Friday, May 03, 2024

‘Hypocrite, racist’ Western media enabling Israel war crimes in Gaza: Palestinian journalist

May 3, 2024 

Pro-Palestinian protestors gather outside of the New York Times building to protest the newspaper’s coverage of the Israel-Hamas war on December 11, 2023 in New York City.
[Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images]

Western media has lost all semblance of neutrality and has become “part of the problem” when it comes to Israel’s ongoing war crimes against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, according to a Palestinian journalist, Anadolu Agency reports.

“The Western media is enabling Israel to commit these war crimes and massacres of Palestinians because they refuse to cover what’s actually happening on the ground,” Ahmed Alnaouq, a Palestinian journalist based in London, told Anadolu.

“It’s very loud and clear that Western media is now a hypocrite when it comes to this war on Gaza.”

Alnaouq has had more than 23 family members killed in Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza, including his father, brothers, sisters and 14 nieces and nephews.

For him, Western media outlets are “partners” in Israel’s crimes.

Western media: an accessory in Israeli war crimes

“The Western media have a job. Their job is to report the news as it happens and they’re not doing their job,” he said.

“The international community also has the responsibility to stop Israel from committing these atrocities against the Palestinian people but, unfortunately, they’re not doing their job.”

He also called out Western media outlets for their apathy on the relentless killing of journalists in Gaza, where at least 142 media workers have been killed in Israeli attacks since last October.

Western media does not care about their Palestinian colleagues because of their “identity” and “skin colour.”

“If this mass killing of journalists happened in another country, if they were not Palestinians, we would have seen uproar from all the Western media,” he said.

“Unfortunately, just because they’re Palestinians, the world did not care much about it. This is a tragedy. The Western media is racist.”
Israel will not succeed in silencing Palestinian journalists

Israel is facing a genocide case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for its assault on Gaza, which has now killed over 34,600 Palestinians, the vast majority being women and children, and wounded nearly 77,900.

It has displaced millions more, around 85 per cent of the population, leaving them facing famine and acute shortages of medical aid and other essentials.

Israeli attacks have also laid waste to large swaths of the besieged enclave, devastating everything from housing to medical facilities, educational institutes, and all sorts of civic infrastructure.

These are the crimes that Israel wants to somehow hide with its “assassinations” of journalists, but it will not succeed, said Alnaouq.

“When you kill a journalist in Palestine, another 100 people will want to become a journalist,” he said.

Palestinians and the people of Gaza have long relied on “citizen journalists who take it upon themselves to record what’s happening … and share it with the world,” he said.

Despite all of Israel’s atrocities, these people will continue doing that because they view it as a “moral, ethical and professional responsibility” that will do anything to fulfil, he added.

Censoring Israeli violence: Western media outlets capitulate
First Global Anti-Apartheid Conference for Palestine to be held in South Africa

May 3, 2024

A banner reads ‘Against apartheid, Boycott of Israel’. Thousands of people demonstrate in support of Gazans, in Toulouse France on November 18th 2023
 [Alain Pitton/NurPhoto via Getty Images]

The First Global Anti-Apartheid Conference for Palestine will be held in South Africa later this month in an historic move that aims to amplify the urgent need to address Israel’s ongoing genocidal actions against Palestinians – especially in Gaza.

Organised by the South African Anti-Apartheid Steering Committee (SAAASC), the conference will be held from 10-12 May and reflects a collective aspiration to mobilise worldwide action, aiming to hold Israel accountable for its crimes against the Palestinian people and to dismantle Israeli apartheid from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

The conference will lay the groundwork for intensifying global mobilisation, organisation and coordination against Israeli apartheid and “develop comprehensive political, legal, public diplomacy, and media strategies aimed at isolating Israel’s regime of oppression,” organisers said in a statement.

It also aims to “support the struggle of the Palestinian people for all their rights, including the right to self-determination, and the right to return.”

“The conference is a testament to the enduring spirit of international solidarity that helped dismantle apartheid in South Africa, and marks the beginning of a renewed, global movement against apartheid in all its forms. We stand at a watershed moment, ready to translate collective indignation into concrete actions for freedom, justice, and equality in Palestine and beyond,” they added.

The conference will consist of a number of panel discussions and workshops. Speakers include Declan Kearney, chairperson of Sinn Fein; Mustafa Barghouti, leader of the Palestinian National Initiative; and Reverend Munther Isaac from Bethlehem.

Student journalists cover campus protests at their peril

May 03, 2024 By Robin Guess

Protests related to the Israel-Hamas war have boiled over on college campuses across the United States, some leading to clashes with police and confrontations between student groups. And despite the dangers, student journalists and their news organizations are leading the press coverage. 

VOA’s Robin Guess has the story. Camera: Keith Lane

Netizens ask Columbia University prez to resign after her message to students: ‘Your term has been an abject failure’

BySumanti Sen
May 04, 2024

Columbia University president Minouche Shafik has broken her silence following the NYPD raids on the campus, and her message has sparked outrage

Columbia University president Minouche Shafik has broken her silence following the NYPD raids on the campus, telling students in a video message that the past two weeks’ events were “among the most difficult in Columbia’s history.” “The turmoil and tension, division and disruption have impacted the entire community,” she said. “You are students who paid an exceptionally high price.”

Netizens ask Columbia University prez Minouche Shafik to resign (@Columbia/X)

Shafik said although the authorities tried to solve the problem through dialogue, the students refused to comply, prompting them to seek NYPD’s help. Noting that protesters “crossed a new line” by occupying Hamilton Hall, she said, “It was a violent act that put our students at risk as well as putting the protesters at risk.”

‘The students of Columbia deserve better leadership’

Shafik’s message has sparked outrage, with many X users flocking to the comment section of the video, asking her to resign. “You have made campus considerably less safe for Palestinian and Jewish students who are anti-Zionist. Shame on you,” one user wrote. One user said, “Here’s an even better message. Resign,” while another wrote, “Empty words for an institution that has fueled the fire of antisemitism for years. Shame on you for allowing this to happen. Columbia will never recover from this as long as you are the President. Resign and let people who are truly committed to doing the hard work clean up this mess you created.” “Too little too late. You let things on your campus become very unsafe and acted only when things got ridiculously out of hand. The students of Columbia deserve better leadership than what you have demonstrated,” wrote one.

“Your term has been an abject failure. Want to see a university responding well right now? Look at UT Austin. Ole Miss. Not Columbia, which now stands as one of the flagships for academic failure in the nation. Way to go. Enough with the toxic empathy, expel them. Resign. Move on,” one user said, while another wrote, “Patronising, robotic and devoid of any understanding”. “This gives me anxiety. It feels disconnected from reality and the state of the situation,” one said. Another wrote, “You have presided over unprecedented chaos, unbridled anti-Semitism and unencumbered woke insanity. If you had any integrity you would resign.”
Clash at Gaza stir at University of Chicago, counter-protesters chant 'USA'

Clashes erupted at the University of Chicago between pro-Palestine protesters and opposing groups, leading to police intervention.

Pro-Palestinian protesters remain on the University of Chicago campus for a fifth day, Friday, May 3, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Erin Hooley)

India Today World Desk
New Delhi,UPDATED: May 4, 2024 07:54 IST
Written By: Vani Mehrotra

In ShortPolice intervene clashing groups at University of Chicago
Pro-Palestine protesters asked to remove encampments
No injuries reported

Police officials entered the University of Chicago on Friday to separate protesters after two groups clashed on campus. The development came hours after pro-Palestine protesters at the University of Chicago were asked to remove their encampments.

As per local media reports, the university president had said the encampment had run afoul of university policies.

The clashes were reported on the Main Quad of the Hyde Park campus.

According to CBS News, the protesters are part of a nationwide movement calling for immediate divestment from countries profiting from Israeli business amid the war in Gaza.

A video shared on X showed protesters at the University of Chicago chanting 'Born in the USA' as they waved the flags of their country.

The sloganeering reportedly took place while Muslims had gathered for prayers.

The Chicago Maroon student newspaper reported several Chicago Police squad cars were parked on Ellis Avenue, about a few hundred yards west of the quad, on Friday afternoon.

Following reports of some 'physical alterations', the university community received a warning advising all on campus to avoid the Main Quad.

No injuries were reported.

Anti-war demonstrations ceased this week at a small number of US universities after school leaders struck deals with pro-Palestinian protesters, fending off possible disruptions of final exams and graduation ceremonies.

The agreements at schools stand out amid the chaotic scenes and 2,400-plus arrests on 46 campuses nationwide since April 17.

Tent encampments and building takeovers have disrupted classes at some schools, including Columbia and the University of California, Los Angeles.

Meanwhile, Israel has called the protests antisemitic, the Associated Press reported, adding that its critics say the country uses such allegations to silence the opposition.

Although some protesters were caught on camera making antisemitic remarks or violent threats, protest organisers — some of whom are Jewish — have called it a peaceful movement to defend Palestinian rights and protest the war, the report said.
Footprints: Students, not security threats

Published May 4, 2024

“Excuse me, Mr Amb­as­sador! I am shocked by the audacity that you are here to talk about civil rights while your country is brutally abusing the people speaking for the rights of the Palestinians!”

A member of the Prog­ressive Students Colle­ctive (PSC) shouted this statement, interrupting the German ambassador’s ad­d­­ress on human rights at the Asma Jahangir Confe­rence org­a­nised in Lahore last week. Quickly, the organisers shuffled the protesters out of the conference hall as they shouted: “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.”

The PSC members claimed they were manhandled whereas the conference organisers explained that the students’ actions had posed a security threat to attendees. The framing of protesters as disruptors creating security threats for peaceful attendees needs to be held to critical examination.

Students across the world have been holding demonstrations on their campuses and in their cities to demand de-platforming of pro-Zionist representatives, as well as boycott, divestment and sanctions on companies operating in the state of Israel. In the US, university administrations justified police lockdowns of campuses and arrests of over 2,000 students and teachers since April 18 by labelling student protesters security threats.

Demonstrations of solidarity with people suffering in Gaza are increasingly being framed in the language of security and risk

Students-led protest camps

On the morning of April 29, students at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, gathered at a library with tents, paintbrushes, books, food supplies and banners.

Salman Sikander, a PhD student at UMass, shares that protesters created a ‘Rafaat al Areer Library’, and expressed their collective anger through art, dance, and teach-ins.

From New York University, graduate student Mohiba Ahmad shares about two hundred students were huddled together in rain and chilly weather on April 27, as the administration had threatened to call the police if students put up a tent. Some of those attending sat on yoga mats while others covered food and water supplies with plastic sheets to protect them from rain.

When students at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign set up their encampment last week, the administration brutally evicted the camps twice on the first day.

On the second occasion, police contingents with riot gear were called to disperse the nonviolent gathering, shares Umair Rasheed, a PhD student of Sociology.

Meanwhile, he adds, the university administration has cancelled a pre-scheduled meeting to discuss the demands of disclosure and divestment of investments in firms directly profiting from the Israeli war in Gaza. The students have also reported vehicles parked near the encampment through which the cops are recording the encampment activity using facial recognition software.

There are growing concerns that the university is acting in bad faith, he says.

At Rice University in Houston, PhD student, Zahid Ali says students organised a 48-hour liberated zone on campus. On March 25, members of the student association introduced a resolution asking for boycott and divesting from corporations implicated in the Gaza genocide. However, the university unilaterally stopped the vote on the resolution, while students were intimidated and harassed for tabling the divestment resolution.

Asmer Asrar Safi, a senior year undergraduate student at Harvard College, says the university booked around 30 students for disciplinary action which is worrisome, specially for international students who are not protected by first amendment rights to free speech and can be deported.

Unparalleled support

On April 24, a coalition of Harvard students called the ‘Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine Coalition’ set up an encampment in the middle of Harvard Yard. The camp, termed Liberated Zone, was set up following the suspension of the Palestine Solidarity Committee, Safi adds. “Our demands have enjoyed widespread support among the Harvard community, evidenced by the divestment resolutions passed by the Harvard Law School, the Harvard Divinity School, and the Harvard Graduate School of Design,” he says.

At UT Austin, nearly 600 faculty members signed a letter of no-confidence against the university president for violating the trust of faculty and students by calling in state troopers to “forcibly disperse students gathering for a peaceful teach-in”.

Instead of opening channels of dialogue with students, the administration said they were in talks with a local mosque. The Islamophobic framing of the protests fails to account for the overwhelmingly multi-faith support and presence at the demonstrations often led by Jewish protesters in yarmulke skull caps and members of the Jewish Voice for Peace. With posters and banners saying, “Not in my name”, protesters made it clear that they opposed the ongoing genocide on principle regardless of faith.

Salman Sikander says protesting students are a crossroads between a world of police, riot gear, and genocide on the one hand and encampments, possibilities of love, colours, dance, and radical democracy on the other. If humanity must win it has to choose the later.

The author is a former staff member and a PhD candidate at the University of Texas at Austin. With reporting and comments from US-based international students: Zahid Ali, Umair Rasheed, Mohiba Ahmad, Salman Sikander and Asmer Shah Shafi.

Published in Dawn, May 4th, 2024
Congressman praises heckling of Gaza protesters at University of Mississippi that included racist jeer

In a photo taken from video by a student journalist, hecklers shout at a pro-Palestinian protester at the University of Mississippi on Thursday. In the video, the man on the far right makes monkey sounds and gestures at the protester, a Black woman.
(Stacey J. Spiehler via Associated Press)

May 3, 2024 

JACKSON, Miss. —

Israel-Hamas war demonstrations at the University of Mississippi turned ugly this week when one counterprotester appeared to make monkey noises and gestures at a Black student in a raucous gathering that was endorsed by a far-right congressman from Georgia.

“Ole Miss taking care of business,” Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Collins wrote Friday on the social platform X with a link to a video showing racist jeers.

The Associated Press left voicemail messages for Collins on Friday at his offices in Georgia and Washington and sent an email to his spokesperson, asking for an explanation of what Collins meant. There was no immediate response.

The taunting brought sharp criticism on and off campus.

“Students were calling for an end to genocide. They were met with racism,” James M. Thomas, a sociology professor at the University of Mississippi, wrote Friday on X.

The Rev. Cornell William Brooks, a former president and CEO of the NAACP and professor at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, wrote on X that a white man mocking a Black woman as a monkey “isn’t about ‘Stand With Israel’ or ‘Free Palestine.’ This is protest as performative racism.”

Collins, a first-term congressman, posted several social media messages criticizing campus protests against Israel’s war on Gaza.

Nobody was arrested during the demonstration Thursday at the University of Mississippi, where hecklers vastly outnumbered antiwar protesters. According to a count by AP, more than 2,400 arrests have occurred on 46 university or college campuses nationwide since April 17 as protests have grown.

The student newspaper, the Daily Mississippian, reported that about 30 protesters gathered on the Oxford campus, calling themselves UMiss for Palestine. Videos and photos from the event showed the protesters were in a grassy area near the main library, blocked off by barriers erected by campus security.

They chanted, “Free, free Palestine,” and carried Palestinian flags and signs with slogans including, “Stop the Genocide” and “U.S. bombs take Palestine lives.”

Student journalist Stacey J. Spiehler shot video that showed campus police officers and the dean of students standing between antiwar protesters and hecklers. After the Black woman protesting the war had what appeared to be a heated exchange of words with several white hecklers, one of the men made the monkey gestures and noises at her.

About 76% of the university’s students were white and about 11% were Black in 2022-23, the most recent data available on the school’s website.

University of Mississippi Chancellor Glenn Boyce said the school is committed to people expressing their views. He said some statements made on campus Thursday were “offensive and unacceptable.”

In another statement Friday, Boyce said that one “student conduct investigation” had been opened and university leaders were “working to determine whether more cases are warranted.”

“To be clear, people who say horrible things to people because of who they are will not find shelter or comfort on this campus,” he said.

Republican Gov. Tate Reeves reposted a video on X that showed counterprotesters on the campus singing “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

“Warms my heart,” Reeves wrote. “I love Mississippi!”

Pettus writes for the Associated Press.
'Part of the American spirit': Arrested student denies campus Gaza protests are violent

A student at UCLA tells Sky News that his arrest has not deterred him from continuing in demonstrations, saying the "protests in general are part of the American spirit".

Mark Stone
US correspondent @Stone_SkyNews
Saturday 4 May 2024 

Aidan Doyle was arrested early on Thursday morning for being part of an encampment at UCLA

Much has been said about the students whose protests have gripped America this past week.

Their cause has been framed in polarising ways. A violent Hamas-sympathising mob? Or peace activists striving for equality?

Within a frenzied spectrum of views and noise, one young student sat down with me for a conversation.

Aidan Doyle, 21, is a philosophy and jazz double major at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA).

He was arrested early on Thursday morning for being part of an encampment at the university.

He told Sky News he was shocked that the police arrested so many student protesters, despite not intervening in an attack on the protesters by a pro-Israeli group the day before.

Police clash with pro-Palestinian demonstrators on the UCLA campus on Thursday. 
Pic: AP

He said his arrest had not deterred him from continuing his protest, which he likened to the Vietnam War demonstrations of the 1960s.

The protests at US universities are about much more than Gaza and Israel

Mr Doyle rejected the notion, from President Biden, that the protests are not peaceful.

"Graffiti, putting posters up, that's all peaceful," he said, commenting on the president's statement from the White House.


"I also think that President Biden needs to actually take some introspection and realise that maybe the reason so many of these protests are happening is partially due to him."

Police advance on demonstrators on the UCLA campus.
Pic: AP/Ryan Sun

Mr Doyle added: "Protests in general are part of the American spirit. They're part of being an American. And if we were to just stand around in circles and sing and dance, and pretend everything was fine, then nothing would change and nobody would care at all.

"Part of a protest is causing disruption and causing at least a minor level of chaos that is, again, not violent but that actually disrupts things."

Read more:
Why are university students protesting in the US?

Inside pro-Palestinian protest as police break up UCLA encampment

He denied any accusations of antisemitism, but conceded there is a spectrum of opinion within the movement.

"If you're going to criticise a movement, I think you have to look at the movement's goals and their mission, not what fringe members of the group say or do.

"You have to actually look at what we say, what the organisers say, and what is in the mainstream, and what our mission and our goal is: the peace and prosperity of the Palestinian people."

Asked if he believed in Israel's right to exist as a country, he said: "I think Jewish sovereignty is incredible. I think it's an amazing thing."

Demonstrators are detained on the UCLA campus. 
Pic: AP

He added: "I think that if there is a country for Jewish people that protects the Jewish people, that is of utmost importance, especially with the vile and rampant antisemitism that exists across the world that I see every day and that I try and combat as much as possible.

"But doing that and then simultaneously repressing another group of people, dehumanising them and brutalising them, then the question of whether your state has the right to exist becomes secondary."
Student Spring leads some universities to open talks on Israel divestments

Amidst nationwide chaos and anti-war protests with over 2,400 arrests on 46 US campuses since April 17, notable deals have emerged at elite academic institutions like Brown, Northwestern, and Rutgers.

At Brown University, students have achieved a significant milestone by successfully negotiating a deal with the administration. The governing body is now set to vote on a proposal aiming to divest the university's $6.6 billion endowment from Israel-affiliated companies./ Photo: X

Anti-war demonstrations ceased this week at a small number of US universities after school leaders struck deals with pro-Palestine protesters, fending off possible disruptions of final exams and graduation ceremonies.

The agreements at schools including Brown, Northwestern and Rutgers stand out amidst the chaotic scenes and 2,400-plus arrests on 46 campuses across the nation since April 17.

Tent encampments, building takeovers and police crackdown have disrupted classes at some schools, including Columbia and UCLA in massive "Student Spring" protests.

Deals included commitments by universities to review their investments in Israel or hear calls to stop doing business with the longtime US ally. Many protester demands have zeroed in on links to the Israeli military as Tel Aviv's "genocidal" war grinds on in Gaza.

The agreements to even discuss divestment mark a major step on an issue that has been controversial for years, with opponents of a long-running campaign to boycott Israel saying it veers into anti- Semitism.

But while the colleges have made concessions around amnesty for protesters and funding for Middle Eastern studies, they have made no promises about changing their investments.

Heartened by the progress

"I think for some universities, it might be just a delaying tactic to diffuse the protests," said Ralph Young, a history professor who studies American dissent at Temple University in Philadelphia.

"The end of the semester is happening now. And maybe by the time the next semester begins, there is a cease fire in Gaza."

Young said dialogue is a better tactic than arrests, which can inflame protesters.

Talking "at least gives the protesters the feeling that they’re getting somewhere," he said. "Whether they are getting somewhere or not is another question."

Israel has falsely claimed the protests are "anti-Semitic," while majority of students, including Jewish protesters, say Tel Aviv uses those allegations to silence opposition.

The University of Minnesota reopened on Thursday after administrators said they reached an agreement to end an encampment in the heart of the Minneapolis campus.

Interim President Jeff Ettinger said demonstrators agreed not to disrupt final exams or commencements. In return, student organisations can address the university’s board at a meeting next week, where protesters are expected to demand divestment from Israel.

"While there is more work to do, and conversations are still planned with other student groups affected by the painful situation in Palestine, I am heartened by today’s progress," Ettinger said in a statement.

Demonstrators at Rutgers University — where finals were paused due to the protests on its New Brunswick campus — similarly packed up their tents on Thursday afternoon. The state university agreed to establish an Arab Cultural Center and to not retaliate against any students involved in the protest camp.

In a statement, Chancellor Francine Conway noted protesters' request for divestment from companies doing business with Israel and for Rutgers to cut ties with Tel Aviv University. She said the the request is under review, but "such decisions fall outside of our administrative scope."

'Stop investing in Israel'

Protesters at Brown University in Rhode Island have also agreed to dismantle their pro-Palestinian encampment. School officials said students could present arguments to divest Brown’s endowment from companies contributing to and profiting from the war in Gaza.

In addition, Brown President Christina Paxson will ask an advisory committee to make a recommendation on divestment by September 30, which will be put before the school’s governing corporation for a vote in October.

Northwestern's Deering Meadow in suburban Chicago also fell silent after an agreement. The deal curbed protest activity in return for the reestablishment of an advisory committee on university investments and other commitments.

Faculty at Pomona College in California voted in favor of the school divesting from companies they said are funding Israel’s war in Gaza, a group of faculty and students said Friday.

The vote on Thursday is not binding on the liberal arts school of nearly 1,800 students east of Los Angeles. But supporters said they hope it would encourage the board to stop investing in these companies and start disclosing where it makes its investments.

"This nonbinding faculty statement does not represent any official position of Pomona College," the school said in a statement Friday. "We will continue to encourage further dialogue within our community, including consideration of counterarguments."
U.S. college protests give Gazan students 'glimpse of hope'

Displaced students in Gaza have thanked pro-Palestinian protesters on U.S. college campuses for their "solidarity."

May 3, 2024