Thursday, June 04, 2020

Mushrooms, Mycology of Consciousness - Paul Stamets, EcoFarm Conference Keynote 2017

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Andrea Bernstein: The Trumps, The Kushners And American Greed

•Jan 29, 2020

Commonwealth Club

Andrea Bernstein is a senior editor at WNYC and co-host of the “Trump, Inc.” podcast. A Peabody and duPont-Columbia award-winning journalist, Bernstein’s new work is an exposé on two families at the pinnacle of American power. American Oligarchs: The Kushners, the Trumps, and the Marriage of Money and Power, is Bernstein’s investigative journey into two emblematic American families—the Kushners and the Trumps. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump enjoy limitless access to the Oval Office, but beyond their marriage, little about the families’ relationship is public knowledge. Throughout American Oligarchs, Bernstein reveals their campaign into the White House by tracing history stretching from the Gilded Age to WWII to the 21st century. Bernstein draws on private interviews, never-before-seen documents and forgotten files in order to expose the families’ accumulated wealth through real estate, manipulation and crime. Bernstein’s American Oligarchs is a serious examination of the half-truths, secrecy and media manipulation weaponized by the Trumps and the Kushners. Join us as she discusses the Trumps, Kushners, and the marriage of money and power.

Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 - Complete Broadcast.

War of the Worlds 

Jeff Wayne's 1978 Musical

Michele Rigby Assad: "My Secret Life in the CIA" | Talks at Google

•May 10, 2018

Michele Rigby Assad is a former undercover officer in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations. Trained as a counterterrorism specialist, Michele spent over a decade in the agency, leading some of the most highly skilled operatives on the planet, secretly serving in some of the most treacherous areas of the Middle East, and at risk as a target for ISIS. She discusses how she stood out from many of the older white men who excelled at the CIA, and how she used her differences to her advantage. Michele also covers a range of other topics including misconceptions about Middle East, her experience dealing with terrorists, recent shootings in the U.S., and what civilians can do to stay safe. Moderated by Jasmine Jaksic. Get the book:

Former CIA Clandestine Service Officer, writer, and peace activist Amaryllis Fox will join us to discuss her new memoir "A Life Undercover; Coming of Age in the CIA."

The daughter of an English actress and American economist whose work focused on the developing world, Fox spent her childhood traveling the world and coming to terms at an early age with political revolutions and acts of terrorism. These experiences, as well as the brutal and public death of her mentor Daniel Pearl while she was at Oxford, greatly shaped her life. At the age of twenty-one, Fox was recruited to join the CIA. She was fast-tracked into advance operations training, sent from Langley to "the farm," where she lived for six months in a simulated world, learning how to use a Glock, how to withstand torture, and the best ways to commit suicide in the event of capture. Following the training, Fox was deployed as a spy under non-official cover and sent to infiltrate terrorist networks in remote areas of the Middle East and Asia. For the next five years, she worked to stop acts of extreme terrorism and the illegal sale of arms and explosives. Now an advocate of humane engagement and strategic nonviolence at home and overseas, Fox's story offers a unique insight into the secretive world of the CIA as well as how to promote peace around the world. SPEAKER Amaryllis Fox Former CIA Clandestine Service Officer, Writer & Peace Activist

Graham Hancock - The War on Consciousness BANNED TED TALK

•Mar 15, 2013


Re-uploaded as TED have decided to censor Graham and remove this video from the TEDx youtube channel. Follow this link for TED's statement on the matter and Graham's response: 

If anyone would like to prepare a transcript or caption file in any language so non-English speakers can enjoy this talk, please do so and I will be happy to upload it. Just PM me. Or the video is embedded on the Amara project website, so you can add subtitles there at: 

GRAHAM HANCOCK is the author of the major international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, and Heaven's Mirror. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures, radio and TV appearances, including two major TV series for Channel 4 in the UK and The Learning Channel in the US - Quest For The Lost Civilisation and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age - have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. 

He has become recognised as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity's past. 

Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Hancock's early years were spent in India, where his father worked as a surgeon. Later he went to school and university in the northern English city of Durham and graduated from Durham University in 1973 with First Class Honours in Sociology. He went on to pursue a career in quality journalism, writing for many of Britain's leading newspapers including The Times, The Sunday Times, The Independent, and The Guardian. He was co-editor of New Internationalist magazine from 1976-1979 and East Africa correspondent of The Economist from 1981-1983.

 In the early 1980's Hancock's writing began to move consistently in the direction of books. His first book (Journey Through Pakistan, with photographers Mohamed Amin and Duncan Willetts) was published in 1981. It was followed by Under Ethiopian Skies (1983), co-authored with Richard Pankhurst and photographed by Duncan Willets , Ethiopia: The Challenge of Hunger (1984), and AIDS: The Deadly Epidemic (1986) co-authored with Enver Carim. In 1987 Hancock began work on his widely-acclaimed critique of foreign aid, Lords of Poverty, which was published in 1989. African Ark (with photographers Angela Fisher and Carol Beckwith) was published in 1990. 

Hancock's breakthrough to bestseller status came in 1992 with the publication of The Sign and The Seal, his epic investigation into the mystique and whereabouts today of the lost Ark of the Covenant. 'Hancock has invented a new genre,' commented The Guardian, 'an intellectual whodunit by a do-it-yourself sleuth.' Fingerprints of the Gods, published in 1995 confirmed Hancock's growing reputation. Described as 'one of the intellectual landmarks of the decade' by the Literary Review, this book has now sold more than three million copies and continues to be in demand all around the world. Subsequent works such as Keeper Of Genesis (The Message of the Sphinx in the US) with co-author Robert Bauval, and Heaven's Mirror, with photographer Santha Faiia, have also been Number 1 bestsellers, the latter accompanied by Hancock's three-part television series Quest For the Lost Civilisation. In 2002 Hancock published Underworld: Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age to great critical acclaim, and hosted the accompanying major TV series. This was the culmination of years of research and on-hand dives at ancient underwater ruins. Arguing that many of the clues to the origin of civilization lay underwater, on coastal regions once above water but flooded at the end of the last Ice age, Underworld offered tangible archaeological evidence that myths and legends of ancient floods were not to be dismissed out of hand. Graham's next venture Talisman: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith, co-authored by Robert Bauval, was published in 2004. This work, a decade in preparation, returns to the themes last dealt with in Keeper Of Genesis, seeking further evidence for the continuation of a secret astronomical cult into modern times. It is a roller-coaster intellectual journey through the back streets and rat runs of history to uncover the traces in architecture and monuments of a secret religion that has shaped the world. In 2005 Graham published Supernatural: Meetings with The Ancient Teachers of Mankind, an investigation of shamanism and the origins of religion. This controversial book suggests that experiences in altered states of consciousness have played a fundamental role in the evolution of human culture, and that other realities - indeed parallel worlds - surround us all the time but are not normally accessible to our senses. These videos are released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license, so they can be freely shared and reposted. (from

Michael Pollan: "Cannabis, The Importance of Forgetting, and the Botany of Desire"

Michael Pollan - Psychedelics and How to Change Your Mind | Bioneers

•Nov 26, 2018

Michael Pollan's new book "How To Change Your Mind" surveys the highly controversial terrain of the renaissance of both the science and popular usage of psychedelic substances. As one of our most brilliant and clear-eyed explorers of such topics as plant intelligence and how we feed ourselves, Michael will share his luminous insights from what began as investigative reportage and became a very personal interior journey into the mystery of consciousness and the nature of spirituality. Read an excerpt from Michael Pollan's book, How To Change Your Mind, at This keynote talk was delivered at the 2018 National Bioneers Conference. Introduction by Kenny Ausubel, Bioneers Co-Founder and CEO. Bio: Michael Pollan, a contributing writer to The New York Times Magazine since 1987, Professor of Journalism at UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism and Director of the Knight Program in Science and Environmental Journalism, is one of the nation's most influential writers and scientific and environmental investigative journalists. His many award-winning, best-selling books include: The Botany of Desire; The Omnivore's Dilemma; In Defense of Food; and, most recently, How to Change Your Mind. *** Since 1990, Bioneers has acted as a fertile hub of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world's most pressing environmental and social challenges. To find more talks like this one, along with engaging articles, interviews, podcasts and ways to take action, visit Subscribe to the Bioneers Radio Series, available on iTunes and other podcast providers and on your local radio station. Support Bioneers today: Please join our mailing list ( Stay in touch via Facebook ( Follow us on Twitter ( Follow us on Instagram (

“If the words ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ don’t include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn’t worth the hemp it was written on.” ~ Terence McKenna


A Nuclear Family Vacation: Travels in the World of Atomic Weaponry 

In A Nuclear Family Vacation, husband-and-wife journalists Nathan Hodge and Sharon Weinberger hit the road to explore the secretive world of nuclear weaponry. Weaving together first-class travel writing and crack investigative journalism, the pair pursues both adventures and answers: Why are nuclear weapons still on hair-trigger alert? Is there really such a thing as a suitcase nuke? And which nuclear power plants are most likely to be covers for weapons programs? Their itinerary takes them from the Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan to the U.S.'s own top-secret "Site R," opening a unique perspective on the world's vast nuclear infrastructure and the international politics at play behind it.

Product description


“[Hodge and Weinberger] succeed admirably in reminding us that nuclear weapons have "never really gone away" and in calling attention to the crucial public debates that are not taking place. The questions they pose are significant and overdue; the answers they receive unsettling…They remind us that the purpose and future of our nuclear arsenal are too important to be left to those whose jobs remain dependent upon its perpetuation.”     —Chicago Tribune
“A Nuclear Family Vacation is an eye-opening read for anyone who thinks that nuclear weapons are a thing of the past.”   —Nerve
“How are you spending your next holiday? Tired of the same old thing? You might want to pick a different destination from A Nuclear Family Vacation, a new book and travel guide by veteran defence reporters Nathan Hodge and Sharon Weinberger. This husband-and-wife team take the reader on a rapid, darkly comic tour of nuclear weapons sites across the world. A rare achievement in a nuclear policy book, their narrative demystifies an intimidating topic for a broad audience without sacrificing substance. Instead of pontificating on thermonuclear war, Hodge and Weinberger give us an eye-level view, often through their car window…the book sparkles with anecdotes and insights. It is well worth the trip.”   —Nature
“Some people trek to Machu Picchu, some dive on the Great Barrier Reef. Those of us interested in nuclear issues visit the monuments and precincts of the Bomb. Such are husband-and-wife journalists Nathan Hodge and Sharon Weinberger.”   —New Scientist
“In A Nuclear Family Vacation, a husband-and-wife duo of Washington, DC-based defense reporters takes a journey deep into the nation's nuclear weapons complex. But wait—this turns out to be a surprisingly fun road trip.”   —Mother Jones
“In this off-the-uncontaminated-path adventure, Sharon Weinberger and Nathan Hodge make nuclear vacationing seem fun, in a weirdly exhilarating way. They are the slightly obsessed tour guides holding the microphones at the front of the security-cleared bus. Together, the experts lead us across a neglected, mismanaged, and forgotten past, pointing out the history of doomsday weaponry along the way. A Nuclear Family Vacation is a shocking reminder that the Cold War isn’t over; it’s just transformed into something else that we don’t have a name for yet.”—Robert Sullivan, author of Cross Country and Rats
“A vacation for some, a nightmare for others. Either way, well worth reading.” —Kirkus Reviews

“Exhibiting dark humor, defense journalists Hodge and Weinberger take a tour of America’s nuclear-weapons infrastructure, visiting labs, plants, bunkers, missile silos, and ground zeros of nuclear explosions.”—Booklist

“In this adventure in ‘nuclear tourism,’ the husband-and-wife authors…convey an acute sense of the incoherence of latter-day nuclear strategizing.”—Publishers Weekly
“Nuclear tourism is an effective and interesting way of canvassing issues we face today. Reading A Nuclear Family Vacation is a good way to learn more about the history of nuclear weapons and become conversant with our current situation. Hodge and Weinberger have done the legwork to back up their common-sense conclusions.”—Defense Technology International
“Under­lying their journey into our nuclear past is an earnest and thoughtful discussion of our nuclear present—and future…They identify a troubling lack of a cohesive national nuclear policy and remark that “much of the infrastructure supporting nuclear weapons continues to exist merely because no one has come up with a compelling reason to shut it down.” One can imagine an updated version of A Nuclear Family Vacation in which the two visit sites in Pakistan, India, China, North Korea, Israel, Russia, France, Great Britain, and heaven knows where else. The itinerary is not as finite as one would like; in fact, it seems to be growing. But there would be some comfort in having these sober and subtle observers as our guides.”—Bookforum

About the Author

Sharon Weinberger is a contributing writer for Wired’s national security blog, Danger Room. She was previously editor in chief of McGraw-Hill’s Defense Technology International and a writer for Aviation Week & Space Technology, a leading aerospace and defense magazine. She is the author of the recently  published Imaginary Weapons: A Journey Through the Pentagon’s Scientific Underworld, and writes frequently on national security and science for the Washington Post MagazineSlate, and Discover.
Nathan Hodge is a Washington, D.C.-based writer for Jane’s Defence Weekly. A frequent contributor to Slate, he has reported extensively from Afghanistan, Iraq, and the former Soviet Union. His work has appeared in the Financial TimesForeign Policy, and Details, among many other newspapers and magazines.


Technology and National Security: Maintaining America's Edge 

Kindle Edition

"Aspen Policy Books is a series of annual publications that address the United States’ most formidable and pressing national security and foreign policy challenges. This edition is a collection of papers commissioned for the 2018 Aspen Strategy Group Summer Workshop, a bipartisan meeting of national security experts, academics, private sector leaders, and technologists. The introduction by Nicholas Burns, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., and Condoleezza Rice provides an overview of technology’s impact on key pillars of American power and offers practical recommendations to meet the daunting challenges this technological era imposes. The chapters in this volume evaluate the disruptive nature of technological change on the U.S. military, economic power, and democratic governance. They highlight possible avenues for U.S. defense modernization, the impact of disinformation tactics and hybrid warfare on democratic institutions, and the need for a reinvigoration.