionist activities.

Among revealing aspects of Hevia’s work and history are these:

  • She worked at the State Department Operations Center that handles intelligence and counter-insurgency work.
  • Stationed in Nicaragua, she helped arrange for opposition groups to join the failed coup attempt against the Daniel Ortega government in 2018.
  • During an earlier stay in Bolivia she “sought to reconstruct the armed wing of the [fascist-inclined] Santa Cruz Youth organization” and arranged for funding the activities of Svonko Matkovik, “formerly jailed for anti-Morales terrorist activities.”
  • Hevia’s husband, a Bolivian, is a former DEA agent.  He must have “reunited with his contacts and old acquaintances” on return to Bolivia,speculates reporter Martin Agüero. Morales expelled the DEA from Bolivia for interventionist activities in 2008.

Uncertainties prevail. The origin of revealing leaks attributed to the U.S. Embassy is obscure. With elections approaching, the two wings of the MAS Party are far apart.

Declaring the recently-completed MAS Congress to be invalid, the TSE on May 23 rejected the election of Grover García as party leader, leaving Morales in charge. The TSE had previously invalidated the Congress held by the Morales faction in October 2023.

García told a reporter that Evo Morales afterwards had been urged to join the more recent Congress. Morales reiterates that the gathering set for July 10 in Cochabamba will be a “unity congress,” although the TSE is unlikely to rule in its favor. Understating the matter, La Razón news service sees the MAS as “caught up in a vicious cycle.”

W.T. Whitney Jr. is a retired pediatrician and political journalist living in Maine.